/* * Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.send import android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever import com.zhuinden.monarchy.Monarchy import im.vector.matrix.android.R import im.vector.matrix.android.api.auth.data.Credentials import im.vector.matrix.android.api.permalinks.PermalinkFactory import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.content.ContentAttachmentData import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.* import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.message.* import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.relation.ReactionContent import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.relation.ReactionInfo import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.relation.RelationDefaultContent import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.relation.ReplyToContent import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.timeline.TimelineEvent import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.timeline.getLastMessageContent import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.helper.addSendingEvent import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.model.RoomEntity import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.query.where import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.content.ThumbnailExtractor import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.RoomSummaryUpdater import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.util.StringProvider import org.commonmark.parser.Parser import org.commonmark.renderer.html.HtmlRenderer import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.Inject /** * Creates local echo of events for room events. * A local echo is an event that is persisted even if not yet sent to the server, * in an optimistic way (as if the server as responded immediately). Local echo are using a local id, * (the transaction ID), this id is used when receiving an event from a sync to check if this event * is matching an existing local echo. * * The transactionID is used as loc */ internal class LocalEchoEventFactory @Inject constructor(private val credentials: Credentials, private val stringProvider: StringProvider, private val roomSummaryUpdater: RoomSummaryUpdater) { // TODO Inject private val parser = Parser.builder().build() // TODO Inject private val renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().build() fun createTextEvent(roomId: String, msgType: String, text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean): Event { if (msgType == MessageType.MSGTYPE_TEXT) { return createFormattedTextEvent(roomId, createTextContent(text, autoMarkdown)) } val content = MessageTextContent(type = msgType, body = text) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun createTextContent(text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean): TextContent { if (autoMarkdown) { val document = parser.parse(text) val htmlText = renderer.render(document) if (isFormattedTextPertinent(text, htmlText)) { return TextContent(text, htmlText) } } return TextContent(text) } private fun isFormattedTextPertinent(text: String, htmlText: String?) = text != htmlText && htmlText != "


\n" fun createFormattedTextEvent(roomId: String, textContent: TextContent): Event { return createEvent(roomId, textContent.toMessageTextContent()) } fun createReplaceTextEvent(roomId: String, targetEventId: String, newBodyText: String, newBodyAutoMarkdown: Boolean, msgType: String, compatibilityText: String): Event { return createEvent(roomId, MessageTextContent( type = msgType, body = compatibilityText, relatesTo = RelationDefaultContent(RelationType.REPLACE, targetEventId), newContent = createTextContent(newBodyText, newBodyAutoMarkdown) .toMessageTextContent(msgType) .toContent() )) } fun createReplaceTextOfReply(roomId: String, eventReplaced: TimelineEvent, originalEvent: TimelineEvent, newBodyText: String, newBodyAutoMarkdown: Boolean, msgType: String, compatibilityText: String): Event { val permalink = PermalinkFactory.createPermalink(roomId, originalEvent.root.eventId ?: "") val userLink = originalEvent.root.senderId?.let { PermalinkFactory.createPermalink(it) } ?: "" val body = bodyForReply(originalEvent.getLastMessageContent(), originalEvent.root.getClearContent().toModel()) val replyFormatted = REPLY_PATTERN.format( permalink, stringProvider.getString(R.string.message_reply_to_prefix), userLink, originalEvent.senderName ?: originalEvent.root.senderId, body.takeFormatted(), createTextContent(newBodyText, newBodyAutoMarkdown).takeFormatted() ) // // > <@alice:example.org> This is the original body // val replyFallback = buildReplyFallback(body, originalEvent.root.senderId ?: "", newBodyText) return createEvent(roomId, MessageTextContent( type = msgType, body = compatibilityText, relatesTo = RelationDefaultContent(RelationType.REPLACE, eventReplaced.root.eventId), newContent = MessageTextContent( type = msgType, format = MessageType.FORMAT_MATRIX_HTML, body = replyFallback, formattedBody = replyFormatted ) .toContent() )) } fun createMediaEvent(roomId: String, attachment: ContentAttachmentData): Event { return when (attachment.type) { ContentAttachmentData.Type.IMAGE -> createImageEvent(roomId, attachment) ContentAttachmentData.Type.VIDEO -> createVideoEvent(roomId, attachment) ContentAttachmentData.Type.AUDIO -> createAudioEvent(roomId, attachment) ContentAttachmentData.Type.FILE -> createFileEvent(roomId, attachment) } } fun createReactionEvent(roomId: String, targetEventId: String, reaction: String): Event { val content = ReactionContent( ReactionInfo( RelationType.ANNOTATION, targetEventId, reaction ) ) val localId = dummyEventId(roomId) return Event( roomId = roomId, originServerTs = dummyOriginServerTs(), senderId = credentials.userId, eventId = localId, type = EventType.REACTION, content = content.toContent(), unsignedData = UnsignedData(age = null, transactionId = localId)) } private fun createImageEvent(roomId: String, attachment: ContentAttachmentData): Event { val content = MessageImageContent( type = MessageType.MSGTYPE_IMAGE, body = attachment.name ?: "image", info = ImageInfo( mimeType = attachment.mimeType, width = attachment.width?.toInt() ?: 0, height = attachment.height?.toInt() ?: 0, size = attachment.size.toInt() ), url = attachment.path ) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun createVideoEvent(roomId: String, attachment: ContentAttachmentData): Event { val mediaDataRetriever = MediaMetadataRetriever() mediaDataRetriever.setDataSource(attachment.path) // Use frame to calculate height and width as we are sure to get the right ones val firstFrame = mediaDataRetriever.frameAtTime val height = firstFrame.height val width = firstFrame.width mediaDataRetriever.release() val thumbnailInfo = ThumbnailExtractor.extractThumbnail(attachment)?.let { ThumbnailInfo( width = it.width, height = it.height, size = it.size, mimeType = it.mimeType ) } val content = MessageVideoContent( type = MessageType.MSGTYPE_VIDEO, body = attachment.name ?: "video", videoInfo = VideoInfo( mimeType = attachment.mimeType, width = width, height = height, size = attachment.size, duration = attachment.duration?.toInt() ?: 0, // Glide will be able to use the local path and extract a thumbnail. thumbnailUrl = attachment.path, thumbnailInfo = thumbnailInfo ), url = attachment.path ) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun createAudioEvent(roomId: String, attachment: ContentAttachmentData): Event { val content = MessageAudioContent( type = MessageType.MSGTYPE_AUDIO, body = attachment.name ?: "audio", audioInfo = AudioInfo( mimeType = attachment.mimeType.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } ?: "audio/mpeg", size = attachment.size ), url = attachment.path ) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun createFileEvent(roomId: String, attachment: ContentAttachmentData): Event { val content = MessageFileContent( type = MessageType.MSGTYPE_FILE, body = attachment.name ?: "file", info = FileInfo( mimeType = attachment.mimeType.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } ?: "application/octet-stream", size = attachment.size ), url = attachment.path ) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun createEvent(roomId: String, content: Any? = null): Event { val localID = dummyEventId(roomId) return Event( roomId = roomId, originServerTs = dummyOriginServerTs(), senderId = credentials.userId, eventId = localID, type = EventType.MESSAGE, content = content.toContent(), unsignedData = UnsignedData(age = null, transactionId = localID) ) } private fun dummyOriginServerTs(): Long { return System.currentTimeMillis() } private fun dummyEventId(roomId: String): String { return "$LOCAL_ID_PREFIX${UUID.randomUUID()}" } fun createReplyTextEvent(roomId: String, eventReplied: TimelineEvent, replyText: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean): Event? { //Fallbacks and event representation //TODO Add error/warning logs when any of this is null val permalink = PermalinkFactory.createPermalink(eventReplied.root) ?: return null val userId = eventReplied.root.senderId ?: return null val userLink = PermalinkFactory.createPermalink(userId) ?: return null val body = bodyForReply(eventReplied.getLastMessageContent(), eventReplied.root.getClearContent().toModel()) val replyFormatted = REPLY_PATTERN.format( permalink, stringProvider.getString(R.string.message_reply_to_prefix), userLink, userId, body.takeFormatted(), createTextContent(replyText, autoMarkdown).takeFormatted() ) // // > <@alice:example.org> This is the original body // val replyFallback = buildReplyFallback(body, userId, replyText) val eventId = eventReplied.root.eventId ?: return null val content = MessageTextContent( type = MessageType.MSGTYPE_TEXT, format = MessageType.FORMAT_MATRIX_HTML, body = replyFallback, formattedBody = replyFormatted, relatesTo = RelationDefaultContent(null, null, ReplyToContent(eventId)) ) return createEvent(roomId, content) } private fun buildReplyFallback(body: TextContent, originalSenderId: String?, newBodyText: String): String { val lines = body.text.split("\n") val replyFallback = StringBuffer("> <$originalSenderId>") lines.forEachIndexed { index, s -> if (index == 0) { replyFallback.append(" $s") } else { replyFallback.append("\n> $s") } } replyFallback.append("\n\n").append(newBodyText) return replyFallback.toString() } /** * Returns a TextContent used for the fallback event representation in a reply message. * We also pass the original content, because in case of an edit of a reply the last content is not * himself a reply, but it will contain the fallbacks, so we have to trim them. */ private fun bodyForReply(content: MessageContent?, originalContent: MessageContent?): TextContent { when (content?.type) { MessageType.MSGTYPE_EMOTE, MessageType.MSGTYPE_TEXT, MessageType.MSGTYPE_NOTICE -> { var formattedText: String? = null if (content is MessageTextContent) { if (content.format == MessageType.FORMAT_MATRIX_HTML) { formattedText = content.formattedBody } } val isReply = content.isReply() || originalContent.isReply() return if (isReply) TextContent(content.body, formattedText).removeInReplyFallbacks() else TextContent(content.body, formattedText) } MessageType.MSGTYPE_FILE -> return TextContent(stringProvider.getString(R.string.reply_to_a_file)) MessageType.MSGTYPE_AUDIO -> return TextContent(stringProvider.getString(R.string.reply_to_an_audio_file)) MessageType.MSGTYPE_IMAGE -> return TextContent(stringProvider.getString(R.string.reply_to_an_image)) MessageType.MSGTYPE_VIDEO -> return TextContent(stringProvider.getString(R.string.reply_to_a_video)) else -> return TextContent(content?.body ?: "") } } /* * { "content": { "reason": "Spamming" }, "event_id": "$143273582443PhrSn:domain.com", "origin_server_ts": 1432735824653, "redacts": "$fukweghifu23:localhost", "room_id": "!jEsUZKDJdhlrceRyVU:domain.com", "sender": "@example:domain.com", "type": "m.room.redaction", "unsigned": { "age": 1234 } } */ fun createRedactEvent(roomId: String, eventId: String, reason: String?): Event { val localID = dummyEventId(roomId) return Event( roomId = roomId, originServerTs = dummyOriginServerTs(), senderId = credentials.userId, eventId = localID, type = EventType.REDACTION, redacts = eventId, content = reason?.let { mapOf("reason" to it).toContent() }, unsignedData = UnsignedData(age = null, transactionId = localID) ) } fun saveLocalEcho(monarchy: Monarchy, event: Event) { if (event.roomId == null) throw IllegalStateException("Your event should have a roomId") monarchy.writeAsync { realm -> val roomEntity = RoomEntity.where(realm, roomId = event.roomId).findFirst() ?: return@writeAsync roomEntity.addSendingEvent(event) roomSummaryUpdater.update(realm, event.roomId) } } companion object { const val LOCAL_ID_PREFIX = "local." // //
// In reply to // @alice:example.org //
// //
// No whitespace because currently breaks temporary formatted text to Span const val REPLY_PATTERN = """
%s""" fun isLocalEchoId(eventId: String): Boolean = eventId.startsWith(LOCAL_ID_PREFIX) } }