messageUsersForm)) { $this->view->messageUsersForm = $appSession->messageUsersForm; unset($appSession->messageUsersForm); } else { $this->view->messageUsersForm = new Form_MessageUsers(); } $this->_helper->actionStack('index', 'login', 'users'); } public function sendAction() { $form = new Form_MessageUsers(); $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); $form->populate($formData); if (!$form->isValid($formData)) { return $this->_redirectFaultyForm($form); } $cc = $form->getValue('cc'); $bccArr = array(); if (trim($cc) != '') { $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress(); $bccArr = explode(',', $cc); for ($i = 0; $i < count($bccArr); $i++) { $bccArr[$i] = trim($bccArr[$i]); if (!$validator->isValid($bccArr[$i])) { foreach ($validator->getMessages() as $messageId => $message) { $form->cc->addError($this->view->translate('CC field must be a comma-separated list of valid E-mails')); return $this->_redirectFaultyForm($form); } } } } $mail = self::getMail( $form->getValue('subject'), $this->_getParam('messageType'), $this->_getParam('messageType') == 'plain'? $form->getValue('bodyPlain') : $form->getValue('bodyHTML') ); $mail->setSubject($form->getValue('subject')); if ($this->_getParam('messageType') == 'plain') { $mail->setBodyText($form->getValue('bodyPlain')); } else { $mail->setBodyHtml($form->getValue('bodyHTML')); } $users = new Users_Model_Users(); // here we get the users emails stored in the users table, even if using LDAP, for performance reasons. // Do know however, that a user email is synced with the LDAP repository every time he logs in. foreach ($users->getUsers() as $user) { if ($user->role == Users_Model_User::ROLE_ADMIN) { continue; } $mail->addBcc($user->email); } foreach ($bccArr as $bcc) { $mail->addBcc($bcc); } try { $mail->send(); $this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('Message has been sent')); } catch (Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception $e) { $this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('There was an error trying to send the message')); if ($this->_config->logging->level == Zend_Log::DEBUG) { $this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage($e->getMessage()); return $this->_redirectFaultyForm($form); } } $this->_redirect(''); } private function _redirectFaultyForm(Zend_Form $form) { $appSession = Zend_Registry::get('appSession'); $appSession->messageUsersForm = $form; return $this->_forward('index'); } /** * @return Zend_Mail * @throws Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception */ public static function getMail() { // can't use $this->_config 'cause we're in a static function $configEmail = Zend_Registry::get('config')->email; switch (strtolower($configEmail->transport)) { case 'smtp': Zend_Mail::setDefaultTransport( new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp( $configEmail->host, $configEmail->toArray() ) ); break; case 'mock': Zend_Mail::setDefaultTransport(new Zend_Mail_Transport_Mock()); break; default: Zend_Mail::setDefaultTransport(new Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail()); } $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8'); $mail->setFrom($configEmail->supportemail); // all recipients will be in BCC, but I need at least one in the To header $mail->addTo($configEmail->supportemail); return $mail; } }