491 lines
12 KiB
491 lines
12 KiB
#include "btfiles.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <io.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "bencode.h"
#define MAX_OPEN_FILES 20
m_btfhead = (BTFILE*) 0;
m_total_files_length = 0;
m_total_opened = 0;
m_flag_automanage = 0;
m_directory = (char*)0;
BTFILE* btFiles::_new_bfnode()
BTFILE *pnew = new BTFILE;
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pnew ) return (BTFILE*) 0;
pnew->bf_flag_opened = 0;
pnew->bf_flag_need = 0;
pnew->bf_filename = (char*) 0;
pnew->bf_fp = (FILE*) 0;
pnew->bf_length = 0;
pnew->bf_last_timestamp = (time_t) 0;
pnew->bf_next = (BTFILE*) 0;
return pnew;
int btFiles::_btf_open(BTFILE *pbf)
char fn[MAXPATHLEN];
if(m_flag_automanage && (m_total_opened >= MAX_OPEN_FILES)){ // close any files.
BTFILE *pbf_n,*pbf_close;
pbf_close = (BTFILE *) 0;
for(pbf_n = m_btfhead; pbf_n ; pbf_n = pbf_n->bf_next){
if(!pbf_n->bf_flag_opened) continue; // file not been opened.
if( !pbf_close || pbf_n->bf_last_timestamp < pbf_close->bf_last_timestamp)
pbf_close = pbf_n;
if(!pbf_close || fclose(pbf_close->bf_fp) < 0) return -1;
pbf_close->bf_flag_opened = 0;
if( m_directory ){
if( MAXPATHLEN <= snprintf(fn, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%c%s", m_directory, PATH_SP, pbf->bf_filename) )
return -1;
strcpy(fn, pbf->bf_filename);
if( !(pbf->bf_fp = fopen(fn,"r+")) ) return -1;
pbf->bf_flag_opened = 1;
return 0;
ssize_t btFiles::IO(char *buf, u_int64_t off, size_t len, const int iotype)
u_int64_t n = 0;
size_t pos,nio;
BTFILE *pbf = m_btfhead;
if( ( off + (u_int64_t)len ) > m_total_files_length) return -1;
for(; pbf; pbf = pbf->bf_next){
n += (u_int64_t) pbf->bf_length;
if(n > off) break;
if( !pbf ) return -1;
pos = (size_t) (off - (n - pbf->bf_length));
for(; len ;){
if( !pbf->bf_flag_opened ){
if( _btf_open(pbf) < 0 ) return -1;
if( m_flag_automanage ) time(&pbf->bf_last_timestamp);
if( fseek(pbf->bf_fp,(long) pos,SEEK_SET) < 0) return -1;
nio = (len < pbf->bf_length - pos) ? len : (pbf->bf_length - pos);
if(0 == iotype){
if( 1 != fread(buf,nio,1,pbf->bf_fp) ) return -1;
if( 1 != fwrite(buf,nio,1,pbf->bf_fp) ) return -1;
len -= nio;
buf += nio;
if( len ){
pbf = pbf->bf_next;
if( !pbf ) return -1;
pos = 0;
} // end for
return 0;
int btFiles::_btf_destroy()
BTFILE *pbf,*pbf_next;
for(pbf = m_btfhead; pbf;){
pbf_next = pbf->bf_next;
if( pbf->bf_fp ) fclose( pbf->bf_fp );
if( pbf->bf_filename ) delete []pbf->bf_filename;
delete pbf;
pbf = pbf_next;
m_btfhead = (BTFILE*) 0;
m_total_files_length = (u_int64_t) 0;
m_total_opened = 0;
return 0;
int btFiles::_btf_ftruncate(int fd,size_t length)
#ifdef WINDOWS
char c = (char)0;
if(lseek(fd,length - 1, SEEK_SET) < 0 ) return -1;
return write(fd, &c, 1);
return ftruncate(fd,length);
int btFiles::_btf_recurses_directory(const char *cur_path, BTFILE* lastnode)
char full_cur[MAXPATHLEN];
char fn[MAXPATHLEN];
struct stat sb;
struct dirent *dirp;
DIR *dp;
BTFILE *pbf;
if( !getcwd(full_cur, MAXPATHLEN) ) return -1;
if( cur_path ){
strcpy(fn, full_cur);
if( MAXPATHLEN <= snprintf(full_cur, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%c%s", fn, PATH_SP, cur_path))
return -1;
if( (DIR*) 0 == (dp = opendir(full_cur))){
fprintf(stderr,"error, open directory %s failed, %s\n",cur_path,strerror(errno));
return -1;
while( (struct dirent*) 0 != (dirp = readdir(dp)) ){
if( 0 == strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") ||
0 == strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") ) continue;
if( cur_path ){
if(MAXPATHLEN < snprintf(fn, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%c%s", cur_path, PATH_SP, dirp->d_name)){
fprintf(stderr,"error, pathname too long\n");
return -1;
strcpy(fn, dirp->d_name);
if( stat(fn, &sb) < 0 ){
fprintf(stderr,"error, stat %s failed, %s\n",fn,strerror(errno));
return -1;
if( S_IFREG & sb.st_mode ){
pbf = _new_bfnode();
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf ) return -1;
pbf->bf_filename = new char[strlen(fn) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf->bf_filename ){ closedir(dp); return -1;}
strcpy(pbf->bf_filename, fn);
pbf->bf_length = sb.st_size;
m_total_files_length += sb.st_size;
if( lastnode ) lastnode->bf_next = pbf; else m_btfhead = pbf;
lastnode = pbf;
}else if( S_IFDIR & sb.st_mode ){
if(_btf_recurses_directory(fn, lastnode) < 0){closedir(dp); return -1;}
fprintf(stderr,"error, %s is not a directory or regular file.\n",fn);
return -1;
} // end while
return 0;
int btFiles::_btf_creat_by_path(const char *pathname, size_t file_length)
struct stat sb;
int fd;
char *p,*pnext,last = 0;
char sp[MAXPATHLEN];
pnext = sp;
if(PATH_SP == *pnext) pnext++;
for(; !last; ){
for(p = pnext; *p && PATH_SP != *p; p++) ;
if( !*p ) last = 1;
if(last && PATH_SP == *p){ last = 0; break;}
*p = '\0';
if(stat(sp,&sb) < 0){
if( ENOENT == errno ){
if( !last ){
#ifdef WINDOWS
if(mkdir(sp) < 0) break;
if(mkdir(sp,0755) < 0) break;
if((fd = creat(sp,0644)) < 0) { last = 0; break; }
if(file_length && _btf_ftruncate(fd, file_length) < 0){close(fd); last = 0; break;}
}else{last = 0; break;}
if( !last ){ *p = PATH_SP; pnext = p + 1;}
return last;
int btFiles::BuildFromFS(const char *pathname)
struct stat sb;
BTFILE *pbf = (BTFILE*) 0;
if( stat(pathname, &sb) < 0 ){
fprintf(stderr,"error, stat file %s failed, %s\n",pathname,strerror(errno));
return -1;
if( S_IFREG & sb.st_mode ){
pbf = _new_bfnode();
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf ) return -1;
pbf->bf_length = m_total_files_length = sb.st_size;
pbf->bf_filename = new char[strlen(pathname) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf->bf_filename ) return -1;
strcpy(pbf->bf_filename, pathname);
m_btfhead = pbf;
}else if( S_IFDIR & sb.st_mode ){
char wd[MAXPATHLEN];
if( !getcwd(wd, MAXPATHLEN) ) return -1;
m_directory = new char[strlen(pathname) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !m_directory ) return -1;
strcpy(m_directory, pathname);
if(chdir(m_directory) < 0){
fprintf(stderr,"error, change work directory to %s failed, %s",m_directory, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if(_btf_recurses_directory((const char*)0, (BTFILE*) 0) < 0) return -1;
if( chdir(wd) < 0) return -1;
fprintf(stderr,"error, %s is not a directory or regular file.\n",pathname);
return -1;
return 0;
int btFiles::BuildFromMI(const char *metabuf, const size_t metabuf_len, const char *saveas)
char path[MAXPATHLEN];
const char *s, *p;
size_t r,q,n;
if( !decode_query(metabuf, metabuf_len, "info|name",&s,&q,QUERY_STR) ||
MAXPATHLEN <= q) return -1;
memcpy(path, s, q);
path[q] = '\0';
r = decode_query(metabuf,metabuf_len,"info|files",(const char**) 0, &q,QUERY_POS);
if( r ){
BTFILE *pbf_last = (BTFILE*) 0;
BTFILE *pbf = (BTFILE*) 0;
size_t dl;
if( decode_query(metabuf,metabuf_len,"info|length",
(const char**) 0,(size_t*) 0,QUERY_INT) )
return -1;
if( saveas ){
m_directory = new char[strlen(saveas) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if(!m_directory) return -1;
m_directory = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !m_directory) return -1;
/* now r saved the pos of files list. q saved list length */
p = metabuf + r + 1;
for(; q && 'e' != *p; p += dl, q -= dl){
if(!(dl = decode_dict(p, q, (const char*) 0)) ) return -1;
if( !decode_query(p, dl, "length", (const char**) 0,
&r,QUERY_INT) ) return -1;
pbf = _new_bfnode();
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf ) return -1;
pbf->bf_length = r;
m_total_files_length += r;
r = decode_query(p, dl, "path", (const char **) 0, &n,QUERY_POS);
if( !r ) return -1;
if(!decode_list2path(p + r, n, path)) return -1;
pbf->bf_filename = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !pbf->bf_filename ) return -1;
strcpy(pbf->bf_filename, path);
if(pbf_last) pbf_last->bf_next = pbf; else m_btfhead = pbf;
pbf_last = pbf;
if( !decode_query(metabuf,metabuf_len,"info|length",
(const char**) 0,(size_t*) &q,QUERY_INT) )
return -1;
m_btfhead = _new_bfnode();
#ifndef WINDOWS
if( !m_btfhead) return -1;
m_btfhead->bf_length = m_total_files_length = q;
if( saveas ){
m_btfhead->bf_filename = new char[strlen(saveas) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if(!m_btfhead->bf_filename ) return -1;
strcpy(m_btfhead->bf_filename, saveas);
m_btfhead->bf_filename = new char[strlen(path) + 1];
#ifndef WINDOWS
if(!m_btfhead->bf_filename ) return -1;
strcpy(m_btfhead->bf_filename, path);
return 0;
int btFiles::CreateFiles()
int check_exist = 0;
char fn[MAXPATHLEN];
BTFILE *pbt = m_btfhead;
struct stat sb;
for(; pbt; pbt = pbt->bf_next){
if( m_directory ){
if( MAXPATHLEN <= snprintf(fn, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%c%s", m_directory, PATH_SP, pbt->bf_filename) )
return -1;
strcpy(fn, pbt->bf_filename);
if(stat(fn ,&sb) < 0){
if(ENOENT == errno){
if( !_btf_creat_by_path(fn,pbt->bf_length)){
fprintf(stderr,"error, create file %s failed.\n",fn);
return -1;
fprintf(stderr,"error, couldn't create file %s\n", fn);
return -1;
if( !check_exist) check_exist = 1;
if( !(S_IFREG & sb.st_mode) ){
fprintf(stderr,"error, file %s not a regular file.\n", fn);
return -1;
if(sb.st_size != pbt->bf_length){
fprintf(stderr,"error, file %s 's size not match. must be %u\n",
fn, pbt->bf_length);
return -1;
} //end for
return check_exist;
void btFiles::PrintOut()
BTFILE *p = m_btfhead;
size_t id = 1;
printf("FILES INFO\n");
if(m_directory) printf("Directory: %s\n",m_directory);
for( ; p ; p = p->bf_next ){
printf("<%d> %c%s [%u]\n",id++,
m_directory ? '\t': ' ',p->bf_filename, p->bf_length);
printf("Total: %lu MB\n\n",(unsigned long)(m_total_files_length / 1024 / 1024));
size_t btFiles::FillMetaInfo(FILE* fp)
if( m_directory ){
// multi files
if( bencode_str("files", fp) != 1 ) return 0;
if( bencode_begin_list(fp) != 1) return 0;
for( p = m_btfhead; p; p = p->bf_next){
if( bencode_begin_dict(fp) != 1) return 0;
if( bencode_str("length", fp) != 1 ) return 0;
if( bencode_int(p->bf_length, fp) != 1) return 0;
if( bencode_str("path", fp) != 1) return 0;
if( bencode_path2list(p->bf_filename, fp) != 1 ) return 0;
if( bencode_end_dict_list(fp) != 1) return 0;
if(bencode_end_dict_list(fp) != 1 ) return 0;
if(bencode_str("name", fp) != 1) return 0;
return bencode_str(m_directory, fp);
if( bencode_str("length", fp) != 1 ) return 0;
if( bencode_int(m_btfhead->bf_length, fp) != 1) return 0;
if( bencode_str("name", fp) != 1 ) return 0;
return bencode_str(m_btfhead->bf_filename, fp);
return 1;