_registry = $registry; return $this; } /** * getMetadata() is required by the Manifest Interface. * * These are the following metadatas that will be setup: * * actionName * - metadata for actions * - value will be a dashed name for the action named in 'actionName' * providerName * - metadata for providers * - value will be a dashed-name for the provider named in 'providerName' * providerSpecialtyNames * - metadata for providers * actionableMethodLongParameters * - metadata for providers * actionableMethodShortParameters * - metadata for providers * * @return array Array of Metadatas */ public function getMetadata() { $metadatas = array(); // setup the camelCase to dashed filter to use since cli expects dashed named $ccToDashedFilter = new Zend_Filter(); $ccToDashedFilter ->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_Word_CamelCaseToDash()) ->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringToLower()); // get the registry to get the action and provider repository $actionRepository = $this->_registry->getActionRepository(); $providerRepository = $this->_registry->getProviderRepository(); // loop through all actions and create a metadata for each foreach ($actionRepository->getActions() as $action) { // each action metadata will be called $metadatas[] = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Metadata_Tool(array( 'name' => 'actionName', 'value' => $ccToDashedFilter->filter($action->getName()), 'reference' => $action, 'actionName' => $action->getName(), 'clientName' => 'console', 'clientReference' => $this->_registry->getClient() )); } foreach ($providerRepository->getProviderSignatures() as $providerSignature) { // create the metadata for the provider's cliProviderName $metadatas[] = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Metadata_Tool(array( 'name' => 'providerName', 'value' => $ccToDashedFilter->filter($providerSignature->getName()), 'reference' => $providerSignature, 'clientName' => 'console', 'providerName' => $providerSignature->getName(), 'clientReference' => $this->_registry->getClient() )); // create the metadatas for the per provider specialites in providerSpecaltyNames foreach ($providerSignature->getSpecialties() as $specialty) { $metadatas[] = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Metadata_Tool(array( 'name' => 'specialtyName', 'value' => $ccToDashedFilter->filter($specialty), 'reference' => $providerSignature, 'clientName' => 'console', 'providerName' => $providerSignature->getName(), 'specialtyName' => $specialty, 'clientReference' => $this->_registry->getClient() )); } // $actionableMethod is keyed by the methodName (but not used) foreach ($providerSignature->getActionableMethods() as $actionableMethodData) { $methodLongParams = array(); $methodShortParams = array(); // $actionableMethodData get both the long and short names foreach ($actionableMethodData['parameterInfo'] as $parameterInfoData) { // filter to dashed $methodLongParams[$parameterInfoData['name']] = $ccToDashedFilter->filter($parameterInfoData['name']); // simply lower the character, (its only 1 char after all) $methodShortParams[$parameterInfoData['name']] = strtolower($parameterInfoData['name'][0]); } // create metadata for the long name cliActionableMethodLongParameters $metadatas[] = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Metadata_Tool(array( 'name' => 'actionableMethodLongParams', 'value' => $methodLongParams, 'clientName' => 'console', 'providerName' => $providerSignature->getName(), 'specialtyName' => $actionableMethodData['specialty'], 'actionName' => $actionableMethodData['actionName'], 'reference' => &$actionableMethodData, 'clientReference' => $this->_registry->getClient() )); // create metadata for the short name cliActionableMethodShortParameters $metadatas[] = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Metadata_Tool(array( 'name' => 'actionableMethodShortParams', 'value' => $methodShortParams, 'clientName' => 'console', 'providerName' => $providerSignature->getName(), 'specialtyName' => $actionableMethodData['specialty'], 'actionName' => $actionableMethodData['actionName'], 'reference' => &$actionableMethodData, 'clientReference' => $this->_registry->getClient() )); } } return $metadatas; } public function getIndex() { return 10000; } }