'Zend_Gdata_Photos_CommentEntry', 'http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007#tag' => 'Zend_Gdata_Photos_TagEntry' ); public function __construct($element = null) { foreach (Zend_Gdata_Photos::$namespaces as $nsPrefix => $nsUri) { $this->registerNamespace($nsPrefix, $nsUri); } parent::__construct($element); } public function getDOM($doc = null, $majorVersion = 1, $minorVersion = null) { $element = parent::getDOM($doc, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); if ($this->_gphotoId != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoId->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoVersion != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoVersion->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoWidth != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoWidth->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoHeight != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoHeight->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoSize != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoSize->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoClient != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoClient->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoChecksum != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoChecksum->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoTimestamp != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoTimestamp->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoCommentingEnabled != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoCommentingEnabled->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_gphotoCommentCount != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_gphotoCommentCount->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } if ($this->_mediaGroup != null) { $element->appendChild($this->_mediaGroup->getDOM($element->ownerDocument)); } return $element; } protected function takeChildFromDOM($child) { $absoluteNodeName = $child->namespaceURI . ':' . $child->localName; switch ($absoluteNodeName) { case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'id'; $id = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Id(); $id->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoId = $id; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'version'; $version = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Version(); $version->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoVersion = $version; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'albumid'; $albumid = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_AlbumId(); $albumid->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoAlbumId = $albumid; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'width'; $width = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Width(); $width->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoWidth = $width; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'height'; $height = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Height(); $height->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoHeight = $height; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'size'; $size = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Size(); $size->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoSize = $size; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'client'; $client = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Client(); $client->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoClient = $client; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'checksum'; $checksum = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Checksum(); $checksum->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoChecksum = $checksum; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'timestamp'; $timestamp = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Timestamp(); $timestamp->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoTimestamp = $timestamp; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'commentingEnabled'; $commentingEnabled = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_CommentingEnabled(); $commentingEnabled->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoCommentingEnabled = $commentingEnabled; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('gphoto') . ':' . 'commentCount'; $commentCount = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_CommentCount(); $commentCount->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_gphotoCommentCount = $commentCount; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('media') . ':' . 'group'; $mediaGroup = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup(); $mediaGroup->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_mediaGroup = $mediaGroup; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('atom') . ':' . 'entry': $entryClassName = $this->_entryClassName; $tmpEntry = new Zend_Gdata_App_Entry($child); $categories = $tmpEntry->getCategory(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->scheme == Zend_Gdata_Photos::KIND_PATH && $this->_entryKindClassMapping[$category->term] != "") { $entryClassName = $this->_entryKindClassMapping[$category->term]; break; } else { require_once 'Zend/Gdata/App/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Gdata_App_Exception('Entry is missing kind declaration.'); } } $newEntry = new $entryClassName($child); $newEntry->setHttpClient($this->getHttpClient()); $this->_entry[] = $newEntry; break; default: parent::takeChildFromDOM($child); break; } } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:id attribute. * * @see setGphotoId * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoId() { return $this->_gphotoId; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:id attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Id The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoId($value) { $this->_gphotoId = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:version attribute. * * @see setGphotoVersion * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoVersion() { return $this->_gphotoVersion; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:version attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Version The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoVersion($value) { $this->_gphotoVersion = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:albumid attribute. * * @see setGphotoAlbumId * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoAlbumId() { return $this->_gphotoAlbumId; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:albumid attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_AlbumId The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoAlbumId($value) { $this->_gphotoAlbumId = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:width attribute. * * @see setGphotoWidth * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoWidth() { return $this->_gphotoWidth; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:width attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Width The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoWidth($value) { $this->_gphotoWidth = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:height attribute. * * @see setGphotoHeight * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoHeight() { return $this->_gphotoHeight; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:height attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Height The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoHeight($value) { $this->_gphotoHeight = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:size attribute. * * @see setGphotoSize * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoSize() { return $this->_gphotoSize; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:size attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Size The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoSize($value) { $this->_gphotoSize = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:client attribute. * * @see setGphotoClient * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoClient() { return $this->_gphotoClient; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:client attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Client The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoClient($value) { $this->_gphotoClient = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:checksum attribute. * * @see setGphotoChecksum * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoChecksum() { return $this->_gphotoChecksum; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:checksum attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Checksum The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoChecksum($value) { $this->_gphotoChecksum = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:timestamp attribute. * * @see setGphotoTimestamp * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoTimestamp() { return $this->_gphotoTimestamp; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:timestamp attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_Timestamp The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoTimestamp($value) { $this->_gphotoTimestamp = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:commentCount attribute. * * @see setGphotoCommentCount * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoCommentCount() { return $this->_gphotoCommentCount; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:commentCount attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_CommentCount The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoCommentCount($value) { $this->_gphotoCommentCount = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's gphoto:commentingEnabled attribute. * * @see setGphotoCommentingEnabled * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getGphotoCommentingEnabled() { return $this->_gphotoCommentingEnabled; } /** * Set the value for this element's gphoto:commentingEnabled attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Photos_Extension_CommentingEnabled The element being modified. */ public function setGphotoCommentingEnabled($value) { $this->_gphotoCommentingEnabled = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value for this element's media:group attribute. * * @see setMediaGroup * @return string The requested attribute. */ public function getMediaGroup() { return $this->_mediaGroup; } /** * Set the value for this element's media:group attribute. * * @param string $value The desired value for this attribute. * @return Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup The element being modified. */ public function setMediaGroup($value) { $this->_mediaGroup = $value; return $this; } }