/* Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 2.6.0 */ (function() { /** * @private **/ var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Lang = YAHOO.lang; /** * @description

Creates a rich custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar

* @class ToolbarButtonAdvanced * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event, container_core, menu, button * @beta * * Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets. * @constructor * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to turn into a button. * @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters. */ if (YAHOO.widget.Button) { YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = YAHOO.widget.Button; /** * @property buttonType * @private * @description Tells if the Button is a Rich Button or a Simple Button */ YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.buttonType = 'rich'; /** * @method checkValue * @param {String} value The value of the option that we want to mark as selected * @description Select an option by value */ YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.checkValue = function(value) { var _menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems(); if (_menuItems.length === 0) { this.getMenu()._onBeforeShow(); _menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems(); } for (var i = 0; i < _menuItems.length; i++) { _menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', false); if (_menuItems[i].value == value) { _menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', true); } } }; } else { YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = function() {}; } /** * @description

Creates a basic custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar

* @class ToolbarButton * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event * @Extends YAHOO.util.Element * @beta * * Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets, '); } else { html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); } html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_UL>/g, '<\/ul>'); html = this.filter_invalid_lists(html); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_BQ>/g, '<\/blockquote>'); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_EMBED>/g, '<\/embed>'); //This should fix &s in URL's html = html.replace(' & ', 'YUI_AMP'); html = html.replace('&', '&'); html = html.replace('YUI_AMP', '&'); //Trim the output, removing whitespace from the beginning and end html = YAHOO.lang.trim(html); if (this.get('removeLineBreaks')) { html = html.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\r/g, ''); html = html.replace(/ /gi, ' '); //Replace all double spaces and replace with a single } //First empty span if (html.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == '') { html = html.substring(6); //Last empty span if (html.substring(html.length - 7, html.length).toLowerCase() == '') { html = html.substring(0, html.length - 7); } } for (var v in this.invalidHTML) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this.invalidHTML, v)) { if (Lang.isObject(v) && v.keepContents) { html = html.replace(new RegExp('<' + v + '([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/' + v + '>', 'gi'), '$1'); } else { html = html.replace(new RegExp('<' + v + '([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/' + v + '>', 'gi'), ''); } } } this.fireEvent('cleanHTML', { type: 'cleanHTML', target: this, html: html }); return html; }, /** * @method filter_invalid_lists * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters invalid ol and ul list markup, converts this:
    1. ..
    to this:
    1. ..
  • */ filter_invalid_lists: function(html) { html = html.replace(/<\/li>\n/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/li>
      /gi, '
      1. '); html = html.replace(/<\/ol>/gi, '
    1. '); html = html.replace(/<\/ol><\/li>\n/gi, "
    \n"); html = html.replace(/<\/li>
      /gi, '
      • '); html = html.replace(/<\/ul>/gi, '
    • '); html = html.replace(/<\/ul><\/li>\n?/gi, "
    \n"); html = html.replace(/<\/li>/gi, "\n"); html = html.replace(/<\/ol>/gi, "\n"); html = html.replace(/
      /gi, "
        \n"); html = html.replace(/
          /gi, "
            \n"); return html; }, /** * @method filter_safari * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters strings specific to Safari * @return String */ filter_safari: function(html) { if (this.browser.webkit) { // html = html.replace(/([^>])<\/span>/gi, '    '); html = html.replace(/Apple-style-span/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/style="line-height: normal;"/gi, ''); //Remove bogus LI's html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); //Remove bogus DIV's - updated from just removing the div's to replacing /div with a break if (this.get('ptags')) { html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/div>/gi, '

            '); } else { html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/div>/gi, '
            '); } } return html; }, /** * @method filter_internals * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters internal RTE strings and bogus attrs we don't want * @return String */ filter_internals: function(html) { html = html.replace(/\r/g, ''); //Fix stuff we don't want html = html.replace(/<\/?(body|head|html)[^>]*>/gi, ''); //Fix last BR in LI html = html.replace(/<\/li>/gi, '
          • '); html = html.replace(/yui-tag-span/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-tag/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-non/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-img/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ tag="span"/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ style=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=" "/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=" "/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ target=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ title=""/gi, ''); if (this.browser.ie) { html = html.replace(/ class= /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class= >/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/_height="([^>])"/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/_width="([^>])"/gi, ''); } return html; }, /** * @method filter_all_rgb * @param String str The HTML string to filter * @description Converts all RGB color strings found in passed string to a hex color, example: style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0)" converts to style="color: #00ff00" * @return String */ filter_all_rgb: function(str) { var exp = new RegExp("rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)", "gi"); var arr = str.match(exp); if (Lang.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var color = this.filter_rgb(arr[i]); str = str.replace(arr[i].toString(), color); } } return str; }, /** * @method filter_rgb * @param String css The CSS string containing rgb(#,#,#); * @description Converts an RGB color string to a hex color, example: rgb(0, 255, 0) converts to #00ff00 * @return String */ filter_rgb: function(css) { if (css.toLowerCase().indexOf('rgb') != -1) { var exp = new RegExp("(.*?)rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)(.*?)", "gi"); var rgb = css.replace(exp, "$1,$2,$3,$4,$5").split(','); if (rgb.length == 5) { var r = parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16); var g = parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16); var b = parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16); r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r; g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g; b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b; css = "#" + r + g + b; } } return css; }, /** * @method pre_filter_linebreaks * @param String html The HTML to filter * @param String markup The markup type to filter to * @description HTML Pre Filter * @return String */ pre_filter_linebreaks: function(html, markup) { if (this.browser.webkit) { html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); } html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(//gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            <\/div>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/

            ( | )<\/p>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/

             <\/p>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/

             <\/p>/gi, ''); //Fix last BR html = html.replace(/$/, ''); //Fix last BR in P html = html.replace(/<\/p>/g, '

            '); if (this.browser.ie) { html = html.replace(/    /g, '\t'); } return html; }, /** * @method post_filter_linebreaks * @param String html The HTML to filter * @param String markup The markup type to filter to * @description HTML Pre Filter * @return String */ post_filter_linebreaks: function(html, markup) { if (markup == 'xhtml') { html = html.replace(//g, '
            '); } else { html = html.replace(//g, '
            '); } return html; }, /** * @method clearEditorDoc * @description Clear the doc of the Editor */ clearEditorDoc: function() { this._getDoc().body.innerHTML = ' '; }, /** * @method openWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ openWindow: function(win) { }, /** * @method moveWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ moveWindow: function() { }, /** * @private * @method _closeWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ _closeWindow: function() { }, /** * @method closeWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ closeWindow: function() { //this.unsubscribeAll('afterExecCommand'); this.toolbar.resetAllButtons(); this._focusWindow(); }, /** * @method destroy * @description Destroys the editor, all of it's elements and objects. * @return {Boolean} */ destroy: function() { if (this.resize) { this.resize.destroy(); } if (this.dd) { this.dd.unreg(); } if (this.get('panel')) { this.get('panel').destroy(); } this.saveHTML(); this.toolbar.destroy(); this.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); this.setStyle('position', 'static'); this.setStyle('top', ''); this.setStyle('left', ''); var textArea = this.get('element'); this.get('element_cont').get('parentNode').replaceChild(textArea, this.get('element_cont').get('element')); this.get('element_cont').get('element').innerHTML = ''; this.set('handleSubmit', false); //Remove the submit handler return true; }, /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the editor. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { var str = 'SimpleEditor'; if (this.get && this.get('element_cont')) { str = 'SimpleEditor (#' + this.get('element_cont').get('id') + ')' + ((this.get('disabled') ? ' Disabled' : '')); } return str; } }); /** * @event toolbarLoaded * @description Event is fired during the render process directly after the Toolbar is loaded. Allowing you to attach events to the toolbar. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event cleanHTML * @description Event is fired after the cleanHTML method is called. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterRender * @description Event is fired after the render process finishes. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorContentLoaded * @description Event is fired after the editor iframe's document fully loads and fires it's onload event. From here you can start injecting your own things into the document. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeNodeChange * @description Event fires at the beginning of the nodeChange process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterNodeChange * @description Event fires at the end of the nodeChange process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeExecCommand * @description Event fires at the beginning of the execCommand process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterExecCommand * @description Event fires at the end of the execCommand process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorMouseUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorMouseDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorDoubleClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyPress * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorMouseUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorMouseDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorDoubleClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyPress * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @description Singleton object used to track the open window objects and panels across the various open editors * @class EditorInfo * @static */ YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo = { /** * @private * @property _instances * @description A reference to all editors on the page. * @type Object */ _instances: {}, /** * @private * @property blankImage * @description A reference to the blankImage url * @type String */ blankImage: '', /** * @private * @property window * @description A reference to the currently open window object in any editor on the page. * @type Object YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow */ window: {}, /** * @private * @property panel * @description A reference to the currently open panel in any editor on the page. * @type Object YAHOO.widget.Overlay */ panel: null, /** * @method getEditorById * @description Returns a reference to the Editor object associated with the given textarea * @param {String/HTMLElement} id The id or reference of the textarea to return the Editor instance of * @return Object YAHOO.widget.Editor */ getEditorById: function(id) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(id)) { //Not a string, assume a node Reference id = id.id; } if (this._instances[id]) { return this._instances[id]; } return false; }, /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the EditorInfo. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { var len = 0; for (var i in this._instances) { if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this._instances, i)) { len++; } } return 'Editor Info (' + len + ' registered intance' + ((len > 1) ? 's' : '') + ')'; } }; })(); /** * @module editor * @description

            The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like bold and italic text, and drag-and-drop inclusion and sizing of images. The Rich Text Editor's toolbar is extensible via a plugin architecture so that advanced implementations can achieve a high degree of customization.

            * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event, container_core, simpleeditor * @optional dragdrop, animation, menu, button * @beta */ (function() { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Lang = YAHOO.lang, Toolbar = YAHOO.widget.Toolbar; /** * The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like bold and italic text, and drag-and-drop inclusion and sizing of images. The Rich Text Editor's toolbar is extensible via a plugin architecture so that advanced implementations can achieve a high degree of customization. * @constructor * @class Editor * @extends YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The textarea element to turn into an editor. * @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters. */ YAHOO.widget.Editor = function(el, attrs) { YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attrs); }; YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Editor, YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor, { /** * @private * @property _undoCache * @description An Array hash of the Undo Levels. * @type Array */ _undoCache: null, /** * @private * @property _undoLevel * @description The index of the current undo state. * @type Number */ _undoLevel: null, /** * @private * @method _hasUndoLevel * @description Checks to see if we have an undo level available * @return Boolean */ _hasUndoLevel: function() { return (this._undoCache.length && this._undoLevel); }, /** * @private * @method _undoNodeChange * @description nodeChange listener for undo processing */ _undoNodeChange: function() { var undo_button = this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('undo'), redo_button = this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('redo'); if (undo_button && redo_button) { if (this._hasUndoLevel()) { this.toolbar.enableButton(undo_button); } if (this._undoLevel < this._undoCache.length) { this.toolbar.enableButton(redo_button); } } }, /** * @private * @method _checkUndo * @description Prunes the undo cache when it reaches the maxUndo config */ _checkUndo: function() { var len = this._undoCache.length, tmp = []; if (len >= this.get('maxUndo')) { for (var i = (len - this.get('maxUndo')); i < len; i++) { tmp.push(this._undoCache[i]); } this._undoCache = tmp; } }, /** * @private * @method _putUndo * @description Puts the content of the Editor into the _undoCache. * //TODO Convert the hash to a series of TEXTAREAS to store state in. * @param {String} str The content of the Editor */ _putUndo: function(str) { this._undoCache.push(str); }, /** * @private * @method _getUndo * @description Get's a level from the undo cache. * @param {Number} index The index of the undo level we want to get. * @return {String} */ _getUndo: function(index) { return this._undoCache[index]; }, /** * @private * @method _storeUndo * @description Method to call when you want to store an undo state. Currently called from nodeChange and _handleKeyUp */ _storeUndo: function() { if (this._lastCommand === 'undo' || this._lastCommand === 'redo') { return false; } if (!this._undoCache) { this._undoCache = []; } this._checkUndo(); var str = this.getEditorHTML(); var last = this._undoCache[this._undoCache.length - 1]; if (last) { if (str !== last) { this._putUndo(str); } } else { this._putUndo(str); } this._undoLevel = this._undoCache.length; this._undoNodeChange(); }, /** * @property STR_BEFORE_EDITOR * @description The accessibility string for the element before the iFrame * @type String */ STR_BEFORE_EDITOR: 'This text field can contain stylized text and graphics. To cycle through all formatting options, use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + T to place focus on the toolbar and navigate between option heading names.

            Common formatting keyboard shortcuts:

            • Control Shift B sets text to bold
            • Control Shift I sets text to italic
            • Control Shift U underlines text
            • Control Shift [ aligns text left
            • Control Shift | centers text
            • Control Shift ] aligns text right
            • Control Shift L adds an HTML link
            • To exit this text editor use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + ESC.
            ', /** * @property STR_CLOSE_WINDOW * @description The Title of the close button in the Editor Window * @type String */ STR_CLOSE_WINDOW: 'Close Window', /** * @property STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_NOTE * @description A note appearing in the Editor Window to tell the user that the Escape key will close the window * @type String */ STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_NOTE: 'To close this window use the Control + Shift + W key', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_PROP_TITLE * @description The title for the Image Property Editor Window * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_PROP_TITLE: 'Image Options', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_URL * @description The label string for Image URL * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_URL: 'Image URL', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_TITLE * @description The label string for Image Description * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_TITLE: 'Description', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_SIZE * @description The label string for Image Size * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_SIZE: 'Size', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE * @description The label string for Original Image Size * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE: 'Original Size', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_COPY * @description The label string for the image copy and paste message for Opera and Safari * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_COPY: 'Note:To move this image just highlight it, cut, and paste where ever you\'d like.', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_PADDING * @description The label string for the image padding. * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_PADDING: 'Padding', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_BORDER * @description The label string for the image border. * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_BORDER: 'Border', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_BORDER_SIZE * @description The label string for the image border size. * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_BORDER_SIZE: 'Border Size', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_BORDER_TYPE * @description The label string for the image border type. * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_BORDER_TYPE: 'Border Type', /** * @property STR_IMAGE_TEXTFLOW * @description The label string for the image text flow. * @type String */ STR_IMAGE_TEXTFLOW: 'Text Flow', /** * @property STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING * @description The label string for the local file warning. * @type String */ STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING: 'Note:This image/link points to a file on your computer and will not be accessible to others on the internet.', /** * @property STR_LINK_PROP_TITLE * @description The label string for the Link Property Editor Window. * @type String */ STR_LINK_PROP_TITLE: 'Link Options', /** * @property STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE * @description The label string for the Remove link from text link inside the property editor. * @type String */ STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE: 'Remove link from text', /** * @property STR_LINK_NEW_WINDOW * @description The string for the open in a new window label. * @type String */ STR_LINK_NEW_WINDOW: 'Open in a new window.', /** * @property STR_LINK_TITLE * @description The string for the link description. * @type String */ STR_LINK_TITLE: 'Description', /** * @protected * @property CLASS_LOCAL_FILE * @description CSS class applied to an element when it's found to have a local url. * @type String */ CLASS_LOCAL_FILE: 'warning-localfile', /** * @protected * @property CLASS_HIDDEN * @description CSS class applied to the body when the hiddenelements button is pressed. * @type String */ CLASS_HIDDEN: 'yui-hidden', /** * @method init * @description The Editor class' initialization method */ init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) { this._windows = {}; this._defaultToolbar = { collapse: true, titlebar: 'Text Editing Tools', draggable: false, buttonType: 'advanced', buttons: [ { group: 'fontstyle', label: 'Font Name and Size', buttons: [ { type: 'select', label: 'Arial', value: 'fontname', disabled: true, menu: [ { text: 'Arial', checked: true }, { text: 'Arial Black' }, { text: 'Comic Sans MS' }, { text: 'Courier New' }, { text: 'Lucida Console' }, { text: 'Tahoma' }, { text: 'Times New Roman' }, { text: 'Trebuchet MS' }, { text: 'Verdana' } ] }, { type: 'spin', label: '13', value: 'fontsize', range: [ 9, 75 ], disabled: true } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'textstyle', label: 'Font Style', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'Bold CTRL + SHIFT + B', value: 'bold' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Italic CTRL + SHIFT + I', value: 'italic' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Underline CTRL + SHIFT + U', value: 'underline' }, { type: 'separator' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Subscript', value: 'subscript', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Superscript', value: 'superscript', disabled: true } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'textstyle2', label: ' ', buttons: [ { type: 'color', label: 'Font Color', value: 'forecolor', disabled: true }, { type: 'color', label: 'Background Color', value: 'backcolor', disabled: true }, { type: 'separator' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Remove Formatting', value: 'removeformat', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Show/Hide Hidden Elements', value: 'hiddenelements' } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'undoredo', label: 'Undo/Redo', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'Undo', value: 'undo', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Redo', value: 'redo', disabled: true } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'alignment', label: 'Alignment', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'Align Left CTRL + SHIFT + [', value: 'justifyleft' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Align Center CTRL + SHIFT + |', value: 'justifycenter' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Align Right CTRL + SHIFT + ]', value: 'justifyright' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Justify', value: 'justifyfull' } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'parastyle', label: 'Paragraph Style', buttons: [ { type: 'select', label: 'Normal', value: 'heading', disabled: true, menu: [ { text: 'Normal', value: 'none', checked: true }, { text: 'Header 1', value: 'h1' }, { text: 'Header 2', value: 'h2' }, { text: 'Header 3', value: 'h3' }, { text: 'Header 4', value: 'h4' }, { text: 'Header 5', value: 'h5' }, { text: 'Header 6', value: 'h6' } ] } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'indentlist2', label: 'Indenting and Lists', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'Indent', value: 'indent', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Outdent', value: 'outdent', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Create an Unordered List', value: 'insertunorderedlist' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Create an Ordered List', value: 'insertorderedlist' } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'insertitem', label: 'Insert Item', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'HTML Link CTRL + SHIFT + L', value: 'createlink', disabled: true }, { type: 'push', label: 'Insert Image', value: 'insertimage' } ] } ] }; this._defaultImageToolbarConfig = { buttonType: this._defaultToolbar.buttonType, buttons: [ { group: 'textflow', label: this.STR_IMAGE_TEXTFLOW + ':', buttons: [ { type: 'push', label: 'Left', value: 'left' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Inline', value: 'inline' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Block', value: 'block' }, { type: 'push', label: 'Right', value: 'right' } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'padding', label: this.STR_IMAGE_PADDING + ':', buttons: [ { type: 'spin', label: '0', value: 'padding', range: [0, 50] } ] }, { type: 'separator' }, { group: 'border', label: this.STR_IMAGE_BORDER + ':', buttons: [ { type: 'select', label: this.STR_IMAGE_BORDER_SIZE, value: 'bordersize', menu: [ { text: 'none', value: '0', checked: true }, { text: '1px', value: '1' }, { text: '2px', value: '2' }, { text: '3px', value: '3' }, { text: '4px', value: '4' }, { text: '5px', value: '5' } ] }, { type: 'select', label: this.STR_IMAGE_BORDER_TYPE, value: 'bordertype', disabled: true, menu: [ { text: 'Solid', value: 'solid', checked: true }, { text: 'Dashed', value: 'dashed' }, { text: 'Dotted', value: 'dotted' } ] }, { type: 'color', label: 'Border Color', value: 'bordercolor', disabled: true } ] } ] }; YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.init.call(this, p_oElement, p_oAttributes); }, _render: function() { YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass._render.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; //Render the panel in another thread and delay it a little.. window.setTimeout(function() { self._renderPanel.call(self); }, 800); }, /** * @method initAttributes * @description Initializes all of the configuration attributes used to create * the editor. * @param {Object} attr Object literal specifying a set of * configuration attributes used to create the editor. */ initAttributes: function(attr) { YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr); /** * @attribute localFileWarning * @description Should we throw the warning if we detect a file that is local to their machine? * @default true * @type Boolean */ this.setAttributeConfig('localFileWarning', { value: attr.locaFileWarning || true }); /** * @attribute hiddencss * @description The CSS used to show/hide hidden elements on the page, these rules must be prefixed with the class provided in this.CLASS_HIDDEN * @default
                        .yui-hidden font, .yui-hidden strong, .yui-hidden b, .yui-hidden em, .yui-hidden i, .yui-hidden u, .yui-hidden div, .yui-hidden p, .yui-hidden span, .yui-hidden img, .yui-hidden ul, .yui-hidden ol, .yui-hidden li, .yui-hidden table {
                            border: 1px dotted #ccc;
                        .yui-hidden .yui-non {
                            border: none;
                        .yui-hidden img {
                            padding: 2px;
            * @type String */ this.setAttributeConfig('hiddencss', { value: attr.hiddencss || '.yui-hidden font, .yui-hidden strong, .yui-hidden b, .yui-hidden em, .yui-hidden i, .yui-hidden u, .yui-hidden div,.yui-hidden p,.yui-hidden span,.yui-hidden img, .yui-hidden ul, .yui-hidden ol, .yui-hidden li, .yui-hidden table { border: 1px dotted #ccc; } .yui-hidden .yui-non { border: none; } .yui-hidden img { padding: 2px; }', writeOnce: true }); }, /** * @private * @method _windows * @description A reference to the HTML elements used for the body of Editor Windows. */ _windows: null, /** * @private * @method _defaultImageToolbar * @description A reference to the Toolbar Object inside Image Editor Window. */ _defaultImageToolbar: null, /** * @private * @method _defaultImageToolbarConfig * @description Config to be used for the default Image Editor Window. */ _defaultImageToolbarConfig: null, /** * @private * @method _fixNodes * @description Fix href and imgs as well as remove invalid HTML. */ _fixNodes: function() { YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass._fixNodes.call(this); var url = ''; var imgs = this._getDoc().getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var im = 0; im < imgs.length; im++) { if (imgs[im].getAttribute('href', 2)) { url = imgs[im].getAttribute('src', 2); if (this._isLocalFile(url)) { Dom.addClass(imgs[im], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE); } else { Dom.removeClass(imgs[im], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE); } } } var fakeAs = this._getDoc().body.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var a = 0; a < fakeAs.length; a++) { if (fakeAs[a].getAttribute('href', 2)) { url = fakeAs[a].getAttribute('href', 2); if (this._isLocalFile(url)) { Dom.addClass(fakeAs[a], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE); } else { Dom.removeClass(fakeAs[a], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE); } } } }, /** * @private * @property _disabled * @description The Toolbar items that should be disabled if there is no selection present in the editor. * @type Array */ _disabled: [ 'createlink', 'forecolor', 'backcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'removeformat', 'heading', 'indent' ], /** * @private * @property _alwaysDisabled * @description The Toolbar items that should ALWAYS be disabled event if there is a selection present in the editor. * @type Object */ _alwaysDisabled: { 'outdent': true }, /** * @private * @property _alwaysEnabled * @description The Toolbar items that should ALWAYS be enabled event if there isn't a selection present in the editor. * @type Object */ _alwaysEnabled: { hiddenelements: true }, /** * @private * @method _handleKeyDown * @param {Event} ev The event we are working on. * @description Override method that handles some new keydown events inside the iFrame document. */ _handleKeyDown: function(ev) { YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass._handleKeyDown.call(this, ev); var doExec = false, action = null, exec = false; switch (ev.keyCode) { //case 219: //Left case this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_LEFT.key: //Left if (this._checkKey(this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_LEFT, ev)) { action = 'justifyleft'; doExec = true; } break; //case 220: //Center case this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_CENTER.key: if (this._checkKey(this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_CENTER, ev)) { action = 'justifycenter'; doExec = true; } break; case 221: //Right case this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_RIGHT.key: if (this._checkKey(this._keyMap.JUSTIFY_RIGHT, ev)) { action = 'justifyright'; doExec = true; } break; } if (doExec && action) { this.execCommand(action, null); Event.stopEvent(ev); this.nodeChange(); } }, /** * @private * @method _renderCreateLinkWindow * @description Pre renders the CreateLink window so we get faster window opening. */ _renderCreateLinkWindow: function() { var str = ''; str += ''; str += ''; var body = document.createElement('div'); body.innerHTML = str; var unlinkCont = document.createElement('div'); unlinkCont.className = 'removeLink'; var unlink = document.createElement('a'); unlink.href = '#'; unlink.innerHTML = this.STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE; unlink.title = this.STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE; Event.on(unlink, 'click', function(ev) { Event.stopEvent(ev); this.execCommand('unlink'); this.closeWindow(); }, this, true); unlinkCont.appendChild(unlink); body.appendChild(unlinkCont); this._windows.createlink = {}; this._windows.createlink.body = body; body.style.display = 'none'; this.get('panel').editor_form.appendChild(body); this.fireEvent('windowCreateLinkRender', { type: 'windowCreateLinkRender', panel: this.get('panel'), body: body }); return body; }, _handleCreateLinkClick: function() { var el = this._getSelectedElement(); if (this._isElement(el, 'img')) { this.STOP_EXEC_COMMAND = true; this.currentElement[0] = el; this.toolbar.fireEvent('insertimageClick', { type: 'insertimageClick', target: this.toolbar }); this.fireEvent('afterExecCommand', { type: 'afterExecCommand', target: this }); return false; } if (this.get('limitCommands')) { if (!this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('createlink')) { return false; } } this.on('afterExecCommand', function() { var win = new YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow('createlink', { width: '350px' }); var el = this.currentElement[0], url = '', title = '', target = '', localFile = false; if (el) { win.el = el; if (el.getAttribute('href', 2) !== null) { url = el.getAttribute('href', 2); if (this._isLocalFile(url)) { //Local File throw Warning win.setFooter(this.STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING); localFile = true; } else { win.setFooter(' '); } } if (el.getAttribute('title') !== null) { title = el.getAttribute('title'); } if (el.getAttribute('target') !== null) { target = el.getAttribute('target'); } } var body = null; if (this._windows.createlink && this._windows.createlink.body) { body = this._windows.createlink.body; } else { body = this._renderCreateLinkWindow(); } win.setHeader(this.STR_LINK_PROP_TITLE); win.setBody(body); Event.purgeElement(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url'); Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url').value = url; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_title').value = title; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_target').checked = ((target) ? true : false); Event.onAvailable(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url', function() { var id = this.get('id'); window.setTimeout(function() { try { YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id + '_createlink_url').focus(); } catch (e) {} }, 50); if (this._isLocalFile(url)) { //Local File throw Warning Dom.addClass(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url', 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING); } else { Dom.removeClass(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url', 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(' '); } Event.on(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url', 'blur', function() { var url = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url'); if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) { //Local File throw Warning Dom.addClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING); } else { Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(' '); } }, this, true); }, this, true); this.openWindow(win); }); }, /** * @private * @method _handleCreateLinkWindowClose * @description Handles the closing of the Link Properties Window. */ _handleCreateLinkWindowClose: function() { var url = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url'), target = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_target'), title = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_title'), el = arguments[0].win.el, a = el; if (url && url.value) { var urlValue = url.value; if ((urlValue.indexOf(':/'+'/') == -1) && (urlValue.substring(0,1) != '/') && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) { if ((urlValue.indexOf('@') != -1) && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) { //Found an @ sign, prefix with mailto: urlValue = 'mailto:' + urlValue; } else { // :// not found adding if (urlValue.substring(0, 1) != '#') { urlValue = 'http:/'+'/' + urlValue; } } } el.setAttribute('href', urlValue); if (target.checked) { el.setAttribute('target', target.value); } else { el.setAttribute('target', ''); } el.setAttribute('title', ((title.value) ? title.value : '')); } else { var _span = this._getDoc().createElement('span'); _span.innerHTML = el.innerHTML; Dom.addClass(_span, 'yui-non'); el.parentNode.replaceChild(_span, el); } Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning'); Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_url').value = ''; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_title').value = ''; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_createlink_target').checked = false; this.nodeChange(); this.currentElement = []; }, /** * @private * @method _renderInsertImageWindow * @description Pre renders the InsertImage window so we get faster window opening. */ _renderInsertImageWindow: function() { var el = this.currentElement[0]; var str = ''; var body = document.createElement('div'); body.innerHTML = str; var tbarCont = document.createElement('div'); tbarCont.id = this.get('id') + '_img_toolbar'; body.appendChild(tbarCont); var str2 = ''; str2 += ''; str2 += ''; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = str2; body.appendChild(div); var o = {}; Lang.augmentObject(o, this._defaultImageToolbarConfig); //Break the config reference var tbar = new YAHOO.widget.Toolbar(tbarCont, o); tbar.editor_el = el; this._defaultImageToolbar = tbar; var cont = tbar.get('cont'); var hw = document.createElement('div'); hw.className = 'yui-toolbar-group yui-toolbar-group-height-width height-width'; hw.innerHTML = '

            ' + this.STR_IMAGE_SIZE + ':

            '; /* var orgSize = ''; if ((height != oheight) || (width != owidth)) { orgSize = '' + this.STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE + '
            '+ owidth +' x ' + oheight + '
            '; } */ hw.innerHTML += ' x '; cont.insertBefore(hw, cont.firstChild); Event.onAvailable(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_width', function() { Event.on(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_width', 'blur', function() { var value = parseInt(Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_width').value, 10); if (value > 5) { this._defaultImageToolbar.editor_el.style.width = value + 'px'; //Removed moveWindow call so the window doesn't jump //this.moveWindow(); } }, this, true); }, this, true); Event.onAvailable(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height', function() { Event.on(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height', 'blur', function() { var value = parseInt(Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').value, 10); if (value > 5) { this._defaultImageToolbar.editor_el.style.height = value + 'px'; //Removed moveWindow call so the window doesn't jump //this.moveWindow(); } }, this, true); }, this, true); tbar.on('colorPickerClicked', function(o) { var size = '1', type = 'solid', color = 'black', el = this._defaultImageToolbar.editor_el; if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) { size = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10); } if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) { type = el.style.borderLeftStyle; } if (el.style.borderLeftColor) { color = el.style.borderLeftColor; } var borderString = size + 'px ' + type + ' #' + o.color; el.style.border = borderString; }, this, true); tbar.on('buttonClick', function(o) { var value = o.button.value, el = this._defaultImageToolbar.editor_el, borderString = ''; if (o.button.menucmd) { value = o.button.menucmd; } var size = '1', type = 'solid', color = 'black'; /* All border calcs are done on the left border since our default interface only supports one border size/type and color */ if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) { size = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10); } if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) { type = el.style.borderLeftStyle; } if (el.style.borderLeftColor) { color = el.style.borderLeftColor; } switch(value) { case 'bordersize': if (this.browser.webkit && this._lastImage) { Dom.removeClass(this._lastImage, 'selected'); this._lastImage = null; } borderString = parseInt(o.button.value, 10) + 'px ' + type + ' ' + color; el.style.border = borderString; if (parseInt(o.button.value, 10) > 0) { tbar.enableButton('bordertype'); tbar.enableButton('bordercolor'); } else { tbar.disableButton('bordertype'); tbar.disableButton('bordercolor'); } break; case 'bordertype': if (this.browser.webkit && this._lastImage) { Dom.removeClass(this._lastImage, 'selected'); this._lastImage = null; } borderString = size + 'px ' + o.button.value + ' ' + color; el.style.border = borderString; break; case 'right': case 'left': tbar.deselectAllButtons(); el.style.display = ''; el.align = o.button.value; break; case 'inline': tbar.deselectAllButtons(); el.style.display = ''; el.align = ''; break; case 'block': tbar.deselectAllButtons(); el.style.display = 'block'; el.align = 'center'; break; case 'padding': var _button = tbar.getButtonById(o.button.id); el.style.margin = _button.get('label') + 'px'; break; } tbar.selectButton(o.button.value); if (value !== 'padding') { this.moveWindow(); } }, this, true); if (this.get('localFileWarning')) { Event.on(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_link', 'blur', function() { var url = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_link'); if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) { //Local File throw Warning Dom.addClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING); } else { Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(' '); //Adobe AIR Code if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3 || this.browser.air) || this.browser.opera) { this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_IMAGE_COPY); } } }, this, true); } Event.on(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_url', 'blur', function() { var url = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_url'); if (url.value && el) { if (url.value == el.getAttribute('src', 2)) { return false; } } if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) { //Local File throw Warning Dom.addClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING); } else if (this.currentElement[0]) { Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning'); this.get('panel').setFooter(' '); //Adobe AIR Code if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3 || this.browser.air) || this.browser.opera) { this.get('panel').setFooter(this.STR_IMAGE_COPY); } if (url && url.value && (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE)) { this.currentElement[0].setAttribute('src', url.value); var self = this, img = new Image(); img.onerror = function() { url.value = self.STR_IMAGE_HERE; img.setAttribute('src', self.get('blankimage')); self.currentElement[0].setAttribute('src', self.get('blankimage')); YAHOO.util.Dom.get(self.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').value = img.height; YAHOO.util.Dom.get(self.get('id') + '_insertimage_width').value = img.width; }; var id = this.get('id'); window.setTimeout(function() { YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id + '_insertimage_height').value = img.height; YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id + '_insertimage_width').value = img.width; if (self.currentElement && self.currentElement[0]) { if (!self.currentElement[0]._height) { self.currentElement[0]._height = img.height; } if (!self.currentElement[0]._width) { self.currentElement[0]._width = img.width; } } //Removed moveWindow call so the window doesn't jump //self.moveWindow(); }, 800); //Bumped the timeout up to account for larger images.. if (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE) { img.src = url.value; } } } }, this, true); this._windows.insertimage = {}; this._windows.insertimage.body = body; body.style.display = 'none'; this.get('panel').editor_form.appendChild(body); this.fireEvent('windowInsertImageRender', { type: 'windowInsertImageRender', panel: this.get('panel'), body: body, toolbar: tbar }); return body; }, /** * @private * @method _handleInsertImageClick * @description Opens the Image Properties Window when the insert Image button is clicked or an Image is Double Clicked. */ _handleInsertImageClick: function() { if (this.get('limitCommands')) { if (!this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('insertimage')) { return false; } } this.on('afterExecCommand', function() { var el = this.currentElement[0], body = null, link = '', target = '', tbar = null, title = '', src = '', align = '', height = 75, width = 75, padding = 0, oheight = 0, owidth = 0, blankimage = false, win = new YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow('insertimage', { width: '415px' }); if (!el) { el = this._getSelectedElement(); } if (el) { win.el = el; if (el.getAttribute('src')) { src = el.getAttribute('src', 2); if (src.indexOf(this.get('blankimage')) != -1) { src = this.STR_IMAGE_HERE; blankimage = true; } } if (el.getAttribute('alt', 2)) { title = el.getAttribute('alt', 2); } if (el.getAttribute('title', 2)) { title = el.getAttribute('title', 2); } if (el.parentNode && this._isElement(el.parentNode, 'a')) { link = el.parentNode.getAttribute('href', 2); if (el.parentNode.getAttribute('target') !== null) { target = el.parentNode.getAttribute('target'); } } height = parseInt(el.height, 10); width = parseInt(el.width, 10); if (el.style.height) { height = parseInt(el.style.height, 10); } if (el.style.width) { width = parseInt(el.style.width, 10); } if (el.style.margin) { padding = parseInt(el.style.margin, 10); } if (!el._height) { el._height = height; } if (!el._width) { el._width = width; } oheight = el._height; owidth = el._width; } if (this._windows.insertimage && this._windows.insertimage.body) { body = this._windows.insertimage.body; this._defaultImageToolbar.resetAllButtons(); } else { body = this._renderInsertImageWindow(); } tbar = this._defaultImageToolbar; tbar.editor_el = el; var bsize = '0'; var btype = 'solid'; if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) { bsize = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10); } if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) { btype = el.style.borderLeftStyle; } var bs_button = tbar.getButtonByValue('bordersize'); var bSizeStr = ((parseInt(bsize, 10) > 0) ? '' : 'none'); bs_button.set('label', ''+bSizeStr+''); this._updateMenuChecked('bordersize', bsize, tbar); var bt_button = tbar.getButtonByValue('bordertype'); bt_button.set('label', ''); this._updateMenuChecked('bordertype', btype, tbar); if (parseInt(bsize, 10) > 0) { tbar.enableButton(bt_button); tbar.enableButton(bs_button); tbar.enableButton('bordercolor'); } if ((el.align == 'right') || (el.align == 'left')) { tbar.selectButton(el.align); } else if (el.style.display == 'block') { tbar.selectButton('block'); } else { tbar.selectButton('inline'); } if (parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10) > 0) { tbar.getButtonByValue('padding').set('label', ''+parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10)); } if (el.style.borderSize) { tbar.selectButton('bordersize'); tbar.selectButton(parseInt(el.style.borderSize, 10)); } tbar.getButtonByValue('padding').set('label', ''+padding); win.setHeader(this.STR_IMAGE_PROP_TITLE); win.setBody(body); //Adobe AIR Code if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3 || this.browser.air) || this.browser.opera) { win.setFooter(this.STR_IMAGE_COPY); } this.openWindow(win); Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_url').value = src; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_title').value = title; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_link').value = link; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_target').checked = ((target) ? true : false); Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_width').value = width; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').value = height; var orgSize = ''; if ((height != oheight) || (width != owidth)) { var s = document.createElement('span'); s.className = 'info'; //s.innerHTML = this.STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE + '
            '+ owidth +' x ' + oheight; s.innerHTML = this.STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE + ': ('+ owidth +' x ' + oheight + ')'; if (Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').nextSibling) { var old = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').nextSibling; old.parentNode.removeChild(old); } Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').parentNode.appendChild(s); } this.toolbar.selectButton('insertimage'); var id = this.get('id'); window.setTimeout(function() { try { YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id + '_insertimage_url').focus(); if (blankimage) { YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id + '_insertimage_url').select(); } } catch (e) {} }, 50); }); }, /** * @private * @method _handleInsertImageWindowClose * @description Handles the closing of the Image Properties Window. */ _handleInsertImageWindowClose: function() { var url = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_url'), title = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_title'), link = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_link'), target = Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_target'), el = arguments[0].win.el; if (url && url.value && (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE)) { el.setAttribute('src', url.value); el.setAttribute('title', title.value); el.setAttribute('alt', title.value); var par = el.parentNode; if (link.value) { var urlValue = link.value; if ((urlValue.indexOf(':/'+'/') == -1) && (urlValue.substring(0,1) != '/') && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) { if ((urlValue.indexOf('@') != -1) && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) { //Found an @ sign, prefix with mailto: urlValue = 'mailto:' + urlValue; } else { // :// not found adding urlValue = 'http:/'+'/' + urlValue; } } if (par && this._isElement(par, 'a')) { par.setAttribute('href', urlValue); if (target.checked) { par.setAttribute('target', target.value); } else { par.setAttribute('target', ''); } } else { var _a = this._getDoc().createElement('a'); _a.setAttribute('href', urlValue); if (target.checked) { _a.setAttribute('target', target.value); } else { _a.setAttribute('target', ''); } el.parentNode.replaceChild(_a, el); _a.appendChild(el); } } else { if (par && this._isElement(par, 'a')) { par.parentNode.replaceChild(el, par); } } } else { //No url/src given, remove the node from the document el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_url').value = ''; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_title').value = ''; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_link').value = ''; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_target').checked = false; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_width').value = 0; Dom.get(this.get('id') + '_insertimage_height').value = 0; this._defaultImageToolbar.resetAllButtons(); this.currentElement = []; this.nodeChange(); }, /** * @property EDITOR_PANEL_ID * @description HTML id to give the properties window in the DOM. * @type String */ EDITOR_PANEL_ID: '-panel', /** * @private * @method _renderPanel * @description Renders the panel used for Editor Windows to the document so we can start using it.. * @return {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} */ _renderPanel: function() { var panel = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay(this.get('id') + this.EDITOR_PANEL_ID, { width: '300px', iframe: true, visible: false, underlay: 'none', draggable: false, close: false }); this.set('panel', panel); this.get('panel').setBody('---'); this.get('panel').setHeader(' '); this.get('panel').setFooter(' '); var body = document.createElement('div'); body.className = this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-body-cont'; for (var b in this.browser) { if (this.browser[b]) { Dom.addClass(body, b); break; } } Dom.addClass(body, ((YAHOO.widget.Button && (this._defaultToolbar.buttonType == 'advanced')) ? 'good-button' : 'no-button')); var _note = document.createElement('h3'); _note.className = 'yui-editor-skipheader'; _note.innerHTML = this.STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_NOTE; body.appendChild(_note); var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'GET'); panel.editor_form = form; Event.on(form, 'submit', function(ev) { Event.stopEvent(ev); }, this, true); body.appendChild(form); var _close = document.createElement('span'); _close.innerHTML = 'X'; _close.title = this.STR_CLOSE_WINDOW; _close.className = 'close'; Event.on(_close, 'click', this.closeWindow, this, true); var _knob = document.createElement('span'); _knob.innerHTML = '^'; _knob.className = 'knob'; panel.editor_knob = _knob; var _header = document.createElement('h3'); panel.editor_header = _header; _header.innerHTML = ''; panel.setHeader(' '); //Clear the current header panel.appendToHeader(_header); _header.appendChild(_close); _header.appendChild(_knob); panel.setBody(' '); //Clear the current body panel.setFooter(' '); //Clear the current footer panel.appendToBody(body); //Append the new DOM node to it Event.on(panel.element, 'click', function(ev) { Event.stopPropagation(ev); }); var fireShowEvent = function() { //panel.bringToTop(); }; panel.showEvent.subscribe(fireShowEvent, this, true); panel.renderEvent.subscribe(function() { this._renderInsertImageWindow(); this._renderCreateLinkWindow(); this.fireEvent('windowRender', { type: 'windowRender', panel: panel }); }, this, true); if (this.DOMReady) { this.get('panel').render(document.body); //Render to the element_cont so we can skin it better //this.get('panel').render(this.get('element_cont').get('element')); Dom.addClass(this.get('panel').element, 'yui-editor-panel'); } else { Event.onDOMReady(function() { this.get('panel').render(document.body); //Render to the element_cont so we can skin it better //this.get('panel').render(this.get('element_cont').get('element')); Dom.addClass(this.get('panel').element, 'yui-editor-panel'); }, this, true); } this.get('panel').showEvent.subscribe(function() { YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.element, 'display', 'block'); }); return this.get('panel'); }, /** * @method openWindow * @param {YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow} win A YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow instance * @description Opens a new "window/panel" */ openWindow: function(win) { var self = this; window.setTimeout(function() { self.toolbar.set('disabled', true); //Disable the toolbar when an editor window is open.. }, 10); Event.on(document, 'keydown', this._closeWindow, this, true); if (this.currentWindow) { this.closeWindow(); } var xy = Dom.getXY(this.currentElement[0]), elXY = Dom.getXY(this.get('iframe').get('element')), panel = this.get('panel'), newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0] - 20), (xy[1] + elXY[1] + 10)], wWidth = (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) / 2), align = 'center', body = null; this.fireEvent('beforeOpenWindow', { type: 'beforeOpenWindow', win: win, panel: panel }); var form = panel.editor_form; var wins = this._windows; for (var b in wins) { if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(wins, b)) { if (wins[b] && wins[b].body) { if (b == win.name) { Dom.setStyle(wins[b].body, 'display', 'block'); } else { Dom.setStyle(wins[b].body, 'display', 'none'); } } } } if (this._windows[win.name].body) { Dom.setStyle(this._windows[win.name].body, 'display', 'block'); form.appendChild(this._windows[win.name].body); } else { if (Lang.isObject(win.body)) { //Assume it's a reference form.appendChild(win.body); } else { //Assume it's a string var _tmp = document.createElement('div'); _tmp.innerHTML = win.body; form.appendChild(_tmp); } } panel.editor_header.firstChild.innerHTML = win.header; if (win.footer !== null) { panel.setFooter(win.footer); Dom.addClass(panel.footer, 'open'); } else { Dom.removeClass(panel.footer, 'open'); } panel.cfg.setProperty('width', win.attrs.width); this.currentWindow = win; this.moveWindow(true); panel.show(); this.fireEvent('afterOpenWindow', { type: 'afterOpenWindow', win: win, panel: panel }); }, /** * @method moveWindow * @param {Boolean} force Boolean to tell it to move but not use any animation (Usually done the first time the window is loaded.) * @description Realign the window with the currentElement and reposition the knob above the panel. */ moveWindow: function(force) { if (!this.currentWindow) { return false; } var win = this.currentWindow, xy = Dom.getXY(this.currentElement[0]), elXY = Dom.getXY(this.get('iframe').get('element')), panel = this.get('panel'), //newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0] - 20), (xy[1] + elXY[1] + 10)], newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0]), (xy[1] + elXY[1])], wWidth = (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) / 2), align = 'center', orgXY = panel.cfg.getProperty('xy') || [0,0], _knob = panel.editor_knob, xDiff = 0, yDiff = 0, anim = false; newXY[0] = ((newXY[0] - wWidth) + 20); //Account for the Scroll bars in a scrolled editor window. newXY[0] = newXY[0] - Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(this._getDoc()); newXY[1] = newXY[1] - Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(this._getDoc()); if (this._isElement(this.currentElement[0], 'img')) { if (this.currentElement[0].src.indexOf(this.get('blankimage')) != -1) { newXY[0] = (newXY[0] + (75 / 2)); //Placeholder size newXY[1] = (newXY[1] + 75); //Placeholder sizea } else { var w = parseInt(this.currentElement[0].width, 10); var h = parseInt(this.currentElement[0].height, 10); newXY[0] = (newXY[0] + (w / 2)); newXY[1] = (newXY[1] + h); } newXY[1] = newXY[1] + 15; } else { var fs = Dom.getStyle(this.currentElement[0], 'fontSize'); if (fs && fs.indexOf && fs.indexOf('px') != -1) { newXY[1] = newXY[1] + parseInt(Dom.getStyle(this.currentElement[0], 'fontSize'), 10) + 5; } else { newXY[1] = newXY[1] + 20; } } if (newXY[0] < elXY[0]) { newXY[0] = elXY[0] + 5; align = 'left'; } if ((newXY[0] + (wWidth * 2)) > (elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('iframe').get('element').clientWidth, 10))) { newXY[0] = ((elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('iframe').get('element').clientWidth, 10)) - (wWidth * 2) - 5); align = 'right'; } try { xDiff = (newXY[0] - orgXY[0]); yDiff = (newXY[1] - orgXY[1]); } catch (e) {} if (this.get('autoHeight') === false) { var iTop = elXY[1] + parseInt(this.get('height'), 10); var iLeft = elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('width'), 10); if (newXY[1] > iTop) { newXY[1] = iTop; } if (newXY[0] > iLeft) { newXY[0] = (iLeft / 2); } } //Convert negative numbers to positive so we can get the difference in distance xDiff = ((xDiff < 0) ? (xDiff * -1) : xDiff); yDiff = ((yDiff < 0) ? (yDiff * -1) : yDiff); if (((xDiff > 10) || (yDiff > 10)) || force) { //Only move the window if it's supposed to move more than 10px or force was passed (new window) var _knobLeft = 0, elW = 0; if (this.currentElement[0].width) { elW = (parseInt(this.currentElement[0].width, 10) / 2); } var leftOffset = xy[0] + elXY[0] + elW; _knobLeft = leftOffset - newXY[0]; //Check to see if the knob will go off either side & reposition it if (_knobLeft > (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) - 1)) { _knobLeft = ((parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) - 30) - 1); } else if (_knobLeft < 40) { _knobLeft = 1; } if (isNaN(_knobLeft)) { _knobLeft = 1; } if (force) { if (_knob) { _knob.style.left = _knobLeft + 'px'; } //Removed Animation from a forced move.. panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY); } else { if (this.get('animate')) { anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(panel.element, {}, 0.5, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); anim.attributes = { top: { to: newXY[1] }, left: { to: newXY[0] } }; anim.onComplete.subscribe(function() { panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY); }); //We have to animate the iframe shim at the same time as the panel or we get scrollbar bleed .. var iframeAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(panel.iframe, anim.attributes, 0.5, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); var _knobAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(_knob, { left: { to: _knobLeft } }, 0.6, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); anim.animate(); iframeAnim.animate(); _knobAnim.animate(); } else { _knob.style.left = _knobLeft + 'px'; panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY); } } } }, /** * @private * @method _closeWindow * @description Close the currently open EditorWindow with the Escape key. * @param {Event} ev The keypress Event that we are trapping */ _closeWindow: function(ev) { //if ((ev.charCode == 87) && ev.shiftKey && ev.ctrlKey) { if (this._checkKey(this._keyMap.CLOSE_WINDOW, ev)) { if (this.currentWindow) { this.closeWindow(); } } }, /** * @method closeWindow * @description Close the currently open EditorWindow. */ closeWindow: function(keepOpen) { //YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window = {}; this.fireEvent('window' + this.currentWindow.name + 'Close', { type: 'window' + this.currentWindow.name + 'Close', win: this.currentWindow, el: this.currentElement[0] }); this.fireEvent('closeWindow', { type: 'closeWindow', win: this.currentWindow }); this.currentWindow = null; this.get('panel').hide(); this.get('panel').cfg.setProperty('xy', [-900,-900]); this.get('panel').syncIframe(); //Needed to move the iframe with the hidden panel this.unsubscribeAll('afterExecCommand'); this.toolbar.set('disabled', false); //enable the toolbar now that the window is closed this.toolbar.resetAllButtons(); this._focusWindow(); Event.removeListener(document, 'keydown', this._closeWindow); }, /* {{{ Command Overrides - These commands are only over written when we are using the advanced version */ /** * @method cmd_undo * @description Pulls an item from the Undo stack and updates the Editor * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method */ cmd_undo: function(value) { if (this._hasUndoLevel()) { if (!this._undoLevel) { this._undoLevel = this._undoCache.length; } this._undoLevel = (this._undoLevel - 1); if (this._undoCache[this._undoLevel]) { var html = this._getUndo(this._undoLevel); this.setEditorHTML(html); } else { this._undoLevel = null; this.toolbar.disableButton('undo'); } } return [false]; }, /** * @method cmd_redo * @description Pulls an item from the Undo stack and updates the Editor * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method */ cmd_redo: function(value) { this._undoLevel = this._undoLevel + 1; if (this._undoLevel >= this._undoCache.length) { this._undoLevel = this._undoCache.length; } if (this._undoCache[this._undoLevel]) { var html = this._getUndo(this._undoLevel); this.setEditorHTML(html); } else { this.toolbar.disableButton('redo'); } return [false]; }, /** * @method cmd_heading * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('heading') is used. */ cmd_heading: function(value) { var exec = true, el = null, action = 'heading', _sel = this._getSelection(), _selEl = this._getSelectedElement(); if (_selEl) { _sel = _selEl; } if (this.browser.ie) { action = 'formatblock'; } if (value == 'none') { if ((_sel && _sel.tagName && (_sel.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h')) || (_sel && _sel.parentNode && _sel.parentNode.tagName && (_sel.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h'))) { if (_sel.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h') { _sel = _sel.parentNode; } if (this._isElement(_sel, 'html')) { return [false]; } el = this._swapEl(_selEl, 'span', function(el) { el.className = 'yui-non'; }); this._selectNode(el); this.currentElement[0] = el; } exec = false; } else { if (this._isElement(_selEl, 'h1') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h2') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h3') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h4') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h5') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h6')) { el = this._swapEl(_selEl, value); this._selectNode(el); this.currentElement[0] = el; } else { this._createCurrentElement(value); this._selectNode(this.currentElement[0]); } exec = false; } return [exec, action]; }, /** * @method cmd_hiddenelements * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('hiddenelements') is used. */ cmd_hiddenelements: function(value) { if (this._showingHiddenElements) { //Don't auto highlight the hidden button this._lastButton = null; this._showingHiddenElements = false; this.toolbar.deselectButton('hiddenelements'); Dom.removeClass(this._getDoc().body, this.CLASS_HIDDEN); } else { this._showingHiddenElements = true; Dom.addClass(this._getDoc().body, this.CLASS_HIDDEN); this.toolbar.selectButton('hiddenelements'); } return [false]; }, /** * @method cmd_removeformat * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('removeformat') is used. */ cmd_removeformat: function(value) { var exec = true; /** * @knownissue Remove Format issue * @browser Safari 2.x * @description There is an issue here with Safari, that it may not always remove the format of the item that is selected. * Due to the way that Safari 2.x handles ranges, it is very difficult to determine what the selection holds. * So here we are making the best possible guess and acting on it. */ if (this.browser.webkit && !this._getDoc().queryCommandEnabled('removeformat')) { var _txt = this._getSelection()+''; this._createCurrentElement('span'); this.currentElement[0].className = 'yui-non'; this.currentElement[0].innerHTML = _txt; for (var i = 1; i < this.currentElement.length; i++) { this.currentElement[i].parentNode.removeChild(this.currentElement[i]); } /* this._createCurrentElement('span'); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.currentElement[0], 'yui-non'); var re= /<\S[^><]*>/g; var str = this.currentElement[0].innerHTML.replace(re, ''); var _txt = this._getDoc().createTextNode(str); this.currentElement[0].parentNode.parentNode.replaceChild(_txt, this.currentElement[0].parentNode); */ exec = false; } return [exec]; }, /** * @method cmd_script * @param action action passed from the execCommand method * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is a combined execCommand override method. It is called from the cmd_superscript and cmd_subscript methods. */ cmd_script: function(action, value) { var exec = true, tag = action.toLowerCase().substring(0, 3), _span = null, _selEl = this._getSelectedElement(); if (this.browser.webkit) { if (this._isElement(_selEl, tag)) { _span = this._swapEl(this.currentElement[0], 'span', function(el) { el.className = 'yui-non'; }); this._selectNode(_span); } else { this._createCurrentElement(tag); var _sub = this._swapEl(this.currentElement[0], tag); this._selectNode(_sub); this.currentElement[0] = _sub; } exec = false; } return exec; }, /** * @method cmd_superscript * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('superscript') is used. */ cmd_superscript: function(value) { return [this.cmd_script('superscript', value)]; }, /** * @method cmd_subscript * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('subscript') is used. */ cmd_subscript: function(value) { return [this.cmd_script('subscript', value)]; }, /** * @method cmd_indent * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('indent') is used. */ cmd_indent: function(value) { var exec = true, selEl = this._getSelectedElement(), _bq = null; //if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie || this.browser.gecko) { //if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie) { if (this.browser.ie) { if (this._isElement(selEl, 'blockquote')) { _bq = this._getDoc().createElement('blockquote'); _bq.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML; selEl.innerHTML = ''; selEl.appendChild(_bq); this._selectNode(_bq); } else { _bq = this._getDoc().createElement('blockquote'); var html = this._getRange().htmlText; _bq.innerHTML = html; this._createCurrentElement('blockquote'); /* for (var i = 0; i < this.currentElement.length; i++) { _bq = this._getDoc().createElement('blockquote'); _bq.innerHTML = this.currentElement[i].innerHTML; this.currentElement[i].parentNode.replaceChild(_bq, this.currentElement[i]); this.currentElement[i] = _bq; } */ this.currentElement[0].parentNode.replaceChild(_bq, this.currentElement[0]); this.currentElement[0] = _bq; this._selectNode(this.currentElement[0]); } exec = false; } else { value = 'blockquote'; } return [exec, 'formatblock', value]; }, /** * @method cmd_outdent * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('outdent') is used. */ cmd_outdent: function(value) { var exec = true, selEl = this._getSelectedElement(), _bq = null, _span = null; //if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie || this.browser.gecko) { if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie) { //if (this.browser.ie) { selEl = this._getSelectedElement(); if (this._isElement(selEl, 'blockquote')) { var par = selEl.parentNode; if (this._isElement(selEl.parentNode, 'blockquote')) { par.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML; this._selectNode(par); } else { _span = this._getDoc().createElement('span'); _span.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML; YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(_span, 'yui-non'); par.replaceChild(_span, selEl); this._selectNode(_span); } } else { } exec = false; } else { value = false; } return [exec, 'outdent', value]; }, /** * @method cmd_justify * @param dir The direction to justify * @description This is a factory method for the justify family of commands. */ cmd_justify: function(dir) { if (this.browser.ie) { if (this._hasSelection()) { this._createCurrentElement('span'); this._swapEl(this.currentElement[0], 'div', function(el) { el.style.textAlign = dir; }); return [false]; } } return [true, 'justify' + dir, '']; }, /** * @method cmd_justifycenter * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('justifycenter') is used. */ cmd_justifycenter: function() { return [this.cmd_justify('center')]; }, /** * @method cmd_justifyleft * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('justifyleft') is used. */ cmd_justifyleft: function() { return [this.cmd_justify('left')]; }, /** * @method cmd_justifyright * @param value Value passed from the execCommand method * @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('justifyright') is used. */ cmd_justifyright: function() { return [this.cmd_justify('right')]; }, /* }}}*/ /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the editor. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { var str = 'Editor'; if (this.get && this.get('element_cont')) { str = 'Editor (#' + this.get('element_cont').get('id') + ')' + ((this.get('disabled') ? ' Disabled' : '')); } return str; } }); /** * @description Class to hold Window information between uses. We use the same panel to show the windows, so using this will allow you to configure a window before it is shown. * This is what you pass to Editor.openWindow();. These parameters will not take effect until the openWindow() is called in the editor. * @class EditorWindow * @param {String} name The name of the window. * @param {Object} attrs Attributes for the window. Current attributes used are : height and width */ YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow = function(name, attrs) { /** * @private * @property name * @description A unique name for the window */ this.name = name.replace(' ', '_'); /** * @private * @property attrs * @description The window attributes */ this.attrs = attrs; }; YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.prototype = { /** * @private * @property header * @description Holder for the header of the window, used in Editor.openWindow */ header: null, /** * @private * @property body * @description Holder for the body of the window, used in Editor.openWindow */ body: null, /** * @private * @property footer * @description Holder for the footer of the window, used in Editor.openWindow */ footer: null, /** * @method setHeader * @description Sets the header for the window. * @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows header. */ setHeader: function(str) { this.header = str; }, /** * @method setBody * @description Sets the body for the window. * @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows body. */ setBody: function(str) { this.body = str; }, /** * @method setFooter * @description Sets the footer for the window. * @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows footer. */ setFooter: function(str) { this.footer = str; }, /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the EditorWindow. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { return 'Editor Window (' + this.name + ')'; } }; /** * @event beforeOpenWindow * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @description Event fires before an Editor Window is opened. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterOpenWindow * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @description Event fires after an Editor Window is opened. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event closeWindow * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @description Event fires after an Editor Window is closed. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event windowCMDOpen * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @description Dynamic event fired when an EditorWindow is opened.. The dynamic event is based on the name of the window. Example Window: createlink, opening this window would fire the windowcreatelinkOpen event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event windowCMDClose * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @description Dynamic event fired when an EditorWindow is closed.. The dynamic event is based on the name of the window. Example Window: createlink, opening this window would fire the windowcreatelinkClose event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event windowRender * @param {EditorWindow} win The EditorWindow object * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @description Event fired when the initial Overlay is rendered. Can be used to manipulate the content of the panel. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event windowInsertImageRender * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @param {HTMLElement} body The HTML element used as the body of the window.. * @param {Toolbar} toolbar A reference to the toolbar object used inside this window. * @description Event fired when the pre render of the Insert Image window has finished. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event windowCreateLinkRender * @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window. * @param {HTMLElement} body The HTML element used as the body of the window.. * @description Event fired when the pre render of the Create Link window has finished. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ })(); YAHOO.register("editor", YAHOO.widget.Editor, {version: "2.6.0", build: "1321"});