/* * Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.model import im.vector.matrix.android.api.util.JsonDict import timber.log.Timber import java.util.* data class MXKey( /** * The type of the key (in the example: "signed_curve25519"). */ val type: String, /** * The id of the key (in the example: "AAAAFw"). */ private val keyId: String, /** * The key (in the example: "IjwIcskng7YjYcn0tS8TUOT2OHHtBSfMpcfIczCgXj4"). */ val value: String, /** * signature user Id to [deviceid][signature] */ private val signatures: Map> ) { /** * @return the signed data map */ fun signalableJSONDictionary(): Map { val map = HashMap() map["key"] = value return map } /** * Returns a signature for an user Id and a signkey * * @param userId the user id * @param signkey the sign key * @return the signature */ fun signatureForUserId(userId: String, signkey: String): String? { // sanity checks if (userId.isNotBlank() && signkey.isNotBlank()) { return signatures[userId]?.get(signkey) } return null } companion object { /** * Key types. */ const val KEY_CURVE_25519_TYPE = "curve25519" const val KEY_SIGNED_CURVE_25519_TYPE = "signed_curve25519" // const val KEY_ED_25519_TYPE = "ed25519" /** * Convert a map to a MXKey * * @param map the map to convert * * Json Example: * *
         *   "signed_curve25519:AAAAFw": {
         *     "key": "IjwIcskng7YjYcn0tS8TUOT2OHHtBSfMpcfIczCgXj4",
         *     "signatures": {
         *       "@userId:matrix.org": {
         *         "ed25519:GMJRREOASV": "EUjp6pXzK9u3SDFR\/qLbzpOi3bEREeI6qMnKzXu992HsfuDDZftfJfiUXv9b\/Hqq1og4qM\/vCQJGTHAWMmgkCg"
         *       }
         *     }
         *   }
* * into several val members */ fun from(map: Map?): MXKey? { if (map?.isNotEmpty() == true) { val firstKey = map.keys.first() val components = firstKey.split(":").dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() } if (components.size == 2) { val params = map[firstKey] if (params != null) { if (params["key"] is String) { return MXKey( type = components[0], keyId = components[1], value = params["key"] as String, signatures = params["signatures"] as Map> ) } } } } // Error case Timber.e("## Unable to parse map") return null } } }