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express v [rk'spres] to show a feeling or an opinion by words or actions
make the world go round phr [merk oe ‚waxld goo 'raond] to be very important for sth
reveal v [rr'vixl] to make sth known that was unknown before
average adj ['2evarrd3] normal, standard
increasingly adv [In'krixsrrjli] more and more
boost v [buxst] to increase sth in number, value or strength
splash the cash phr [splaej oe 'kaefl to
spend a lot of money on sth
night out on the town phr [nart aot ev 'taon] an evening that you spend in town enjoying yourself
quick fix phr [kwrk 'frks] quick solution to a problem
long-term adj [„lon'tsxm] for a long period of time
rest with/on v ['rest WIÖ, on] to depend on, be based on
take for granted phr [„terk f9 'groxntrd] to not be grateful enough to a person or thing
have a laugh phr [hov e 'loxfl to have fun
be aware that v [bi e'wee dot] to realize
route n [ruxt] a way of achieving sth
adept adj [e'dept] very good or skilful at sth
short-term adj [,joxt'tsxm] fora short period of time
pick-up n ['pIkAp] sth that makes you feel better/happier
mood n [muxd] the way that you feel at a particular time
enhancer n [In'hoxnsa] sth that improves sth else, makes sth better
get used to v [get 'juxst te] to become familiar with (sich an etw gewöhnen)
source n [soxs] a place, person or thing where sth comes or starts from
improvement n [Im'pruxvmant] Verbesserung
well-being n ['welbixnj] the state of being healthy and happy
continually adv [ken'trnjueli] happening again and again
wear off v [„weor 'ofl to become less
strong or to disappear completely
spokesperson n ['spaokspsxsn] a person who is chosen to speak for a group or organization
heritage n ['her1t1d3] traditions that have existed for a long time
matter v ['meeto] to be important
fancy v ['feensi] to like, to desire
do sb the world of good phr, inf/ to really benefit/help sb
summarize v ['SAmoralz] to give a short description of sth, including the most important points
according to prep [o'kozdn] to] as shown/said by
satisfy v ['saetIsfaI] to make sb pleased by doing sth he/she wants
additional adj [a'drfonl] added, extra
explanation n [„eksplo'nel [ n] a statement that makes a situation clear or understandable
in the long run phr [1n öo 101] 'rAn] after a long time, in the en
occasional adj [9'k6139n1] done or happening from time to time but not very often
treat n [trixt] sth that is very special or enjoyable, that one saves for special occasions
pleasure n ['plesa] an event or activity that makes you happy
lift sb's mood phr [hft 'muxd] to make sb feel better
be surrounded by v [bi so'raundtd ban] to have sth/sb all around you
lend sth to sb v [lend to] jdm etw ausleihen
borrow sth from sb v ['borou from] sich von jdm etw ausleihen
be rolling in phr [b1 'roolnj In] to have a lot of sth (especially money)
coincidence n [kau'InSIdons] the surprising fact of two or more things happening at the same time by chance
put sb in a good mood phr [„put m o god 'muxd] to make sb feel good
agree v [o'grix] to be of the same opinion as sb
disagree v [,dIso'grix] to be of a different opinion (@ agree)
take responsibility v [teIk 'l3r1‚sponso'blloti] Verantwortung tragen
set aside v [set o'saId] to put sth to one side (here: to plan, to reserve)
time-slot n ['taIm slot] a period of time
appendix n [o'pendlks] a section at the end of a book that gives further information
satisfy v ['saetIsfaI] to make sb pleased by doing sth he/she wants
additional adj [a'drfonl] added, extra explanation n [„eksplo'nel [ n] a
statement that makes a situation clear or understandable
in the long run phr [1n öo 101] 'rAn] after a long time, in the end
occasional adj [9'k6139n1] done or happening from time to time but not very often
treat n [trixt] sth that is very special or enjoyable, that one saves for special occasions
pleasure n ['plesa] an event or activity that makes you happy
lift sb's mood phr [hft 'muxd] to make sb feel better
be surrounded by v [bi so'raundtd ban] to have sth/sb all around you
lend sth to sb v [lend to] jdm etw ausleihen
borrow sth from sb v ['borou from] sich von jdm etw ausleihen
be rolling in phr [b1 'roolnj In] to have a lot of sth (especially money)
coincidence n [kau'InSIdons] the surprising fact of two or more things happening at the same time by chance
put sb in a good mood phr [„put m o god 'muxd] to make sb feel good agree v [o'grix] to be of the same opinion as sb
disagree v [,dIso'grix] to be of a different opinion (@ agree)
set aside v [set o'saId] to put sth to one side (here: to plan, to reserve)
time-slot n ['taIm slot] a period of time
appendix n [o'pendlks] a section at the end of a book that gives further information
learning type n ['131n11] taIp] Lerntyp adapt (to sth) v [a'daept to] to change your behaviour because the situation you are in has changed
vary v ['Veori] to become different, to change
personal success n [,paxsonl sak'ses] achieving what you want in life, doing well
self-expression n [„self Ik'sprefn] the act of saying or doing what one beHevesin
family values n ['faemali vaeljuxz] a set of beliefs about how you should behave in a family
come tops phr [kAm 'tops] to be the most important, to be the best, to win
value v ['VEBIjUX] to think sb/sth is very important
do sb a good turn phr [du 9 god 't31n] to do sb a favour, to do sth nice/kind forsb
have faith v [hoV 'feIG] to have a strong belief (in sb/sth), to trust
looks n [loks] one’s appearance (Aussehen)
genius n ['d3iznios] sb with a very great and unusual talent
exam preparation n [Iglzeem ,prepo'reljn] the process of getting ready for an exam
put into practice v [„put Into 'preektls] to make sth happen, to implement sth
take notes v [tCIk 'nouts] to write sth down so that you remember it
pursue v [pa'sjux] to continue with sth, to find out more about sth
particular adj [po'tijolo] here: individual
kettle n ['ketl] Wasserkocher
receiver n [rI'sixva] the part of the telephone that is used for listening and speaking