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* Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
* Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
* Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* An interface for storing and retrieving Matrix objects.
public interface IMXStore {
* Save changes in the store.
* If the store uses permanent storage like database or file, it is the optimised time
* to commit the last changes.
void commit();
* Open the store.
void open();
* Close the store.
* Any pending operation must be complete in this call.
void close();
* Clear the store.
* Any pending operation must be complete in this call.
void clear();
* @return the used context
Context getContext();
* Indicate if the MXStore implementation stores data permanently.
* Permanent storage allows the SDK to make less requests at the startup.
* @return true if permanent.
boolean isPermanent();
* Check if the initial load is performed.
* @return true if it is ready.
boolean isReady();
* Check if the read receipts are ready to be used.
* @return true if they are ready.
boolean areReceiptsReady();
* @return true if the store is corrupted.
boolean isCorrupted();
* Warn that the store data are corrupted.
* It might append if an update request failed.
* @param reason the corruption reason
void setCorrupted(String reason);
* Returns to disk usage size in bytes.
* @return disk usage size
long diskUsage();
* Returns the latest known event stream token
* @return the event stream token
String getEventStreamToken();
* Set the event stream token.
* @param token the event stream token
void setEventStreamToken(String token);
* Add a MXStore listener.
* @param listener the listener
void addMXStoreListener(IMXStoreListener listener);
* remove a MXStore listener.
* @param listener the listener
void removeMXStoreListener(IMXStoreListener listener);
* @return the display name
String displayName();
* Update the user display name
* @param displayName the displayname
* @param ts the timestamp update
* @return true if there is an update
boolean setDisplayName(String displayName, long ts);
* @return the avatar URL
String avatarURL();
* Update the avatar URL
* @param avatarURL the new URL
* @param ts the timestamp update
* @return true if there is an update
boolean setAvatarURL(String avatarURL, long ts);
* @return the third party identifiers list
List<ThirdPartyIdentifier> thirdPartyIdentifiers();
* Update the third party identifiers list.
* @param identifiers the identifiers list
void setThirdPartyIdentifiers(List<ThirdPartyIdentifier> identifiers);
* Update the ignored user ids list.
* @param users the user ids list
void setIgnoredUserIdsList(List<String> users);
* Update the direct chat rooms list
* @param directChatRoomsDict the direct chats map
void setDirectChatRoomsDict(Map<String, List<String>> directChatRoomsDict);
* @return the known rooms list
Collection<Room> getRooms();
* Retrieve a room from its room id
* @param roomId the room id
* @return the room if it exists
Room getRoom(String roomId);
* @return the known users lists
Collection<User> getUsers();
* Retrieves an user by its user id.
* @param userId the user id
* @return the user
User getUser(String userId);
* @return the ignored user ids list
List<String> getIgnoredUserIdsList();
* @return the direct chats rooms list
Map<String, List<String>> getDirectChatRoomsDict();
* Flush an updated user.
* @param user the user
void storeUser(User user);
* Flush an user from a room member.
* @param roomMember the room member
void updateUserWithRoomMemberEvent(RoomMember roomMember);
* Flush a room.
* @param room the room
void storeRoom(Room room);
* Store a block of room events either live or from pagination.
* @param roomId the room id
* @param tokensChunkEvents the events to be stored.
* @param direction the direction; forwards for live, backwards for pagination
void storeRoomEvents(String roomId, TokensChunkEvents tokensChunkEvents, EventTimeline.Direction direction);
* Store the back token of a room.
* @param roomId the room id.
* @param backToken the back token
void storeBackToken(String roomId, String backToken);
* Store a live room event.
* @param event The event to be stored.
void storeLiveRoomEvent(Event event);
* @param eventId the id of the event to retrieve.
* @param roomId the id of the room.
* @return true if the event exists in the store.
boolean doesEventExist(String eventId, String roomId);
* Retrieve an event from its room Id and its Event id
* @param eventId the event id
* @param roomId the room Id
* @return the event (null if it is not found)
Event getEvent(String eventId, String roomId);
* Delete an event
* @param event The event to be deleted.
void deleteEvent(Event event);
* Remove all sent messages in a room.
* @param roomId the id of the room.
* @param keepUnsent set to true to do not delete the unsent message
void deleteAllRoomMessages(String roomId, boolean keepUnsent);
* Flush the room events.
* @param roomId the id of the room.
void flushRoomEvents(String roomId);
* Delete the room from the storage.
* The room data and its reference will be deleted.
* @param roomId the roomId.
void deleteRoom(String roomId);
* Delete the room data from the storage;
* The room data are cleared but the getRoom returned object will be the same.
* @param roomId the roomId.
void deleteRoomData(String roomId);
* Retrieve all non-state room events for this room.
* @param roomId The room ID
* @return A collection of events. null if there is no cached event.
Collection<Event> getRoomMessages(final String roomId);
* Retrieve all non-state room events for this room.
* @param roomId The room ID
* @param fromToken the token
* @param limit the maximum number of messages to retrieve.
* @return A collection of events. null if there is no cached event.
TokensChunkEvents getEarlierMessages(final String roomId, final String fromToken, final int limit);
* Get the oldest event from the given room (to prevent pagination overlap).
* @param roomId the room id
* @return the event
Event getOldestEvent(String roomId);
* Get the latest event from the given room (to update summary for example)
* @param roomId the room id
* @return the event
Event getLatestEvent(String roomId);
* Count the number of events after the provided events id
* @param roomId the room id.
* @param eventId the event id to find.
* @return the events count after this event if
int eventsCountAfter(String roomId, String eventId);
// Design note: This is part of the store interface so the concrete implementation can leverage
// how they are storing the data to do this in an efficient manner (e.g. SQL JOINs)
// compared to calling getRooms() then getRoomEvents(roomId, limit=1) for each room
// (which forces single SELECTs)
* <p>Retrieve a list of all the room summaries stored.</p>
* Typically this method will be called when generating a 'Recent Activity' list.
* @return A collection of room summaries.
Collection<RoomSummary> getSummaries();
* Get the stored summary for the given room.
* @param roomId the room id
* @return the summary for the room, or null in case of error
RoomSummary getSummary(String roomId);
* Flush a room summary
* @param summary the summary.
void flushSummary(RoomSummary summary);
* Flush the room summaries
void flushSummaries();
* Store a new summary.
* @param summary the summary
void storeSummary(RoomSummary summary);
* Store the room liveState.
* @param roomId roomId the id of the room.
void storeLiveStateForRoom(String roomId);
* Store a room state event.
* The room states are built with several events.
* @param roomId the room id
* @param event the event
void storeRoomStateEvent(String roomId, event);
* Retrieve the room state creation events
* @param roomId the room id
* @param callback the asynchronous callback
void getRoomStateEvents(String roomId, ApiCallback<List<>> callback);
* Return the list of latest unsent events.
* The provided events are the unsent ones since the last sent one.
* They are ordered.
* @param roomId the room id
* @return list of unsent events
List<Event> getLatestUnsentEvents(String roomId);
* Return the list of undelivered events
* @param roomId the room id
* @return list of undelivered events
List<Event> getUndeliveredEvents(String roomId);
* Return the list of unknown device events.
* @param roomId the room id
* @return list of unknown device events
List<Event> getUnknownDeviceEvents(String roomId);
* Returns the receipts list for an event in a dedicated room.
* if sort is set to YES, they are sorted from the latest to the oldest ones.
* @param roomId The room Id.
* @param eventId The event Id. (null to retrieve all existing receipts)
* @param excludeSelf exclude the oneself read receipts.
* @param sort to sort them from the latest to the oldest
* @return the receipts for an event in a dedicated room.
List<ReceiptData> getEventReceipts(String roomId, String eventId, boolean excludeSelf, boolean sort);
* Store the receipt for an user in a room.
* The receipt validity is checked i.e the receipt is not for an already read message.
* @param receipt The event
* @param roomId The roomId
* @return true if the receipt has been stored
boolean storeReceipt(ReceiptData receipt, String roomId);
* Get the receipt for an user in a dedicated room.
* @param roomId the room id.
* @param userId the user id.
* @return the dedicated receipt
ReceiptData getReceipt(String roomId, String userId);
* Provides the unread events list.
* @param roomId the room id.
* @param types an array of event types strings (Event.EVENT_TYPE_XXX).
* @return the unread events list.
List<Event> unreadEvents(String roomId, List<String> types);
* Check if an event has been read by an user.
* @param roomId the room Id
* @param userId the user id
* @param eventId the event id
* @return true if the user has read the message.
boolean isEventRead(String roomId, String userId, String eventId);
* Store the user data for a room.
* @param roomId The room Id.
* @param accountData the account data.
void storeAccountData(String roomId, RoomAccountData accountData);
* Provides the store preload time in milliseconds.
* @return the store preload time in milliseconds.
long getPreloadTime();
* Provides some store stats
* @return the store stats
Map<String, Long> getStats();
* Start a runnable from the store thread
* @param runnable the runnable to call
void post(Runnable runnable);
* Store a group
* @param group the group to store
void storeGroup(Group group);
* Flush a group in store.
* @param group the group
void flushGroup(Group group);
* Delete a group
* @param groupId the group id to delete
void deleteGroup(String groupId);
* Retrieve a group from its id.
* @param groupId the group id
* @return the group if it exists
Group getGroup(String groupId);
* @return the stored groups
Collection<Group> getGroups();
* Set the URL preview status
* @param value the URL preview status
void setURLPreviewEnabled(boolean value);
* Tells if the global URL preview is enabled.
* @return true if it is enabled
boolean isURLPreviewEnabled();
* Update the rooms list which don't have URL previews
* @param roomIds the room ids list
void setRoomsWithoutURLPreview(Set<String> roomIds);
* Set the user widgets
void setUserWidgets(Map<String, Object> contentDict);
* Get the user widgets
Map<String, Object> getUserWidgets();
* @return the room ids list which don't have URL preview enabled
Set<String> getRoomsWithoutURLPreviews();
* Add a couple Json filter / filterId
void addFilter(String jsonFilter, String filterId);
* Get the Map of all filters configured server side (note: only by this current instance of Riot)
Map<String, String> getFilters();
* Set the public key of the antivirus server
void setAntivirusServerPublicKey(@Nullable String key);
* @return the public key of the antivirus server
String getAntivirusServerPublicKey();
* Update the metrics listener
* @param metricsListener the metrics listener
void setMetricsListener(MetricsListener metricsListener);