P30/B ; P31/C


#1 refuge			-	#h place that providessafety or shelter from danger
#2 revival			-	#g process of becoming active again
#3 concoction		-	#b a mixture of various substances
#4 manifestation	-	#c a very clear sign of
#5 alertness		-	#i state of being wide awake / state of utmost concentration
#6 pervasiveness	-	availeble everywhere
#7 advocate			-	person suports a particular plan or action #a #f

advocate (scotish), lawyer (Rechtsanwalt), lamister (BE), solicitos(BE), altorney (AE)  -> Anwalt


 - a: It's like putting your whole system on fast-forward.
		Den Körper auf hochturen Bringen.
		Seinen Körper auf maximale Leistung bringen.

 - b: Truckers hope to cover another hundred miles before turning in

 - c: The dual power to counter physical fatigue and to increase alertness
		to put somebody in aleratt -> in alarmbereitschaft setzen

 - d: It hasn't dampend its popularity
		Coffein wurde dadurch nicht eingeschrängt