/* * Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.timeline import com.zhuinden.monarchy.Monarchy import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.helper.* import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.model.ChunkEntity import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.model.RoomEntity import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.query.create import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.query.find import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.query.findAllIncludingEvents import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.database.query.where import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.user.UserEntityFactory import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.util.awaitTransaction import io.realm.kotlin.createObject import timber.log.Timber import javax.inject.Inject /** * Insert Chunk in DB, and eventually merge with existing chunk event */ internal class TokenChunkEventPersistor @Inject constructor(private val monarchy: Monarchy) { /** *
     * ========================================================================================================
     * | Backward case                                                                                        |
     * ========================================================================================================
     *                               *--------------------------*        *--------------------------*
     *                               | startToken1              |        | startToken1              |
     *                               *--------------------------*        *--------------------------*
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |  receivedChunk backward  |        |                          |
     *                               |         Events           |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     * *--------------------------*  *--------------------------*        |                          |
     * | startToken0              |  | endToken1                |   =>   |       Merged chunk       |
     * *--------------------------*  *--------------------------*        |          Events          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |      Current Chunk       |                                      |                          |
     * |         Events           |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * *--------------------------*                                      *--------------------------*
     * | endToken0                |                                      | endToken0                |
     * *--------------------------*                                      *--------------------------*
     * ========================================================================================================
     * | Forward case                                                                                         |
     * ========================================================================================================
     * *--------------------------*                                      *--------------------------*
     * | startToken0              |                                      | startToken0              |
     * *--------------------------*                                      *--------------------------*
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |      Current Chunk       |                                      |                          |
     * |         Events           |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * |                          |                                      |                          |
     * *--------------------------*  *--------------------------*        |                          |
     * | endToken0                |  | startToken1              |   =>   |       Merged chunk       |
     * *--------------------------*  *--------------------------*        |          Events          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |  receivedChunk forward   |        |                          |
     *                               |         Events           |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               |                          |        |                          |
     *                               *--------------------------*        *--------------------------*
     *                               | endToken1                |        | endToken1                |
     *                               *--------------------------*        *--------------------------*
     * ========================================================================================================
*/ enum class Result { SHOULD_FETCH_MORE, SUCCESS } suspend fun insertInDb(receivedChunk: TokenChunkEvent, roomId: String, direction: PaginationDirection): Result { monarchy .awaitTransaction { realm -> Timber.v("Start persisting ${receivedChunk.events.size} events in $roomId towards $direction") val roomEntity = RoomEntity.where(realm, roomId).findFirst() ?: realm.createObject(roomId) val nextToken: String? val prevToken: String? if (direction == PaginationDirection.FORWARDS) { nextToken = receivedChunk.end prevToken = receivedChunk.start } else { nextToken = receivedChunk.start prevToken = receivedChunk.end } if (ChunkEntity.find(realm, roomId, nextToken = nextToken) != null || ChunkEntity.find(realm, roomId, prevToken = prevToken) != null) { Timber.v("Already inserted - SKIP") return@awaitTransaction } val prevChunk = ChunkEntity.find(realm, roomId, nextToken = prevToken) val nextChunk = ChunkEntity.find(realm, roomId, prevToken = nextToken) // The current chunk is the one we will keep all along the merge processChanges. // We try to look for a chunk next to the token, // otherwise we create a whole new one var currentChunk = if (direction == PaginationDirection.FORWARDS) { prevChunk?.apply { this.nextToken = nextToken } } else { nextChunk?.apply { this.prevToken = prevToken } } ?: ChunkEntity.create(realm, prevToken, nextToken) if (receivedChunk.events.isEmpty() && receivedChunk.end == receivedChunk.start) { Timber.v("Reach end of $roomId") currentChunk.isLastBackward = true } else { Timber.v("Add ${receivedChunk.events.size} events in chunk(${currentChunk.nextToken} | ${currentChunk.prevToken}") val eventIds = ArrayList(receivedChunk.events.size) for (event in receivedChunk.events) { event.eventId?.also { eventIds.add(it) } currentChunk.add(roomId, event, direction, isUnlinked = currentChunk.isUnlinked()) UserEntityFactory.createOrNull(event)?.also { realm.insertOrUpdate(it) } } // Then we merge chunks if needed if (currentChunk != prevChunk && prevChunk != null) { currentChunk = handleMerge(roomEntity, direction, currentChunk, prevChunk) } else if (currentChunk != nextChunk && nextChunk != null) { currentChunk = handleMerge(roomEntity, direction, currentChunk, nextChunk) } else { val newEventIds = receivedChunk.events.mapNotNull { it.eventId } ChunkEntity .findAllIncludingEvents(realm, newEventIds) .filter { it != currentChunk } .forEach { overlapped -> currentChunk = handleMerge(roomEntity, direction, currentChunk, overlapped) } } roomEntity.addOrUpdate(currentChunk) for (stateEvent in receivedChunk.stateEvents) { roomEntity.addStateEvent(stateEvent, isUnlinked = currentChunk.isUnlinked()) UserEntityFactory.createOrNull(stateEvent)?.also { realm.insertOrUpdate(it) } } currentChunk.updateSenderDataFor(eventIds) } } return if (receivedChunk.events.isEmpty() && receivedChunk.stateEvents.isEmpty() && receivedChunk.start != receivedChunk.end) { Result.SHOULD_FETCH_MORE } else { Result.SUCCESS } } private fun handleMerge(roomEntity: RoomEntity, direction: PaginationDirection, currentChunk: ChunkEntity, otherChunk: ChunkEntity): ChunkEntity { // We always merge the bottom chunk into top chunk, so we are always merging backwards Timber.v("Merge ${currentChunk.prevToken} | ${currentChunk.nextToken} with ${otherChunk.prevToken} | ${otherChunk.nextToken}") return if (direction == PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS) { currentChunk.merge(roomEntity.roomId, otherChunk, PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS) roomEntity.deleteOnCascade(otherChunk) currentChunk } else { otherChunk.merge(roomEntity.roomId, currentChunk, PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS) roomEntity.deleteOnCascade(currentChunk) otherChunk } } }