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make a living v [mark a '1IVII]] to earn money to be able to buy the things you need
cash machine n ['kae] maj‘ixn] Geldautomat
keep track v [kixp 'trzek] to make a note of sth, to check (die Übersicht behalten)
extra-curricular adj [„ekstre ka'rrkjula] not part of the normal school subjects
workload n ['W3xkloud] amount of work that you are given
drop v [drop] fallen Iassen
tray n [treI] Tablett
mess n [mes] sth that is untidy and/or dirty
fries n [fraIz]editor n ['edIto] a person whose job it is to prepare a book, newspaper, TV show etc
encounter n [In'kaonto] an unexpected meeting chips (Pommes)
pretend v [prI'tend] so tun als ob
grab v [greeb] to take sth suddenly or quickly
mop n [mop] Wischmopp
mean v [mim] bedeuten
score n [skox] the number of points you get in a game
job profile n ['d3ob proofarl] description of a job
lifeguard n ['laIfgaxd] a person at a beach or pool who saves people's lives
vendor n ['Vendo] a person who sells things
vacation n [va'kerjn] holiday
kick back v [_ka 'baek] to relax
beloved adj [bI'lAVd] liked a lot, favourite
frequent adj ['fri'kaont] often
threat n [Bret] a person or thing that may hurt or damage sb/sth
weigh up v [„weI 'Ap] to consider sth carefully (abwägen)
repeal v [rr'pixl] widerrufen, aufheben
mandatory adj ['maendetori] having to do sth, compulsory (obligatorisch)
giant n ['d3annt] Riese
muscle v ['mAsl] to use strong persuasion
(trade) union n ['juxnion] Gewerkschaft
lengthen v ['leljeon] to make longer
editor n ['edIto] a person whose job it is to prepare a book, newspaper, TV show etc
encounter n [In'kaonto] an unexpected meeting
recognize v ['rekognalz] to accept or admit that sth is true
low-wage countries n [.190 'we1d3 kAn-triz] Niedriglohnländer
age v [eId3] to become older
labor force (AE) n ['1er9 foxs] the workers (Arbeiterschaf)
crushing adj ['krAj‘Ilj] here: enormous, extremely heavy
burden n ['bsxdn] a responsibility or task that causes a lot of worry
welfare benefits n [„welfeo 'benIfIts] money the state gives to the unemployed, single parents, disabled people and the elderly
proper adj ['propo] right
fringe benefit n ['fr1nd3 benIfIt] an extra advantage that is given to you
harried adj ['haerid] here: stressful
amass v [a'mees] to collect
wealth n [welG] a large amount of money, property, etc.
community n [ko'mjuxnoti] Gemeinde
belongings n [bI'IDIJIIJZ] the things that you own (Hab und Gut)
idleness n ['aIdlnos] laziness
sin n [sm] Sünde
emphasis n ['emfosrs] importance; Betonung, here: Wert
leisure n ['lego] free-time
Tuscany ['tAskoni] Toskana
fresco n ['freskou] Freske
nurture v ['naxtjo] to look after
contribute v [kon'trrbjuxt] to give a part of the total, together with others
frantic adj ['fraentrk] hectic, very busy; worried and frightened
pursuit n [po'sjuxt] the act of doing or organizing sth, wanting to achieve sth (das Streben)
tempting adj ['temptnj] attractive
dismiss v [drs'mIs] to say or think that sth is not important
pace n [pels] the speed at which you do sth or at which sth happens
toll n [tool] the amount of damage done
gentle adj ['dgentl] calm, soft
sustainable adj [so'stemobl] able to continue in a certain way for a long time (aufrechtzuerhalten)
be entitled to v [bi In'tartld to] to have the right to do sth
endanger v [In'demdgo] to cause danger to sb/sth
indicate v ['IndIkeIt] to show sth
pressure n ['preio] Druck
equal adj ['ikaol] the same in value, size, number, etc.
pay n [peI] the money you get for doing a job
embrace v [Im'brels] hier:(bereitwillig) übernehmen
fatherhood n ['foxöohod] the experience of being a father
involvement n [In'volvmont] the act of being a part of sth
diaper (AE) n ['daIpo r] Windel
bandage v ['bazndldg] etw verbinden, bandagieren
eightfold adv ['eItfaold] achtfach
confident adj ['konfrdont] not worried about doing sth
guide n [gaId] sb who shows you (how to do) sth
mentor n ['mentox] sb who is always there to give advice when you are learning sth
fathering v ['fazoornj] bevatern, Vater sein für
toddler n ['todlo] a child aged approximately between two and four years old
involve v [In'VDIV] engagieren
inclined v [In'klalnd] likely
tempt v [tempt] to encourage sb to do sth by offering them sth good place
put in v [plers, pot In] beschlieBen
time, take off phr [ta1m, talk of] sich frei nehmen
paternity leave n [po'tsxnoti lixv] time a \ father takes off work to look after his child(ren)
devoted adj [dI'VoutId] hingebungsvoll
decade n ['dekeId] ten years
balance v ['beelons] in Übereink/ang bringen
guilt n [grlt] here; the bad feeling you have when you have done sth wrong
accountant n [o'kaontont] Buchhalter/in
funpark n ['fAnpaxk] a park with lots of fun activities for children
negotiate v [nI'gonieIt] here: to find a way of dealing with sth
role model n [r901 'modl] sb who you like and respect and therefore try to copy
support network n [so'poxt 'netw3xk] here: people who help you if you are having problems
eye sb/sth warily phr [a1 'weorlli] misstrauisch beobachten
breadwinner n ['bredwmo] person who earns money to support his/her family
climb v [ham] to go up
corporate ladder n ['koxporot 'laedo] Unternehmensleiter
unsympathetic adj [IAHISImpo'Getlk] not interested in sb else's problems or needs
request sth v [H'kwest] to ask for sth
outweigh v [„aut'wel] überwiegen, wettmachen
promotion n [pro'moufn] getting a new, more important job, often With better pay
mindsetn ['mamdset] Denkart, Mentalität
initiate v [I'nIfieIt] to start sth
shift n [”Ift] development, change
be truthful v [bi 'truxOfl] die Wahrheit sagen
make a sacrifice v [meIk 'seekrlfals] etw opfern
superfluous adj [sux'psxfluos] not necessary; too much
encounter v [In'kaonto] to meet,expenence
assume v [o'sjuxm] to take on, accept (übernehmen)
with respect to phr [WIÖ n'spekt to] hinsichtlich
effectively adv [I'fektlvli] here: successfully
hesitate v ['heZIteIt] not being sure whether to do sth or not
recreational activities n [„rekripljonleek'twotiz] activities to help you relax
affect v [o'fekt] to influence
coke n [kouk] Steinkohlenkoks
crawl v [kroxl] to move around on your hands and knees
to have a pretty good shot phr [hov @‚prIti god 'jbt] to have a chance
it's hard to keep a good man down phr [Its ‚hard to ‚kixp @ god meen 'daun] it is difficult to stop sb who is good
decline n [dI'klam] a process or period of becoming weaker
imply V‘ [Im'plaI] to say sth indirectly
restlessness n ['restlesnas] feeling of being unable to relax or be still
hand down v [,heend 'daon] to pass sth on (often to the next generation)
poisonous adj ['poIzonos] giftig
private health insurance n [,pralvot'helG Injoorans] private Krankenversicherung
insured adj [In'fuad] versichert
previous adj ['prixvios] happening before or earlier
neat adj [nixt] arranged or done carefully (ordent/ich)
tidy adj ['taIdi] well arranged, in order (aufgeräumt)
first impression n [feast Im'prejn] erster Eindruck
scruffy adj ['skrAfi] untidy and dirty
on time adv [on 'taIm] punctual; not late or early
modest adj ['modlst] here: not arrogant
lecture v ['lektfa] to tell other people how to do things
boast v [boost] to talk with too much pride
prosperity n [pm'speroti] the state of being successful, wealth
be concerned about v [bi kon's3zndobaut] to be worried about
counterpart n ['kaontopoxt] Gegenstück
severe adj [SI'VIQ] very bad, very serious