_argumentsOriginal = $this->_argumentsWorking = $arguments; return $this; } /** * setRegistry() * * @param Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Interface $registry * @return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console_ArgumentParser */ public function setRegistry(Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Interface $registry) { // get the client registry $this->_registry = $registry; // set manifest repository, request, response for easy access $this->_manifestRepository = $this->_registry->getManifestRepository(); $this->_request = $this->_registry->getRequest(); $this->_response = $this->_registry->getResponse(); return $this; } /** * Parse() - This method does the work of parsing the arguments into the enpooint request, * this will also (during help operations) fill the response in with information as needed * * @return null */ public function parse() { if ($this->_request == null || $this->_response == null) { require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception('The client registry must have both a request and response registered.'); } // setup the help options $helpResponseOptions = array(); // check to see if the first cli arg is the script name if ($this->_argumentsWorking[0] == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME' ]) { array_shift($this->_argumentsWorking); } // process global options try { $this->_parseGlobalPart(); } catch (Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception $exception) { $this->_createHelpResponse(array('error' => $exception->getMessage())); return; } // ensure there are arguments left if (count($this->_argumentsWorking) == 0) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); // at this point request is not dispatchable // check to see if this was a help request if ($this->_help) { $this->_createHelpResponse(); } else { $this->_createHelpResponse(array('error' => 'An action and provider is required.')); } return; } // process the action part of the command line try { $this->_parseActionPart(); } catch (Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception $exception) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); $this->_createHelpResponse(array('error' => $exception->getMessage())); return; } if ($this->_helpKnownAction) { $helpResponseOptions = array_merge( $helpResponseOptions, array('actionName' => $this->_request->getActionName()) ); } /* @TODO Action Parameter Requirements */ // make sure there are more "words" on the command line if (count($this->_argumentsWorking) == 0) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); // at this point request is not dispatchable // check to see if this is a help request if ($this->_help) { $this->_createHelpResponse($helpResponseOptions); } else { $this->_createHelpResponse(array_merge($helpResponseOptions, array('error' => 'A provider is required.'))); } return; } // process the provider part of the command line try { $this->_parseProviderPart(); } catch (Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception $exception) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); $this->_createHelpResponse(array('error' => $exception->getMessage())); return; } if ($this->_helpKnownProvider) { $helpResponseOptions = array_merge( $helpResponseOptions, array('providerName' => $this->_request->getProviderName()) ); } if ($this->_helpKnownSpecialty) { $helpResponseOptions = array_merge( $helpResponseOptions, array('specialtyName' => $this->_request->getSpecialtyName()) ); } // if there are arguments on the command line, lets process them as provider options if (count($this->_argumentsWorking) != 0) { $this->_parseProviderOptionsPart(); } // if there is still arguments lingering around, we can assume something is wrong if (count($this->_argumentsWorking) != 0) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); // at this point request is not dispatchable if ($this->_help) { $this->_createHelpResponse($helpResponseOptions); } else { $this->_createHelpResponse(array_merge( $helpResponseOptions, array('error' => 'Unknown arguments left on the command line: ' . implode(' ', $this->_argumentsWorking)) )); } return; } // everything was processed and this is a request for help information if ($this->_help) { $this->_request->setDispatchable(false); // at this point request is not dispatchable $this->_createHelpResponse($helpResponseOptions); } return; } /** * Internal routine for parsing global options from the command line * * @return null */ protected function _parseGlobalPart() { $getoptOptions = array(); $getoptOptions['help|h'] = 'HELP'; $getoptOptions['verbose|v'] = 'VERBOSE'; $getoptOptions['pretend|p'] = 'PRETEND'; $getoptOptions['debug|d'] = 'DEBUG'; $getoptParser = new Zend_Console_Getopt($getoptOptions, $this->_argumentsWorking, array('parseAll' => false)); // @todo catch any exceptions here $getoptParser->parse(); foreach ($getoptParser->getOptions() as $option) { if ($option == 'pretend') { $this->_request->setPretend(true); } elseif ($option == 'debug') { $this->_request->setDebug(true); } elseif ($option == 'verbose') { $this->_request->setVerbose(true); } else { $property = '_'.$option; $this->{$property} = true; } } $this->_argumentsWorking = $getoptParser->getRemainingArgs(); return; } /** * Internal routine for parsing the action name from the arguments * * @return null */ protected function _parseActionPart() { // the next "word" should be the action name $consoleActionName = array_shift($this->_argumentsWorking); if ($consoleActionName == '?') { $this->_help = true; return; } // is the action name valid? $actionMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata(array( 'type' => 'Tool', 'name' => 'actionName', 'value' => $consoleActionName, 'clientName' => 'console' )); // if no action, handle error if (!$actionMetadata) { require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception('Action \'' . $consoleActionName . '\' is not a valid action.'); } // prepare action request name $this->_helpKnownAction = true; $this->_request->setActionName($actionMetadata->getActionName()); return; } /** * Internal routine for parsing the provider part of the command line arguments * * @return null */ protected function _parseProviderPart() { // get the cli "word" as the provider name from command line $consoleProviderFull = array_shift($this->_argumentsWorking); $consoleSpecialtyName = '_global'; // if there is notation for specialties? If so, break them up if (strstr($consoleProviderFull, '.')) { list($consoleProviderName, $consoleSpecialtyName) = explode('.', $consoleProviderFull); } else { $consoleProviderName = $consoleProviderFull; } if ($consoleProviderName == '?') { $this->_help = true; return; } // get the cli provider names from the manifest $providerMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata(array( 'type' => 'Tool', 'name' => 'providerName', 'value' => $consoleProviderName, 'clientName' => 'console' )); if (!$providerMetadata) { require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception( 'Provider \'' . $consoleProviderFull . '\' is not a valid provider.' ); } $this->_helpKnownProvider = true; $this->_request->setProviderName($providerMetadata->getProviderName()); if ($consoleSpecialtyName == '?') { $this->_help = true; return; } $providerSpecialtyMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata(array( 'type' => 'Tool', 'name' => 'specialtyName', 'value' => $consoleSpecialtyName, 'providerName' => $providerMetadata->getProviderName(), 'clientName' => 'console' )); if (!$providerSpecialtyMetadata) { require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Exception( 'Provider \'' . $consoleSpecialtyName . '\' is not a valid specialty.' ); } $this->_helpKnownSpecialty = true; $this->_request->setSpecialtyName($providerSpecialtyMetadata->getSpecialtyName()); return; } /** * Internal routine for parsing the provider options from the command line * * @return null */ protected function _parseProviderOptionsPart() { if (current($this->_argumentsWorking) == '?') { $this->_help = true; return; } $searchParams = array( 'type' => 'Tool', 'providerName' => $this->_request->getProviderName(), 'actionName' => $this->_request->getActionName(), 'specialtyName' => $this->_request->getSpecialtyName(), 'clientName' => 'console' ); $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata( array_merge($searchParams, array('name' => 'actionableMethodLongParams')) ); $actionableMethodShortParamsMetadata = $this->_manifestRepository->getMetadata( array_merge($searchParams, array('name' => 'actionableMethodShortParams')) ); $paramNameShortValues = $actionableMethodShortParamsMetadata->getValue(); $getoptOptions = array(); $wordArguments = array(); $longParamCanonicalNames = array(); $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadataReference = $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata->getReference(); foreach ($actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata->getValue() as $parameterNameLong => $consoleParameterNameLong) { $optionConfig = $consoleParameterNameLong . '|'; $parameterInfo = $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadataReference['parameterInfo'][$parameterNameLong]; // process ParameterInfo into array for command line option matching if ($parameterInfo['type'] == 'string' || $parameterInfo['type'] == 'bool') { $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . (($parameterInfo['optional']) ? '-' : '=') . 's'; } elseif (in_array($parameterInfo['type'], array('int', 'integer', 'float'))) { $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . (($parameterInfo['optional']) ? '-' : '=') . 'i'; } else { $optionConfig .= $paramNameShortValues[$parameterNameLong] . '-s'; } $getoptOptions[$optionConfig] = ($parameterInfo['description'] != '') ? $parameterInfo['description'] : 'No description available.'; // process ParameterInfo into array for command line WORD (argument) matching $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['parameterName'] = $parameterInfo['name']; $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['optional'] = $parameterInfo['optional']; $wordArguments[$parameterInfo['position']]['type'] = $parameterInfo['type']; // keep a translation of console to canonical names $longParamCanonicalNames[$consoleParameterNameLong] = $parameterNameLong; } if (!$getoptOptions) { // no options to parse here, return return; } // if non-option arguments exist, attempt to process them before processing options $wordStack = array(); while ($wordOnTop = array_shift($this->_argumentsWorking)) { if (substr($wordOnTop, 0, 1) != '-') { array_push($wordStack, $wordOnTop); } else { // put word back on stack and move on array_unshift($this->_argumentsWorking, $wordOnTop); break; } if (count($wordStack) == count($wordArguments)) { // when we get at most the number of arguments we are expecting // then break out. break; } } if ($wordStack && $wordArguments) { for ($wordIndex = 1; $wordIndex <= count($wordArguments); $wordIndex++) { if (!array_key_exists($wordIndex-1, $wordStack) || !array_key_exists($wordIndex, $wordArguments)) { break; } $this->_request->setProviderParameter($wordArguments[$wordIndex]['parameterName'], $wordStack[$wordIndex-1]); unset($wordStack[$wordIndex-1]); } } $getoptParser = new Zend_Console_Getopt($getoptOptions, $this->_argumentsWorking, array('parseAll' => false)); $getoptParser->parse(); foreach ($getoptParser->getOptions() as $option) { $value = $getoptParser->getOption($option); $providerParamOption = $longParamCanonicalNames[$option]; $this->_request->setProviderParameter($providerParamOption, $value); } /* $this->_metadataProviderOptionsLong = $actionableMethodLongParamsMetadata; $this->_metadataProviderOptionsShort = $actionableMethodShortParamsMetadata; */ $this->_argumentsWorking = $getoptParser->getRemainingArgs(); return; } /** * _createHelpResponse * * @param unknown_type $options */ protected function _createHelpResponse($options = array()) { require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console/HelpSystem.php'; $helpSystem = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console_HelpSystem(); $helpSystem->setRegistry($this->_registry); if (isset($options['error'])) { $helpSystem->respondWithErrorMessage($options['error']); } if (isset($options['actionName']) && isset($options['providerName'])) { $helpSystem->respondWithSpecialtyAndParamHelp($options['providerName'], $options['actionName']); } elseif (isset($options['actionName'])) { $helpSystem->respondWithActionHelp($options['actionName']); } elseif (isset($options['providerName'])) { $helpSystem->respondWithProviderHelp($options['providerName']); } else { $helpSystem->respondWithGeneralHelp(); } } }