IPFS transport for apt # Requirements sudo apt install python3 pip sudo pip3 install ipfsapi sudo snap install ipfs ipfs init ipfs daemon & # Install Copy the ipfs file from this repo to the directory for apt transport methods: sudo wget --output-document /usr/lib/apt/methods/ipfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JaquerEspeis/apt-transport-ipfs/master/ipfs sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/apt/methods/ipfs # Configure Add an IPFS mirror to your apt sources.list file. TODO set up a mirror. # Hacky local test While we set up a proper IPFS mirror, this can be tested by adding a bunch of files: cd ~ mkdir --parents test-archive/dists/xenial/ cd test-archive/dists/xenial wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/Release ipfs add --recursive ~/test-archive The last line that this command returns will be something like: added {hash} test-archive Now, add that hash to /etc/apt/source.list with the following form: deb ipfs://{hash} xenial main