/* * Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd * Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd * Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.riotx.features.rageshake import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.app.Activity import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.graphics.Bitmap import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Build import android.text.TextUtils import android.view.View import im.vector.matrix.android.api.Matrix import im.vector.riotx.BuildConfig import im.vector.riotx.R import im.vector.riotx.core.di.ActiveSessionHolder import im.vector.riotx.core.extensions.toOnOff import im.vector.riotx.core.utils.getDeviceLocale import im.vector.riotx.features.settings.VectorLocale import im.vector.riotx.features.themes.ThemeUtils import im.vector.riotx.features.version.VersionProvider import okhttp3.* import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import timber.log.Timber import java.io.* import java.net.HttpURLConnection import java.util.* import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton /** * BugReporter creates and sends the bug reports. */ @Singleton class BugReporter @Inject constructor(private val activeSessionHolder: ActiveSessionHolder, private val versionProvider: VersionProvider, private val vectorFileLogger : VectorFileLogger) { var inMultiWindowMode = false companion object { // filenames private const val LOG_CAT_ERROR_FILENAME = "logcatError.log" private const val LOG_CAT_FILENAME = "logcat.log" private const val LOG_CAT_SCREENSHOT_FILENAME = "screenshot.png" private const val CRASH_FILENAME = "crash.log" private const val BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 50 } // the http client private val mOkHttpClient = OkHttpClient() // the pending bug report call private var mBugReportCall: Call? = null // boolean to cancel the bug report private val mIsCancelled = false /** * Get current Screenshot * * @return screenshot or null if not available */ var screenshot: Bitmap? = null private set private val LOGCAT_CMD_ERROR = arrayOf("logcat", ///< Run 'logcat' command "-d", ///< Dump the log rather than continue outputting it "-v", // formatting "threadtime", // include timestamps "AndroidRuntime:E " + ///< Pick all AndroidRuntime errors (such as uncaught exceptions)"communicatorjni:V " + ///< All communicatorjni logging "libcommunicator:V " + ///< All libcommunicator logging "DEBUG:V " + ///< All DEBUG logging - which includes native land crashes (seg faults, etc) "*:S" ///< Everything else silent, so don't pick it.. ) private val LOGCAT_CMD_DEBUG = arrayOf("logcat", "-d", "-v", "threadtime", "*:*") /** * Bug report upload listener */ interface IMXBugReportListener { /** * The bug report has been cancelled */ fun onUploadCancelled() /** * The bug report upload failed. * * @param reason the failure reason */ fun onUploadFailed(reason: String?) /** * The upload progress (in percent) * * @param progress the upload progress */ fun onProgress(progress: Int) /** * The bug report upload succeeded. */ fun onUploadSucceed() } /** * Send a bug report. * * @param context the application context * @param forSuggestion true to send a suggestion * @param withDevicesLogs true to include the device log * @param withCrashLogs true to include the crash logs * @param withScreenshot true to include the screenshot * @param theBugDescription the bug description * @param listener the listener */ @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") fun sendBugReport(context: Context, forSuggestion: Boolean, withDevicesLogs: Boolean, withCrashLogs: Boolean, withScreenshot: Boolean, theBugDescription: String, listener: IMXBugReportListener?) { object : AsyncTask() { // enumerate files to delete val mBugReportFiles: MutableList = ArrayList() override fun doInBackground(vararg voids: Void?): String? { var bugDescription = theBugDescription var serverError: String? = null val crashCallStack = getCrashDescription(context) if (null != crashCallStack) { bugDescription += "\n\n\n\n--------------------------------- crash call stack ---------------------------------\n" bugDescription += crashCallStack } val gzippedFiles = ArrayList() if (withDevicesLogs) { val files = vectorFileLogger.getLogFiles() for (f in files) { if (!mIsCancelled) { val gzippedFile = compressFile(f) if (null != gzippedFile) { gzippedFiles.add(gzippedFile) } } } } if (!mIsCancelled && (withCrashLogs || withDevicesLogs)) { val gzippedLogcat = saveLogCat(context, false) if (null != gzippedLogcat) { if (gzippedFiles.size == 0) { gzippedFiles.add(gzippedLogcat) } else { gzippedFiles.add(0, gzippedLogcat) } } val crashDescription = getCrashFile(context) if (crashDescription.exists()) { val compressedCrashDescription = compressFile(crashDescription) if (null != compressedCrashDescription) { if (gzippedFiles.size == 0) { gzippedFiles.add(compressedCrashDescription) } else { gzippedFiles.add(0, compressedCrashDescription) } } } } var deviceId = "undefined" var userId = "undefined" var olmVersion = "undefined" activeSessionHolder.getSafeActiveSession()?.let { session -> userId = session.myUserId deviceId = session.sessionParams.credentials.deviceId ?: "undefined" olmVersion = session.getCryptoVersion(context, true) } if (!mIsCancelled) { val text = "[RiotX] " + if (forSuggestion) { "[Suggestion] " } else { "" } + bugDescription // build the multi part request val builder = BugReporterMultipartBody.Builder() .addFormDataPart("text", text) .addFormDataPart("app", "riot-android") .addFormDataPart("user_agent", Matrix.getInstance(context).getUserAgent()) .addFormDataPart("user_id", userId) .addFormDataPart("device_id", deviceId) .addFormDataPart("version", versionProvider.getVersion(longFormat = true, useBuildNumber = false)) .addFormDataPart("branch_name", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name)) .addFormDataPart("matrix_sdk_version", Matrix.getSdkVersion()) .addFormDataPart("olm_version", olmVersion) .addFormDataPart("device", Build.MODEL.trim()) .addFormDataPart("lazy_loading", true.toOnOff()) .addFormDataPart("multi_window", inMultiWindowMode.toOnOff()) .addFormDataPart("os", Build.VERSION.RELEASE + " (API " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ") " + Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL + "-" + Build.VERSION.CODENAME) .addFormDataPart("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString()) .addFormDataPart("app_language", VectorLocale.applicationLocale.toString()) .addFormDataPart("default_app_language", getDeviceLocale(context).toString()) .addFormDataPart("theme", ThemeUtils.getApplicationTheme(context)) val buildNumber = context.getString(R.string.build_number) if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(buildNumber) && buildNumber != "0") { builder.addFormDataPart("build_number", buildNumber) } // add the gzipped files for (file in gzippedFiles) { builder.addFormDataPart("compressed-log", file.name, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream"), file)) } mBugReportFiles.addAll(gzippedFiles) if (withScreenshot) { val bitmap = screenshot if (null != bitmap) { val logCatScreenshotFile = File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, LOG_CAT_SCREENSHOT_FILENAME) if (logCatScreenshotFile.exists()) { logCatScreenshotFile.delete() } try { val fos = FileOutputStream(logCatScreenshotFile) bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos) fos.flush() fos.close() builder.addFormDataPart("file", logCatScreenshotFile.name, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream"), logCatScreenshotFile)) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : fail to write screenshot$e") } } } screenshot = null // add some github labels builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME) builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.FLAVOR_DESCRIPTION) builder.addFormDataPart("label", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name)) // Special for RiotX builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[RiotX]") // Suggestion if (forSuggestion) { builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[Suggestion]") } if (getCrashFile(context).exists()) { builder.addFormDataPart("label", "crash") deleteCrashFile(context) } val requestBody = builder.build() // add a progress listener requestBody.setWriteListener { totalWritten, contentLength -> val percentage: Int if (-1L != contentLength) { if (totalWritten > contentLength) { percentage = 100 } else { percentage = (totalWritten * 100 / contentLength).toInt() } } else { percentage = 0 } if (mIsCancelled && null != mBugReportCall) { mBugReportCall!!.cancel() } Timber.v("## onWrite() : $percentage%") publishProgress(percentage) } // build the request val request = Request.Builder() .url(context.getString(R.string.bug_report_url)) .post(requestBody) .build() var responseCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR var response: Response? = null var errorMessage: String? = null // trigger the request try { mBugReportCall = mOkHttpClient.newCall(request) response = mBugReportCall!!.execute() responseCode = response!!.code() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "response " + e.message) errorMessage = e.localizedMessage } // if the upload failed, try to retrieve the reason if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { if (null != errorMessage) { serverError = "Failed with error $errorMessage" } else if (null == response || null == response.body()) { serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode" } else { var `is`: InputStream? = null try { `is` = response.body()!!.byteStream() if (null != `is`) { var ch = `is`.read() val b = StringBuilder() while (ch != -1) { b.append(ch.toChar()) ch = `is`.read() } serverError = b.toString() `is`.close() // check if the error message try { val responseJSON = JSONObject(serverError) serverError = responseJSON.getString("error") } catch (e: JSONException) { Timber.e(e, "doInBackground ; Json conversion failed " + e.message) } // should never happen if (null == serverError) { serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode" } } } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : failed to parse error " + e.message) } finally { try { `is`?.close() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : failed to close the error stream " + e.message) } } } } } return serverError } override fun onProgressUpdate(vararg progress: Int?) { if (null != listener) { try { listener.onProgress(progress?.get(0) ?: 0) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## onProgress() : failed " + e.message) } } } override fun onPostExecute(reason: String?) { mBugReportCall = null // delete when the bug report has been successfully sent for (file in mBugReportFiles) { file.delete() } if (null != listener) { try { if (mIsCancelled) { listener.onUploadCancelled() } else if (null == reason) { listener.onUploadSucceed() } else { listener.onUploadFailed(reason) } } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## onPostExecute() : failed " + e.message) } } } }.execute() } /** * Send a bug report either with email or with Vector. */ fun openBugReportScreen(activity: Activity, forSuggestion: Boolean = false) { screenshot = takeScreenshot(activity) val intent = Intent(activity, BugReportActivity::class.java) intent.putExtra("FOR_SUGGESTION", forSuggestion) activity.startActivity(intent) } //============================================================================================================== // crash report management //============================================================================================================== /** * Provides the crash file * * @param context the context * @return the crash file */ private fun getCrashFile(context: Context): File { return File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, CRASH_FILENAME) } /** * Remove the crash file * * @param context */ fun deleteCrashFile(context: Context) { val crashFile = getCrashFile(context) if (crashFile.exists()) { crashFile.delete() } // Also reset the screenshot screenshot = null } /** * Save the crash report * * @param context the context * @param crashDescription teh crash description */ fun saveCrashReport(context: Context, crashDescription: String) { val crashFile = getCrashFile(context) if (crashFile.exists()) { crashFile.delete() } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(crashDescription)) { try { val fos = FileOutputStream(crashFile) val osw = OutputStreamWriter(fos) osw.write(crashDescription) osw.close() fos.flush() fos.close() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## saveCrashReport() : fail to write $e") } } } /** * Read the crash description file and return its content. * * @param context teh context * @return the crash description */ private fun getCrashDescription(context: Context): String? { var crashDescription: String? = null val crashFile = getCrashFile(context) if (crashFile.exists()) { try { val fis = FileInputStream(crashFile) val isr = InputStreamReader(fis) val buffer = CharArray(fis.available()) val len = isr.read(buffer, 0, fis.available()) crashDescription = String(buffer, 0, len) isr.close() fis.close() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## getCrashDescription() : fail to read $e") } } return crashDescription } //============================================================================================================== // Screenshot management //============================================================================================================== /** * Take a screenshot of the display. * * @return the screenshot */ private fun takeScreenshot(activity: Activity): Bitmap? { // get content view val contentView = activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content) if (contentView == null) { Timber.e("Cannot find content view on $activity. Cannot take screenshot.") return null } // get the root view to snapshot val rootView = contentView.rootView if (rootView == null) { Timber.e("Cannot find root view on $activity. Cannot take screenshot.") return null } // refresh it rootView.isDrawingCacheEnabled = false rootView.isDrawingCacheEnabled = true try { var bitmap = rootView.drawingCache // Make a copy, because if Activity is destroyed, the bitmap will be recycled bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap) return bitmap } catch (oom: OutOfMemoryError) { Timber.e(oom, "Cannot get drawing cache for $activity OOM.") } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "Cannot get snapshot of screen: $e") } return null } //============================================================================================================== // Logcat management //============================================================================================================== /** * Save the logcat * * @param context the context * @param isErrorLogcat true to save the error logcat * @return the file if the operation succeeds */ private fun saveLogCat(context: Context, isErrorLogcat: Boolean): File? { val logCatErrFile = File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, if (isErrorLogcat) LOG_CAT_ERROR_FILENAME else LOG_CAT_FILENAME) if (logCatErrFile.exists()) { logCatErrFile.delete() } try { val fos = FileOutputStream(logCatErrFile) val osw = OutputStreamWriter(fos) getLogCatError(osw, isErrorLogcat) osw.close() fos.flush() fos.close() return compressFile(logCatErrFile) } catch (error: OutOfMemoryError) { Timber.e(error, "## saveLogCat() : fail to write logcat$error") } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## saveLogCat() : fail to write logcat$e") } return null } /** * Retrieves the logs * * @param streamWriter the stream writer * @param isErrorLogCat true to save the error logs */ private fun getLogCatError(streamWriter: OutputStreamWriter, isErrorLogCat: Boolean) { val logcatProc: Process try { logcatProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(if (isErrorLogCat) LOGCAT_CMD_ERROR else LOGCAT_CMD_DEBUG) } catch (e1: IOException) { return } var reader: BufferedReader? = null try { val separator = System.getProperty("line.separator") reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(logcatProc.inputStream), BUFFER_SIZE) var line = reader.readLine() while (line != null) { streamWriter.append(line) streamWriter.append(separator) line = reader.readLine() } } catch (e: IOException) { Timber.e(e, "getLog fails with " + e.localizedMessage) } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close() } catch (e: IOException) { Timber.e(e, "getLog fails with " + e.localizedMessage) } } } } //============================================================================================================== // File compression management //============================================================================================================== /** * GZip a file * * @param fin the input file * @return the gzipped file */ private fun compressFile(fin: File): File? { Timber.v("## compressFile() : compress " + fin.name) val dstFile = File(fin.parent, fin.name + ".gz") if (dstFile.exists()) { dstFile.delete() } var fos: FileOutputStream? = null var gos: GZIPOutputStream? = null var inputStream: InputStream? = null try { fos = FileOutputStream(dstFile) gos = GZIPOutputStream(fos) inputStream = FileInputStream(fin) val buffer = ByteArray(2048) var n = inputStream.read(buffer) while (n != -1) { gos.write(buffer, 0, n) n = inputStream.read(buffer) } gos.close() inputStream.close() Timber.v("## compressFile() : " + fin.length() + " compressed to " + dstFile.length() + " bytes") return dstFile } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## compressFile() failed " + e.message) } catch (oom: OutOfMemoryError) { Timber.e(oom, "## compressFile() failed " + oom.message) } finally { try { fos?.close() gos?.close() inputStream?.close() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e, "## compressFile() failed to close inputStream " + e.message) } } return null } }