toJson(); } if (function_exists('json_encode') && self::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder !== true) { return json_encode($valueToEncode); } require_once 'Zend/Json/Encoder.php'; return Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, $options); } /** * fromXml - Converts XML to JSON * * Converts a XML formatted string into a JSON formatted string. * The value returned will be a string in JSON format. * * The caller of this function needs to provide only the first parameter, * which is an XML formatted String. The second parameter is optional, which * lets the user to select if the XML attributes in the input XML string * should be included or ignored in xml2json conversion. * * This function converts the XML formatted string into a PHP array by * calling a recursive (protected static) function in this class. Then, it * converts that PHP array into JSON by calling the "encode" static funcion. * * Throws a Zend_Json_Exception if the input not a XML formatted string. * * @static * @access public * @param string $xmlStringContents XML String to be converted * @param boolean $ignoreXmlAttributes Include or exclude XML attributes in * the xml2json conversion process. * @return mixed - JSON formatted string on success * @throws Zend_Json_Exception */ public static function fromXml ($xmlStringContents, $ignoreXmlAttributes=true) { // Load the XML formatted string into a Simple XML Element object. $simpleXmlElementObject = simplexml_load_string($xmlStringContents); // If it is not a valid XML content, throw an exception. if ($simpleXmlElementObject == null) { throw new Zend_Json_Exception('Function fromXml was called with an invalid XML formatted string.'); } // End of if ($simpleXmlElementObject == null) $resultArray = null; // Call the recursive function to convert the XML into a PHP array. $resultArray = self::_processXml($simpleXmlElementObject, $ignoreXmlAttributes); // Convert the PHP array to JSON using Zend_Json encode method. // It is just that simple. $jsonStringOutput = self::encode($resultArray); return($jsonStringOutput); } // End of function fromXml. /** * _processXml - Contains the logic for xml2json * * The logic in this function is a recursive one. * * The main caller of this function (i.e. fromXml) needs to provide * only the first two parameters i.e. the SimpleXMLElement object and * the flag for ignoring or not ignoring XML attributes. The third parameter * will be used internally within this function during the recursive calls. * * This function converts the SimpleXMLElement object into a PHP array by * calling a recursive (protected static) function in this class. Once all * the XML elements are stored in the PHP array, it is returned to the caller. * * Throws a Zend_Json_Exception if the XML tree is deeper than the allowed limit. * * @static * @access protected * @param SimpleXMLElement $simpleXmlElementObject XML element to be converted * @param boolean $ignoreXmlAttributes Include or exclude XML attributes in * the xml2json conversion process. * @param int $recursionDepth Current recursion depth of this function * @return mixed - On success, a PHP associative array of traversed XML elements * @throws Zend_Json_Exception */ protected static function _processXml ($simpleXmlElementObject, $ignoreXmlAttributes, $recursionDepth=0) { // Keep an eye on how deeply we are involved in recursion. if ($recursionDepth > self::$maxRecursionDepthAllowed) { // XML tree is too deep. Exit now by throwing an exception. throw new Zend_Json_Exception( "Function _processXml exceeded the allowed recursion depth of " . self::$maxRecursionDepthAllowed); } // End of if ($recursionDepth > self::$maxRecursionDepthAllowed) if ($recursionDepth == 0) { // Store the original SimpleXmlElementObject sent by the caller. // We will need it at the very end when we return from here for good. $callerProvidedSimpleXmlElementObject = $simpleXmlElementObject; } // End of if ($recursionDepth == 0) if ($simpleXmlElementObject instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { // Get a copy of the simpleXmlElementObject $copyOfSimpleXmlElementObject = $simpleXmlElementObject; // Get the object variables in the SimpleXmlElement object for us to iterate. $simpleXmlElementObject = get_object_vars($simpleXmlElementObject); } // End of if (get_class($simpleXmlElementObject) == "SimpleXMLElement") // It needs to be an array of object variables. if (is_array($simpleXmlElementObject)) { // Initialize a result array. $resultArray = array(); // Is the input array size 0? Then, we reached the rare CDATA text if any. if (count($simpleXmlElementObject) <= 0) { // Let us return the lonely CDATA. It could even be // an empty element or just filled with whitespaces. return (trim(strval($copyOfSimpleXmlElementObject))); } // End of if (count($simpleXmlElementObject) <= 0) // Let us walk through the child elements now. foreach($simpleXmlElementObject as $key=>$value) { // Check if we need to ignore the XML attributes. // If yes, you can skip processing the XML attributes. // Otherwise, add the XML attributes to the result array. if(($ignoreXmlAttributes == true) && (is_string($key)) && ($key == "@attributes")) { continue; } // End of if(($ignoreXmlAttributes == true) && ($key == "@attributes")) // Let us recursively process the current XML element we just visited. // Increase the recursion depth by one. $recursionDepth++; $resultArray[$key] = self::_processXml ($value, $ignoreXmlAttributes, $recursionDepth); // Decrease the recursion depth by one. $recursionDepth--; } // End of foreach($simpleXmlElementObject as $key=>$value) { if ($recursionDepth == 0) { // That is it. We are heading to the exit now. // Set the XML root element name as the root [top-level] key of // the associative array that we are going to return to the original // caller of this recursive function. $tempArray = $resultArray; $resultArray = array(); $resultArray[$callerProvidedSimpleXmlElementObject->getName()] = $tempArray; } // End of if ($recursionDepth == 0) return($resultArray); } else { // We are now looking at either the XML attribute text or // the text between the XML tags. return (trim(strval($simpleXmlElementObject))); } // End of if (is_array($simpleXmlElementObject)) } // End of function _processXml. }