.TH u@PROGRAM_NAME@ 8 "2009-04-13" @PACKAGE_STRING@ .SH NAME u@PROGRAM_NAME@ \- Umount-helper to unmount a @PACKAGE@ file system .SH SYNOPSIS .B u@PROGRAM_NAME@ [-h | --help] [-V | --version] .br .BI "umount " dir .SH SYNOPSIS (root only) .BI "u@PROGRAM_NAME@ " dir .SH DESCRIPTION \fBu@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR is a umount helper program. It is called by the \fBumount\fR(8) command. Its purpose is to prevent the umount command from returning unless \fB@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR has synchronized all its cached files with the webdav server. .PP \fIdir\fP is the mountpoint where the WebDAV resource is mounted on. It may be an absolute or relative path. .PP While for local file systems \fBumount\fR(8) will only return when all cached data have been written to disk, this is not automatically true for a mounted \fB@PACKAGE@\fR file system. With this umount helper the user can rely on the familiar behaviour of \fBumount\fR(8). To inform the operating system that the file system uses a network connection, you should always use the \fB_netdev\fR option, when mounting as \fB@PACKAGE@\fR file system. .PP Depending on the amount of data and the quality of the connection, unmounting a \fB@PACKAGE@\fR file system may take some seconds up to some hours. .PP If the \fB@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR daemon encountered serious errors, \fBu@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR may return an error instead of unmounting the file system. In this case try \fBumount -i\fR. The \fB-i\fR option will prevent \fBumount\fR(8) from calling \fBu@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -V --version Output version. .TP .B -h --help Print a help message. .TP .B -f -l -n -r -v This options are \fBignored\fR. They are only recognized for compatibility with \fBumount\fR(8). .SH FILES .TP .I @SYS_RUN@ PID-files of running \fBu@PROGRAM_NAME@\fR processes are looked up here. .SH BUGS No known bugs. .SH AUTHORS This man page was written by Werner Baumann . .SH DAVFS2 HOME http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/davfs2 .SH SEE ALSO .BR @PROGRAM_NAME@ (8), .BR umount (8), .BR @CONFIGFILE@ (5), .BR fstab (5)