/* * Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd * Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto import android.text.TextUtils import im.vector.matrix.android.api.MatrixPatterns import im.vector.matrix.android.api.auth.data.Credentials import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.model.MXDeviceInfo import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.model.MXUsersDevicesMap import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.store.IMXCryptoStore import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.tasks.DownloadKeysForUsersTask import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.SessionScope import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync.SyncTokenStore import timber.log.Timber import java.util.* import javax.inject.Inject // Legacy name: MXDeviceList @SessionScope internal class DeviceListManager @Inject constructor(private val cryptoStore: IMXCryptoStore, private val olmDevice: MXOlmDevice, private val syncTokenStore: SyncTokenStore, private val credentials: Credentials, private val downloadKeysForUsersTask: DownloadKeysForUsersTask) { // HS not ready for retry private val notReadyToRetryHS = HashSet() init { var isUpdated = false val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() for (userId in deviceTrackingStatuses.keys) { val status = deviceTrackingStatuses[userId]!! if (TRACKING_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS == status || TRACKING_STATUS_UNREACHABLE_SERVER == status) { // if a download was in progress when we got shut down, it isn't any more. deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD isUpdated = true } } if (isUpdated) { cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) } } /** * Tells if the key downloads should be tried * * @param userId the userId * @return true if the keys download can be retrieved */ private fun canRetryKeysDownload(userId: String): Boolean { var res = false if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(userId) && userId.contains(":")) { try { synchronized(notReadyToRetryHS) { res = !notReadyToRetryHS.contains(userId.substring(userId.lastIndexOf(":") + 1)) } } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## canRetryKeysDownload() failed") } } return res } /** * Clear the unavailable server lists */ private fun clearUnavailableServersList() { synchronized(notReadyToRetryHS) { notReadyToRetryHS.clear() } } /** * Mark the cached device list for the given user outdated * flag the given user for device-list tracking, if they are not already. * * @param userIds the user ids list */ fun startTrackingDeviceList(userIds: List?) { if (null != userIds) { var isUpdated = false val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() for (userId in userIds) { if (!deviceTrackingStatuses.containsKey(userId) || TRACKING_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED == deviceTrackingStatuses[userId]) { Timber.v("## startTrackingDeviceList() : Now tracking device list for $userId") deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD isUpdated = true } } if (isUpdated) { cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) } } } /** * Update the devices list statuses * * @param changed the user ids list which have new devices * @param left the user ids list which left a room */ fun handleDeviceListsChanges(changed: List?, left: List?) { var isUpdated = false val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() if (changed?.isNotEmpty() == true) { for (userId in changed) { if (deviceTrackingStatuses.containsKey(userId)) { Timber.v("## invalidateUserDeviceList() : Marking device list outdated for $userId") deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD isUpdated = true } } } if (left?.isNotEmpty() == true) { for (userId in left) { if (deviceTrackingStatuses.containsKey(userId)) { Timber.v("## invalidateUserDeviceList() : No longer tracking device list for $userId") deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED isUpdated = true } } } if (isUpdated) { cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) } } /** * This will flag each user whose devices we are tracking as in need of an * + update */ fun invalidateAllDeviceLists() { handleDeviceListsChanges(ArrayList(cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().keys), null) } /** * The keys download failed * * @param userIds the user ids list */ private fun onKeysDownloadFailed(userIds: List) { val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() for (userId in userIds) { deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD } cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) } /** * The keys download succeeded. * * @param userIds the userIds list * @param failures the failure map. */ private fun onKeysDownloadSucceed(userIds: List, failures: Map>?): MXUsersDevicesMap { if (failures != null) { val keys = failures.keys for (k in keys) { val value = failures[k] if (value!!.containsKey("status")) { val statusCodeAsVoid = value["status"] var statusCode = 0 if (statusCodeAsVoid is Double) { statusCode = statusCodeAsVoid.toInt() } else if (statusCodeAsVoid is Int) { statusCode = statusCodeAsVoid.toInt() } if (statusCode == 503) { synchronized(notReadyToRetryHS) { notReadyToRetryHS.add(k) } } } } } val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() val usersDevicesInfoMap = MXUsersDevicesMap() for (userId in userIds) { val devices = cryptoStore.getUserDevices(userId) if (null == devices) { if (canRetryKeysDownload(userId)) { deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD Timber.e("failed to retry the devices of $userId : retry later") } else { if (deviceTrackingStatuses.containsKey(userId) && TRACKING_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS == deviceTrackingStatuses[userId]) { deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_UNREACHABLE_SERVER Timber.e("failed to retry the devices of $userId : the HS is not available") } } } else { if (deviceTrackingStatuses.containsKey(userId) && TRACKING_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS == deviceTrackingStatuses[userId]) { // we didn't get any new invalidations since this download started: // this user's device list is now up to date. deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] = TRACKING_STATUS_UP_TO_DATE Timber.v("Device list for $userId now up to date") } // And the response result usersDevicesInfoMap.setObjects(userId, devices) } } cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) return usersDevicesInfoMap } /** * Download the device keys for a list of users and stores the keys in the MXStore. * It must be called in getEncryptingThreadHandler() thread. * The callback is called in the UI thread. * * @param userIds The users to fetch. * @param forceDownload Always download the keys even if cached. * @param callback the asynchronous callback */ suspend fun downloadKeys(userIds: List?, forceDownload: Boolean): MXUsersDevicesMap { Timber.v("## downloadKeys() : forceDownload $forceDownload : $userIds") // Map from userId -> deviceId -> MXDeviceInfo val stored = MXUsersDevicesMap() // List of user ids we need to download keys for val downloadUsers = ArrayList() if (null != userIds) { if (forceDownload) { downloadUsers.addAll(userIds) } else { for (userId in userIds) { val status = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatus(userId, TRACKING_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED) // downloading keys ->the keys download won't be triggered twice but the callback requires the dedicated keys // not yet retrieved if (TRACKING_STATUS_UP_TO_DATE != status && TRACKING_STATUS_UNREACHABLE_SERVER != status) { downloadUsers.add(userId) } else { val devices = cryptoStore.getUserDevices(userId) // should always be true if (devices != null) { stored.setObjects(userId, devices) } else { downloadUsers.add(userId) } } } } } return if (downloadUsers.isEmpty()) { Timber.v("## downloadKeys() : no new user device") stored } else { Timber.v("## downloadKeys() : starts") val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis() val result = doKeyDownloadForUsers(downloadUsers) Timber.v("## downloadKeys() : doKeyDownloadForUsers succeeds after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms") result.also { it.addEntriesFromMap(stored) } } } /** * Download the devices keys for a set of users. * * @param downloadUsers the user ids list */ private suspend fun doKeyDownloadForUsers(downloadUsers: MutableList): MXUsersDevicesMap { Timber.v("## doKeyDownloadForUsers() : doKeyDownloadForUsers $downloadUsers") // get the user ids which did not already trigger a keys download val filteredUsers = downloadUsers.filter { MatrixPatterns.isUserId(it) } if (filteredUsers.isEmpty()) { // trigger nothing return MXUsersDevicesMap() } val params = DownloadKeysForUsersTask.Params(filteredUsers, syncTokenStore.getLastToken()) val response = try { downloadKeysForUsersTask.execute(params) } catch (throwable: Throwable) { Timber.e(throwable, "##doKeyDownloadForUsers(): error") onKeysDownloadFailed(filteredUsers) throw throwable } Timber.v("## doKeyDownloadForUsers() : Got keys for " + filteredUsers.size + " users") for (userId in filteredUsers) { val devices = response.deviceKeys?.get(userId) Timber.v("## doKeyDownloadForUsers() : Got keys for $userId : $devices") if (devices != null) { val mutableDevices = HashMap(devices) val deviceIds = ArrayList(mutableDevices.keys) for (deviceId in deviceIds) { // Get the potential previously store device keys for this device val previouslyStoredDeviceKeys = cryptoStore.getUserDevice(deviceId, userId) val deviceInfo = mutableDevices[deviceId] // in some race conditions (like unit tests) // the self device must be seen as verified if (TextUtils.equals(deviceInfo!!.deviceId, credentials.deviceId) && TextUtils.equals(userId, credentials.userId)) { deviceInfo.verified = MXDeviceInfo.DEVICE_VERIFICATION_VERIFIED } // Validate received keys if (!validateDeviceKeys(deviceInfo, userId, deviceId, previouslyStoredDeviceKeys)) { // New device keys are not valid. Do not store them mutableDevices.remove(deviceId) if (null != previouslyStoredDeviceKeys) { // But keep old validated ones if any mutableDevices[deviceId] = previouslyStoredDeviceKeys } } else if (null != previouslyStoredDeviceKeys) { // The verified status is not sync'ed with hs. // This is a client side information, valid only for this client. // So, transfer its previous value mutableDevices[deviceId]!!.verified = previouslyStoredDeviceKeys.verified } } // Update the store // Note that devices which aren't in the response will be removed from the stores cryptoStore.storeUserDevices(userId, mutableDevices) } } return onKeysDownloadSucceed(filteredUsers, response.failures) } /** * Validate device keys. * This method must called on getEncryptingThreadHandler() thread. * * @param deviceKeys the device keys to validate. * @param userId the id of the user of the device. * @param deviceId the id of the device. * @param previouslyStoredDeviceKeys the device keys we received before for this device * @return true if succeeds */ private fun validateDeviceKeys(deviceKeys: MXDeviceInfo?, userId: String, deviceId: String, previouslyStoredDeviceKeys: MXDeviceInfo?): Boolean { if (null == deviceKeys) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : deviceKeys is null from $userId:$deviceId") return false } if (null == deviceKeys.keys) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : deviceKeys.keys is null from $userId:$deviceId") return false } if (null == deviceKeys.signatures) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : deviceKeys.signatures is null from $userId:$deviceId") return false } // Check that the user_id and device_id in the received deviceKeys are correct if (!TextUtils.equals(deviceKeys.userId, userId)) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Mismatched user_id " + deviceKeys.userId + " from " + userId + ":" + deviceId) return false } if (!TextUtils.equals(deviceKeys.deviceId, deviceId)) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Mismatched device_id " + deviceKeys.deviceId + " from " + userId + ":" + deviceId) return false } val signKeyId = "ed25519:" + deviceKeys.deviceId val signKey = deviceKeys.keys?.get(signKeyId) if (null == signKey) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Device " + userId + ":" + deviceKeys.deviceId + " has no ed25519 key") return false } val signatureMap = deviceKeys.signatures?.get(userId) if (null == signatureMap) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Device " + userId + ":" + deviceKeys.deviceId + " has no map for " + userId) return false } val signature = signatureMap[signKeyId] if (null == signature) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Device " + userId + ":" + deviceKeys.deviceId + " is not signed") return false } var isVerified = false var errorMessage: String? = null try { olmDevice.verifySignature(signKey, deviceKeys.signalableJSONDictionary(), signature) isVerified = true } catch (e: Exception) { errorMessage = e.message } if (!isVerified) { Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : Unable to verify signature on device " + userId + ":" + deviceKeys.deviceId + " with error " + errorMessage) return false } if (null != previouslyStoredDeviceKeys) { if (!TextUtils.equals(previouslyStoredDeviceKeys.fingerprint(), signKey)) { // This should only happen if the list has been MITMed; we are // best off sticking with the original keys. // // Should we warn the user about it somehow? Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : WARNING:Ed25519 key for device " + userId + ":" + deviceKeys.deviceId + " has changed : " + previouslyStoredDeviceKeys.fingerprint() + " -> " + signKey) Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : $previouslyStoredDeviceKeys -> $deviceKeys") Timber.e("## validateDeviceKeys() : " + previouslyStoredDeviceKeys.keys + " -> " + deviceKeys.keys) return false } } return true } /** * Start device queries for any users who sent us an m.new_device recently * This method must be called on getEncryptingThreadHandler() thread. */ suspend fun refreshOutdatedDeviceLists() { val users = ArrayList() val deviceTrackingStatuses = cryptoStore.getDeviceTrackingStatuses().toMutableMap() for (userId in deviceTrackingStatuses.keys) { if (TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD == deviceTrackingStatuses[userId]) { users.add(userId) } } if (users.size == 0) { return } // update the statuses for (userId in users) { val status = deviceTrackingStatuses[userId] if (null != status && TRACKING_STATUS_PENDING_DOWNLOAD == status) { deviceTrackingStatuses.put(userId, TRACKING_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) } } cryptoStore.saveDeviceTrackingStatuses(deviceTrackingStatuses) runCatching { doKeyDownloadForUsers(users) }.fold( { Timber.v("## refreshOutdatedDeviceLists() : done") }, { Timber.e(it, "## refreshOutdatedDeviceLists() : ERROR updating device keys for users $users") } ) } companion object { /** * State transition diagram for DeviceList.deviceTrackingStatus *
         *                                   |
         *        stopTrackingDeviceList     V
         *      +---------------------> NOT_TRACKED
         *      |                            |
         *      +<--------------------+      | startTrackingDeviceList
         *      |                     |      V
         *      |   +-------------> PENDING_DOWNLOAD <--------------------+-+
         *      |   |                      ^ |                            | |
         *      |   | restart     download | |  start download            | | invalidateUserDeviceList
         *      |   | client        failed | |                            | |
         *      |   |                      | V                            | |
         *      |   +------------ DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS -------------------+ |
         *      |                    |       |                              |
         *      +<-------------------+       |  download successful         |
         *      ^                            V                              |
         *      +----------------------- UP_TO_DATE ------------------------+