page 214 get in touch phr [get1n'tAtj] to contact sb be on the road phr [bi on 69 'roud] to travel be in phr [bi 'm] to be at home tough adj [tAfl] difficult truth n [truxG] sth that is true leave a message phr [lirV o 'meSIdg] eine Nachricht hinterlassen (here: auf dem Anrufbeantworter) in vain phr [In 'Vem] without success ashtray n ['ajtrel] a small dish for cigarette ash end up (as sth) v [_end 'Ap oz] to find yourself in a position that you did not intend or expect hearth n [hale] the floor of a fireplace and the area in front of it prompt v [prompt] to help sb continue speaking, to give them an idea pass v [poxs] to reach the necessary standard in an exam do well v [„du: 'Wel] to get good marks in an exam whisper v ['WIspo] to speak very quietly disappointment n [„drso'pomtmont] Enttäuschung to not matter a damn phr [not ‚meetor o 'daem] to make absolutely no difference decent adj ['dixsnt] satisfactory, of an acceptable standard yobbo (GB) n, infl ['jpbou] boy or young man who behaves badly in public dole (GB) n, infl [doul] money that the state gives every week to people who are unemployed try and make a go of it v, infl [trat an ‚meIk @ 'gou ov It] to try sth bloke (GB) n, infl [blouk] man get trampled on v [get 'traempld on] to be treated unfairly plenty adv ['plenti] a lot of peak v [pizk] to reach the highest level, value or rate degree n [dI'grix] a qualification gained by successfully completing a course at university or college rehearse v [rI'hsxs] to practise pretty adv, infl ['prIti] quite, rather cigarette butt n [„SIgo'ret bAt] cigarette filter that you throw away scatter v ['skmto] to drop or throw things in different directions over a wide area spark n [spark] a small bright piece of burning material turn into v ['tgxn Into] to become, to change into argument n ['axgjumont] an angry discussion between two or more people who do not agree with each other pay sb a visit v [peI @ lVIZIt] to go and see sb go spare phr, infl [goo 'speo] to become very angry serves you right phr [sarv ju 'raIt] geschieht dir recht whistle v ['WIsl] pfeifen hard—edged adj [,hazd 'ed3d] kalt, bitter bitterness n ['bItonos] anger and unhappiness as a result of sth bad happening depend on sb v [dI'pend on] to be sure that sb will help you, to rely on sb see to sth v ['si: to] to do what is necessary appropriate adj [o'proupriot] suitable or right ending n ['endnj] the end of a story, film, etc. fail v [fell] to be unsuccessful in sth achieve v [e'tjixv] to gain sth, to get sth done drop out of sth v [„drop 'aut ev] to leave or stop doing sth before you have finished it waste time v ['WeIst taIm] Zeit verschwenden suitable for sb/sth adj ['suxtobl fo] appropriate or convenient for sb/sth shortly adv ['joxtli] soon, in a short time hang up v [„hze1] 'Ap] auflegen spot v [spot] to find written excuse n [„rItn Ik'skjuxs] schriftliche Entschuldigung habit n ['heebIt] sth that sb does very often swap v [swop] to exchange, to give sth for sth else gig n [glg] concert brackets n ['braekIts] Klammern unscramble v [,An'skraembl] to put in the correct order page 215 make up v [„meIk 'Ap] to invent caption n ['keepfn] words that are written above or below a picture spire n ['spala] a tall pointed tower often seen on a church brim with v [‘brIm WIÖ] to be full of sth treasure n ['trego] a collection of very valuable objects, sth that is very valuable sparkling adj ['spaxklm] glitzernd, funke/nd wonder n ['WAnda] sth that causes you to feel surprise or admiration delight n [dI'IaIt] great pleasure Lake District ['leIk dIstrIkt] beautiful holiday destination in the Northwest of England guarantee v [„gzeron'tix] to promise make the most of [metk Öo 'moust ev] das Beste aus etwas machen cookery n ['kukori] the skill or methods of cooking (preparing food to eat) stunning adj ['StAHIIj] very attractive, impressive varied adj ['Veorid] different from each other, changing tranquil adj ['tI‘EBljkWIl] calm and quiet surroundings n [so'raundnjz] everything that is near or around you cottage n ['kot1d3] a small and (usually) old house refreshed adj [rI'frelt] to feel fresh and full of energy again invigorated adj [In'VIgoreltId] to feel fresher and more energetic lonely adj ['lounli] to feel alone vulnerable adj ['VAlnorobl] to be easy to attack, hurt, or defeat common ground n [,komon 'graund] land open to everyone (gemeinsames Land) threatened adj ['Gretnd] to be in danger of being hurt participate v [paz'tISIpeIt] to take part in sth care for v ['keo fo] to look after captive adj ['keeptlv] not free on-site adv [pn 'saIt] vor Ort conservation n [,konsa'velfn] the protection of the natural world hike v [halk] to go for a long walk in the countryside, often up and down hills faraway adj ['foxrewel] distant unfortunately adv [An'foxtj‘onotli] unluckily scenery n ['sixnori] Landschaft out in the open adv [,aut In Öi 'oupon] im Freien afford v [o'foxd] to have enough money or time to be able to do sth explore v [Ik'splox] to travel around a place and find out more about it spider n ['spaIdo] Spinne abroad adv [o'broxd] in or to another country or countries motorbike n ['moutobalk] Motorrad behaviour n [bI'heIVjo] the way that you act avoid v [o'voId] here: to try not to do sth uncomfortable adj [An'kAmftobl] here:unhappy, embarrassed, anxious fieldwork assistant n [,fixldwaxko'SIStont] sb who helps with outdoor research exploraholic n [„Iksploxra'hohk] (not real word) sb who loves exploring term n [t3xm] word pure adj [pjuo] here: only secretive adj ['sixkrotIV] not telling people about sth you are doing or want to do admit v [od'mlt] to agree, often without wanting to, that sth is true environment n [In'VaIronmont] Umwelt local adj ['lookl] nearby consider v [kon'SIdo] to think about sth package holiday n ['paek1d3 holodeI] Pauschalreise the masses n [69 'meesm] die große Masse (der Bevölkerung) fastest-growing adj [„fcustrst 'grounj] expanding quickly forecast v ['foxkaxst] to say what will probably happen in the future convince v [kon'VIns] to succeed in making sb believe in sth harmful adj ['haxmfl] causing harm, not good for you welfare n ['welfeo] here: health selfish adj ['SGIfI“] always thinking of yourself first