/* mount_davfs.h: structure to collect arguments and options. Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Werner Baumann This file is part of davfs2. davfs2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. davfs2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with davfs2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef DAV_MOUNT_DAVFS_H #define DAV_MOUNT_DAVFS_H /* Data Types */ /*============*/ /* This data structure holds almost everything davfs gathers while reading and checking command line and configuration files. (See comment for data origin; highest precedence first.) Some data will be copied into global or local variables to be available in daemon mode. The rest will be freed when forking into daemon mode. */ typedef struct { char *cmdline; int relative_mpoint; char *dav_user; /* System config file */ char *dav_group; /* System config file */ char *conf; /* Command line */ /* Mount options */ int user; /* Command line */ int users; /* Command line */ int netdev; /* Command line */ unsigned long int mopts; /* Command line */ char *add_mopts; char *kernel_fs; /* User config file, system config file */ size_t buf_size; /* User config file, system config file */ /* File mode */ uid_t fsuid; /* Command line */ gid_t fsgid; /* Command line */ mode_t dir_umask; mode_t file_umask; mode_t dir_mode; /* Command line */ mode_t file_mode; /* Command line */ /* WebDAV-resource */ char *scheme; /* Command line */ char *host; /* Command line */ int port; /* Command line */ char *path; /* Command line */ char *servercert; /* User config file, system config file */ char *secrets; /* User config file */ char *username; /* User secrets file, system secrets file */ char *cl_username; /* Command line */ char *password; /* User secrets file, system secrets file */ char *clicert; /* User config file, system config file */ char *clicert_pw; /* User secrets file, system secrets file */ char *p_host; /* User config file, sys conf f., environment */ int p_port; /* User config file, sys conf f., environment */ char *p_user; /* User secrets file, system secrets file */ char *p_passwd; /* User secrets file, system secrets file */ int useproxy; /* User config file, sys conf f., command line */ int askauth; /* User config file, sys conf f., command line */ int locks; /* User config file, sys conf f., command line */ char * lock_owner; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t lock_timeout; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t lock_refresh; /* User config file, system config file */ int expect100; /* User config file, system config file */ int if_match_bug; /* User config file, system config file */ int drop_weak_etags; /* User config file, system config file */ int allow_cookie; /* User config file, system config file */ int precheck; /* User config file, system config file */ int ignore_dav_header; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t connect_timeout; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t read_timeout; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t retry; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t max_retry; /* User config file, system config file */ int max_upload_attempts; /* User config file, system config file */ char * s_charset; /* User config file, system config file */ char * header; /* User config file, system config file */ /* Cache */ char *sys_cache; /* System config file */ char *cache_dir; /* User config file */ char *backup_dir; /* User config file, system config file */ size_t cache_size; /* User config file, system config file */ size_t table_size; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t dir_refresh; /* User config file, system config file */ time_t file_refresh; /* User config file, system config file */ int delay_upload; /* User config file, system config file */ int gui_optimize; /* User config file, system config file */ /* Debugging */ int debug; /* User config file, system config file */ int neon_debug; /* User config file, system config file */ } dav_args; /* Public functions. */ /*===================*/ /* Main launches a daemon program that runs a directory and file cache and is connected to the WbDAV resource and the kernel file system module. It must run setuid root. After forking into daemon mode it releases root permissions permanently. The daemon runs with the uid of the user that owns the file system. (If invoked by root and the mounted file system is owned by root, the daemon runs as root. This should be avoided.) Launching the daemon (and stopping) is done in 5 steps. Step 1: - Gathering information from command line, configuration files and environment. - Checking this information for consistency and any errors that would prevent successful running of the daemon. - Checking whether the the user has permissions to mount. - Checking whether the neccessary files and directories for running the daemon are available. Step 2: - The modules for connecting to the kernel, connecting to the WebDAV resource and for caching are initialised. If an error accurs during step 1 or step 2 an error message is printed and the program dies immediately. Clean up is left to the operating system. Step 3: - Forking into daemon mode. - While the daemon (child) writes the pid file and starts reading upcalls from the kernel in an endless loop, the parent process tries to mount the file system and write an entry into mtab (_PROC_MOUNTS). - If an error occurs in one of the processes it sends SIGTERM to the other. While the parent just dies, the daemon will run its normal exit code (see step 5). In rare cases this might nevertheless leave stale pid files or entries in mtab that must be cleaned manually by the administrator. - If mounting is successful the parent process exits with success. Step 4: - Running as daemon. Step 5: - Terminating. - The daemon has set a signal handler for SIGTERM and SIGHUP. If it gets one of these signals it tries to unmount the file system and resets the global variable keep_on_running. This will terminate the message loop gracefully. - If the file system is unmounted (by the umount programm), the message loop will terminate gracefully. - The close functions of the modules are called, that will clean up the cache, save cached information if neccessary and close the connections. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]); /* Prints prompt to stdout and reads a line from stdin. Echoing the user input to stdout is prohibited. A trailing newline is removed. return value : the user input. */ char * dav_user_input_hidden(const char *prompt); #endif /* DAV_MOUNT_DAVFS_H */