/* Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 2.6.0 */ (function() { /** * @private **/ var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Lang = YAHOO.lang; /** * @description

Creates a rich custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar

* @class ToolbarButtonAdvanced * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event, container_core, menu, button * @beta * * Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets. * @constructor * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to turn into a button. * @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters. */ if (YAHOO.widget.Button) { YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = YAHOO.widget.Button; /** * @property buttonType * @private * @description Tells if the Button is a Rich Button or a Simple Button */ YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.buttonType = 'rich'; /** * @method checkValue * @param {String} value The value of the option that we want to mark as selected * @description Select an option by value */ YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.checkValue = function(value) { var _menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems(); if (_menuItems.length === 0) { this.getMenu()._onBeforeShow(); _menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems(); } for (var i = 0; i < _menuItems.length; i++) { _menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', false); if (_menuItems[i].value == value) { _menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', true); } } }; } else { YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = function() {}; } /** * @description

Creates a basic custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar

* @class ToolbarButton * @namespace YAHOO.widget * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event * @Extends YAHOO.util.Element * @beta * * Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets, '); } else { html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); } html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_UL>/g, '<\/ul>'); html = this.filter_invalid_lists(html); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_BQ>/g, '<\/blockquote>'); html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/YUI_EMBED>/g, '<\/embed>'); //This should fix &s in URL's html = html.replace(' & ', 'YUI_AMP'); html = html.replace('&', '&'); html = html.replace('YUI_AMP', '&'); //Trim the output, removing whitespace from the beginning and end html = YAHOO.lang.trim(html); if (this.get('removeLineBreaks')) { html = html.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\r/g, ''); html = html.replace(/ /gi, ' '); //Replace all double spaces and replace with a single } //First empty span if (html.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == '') { html = html.substring(6); //Last empty span if (html.substring(html.length - 7, html.length).toLowerCase() == '') { html = html.substring(0, html.length - 7); } } for (var v in this.invalidHTML) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this.invalidHTML, v)) { if (Lang.isObject(v) && v.keepContents) { html = html.replace(new RegExp('<' + v + '([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/' + v + '>', 'gi'), '$1'); } else { html = html.replace(new RegExp('<' + v + '([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/' + v + '>', 'gi'), ''); } } } this.fireEvent('cleanHTML', { type: 'cleanHTML', target: this, html: html }); return html; }, /** * @method filter_invalid_lists * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters invalid ol and ul list markup, converts this:
    1. ..
    to this:
    1. ..
  • */ filter_invalid_lists: function(html) { html = html.replace(/<\/li>\n/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/li>
      /gi, '
      1. '); html = html.replace(/<\/ol>/gi, '
    1. '); html = html.replace(/<\/ol><\/li>\n/gi, "
    \n"); html = html.replace(/<\/li>
      /gi, '
      • '); html = html.replace(/<\/ul>/gi, '
    • '); html = html.replace(/<\/ul><\/li>\n?/gi, "
    \n"); html = html.replace(/<\/li>/gi, "\n"); html = html.replace(/<\/ol>/gi, "\n"); html = html.replace(/
      /gi, "
        \n"); html = html.replace(/
          /gi, "
            \n"); return html; }, /** * @method filter_safari * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters strings specific to Safari * @return String */ filter_safari: function(html) { if (this.browser.webkit) { // html = html.replace(/([^>])<\/span>/gi, '    '); html = html.replace(/Apple-style-span/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/style="line-height: normal;"/gi, ''); //Remove bogus LI's html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
          • <\/li>/gi, ''); //Remove bogus DIV's - updated from just removing the div's to replacing /div with a break if (this.get('ptags')) { html = html.replace(/]*)>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/div>/gi, '

            '); } else { html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/<\/div>/gi, '
            '); } } return html; }, /** * @method filter_internals * @param String html The HTML string to filter * @description Filters internal RTE strings and bogus attrs we don't want * @return String */ filter_internals: function(html) { html = html.replace(/\r/g, ''); //Fix stuff we don't want html = html.replace(/<\/?(body|head|html)[^>]*>/gi, ''); //Fix last BR in LI html = html.replace(/<\/li>/gi, '
          • '); html = html.replace(/yui-tag-span/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-tag/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-non/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/yui-img/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ tag="span"/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ style=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=" "/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class=" "/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ target=""/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ title=""/gi, ''); if (this.browser.ie) { html = html.replace(/ class= /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/ class= >/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/_height="([^>])"/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/_width="([^>])"/gi, ''); } return html; }, /** * @method filter_all_rgb * @param String str The HTML string to filter * @description Converts all RGB color strings found in passed string to a hex color, example: style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0)" converts to style="color: #00ff00" * @return String */ filter_all_rgb: function(str) { var exp = new RegExp("rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)", "gi"); var arr = str.match(exp); if (Lang.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var color = this.filter_rgb(arr[i]); str = str.replace(arr[i].toString(), color); } } return str; }, /** * @method filter_rgb * @param String css The CSS string containing rgb(#,#,#); * @description Converts an RGB color string to a hex color, example: rgb(0, 255, 0) converts to #00ff00 * @return String */ filter_rgb: function(css) { if (css.toLowerCase().indexOf('rgb') != -1) { var exp = new RegExp("(.*?)rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)(.*?)", "gi"); var rgb = css.replace(exp, "$1,$2,$3,$4,$5").split(','); if (rgb.length == 5) { var r = parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16); var g = parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16); var b = parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16); r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r; g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g; b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b; css = "#" + r + g + b; } } return css; }, /** * @method pre_filter_linebreaks * @param String html The HTML to filter * @param String markup The markup type to filter to * @description HTML Pre Filter * @return String */ pre_filter_linebreaks: function(html, markup) { if (this.browser.webkit) { html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); } html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(//gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            /gi, ''); html = html.replace(/
            <\/div>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/

            ( | )<\/p>/g, ''); html = html.replace(/

             <\/p>/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/

             <\/p>/gi, ''); //Fix last BR html = html.replace(/$/, ''); //Fix last BR in P html = html.replace(/<\/p>/g, '

            '); if (this.browser.ie) { html = html.replace(/    /g, '\t'); } return html; }, /** * @method post_filter_linebreaks * @param String html The HTML to filter * @param String markup The markup type to filter to * @description HTML Pre Filter * @return String */ post_filter_linebreaks: function(html, markup) { if (markup == 'xhtml') { html = html.replace(//g, '
            '); } else { html = html.replace(//g, '
            '); } return html; }, /** * @method clearEditorDoc * @description Clear the doc of the Editor */ clearEditorDoc: function() { this._getDoc().body.innerHTML = ' '; }, /** * @method openWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ openWindow: function(win) { }, /** * @method moveWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ moveWindow: function() { }, /** * @private * @method _closeWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ _closeWindow: function() { }, /** * @method closeWindow * @description Override Method for Advanced Editor */ closeWindow: function() { //this.unsubscribeAll('afterExecCommand'); this.toolbar.resetAllButtons(); this._focusWindow(); }, /** * @method destroy * @description Destroys the editor, all of it's elements and objects. * @return {Boolean} */ destroy: function() { YAHOO.log('Destroying Editor', 'warn', 'SimpleEditor'); if (this.resize) { YAHOO.log('Destroying Resize', 'warn', 'SimpleEditor'); this.resize.destroy(); } if (this.dd) { YAHOO.log('Unreg DragDrop Instance', 'warn', 'SimpleEditor'); this.dd.unreg(); } if (this.get('panel')) { YAHOO.log('Destroying Editor Panel', 'warn', 'SimpleEditor'); this.get('panel').destroy(); } this.saveHTML(); this.toolbar.destroy(); YAHOO.log('Restoring TextArea', 'info', 'SimpleEditor'); this.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); this.setStyle('position', 'static'); this.setStyle('top', ''); this.setStyle('left', ''); var textArea = this.get('element'); this.get('element_cont').get('parentNode').replaceChild(textArea, this.get('element_cont').get('element')); this.get('element_cont').get('element').innerHTML = ''; this.set('handleSubmit', false); //Remove the submit handler return true; }, /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the editor. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { var str = 'SimpleEditor'; if (this.get && this.get('element_cont')) { str = 'SimpleEditor (#' + this.get('element_cont').get('id') + ')' + ((this.get('disabled') ? ' Disabled' : '')); } return str; } }); /** * @event toolbarLoaded * @description Event is fired during the render process directly after the Toolbar is loaded. Allowing you to attach events to the toolbar. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event cleanHTML * @description Event is fired after the cleanHTML method is called. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterRender * @description Event is fired after the render process finishes. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorContentLoaded * @description Event is fired after the editor iframe's document fully loads and fires it's onload event. From here you can start injecting your own things into the document. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeNodeChange * @description Event fires at the beginning of the nodeChange process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterNodeChange * @description Event fires at the end of the nodeChange process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeExecCommand * @description Event fires at the beginning of the execCommand process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event afterExecCommand * @description Event fires at the end of the execCommand process. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorMouseUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorMouseDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorDoubleClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyPress * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event editorKeyDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Passed through HTML Event. See Element.addListener for more information on listening for this event. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorMouseUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorMouseDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorDoubleClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorClick * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyUp * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyPress * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @event beforeEditorKeyDown * @param {Event} ev The DOM Event that occured * @description Fires before editor event, returning false will stop the internal processing. * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent */ /** * @description Singleton object used to track the open window objects and panels across the various open editors * @class EditorInfo * @static */ YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo = { /** * @private * @property _instances * @description A reference to all editors on the page. * @type Object */ _instances: {}, /** * @private * @property blankImage * @description A reference to the blankImage url * @type String */ blankImage: '', /** * @private * @property window * @description A reference to the currently open window object in any editor on the page. * @type Object YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow */ window: {}, /** * @private * @property panel * @description A reference to the currently open panel in any editor on the page. * @type Object YAHOO.widget.Overlay */ panel: null, /** * @method getEditorById * @description Returns a reference to the Editor object associated with the given textarea * @param {String/HTMLElement} id The id or reference of the textarea to return the Editor instance of * @return Object YAHOO.widget.Editor */ getEditorById: function(id) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(id)) { //Not a string, assume a node Reference id = id.id; } if (this._instances[id]) { return this._instances[id]; } return false; }, /** * @method toString * @description Returns a string representing the EditorInfo. * @return {String} */ toString: function() { var len = 0; for (var i in this._instances) { if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this._instances, i)) { len++; } } return 'Editor Info (' + len + ' registered intance' + ((len > 1) ? 's' : '') + ')'; } }; })(); YAHOO.register("simpleeditor", YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor, {version: "2.6.0", build: "1321"});