setResponseType($responseType); $this->_uri = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString(""); $this->setHeaders('Accept-Charset', 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8'); } /** * set responseType * * @param string $responseType * @throws Zend_Service_Twitter_Exception * @return Zend_Service_Twitter_Search */ public function setResponseType($responseType = 'json') { if(!in_array($responseType, $this->_responseTypes, TRUE)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Twitter/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Twitter_Exception('Invalid Response Type'); } $this->_responseType = $responseType; return $this; } /** * Retrieve responseType * * @return string */ public function getResponseType() { return $this->_responseType; } /** * Get the current twitter trends. Currnetly only supports json as the return. * * @return array */ public function trends() { $this->_uri->setPath('/trends.json'); $this->setUri($this->_uri); $response = $this->request(); return Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody()); } public function search($query, array $params = array()) { $this->_uri->setPath('/search.' . $this->_responseType); $this->_uri->setQuery(null); $_query = array(); $_query['q'] = $query; foreach($params as $key=>$param) { switch($key) { case 'geocode': case 'lang': case 'since_id': $_query[$key] = $param; break; case 'rpp': $_query[$key] = (intval($param) > 100) ? 100 : intval($param); break; case 'page': $_query[$key] = intval($param); break; case 'show_user': $_query[$key] = 'true'; } } $this->_uri->setQuery($_query); $this->setUri($this->_uri); $response = $this->request(); switch($this->_responseType) { case 'json': return Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody()); break; case 'atom': return Zend_Feed::importString($response->getBody()); break; } return ; } }