1224 lines
51 KiB
1224 lines
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'HauptClasse von PictureTagger ##### IMG ##### Taggs ##### Marks ############################
Public Class TaggedIMG
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
'############################## Settings ##############################################
Private Const SupportedMarks As Integer = 200
Private Const MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm As Integer = 0
Private Const MinMarkLateralDistanceOnPicture As Integer = 0
Private Const MinMarkOnPictureSize As Integer = 16 'This are Pixel
Private Const MinMarkOnProgrammSize As Integer = 15 'Mindestgröse um Auf TaggedIMG Angezeigt zu werden ... <- Reverenzwert bei Neuen
Private Const Debugging As Boolean = True 'Bei Fehler werden diese ausgegeben
'############################## MAIN ##################################################
#Region "Main"
'### Declarations ###
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
Private IMG_Position As New Rectangle
Private IMG_ScaleFactor As Double
Private IMG_AspectSiteWidth As Boolean
' -------------------------------- Taggs ------------------------------
Public Event TaggChanged()
Public Event PropertyIDChanged()
Public Event PropertyTitleChanged()
Public Event PropertyDescriptionChanged()
Public Event PropertyTimeChanged()
Public Event PropertyPlaceChanged()
'### Propertys ###
Private sID As String
Public Property ID() As String
Return Me.sID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value = Me.sID Then
Me.sID = value
RaiseEvent PropertyIDChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
Private sTitle As String
Public Property Title() As String
Return Me.sTitle
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value = Me.sTitle Then
Me.sTitle = value
RaiseEvent PropertyTitleChanged()
RaiseEvent TaggChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
Private sDescription As String
Public Property Description() As String
Return Me.sDescription
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value = Me.sDescription Then
Me.sDescription = value
RaiseEvent PropertyDescriptionChanged()
RaiseEvent TaggChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
Private sTime As String
Public Property Time() As String
Return Me.sTime
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If Not value = Me.sTime Then
Me.sTime = value
RaiseEvent PropertyTimeChanged()
RaiseEvent TaggChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
Private oPlace As New Place
Public Property Place() As Place 'AufnahmeOrt
Return oPlace
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Place)
If Not value.GetHashCode = Me.oPlace.GetHashCode Then
Me.oPlace = value
RaiseEvent PropertyPlaceChanged()
RaiseEvent TaggChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
' -------------------------------- Taggs END ---------------------------
Private Property MenuEnabled As Boolean
Return ContextMenuStrip.Enabled
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
ContextMenuStrip.Enabled = value
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
aMarkButtons(i).ContextMenuStrip.Enabled = value
End Set
End Property
Private bRO As Boolean
Public Property RO As Boolean
Return bRO
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
bRO = value
Me.MenuEnabled = Not value
End Set
End Property 'RO = ReadOnly
'### Public Sub ###
Public Sub Clear()
With Me
.sID = Nothing
.Image = Nothing
.sTitle = Nothing
.sDescription = Nothing
.sTime = Nothing
'Marks & MarkButtons
.MenuEnabled = True
End With
End Sub 'Main Clear
Public Sub New()
'Initial Special PictureBox setings
With Me
.BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
.TabIndex = 0
.TabStop = False
.Menu_Initial() 'ContextMenuStrip_Initial
End With
End Sub ' New() will execute wenn declare a new instance
'### Private Subs ###
Private Sub IMG_Update_PositionsParam()
Dim ImageAspect As Double = Image.Width / Image.Height
Dim ControlAspect As Double = Me.Width / Me.Height
Dim DisplayHeight As Double = Me.Height
Dim DisplayWidth As Double = Me.Width
Dim freeAreaSize As Double
If (ImageAspect >= ControlAspect) Then
'This means that we are limited by width,
'meaning the image fills up the entire control from left to right
Me.IMG_AspectSiteWidth = True
Me.IMG_ScaleFactor = Me.Width / Image.Width
DisplayHeight = Me.IMG_ScaleFactor * Image.Height
freeAreaSize = (Height - DisplayHeight) / 2
Me.IMG_Position = New Rectangle(0, freeAreaSize, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight)
'This means that we are limited by height,
'meaning the image fills up the entire control from top to bottom
Me.IMG_AspectSiteWidth = False
Me.IMG_ScaleFactor = Me.Height / Image.Height
DisplayWidth = Me.IMG_ScaleFactor * Image.Width
freeAreaSize = (Width - DisplayWidth) / 2
Me.IMG_Position = New Rectangle(freeAreaSize, 0, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight)
End If
End Sub 'IMG_Update_PositionsParam
'#### Handles Events ####
Private Sub ReSice() Handles Me.SizeChanged
Me.MarkButtons_Update() 'ReLoad MarkButons
End Sub 'ReSice ### will execute wenn Me.Size has been changed
#End Region 'Main
'############################## MousMode ##############################################
#Region "MousMode"
Private Sub MouseMode_Initial()
Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Deleted = True
Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Parent = Me
Me.oMouseModeArgs = New Mark
End Sub 'MouseMode_Initial
'### Declarations ###
Private oMouseModeMarkButton As New MarkButton
Private bMouseMode As Boolean
Private oMouseModeArgs As New Mark
Private nMouseModeAim As Int16 '0 = Nothing | 1 = Change Sice | 2 = Creat New Intern | 3 = Creat New Extern
Private pMouseDown As System.Drawing.Point
Private pMouseUp As System.Drawing.Point
Private bMouseModeSuccessDown As Boolean
Public Event LikeToCreatMark(ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer) 'Wird Für ID Generierung Benötigt! <- Übergebe Position(Conv)
Public Event MouseModeChanged()
'### Propertys ###
Public ReadOnly Property MouseMode As Boolean
Return Me.bMouseMode
End Get
End Property 'MouseMode
'### Private Functions ###
Private Function MouseMode_CalcRectangle(ByVal PointA As System.Drawing.Point, ByVal PointB As System.Drawing.Point) As Rectangle
Dim Result As New Rectangle
Result = Rectangle.Points_to_Rectangle(PointA, PointB)
If Result.Left < MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm + Me.IMG_Position.Left Then Result.Left = MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm + Me.IMG_Position.Left
If Result.Top < MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm + Me.IMG_Position.Top Then Result.Top = MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm + Me.IMG_Position.Top
If Result.PointB.X > Me.IMG_Position.PointB.X - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then Result.Width = Me.IMG_Position.PointB.X - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm - Result.Left
If Result.PointB.Y > Me.IMG_Position.PointB.Y - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then Result.Height = Me.IMG_Position.PointB.Y - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm - Result.Top
Return Result
End Function 'MouseMode_CalcRectangle
' "Change_Sice" | "Creat_New_Intern" | "Creat_New_Extern" | {"Move_Mark"}
Private Function MouseMode_Set(ByRef Aim As String, ByVal Args As Mark) As Boolean
MouseMode_Set = False
If (Aim = "Change_Sice") Or (Aim = "Creat_New_Intern") Or (Aim = "Creat_New_Extern") Or (Aim = "Move_Mark") Then
Me.bMouseMode = True
RaiseEvent MouseModeChanged()
Me.oMouseModeArgs = Args 'Übergebe MarkID
MouseMode_Set = True
Select Case Aim
Case "Change_Sice", "Move_Mark" '<-- Größe zu Ändern | "Move_Mark" wird eigerer Case!
Me.nMouseModeAim = 1
Case "Creat_New_Intern" '<-- Setze Position, ID Fehlt!!
Me.nMouseModeAim = 2
Case "Creat_New_Extern" '<-- Setzt Pisition
Me.nMouseModeAim = 3
End Select 'Aim
End If
End Function 'MouseMode_Set
Private Function MouseMode_RightPlace(ByVal pPoint As Point) As Boolean
MouseMode_RightPlace = True
If pPoint.Y < Me.IMG_Position.Top + MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then MouseMode_RightPlace = False
If pPoint.Y > Me.IMG_Position.PointB.Y - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then MouseMode_RightPlace = False
If pPoint.X < Me.IMG_Position.Left + MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then MouseMode_RightPlace = False
If pPoint.X > Me.IMG_Position.PointB.X - MinMarkLateralDistanceOnProgramm Then MouseMode_RightPlace = False
End Function 'MouseMode_ClickRightPlace
'### Private Subs ###
Private Sub MouseMode_Clear()
Me.bMouseMode = False
Me.nMouseModeAim = 0
Me.pMouseDown = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
Me.pMouseUp = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
Me.bMouseModeSuccessDown = False
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Deleted = True
End Sub
'#### Handles Events ####
Private Sub MyEvents_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
If bMouseMode Then
Dim pPoint As Drawing.Point
pPoint.X = e.X
pPoint.Y = e.Y
If MouseMode_RightPlace(pPoint) Then
Me.bMouseModeSuccessDown = True
Me.pMouseDown = pPoint
Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Deleted = False
Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Visible = True
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Cross
If Me.nMouseModeAim = 1 Then
Me.aMarkButtons(Me.Marks_IndexOf(Me.oMouseModeArgs.ID)).Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub 'MyEvents_MouseDown <-- Will act when bMouseMode = True
Private Sub MyEvents_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
If bMouseMode Then
Dim pMouseMove As System.Drawing.Point
pMouseMove.X = e.X
pMouseMove.Y = e.Y
oMouseModeMarkButton.Position = MouseMode_CalcRectangle(Me.pMouseDown, pMouseMove) 'Zeige positions änderungen an
If Me.MouseMode_RightPlace(pMouseMove) Then
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Cross
Me.Cursor = Cursors.No
End If
End If
End Sub 'MyEvents_MouseMove <-- Will act when bMouseMode = True
Private Sub MyEvents_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp
If bMouseMode And bMouseModeSuccessDown Then
Dim Answer As String
Dim oPositonOnPic As New Rectangle
oPositonOnPic = Me.ConvertToPicturePosition(Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Position)
If Me.MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments(Me.oMouseModeMarkButton.Position) Then
Select Case nMouseModeAim
Case 1
Me.aMarkButtons(Me.Marks_IndexOf(Me.oMouseModeArgs.ID)).Visible = True
Answer = Me.Marks_Update(Me.oMouseModeArgs.ID, "Change", oPositonOnPic.Left, oPositonOnPic.Top, oPositonOnPic.Width, oPositonOnPic.Height, Me.oMouseModeArgs.Name, Me.oMouseModeArgs.Description)
If Not (Answer = "Success") And Debugging Then MsgBox(Answer)
Case 2
RaiseEvent LikeToCreatMark(oPositonOnPic.Left, oPositonOnPic.Top, oPositonOnPic.Width, oPositonOnPic.Height)
Case 3
Answer = Me.Marks_Update(Me.oMouseModeArgs.ID, "Create", oPositonOnPic.Left, oPositonOnPic.Top, oPositonOnPic.Width, oPositonOnPic.Height, Me.oMouseModeArgs.Name, Me.oMouseModeArgs.Description)
If Not (Answer = "Success") And Debugging Then MsgBox(Answer)
End Select
Else 'On Error
If (nMouseModeAim >= 1) And Not (nMouseModeAim > 4) Then MsgBox("Das ist Eine Falsche Größe!")
End If
RaiseEvent MouseModeChanged()
End If
End Sub 'MyEvents_MouseUp <-- Will act when bMouseMode = True
#End Region 'MousMode
'############################## MarkButtons ###########################################
#Region "MarkButtons"
Private Sub MarkButtons_Initial()
'Initial SupportedMarks MarkButtons <- Maximal sichtbar SupportedMarks/2
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
Me.aMarkButtons(i) = New MarkButton(i, bRO)
Me.aMarkButtons(i).Parent = Me
AddHandler Me.aMarkButtons(i).Click, AddressOf MarkButton_Click
AddHandler Me.aMarkButtons(i).LikeMove, AddressOf MarkButton_LikeMove
AddHandler Me.aMarkButtons(i).LikeSiceChange, AddressOf MarkButton_LikeSiceChange
AddHandler Me.aMarkButtons(i).LikeDelete, AddressOf MarkButton_LikeDelete
End Sub 'MarkButtons_Initial
'### Declarations ###
Private aMarkButtons(SupportedMarks - 1) As MarkButton
'### Private Sub ###
Private Sub MarkButtons_Visible(ByRef value As Boolean)
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
If Not Me.aMarkButtons(i).Deleted Then
Me.aMarkButtons(i).Visible = value
End If
bMarks_Visible = value
If value = False Then ActivMark_Clear()
End Sub 'MarkButtons_Visible
Private Sub MarkButtons_Update(Optional ByVal Index As Integer = -1)
If Index < 0 Then 'Update Alle (Rekursiv)
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
ElseIf Index <= (SupportedMarks - 1) Then 'Update %Index%
If Me.aMarks(Index).ID = "" Or Nothing Then Me.aMarks(Index).Command = "" ' If something gets rong with Information it will Delete
Select Case Me.aMarks(Index).Command
Case "Nothing", "Create", "Change"
Case "Delete"
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Deleted = True
Case Else
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Deleted = True
End Select
End If
End Sub 'MarkButtons_Update -1 Means All
Private Sub MarkButtons_ReSize(ByRef Index As Integer)
' Position des MB | ist | Convertiette Position von | Position auf Bild
Dim rTemp As Rectangle = Me.ConvertToProgrammPosition(New Rectangle(Me.aMarks(Index).Left, Me.aMarks(Index).Top, Me.aMarks(Index).Width, Me.aMarks(Index).Height))
If (Me.MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments(rTemp)) Then
If Not (aMarkButtons(Index).Position.GetHashCode = rTemp.GetHashCode) Then 'Bei Positionsänderung
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Position = rTemp
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Deleted = False
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Visible = Me.bMarks_Visible
End If
Else 'Zu Kleine Marks Werden nicht angezeigt
Me.aMarkButtons(Index).Deleted = True
End If
End Sub 'MarkButtons_ReSize
'### Private Functions ###
'Es werden Die Orginal Pixel des Pict hergenommen
Private Function ConvertToPicturePosition(ByVal ProgrammPosition As Rectangle) As Rectangle
Dim Result As New Rectangle
Result = Me.PositionOnIMG(ProgrammPosition) 'Schneide Lehren Raum Ab
Result.Left /= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere auf OrginalGröße
Result.Top /= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere auf OrginalGröße
Result.Width /= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere auf OrginalGröße
Result.Height /= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere auf OrginalGröße
Return Result
End Function 'ConvertToPicturePosition
Private Function ConvertToProgrammPosition(ByVal PicturePosition As Rectangle) As Rectangle
Dim Result As New Rectangle
Result = PicturePosition
Result.Left *= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere
Result.Top *= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere
Result.Width *= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere
Result.Height *= IMG_ScaleFactor 'Scaliere
Result.Left += Me.IMG_Position.Left 'Addire Lheren Raum Hinzu
Result.Top += Me.IMG_Position.Top 'Addire Lheren Raum Hinzu
Return Result
End Function 'ConvertToProgrammPosition
Private Function MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments(ByVal Position As Rectangle) As Boolean
MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments = False
If (Position.Width >= MinMarkOnProgrammSize) And (Position.Height >= MinMarkOnProgrammSize) Then MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments = True
End Function 'MarkButtons_CheckPositionArguments
Private Function PositionOnIMG(ByVal Position As Rectangle) As Rectangle
Position.Left -= IMG_Position.Left
Position.Top -= IMG_Position.Top
If Position.Left > IMG_Position.Width Then Position.Left = IMG_Position.Width
If Position.Top > IMG_Position.Height Then Position.Top = IMG_Position.Height
If Position.PointB.X > IMG_Position.Width Then Position.Width = IMG_Position.Width - Position.Left
If Position.PointB.Y > IMG_Position.Height Then Position.Height = IMG_Position.Height - Position.Top
Return Position
End Function 'PositionOnBitmap
'#### Handles Events ####
Private Sub MarkButton_Click(ByVal sender As MarkButton, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub 'MarkButton_Click Handles aMarkButtons(i).Click
Private Sub MarkButton_LikeMove(ByVal sender As MarkButton)
Me.aMarkButtons(sender.Index).Visible = False
Dim Answer As Boolean = Me.MouseMode_Set("Move_Mark", New Mark(Me.aMarks(sender.Index).ID, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Command, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Left, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Top, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Width, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Height, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Name, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Description))
If Debugging And Not Answer Then MsgBox(Convert.ToString(Answer))
End Sub 'MarkButton_LikeMove Handles aMarkButtons(i).LikeMove
Private Sub MarkButton_LikeSiceChange(ByVal sender As MarkButton)
Me.aMarkButtons(sender.Index).Visible = False
Dim Answer As Boolean = Me.MouseMode_Set("Change_Sice", New Mark(Me.aMarks(sender.Index).ID, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Command, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Left, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Top, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Width, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Height, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Name, Me.aMarks(sender.Index).Description))
If Debugging And Not Answer Then MsgBox(Convert.ToString(Answer))
End Sub 'MarkButton_LikeSiceChange Handles aMarkButtons(i).LikeSiceChange
Private Sub MarkButton_LikeDelete(ByVal sender As MarkButton)
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(sender.Index).ID, "Delete", 0, 0, 0, 0, Nothing, Nothing)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
End Sub 'MarkButton_LikeDelete Handles aMarkButtons(i).LikeDelete
#End Region 'MarkButtons
'############################## Marks #################################################
#Region "Marks"
'### Declarations ###
Private aMarks(SupportedMarks - 1) As Mark
Public Event PropertyMarks_VisibleChanged()
Public Event Marks_Changed()
'### Propertys ###
Private bMarks_Visible As Boolean
Public Property Marks_Visible() As Boolean
Return bMarks_Visible
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If Not value = bMarks_Visible Then
RaiseEvent PropertyMarks_VisibleChanged()
End If
End Set
End Property
'### Private Subs ###
Private Sub Marks_Clear()
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
Me.bMarks_Visible = True
End Sub 'Marks_Clear
Private Sub Marks_Initial()
'Initial SupportedMarks
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
Me.aMarks(i) = New Mark
Me.bMarks_Visible = True 'Benötigt wegen menü
End Sub 'Marks_Initial
'########################## <==<==<==<== ####################################
'### PUBLIC Functions ### <-<Beginn>-> ####################################
'########################## ==>==>==>==> ####################################
' #################
' ### InPut ==> ###
' #################
' {LineNR}, 0 ID | 1 Left | 2 Top | 3 Wight | 4 Heigth | 5 Name | 6 Description
Public Function Marks_Set(ByVal ID As String, ByVal Command As String, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String) As Boolean
Marks_Set = False
Dim Answer As String = Marks_Update(ID, Command, Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
If (Answer = "Success") Or (Answer = "") Or (Answer = Nothing) Then Marks_Set = True Else If Debugging Then MsgBox(Answer)
End Function 'Marks_Set
Public Function Marks_Create(ByVal MarkID As String, Optional ByVal Left As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal Top As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal Width As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal Height As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal Name As String = "", Optional ByVal Description As String = "") As Boolean
Marks_Create = False
Dim Answer As String = ""
If (Left >= 0) Or (Top >= 0) Or (Width >= 0) Or (Height >= 0) Then
If Marks_CheckPositionArguments(New Rectangle(Left, Top, Width, Height)) Then
Answer = Marks_Update(MarkID, "Create", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
If Answer = "Success" Then
Marks_Create = True
If Debugging Then MsgBox(Answer)
End If
End If
If Me.MouseMode_Set("Creat_New_Extern", New Mark(MarkID, "Create", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)) Then
Marks_Create = True
If Debugging Then MsgBox("Can't set MouseMode")
End If
End If
End Function 'Marks_Create
Public Function Marks_SetAll(ByVal value As Mark()) As Boolean
Marks_SetAll = False
Dim AnswerOfAll As String = ""
For Each M As Mark In value
Dim Answer As String = Marks_Update(M.ID, M.Command, M.Left, M.Top, M.Width, M.Height, M.Name, M.Description)
If Not Answer = "Success" Then AnswerOfAll &= "MarkID """ & M.ID & """: " & Answer & "; "
If AnswerOfAll = "" Then Marks_SetAll = True Else If Debugging Then MsgBox(AnswerOfAll)
End Function 'Marks_SetAll
' ##################
' ### <== OutPut ###
' ##################
Public Function Marks_Get(ByVal MarkID As String) As Mark
Dim Index = Me.Marks_IndexOf(MarkID)
Dim Result As New Mark
If Index >= 0 Then Result = Me.aMarks(Index)
Return Result
End Function 'Marks_Get
Public Function Marks_GetAll() As Mark()
Dim nEntrys As Integer = Marks_IndexOf_LastLine()
Dim Result(nEntrys) As Mark
If nEntrys >= 0 Then
For i = 0 To nEntrys
Result(i) = aMarks(i)
End If
Return Result
End Function 'Marks_GetAll
'########################## <==<==<== ####################################
'########################## <-<End>-> ####################################
'########################## ==>==>==> ####################################
'### Private Functions ###
Private Function Marks_Update(ByVal MarkID As String, ByVal Command As String, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, Optional ByVal Name As String = "", Optional ByVal Description As String = "") As String
Marks_Update = "Success"
Dim Index As Integer = Me.Marks_IndexOf(MarkID)
If Index < 0 Then 'ID Existiert nicht
Select Case Command
Case "Nothing"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineAdd(MarkID, "Nothing", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
Case "Change"
Marks_Update = "Error: ID_Not_Exist"
Case "Create"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineAdd(MarkID, "Create", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
RaiseEvent Marks_Changed()
Case "Delete"
Marks_Update = "Error: ID_Not_Exist"
Case Else
Marks_Update = "Error: Unknown_Command"
End Select
'If Name = Nothing Then Name = aMarks(Index).Name
'If Description = Nothing Then Description = aMarks(Index).Description
Select Case Command
Case "Nothing"
Marks_Update = "Error: ID_Already_Exist"
Case "Change", "Create"
Select Case Me.aMarks(Index).Command
Case "Create"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineUpdate(MarkID, "Create", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
RaiseEvent Marks_Changed()
Case Else 'Case "Nothing", "Change", "Delete"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineUpdate(MarkID, "Change", Left, Top, Width, Height, Name, Description)
RaiseEvent Marks_Changed()
End Select
Case "Delete"
Select Case Me.aMarks(Index).Command
Case "Create"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineDelete(MarkID)
RaiseEvent Marks_Changed()
Case Else 'Case "Nothing", "Change", "Delete"
Marks_Update = Me.Marks_LineUpdate(MarkID, "Delete", 0, 0, 0, 0, Nothing, Nothing)
RaiseEvent Marks_Changed()
End Select
Case Else
Marks_Update = "Error: Unknown_Command"
End Select
End If
'If Marks_Update = "Error: No_Free_Line_In_Array" Then MsgBox("Only " & Convert.ToString(SupportedMarks / 2) & " Marks and " & Convert.ToString(SupportedMarks) & " Changes are Supported!")
End Function 'Marks_LineUpdate ### Add or Update a Line ###
'-> "Success" | "Error: ID_Not_Exist" | "Error: ID_Already_Exist" | "Error: No_Free_Line_In_Array" | "Error: Unknown_Command"
Private Function Marks_LineAdd(ByVal MarkID As String, ByVal Command As String, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String) As String
Marks_LineAdd = "Success"
Dim Index As Integer = Marks_IndexOf_LastLine() + 1
If (Index < 0) Or (Index > (SupportedMarks - 1)) Then Return "Error: No_Free_Line_In_Array"
If Me.Marks_CheckFreeCommandLines(Command) Then
Me.aMarks(Index).ID = MarkID
Me.aMarks(Index).Command = Command
Me.aMarks(Index).Left = Left
Me.aMarks(Index).Top = Top
Me.aMarks(Index).Width = Width
Me.aMarks(Index).Height = Height
Me.aMarks(Index).Name = Name
Me.aMarks(Index).Description = Description
Return "Error: No_Free_Line_In_Array"
End If
End Function 'Marks_LineAdd
Private Function Marks_LineDelete(ByVal MarkID As String) As String
Marks_LineDelete = "Success"
Dim Index As Integer = Me.Marks_IndexOf(MarkID)
Dim IndexLastLine As Integer = Me.Marks_IndexOf_LastLine()
If (Index < 0) Or (Index > IndexLastLine) Then Return "Error: ID_Not_Exist"
Me.aMarks(Index).ID = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).ID
Me.aMarks(Index).Command = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Command
Me.aMarks(Index).Left = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Left
Me.aMarks(Index).Top = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Top
Me.aMarks(Index).Width = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Width
Me.aMarks(Index).Height = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Height
Me.aMarks(Index).Name = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Name
Me.aMarks(Index).Description = Me.aMarks(IndexLastLine).Description
If Me.nActivMarkIndex = Index Then Me.ActivMark_Update(-1)
End Function 'Marks_LineDelete
Private Function Marks_LineUpdate(ByVal MarkID As String, ByVal Command As String, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Top As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String) As String
Marks_LineUpdate = "Success"
Dim Index As Integer = Marks_IndexOf(MarkID)
If (Index < 0) Or (Index > (SupportedMarks - 1)) Then Return "Error: ID_Not_Exist"
If Not Me.Marks_IsCommandActiv(Me.aMarks(Index).Command) = Me.Marks_IsCommandActiv(Command) Then
If Not Me.Marks_CheckFreeCommandLines(Command) Then
Return "Error: No_Free_Line_In_Array"
End If
End If
Me.aMarks(Index).ID = MarkID
Me.aMarks(Index).Command = Command
Me.aMarks(Index).Left = Left
Me.aMarks(Index).Top = Top
Me.aMarks(Index).Width = Width
Me.aMarks(Index).Height = Height
Me.aMarks(Index).Name = Name
Me.aMarks(Index).Description = Description
End Function 'Marks_LineUpdate
Private Function Marks_CheckFreeCommandLines(ByVal Command As String) As Boolean
Marks_CheckFreeCommandLines = False
Dim nType As Integer = Me.Marks_IsCommandActiv(Command)
Dim nCounter As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
If nType = Me.Marks_IsCommandActiv(Me.aMarks(i).Command) Then nCounter += 1
If nCounter <= ((SupportedMarks / 2) - 1) Then Marks_CheckFreeCommandLines = True
End Function
Private Function Marks_IndexOf(ByRef MarkID As String) As Integer
Marks_IndexOf = -1 'Nicht Vorhanden
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
If aMarks(i).ID = MarkID Then
Marks_IndexOf = i
Exit For
End If
End Function 'Marks_IndexOf ### Serch ID in MarkArray, If it exists return Index ELSE return "-1" ###
Private Function Marks_IndexOf_LastLine() As Integer
Marks_IndexOf_LastLine = (SupportedMarks - 1)
For i = 0 To (SupportedMarks - 1)
If aMarks(i).ID = "" Or Nothing Then
Marks_IndexOf_LastLine = i - 1
Exit For
End If
End Function 'Marks_IndexOf_LastActivLine ### Serch The Array vor the Last-> -1 = Alles Frei; 0 to 198 = Belegt Und Min 1 Frei; 199 = Alles Foll ###
Private Function Marks_IsCommandActiv(ByVal Command As String) As Integer
Marks_IsCommandActiv = -1
Select Case Command
Case "Delete"
Marks_IsCommandActiv = 0
Case "Nothing", "Change", "Create"
Marks_IsCommandActiv = 1
End Select
End Function 'Marks_IsCommandActiv ### 0 = Delete | 1 = ActivComand | -1 = Error
Private Function Marks_CheckPositionArguments(ByVal Position As Rectangle) As Boolean
Marks_CheckPositionArguments = False
If (Position.Left >= MinMarkLateralDistanceOnPicture) And (Position.Top >= MinMarkLateralDistanceOnPicture) And (Position.Width >= MinMarkOnPictureSize) And (Position.Height >= MinMarkOnPictureSize) Then Marks_CheckPositionArguments = True
End Function 'Marks_CheckPositionArguments
Private Function Marks_DeleteAll()
Marks_DeleteAll = ""
Dim counter As Integer
If Me.Marks_IndexOf_LastLine >= 0 Then
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxResult.Yes = MsgBox("Alle Markierungen LÖSCHEN?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, Me.Text) Then
For i = 0 To Me.Marks_IndexOf_LastLine
counter = SupportedMarks
Do While Not (Me.aMarks(i).ID = "") Or Not (Me.aMarks(i).ID = Nothing) And (Me.Marks_IsCommandActiv(Me.aMarks(i).Command) = 1) And (counter > 0)
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(i).ID, "Delete", 0, 0, 0, 0, Nothing, Nothing)
If Not Answer = "Success" Then Marks_DeleteAll &= "MarkID """ & Me.aMarks(i).ID & """: " & Answer & "; "
counter -= 1
End If
End If
If Marks_DeleteAll = "" Then Marks_DeleteAll = "Success"
End Function 'Marks_DeleteAll
#End Region 'Marks
'############################## ContextMenuStrip ######################################
#Region "ContextMenuStrip"
'### Declarations ###
Friend WithEvents oMenu_Main As System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip 'Beinhaltet die Einträge
Friend WithEvents oMenu_NewMarks As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem 'Neue Markierung
Friend WithEvents oMenu_HideMarks As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem 'Verstecke/Zeige Markierungen
Friend WithEvents oMenu_DelAllMarks As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem 'Lösche Markierungen
'### Public Sub ###
Private Sub Menu_Initial()
Me.oMenu_Main = New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
Me.oMenu_NewMarks = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
Me.oMenu_HideMarks = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
Me.oMenu_Main.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.oMenu_NewMarks, Me.oMenu_HideMarks, Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks})
Me.oMenu_Main.Name = "oMenu_Main"
Me.oMenu_Main.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(202, 70)
Me.oMenu_NewMarks.Name = "oMenu_NewMarks"
Me.oMenu_NewMarks.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(201, 22)
Me.oMenu_NewMarks.Text = "Neue Markierung"
AddHandler Me.oMenu_NewMarks.Click, AddressOf oMenu_NewMarks_Click
Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Name = "oMenu_HideMarks"
Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(201, 22)
Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Text = "Verstecke Markierungen"
AddHandler Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Click, AddressOf oMenu_HideMarks_Click
Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks.Name = "oMenu_DelAllMarks"
Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(201, 22)
Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks.Text = "Lösche Markierungen"
AddHandler Me.oMenu_DelAllMarks.Click, AddressOf oMenu_DelAllMarks_Click
Me.ContextMenuStrip = Me.oMenu_Main
End Sub 'Menu_Initial
Private Sub Menu_Update()
If bMarks_Visible Then
Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Text = "Verstecke Markierungen"
Me.oMenu_HideMarks.Text = "Zeige Markierungen"
End If
End Sub 'Menu_Update
'#### Handles Events ####
Private Sub oMenu_NewMarks_Click()
Me.MouseMode_Set("Creat_New_Intern", New Mark)
End Sub 'oMenu_NewMarks_Click
Private Sub oMenu_HideMarks_Click()
Me.Marks_Visible = Not Me.Marks_Visible
End Sub 'oHideMarks_Click
Private Sub oMenu_DelAllMarks_Click()
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_DeleteAll
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
End Sub 'oMenu_DelAllMarks_Click
#End Region 'ContextMenuStrip
'############################## ActivMark #############################################
#Region "ActivMark"
'Propertys ---, Events, Update (Click on Buton Activate - Click on IMG Deactivate)
'### Declare ###
Public Event ActivMarkChanged(ByVal arg As Boolean) 'When new is Activ or it is Deactivated
Public Event ActivMarkTaggChanged() 'Name & Description
Public Event ActivMarkPositionChanged() 'Position = Left or Top or Width or Height
Public Event ActivMarkNameChanged() 'Name
Public Event ActivMarkDescriptionChanged() 'Description
Public Event ActivMarkLeftChanged() 'Left
Public Event ActivMarkTopChanged() 'Top
Public Event ActivMarkWidthChanged() 'Width
Public Event ActivMarkHeightChanged() 'Height
Private nActivMarkIndex As Integer
'### Property ###
'Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Command, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
Public Property ActivMark As Boolean
Return Me.ActivMark_Enabled()
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If Me.ActivMark_Enabled() Then Me.ActivMark_LuseFokus()
End Set
End Property 'ActivMark: Get-> Return Mode | Set-> Only Act when value = False -> Clear()
Public ReadOnly Property ActivMarkID As String
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID
Return ""
End If
End Get
''Set(ByVal value As String)
'' If bActivMark And (Me.nActivMarkIndex >= 0) Then
'' If Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID = value) Then
'' 'Creat new witch new ID and Old Position & Tagg
'' 'Del onld wich old ID
'' Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID = value
'' RaiseEvent ActivMarkChanged(ActivMark_Enabled())
'' End If
'' End If
''End Set
End Property 'RO ActivMarkID <--- Jet RO, In the future RW
Public ReadOnly Property ActivMarkCommand As String
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Command
Return ""
End If
End Get
End Property 'RO ActivMarkCommand
Public Property ActivMarkLeft() As Integer
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left
Return -1
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If (value >= 0) And Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", value, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkLeftChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkPositionChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property 'ActivMarkLeft
Public Property ActivMarkTop() As Integer
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top
Return -1
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If (value >= 0) And Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, value, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkTopChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkPositionChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property 'ActivMarkTop
Public Property ActivMarkWidth() As Integer
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width
Return -1
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If (value >= 0) And Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, value, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkWidthChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkPositionChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property ' ActivMarkWidth
Public Property ActivMarkHeight() As Integer
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height
Return -1
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If (value >= 0) And Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, value, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkHeightChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkPositionChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property 'ActivMarkHeight
Public Property ActivMarkName As String
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name
Return ""
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, value, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkNameChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkTaggChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property 'ActivMarkName
Public Property ActivMarkDescription As String
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
Return Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description
Return ""
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If ActivMark_Enabled() Then
If Not (Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Description = value) Then
Dim Answer As String = Me.Marks_Update(Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).ID, "Change", Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Left, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Top, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Width, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Height, Me.aMarks(nActivMarkIndex).Name, value)
If Debugging And Not Answer = "Success" Then MsgBox(Answer)
RaiseEvent ActivMarkDescriptionChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkTaggChanged()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property 'ActivMarkDescription
'### Private Subs ###
Private Sub ActivMark_Clear()
End Sub 'ActivMark_Clear
Private Sub ActivMark_Update(Optional ByVal Index As Integer = -1)
Me.nActivMarkIndex = Index
Dim btmp = Me.ActivMark_Enabled
RaiseEvent ActivMarkChanged(btmp)
End Sub 'ActivMark_Update
Private Sub ActivMark_EventSiceChanged()
RaiseEvent ActivMarkPositionChanged()
End Sub
'### Private Functions ###
Private Function ActivMark_Enabled()
ActivMark_Enabled = False
If nActivMarkIndex >= 0 Then ActivMark_Enabled = True
End Function 'ActivMark_Enabled ### Return True If any ActivMark is Enabled ###
'### Handles Events ###
Private Sub ActivMark_LuseFokus() Handles Me.Click
End Sub 'ActivMark_LuseFokus ### Handles Me.Click
#End Region 'ActivMark
End Class 'TaggedIMG