/* dav_fuse.c: interface to the fuse kernel module FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION 7. Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008. 2009 Werner Baumann This file is part of davfs2. davfs2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. davfs2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with davfs2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBINTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #include #include "xalloc.h" #include "xvasprintf.h" #include #include "defaults.h" #include "mount_davfs.h" #include "cache.h" #include "kernel_interface.h" #include "fuse_kernel.h" #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #define _(String) gettext(String) #else #define _(String) String #endif /* Constants from Linux headers */ /*==============================*/ #ifndef MISC_MAJOR #define MISC_MAJOR 10 #endif #ifndef FUSE_MINOR #define FUSE_MINOR 229 #endif /* Data Types */ /*============*/ /* There is no struct fuse_create_out in fuse_kernel.h. */ struct create_out { struct fuse_entry_out entry; struct fuse_open_out open; }; /* Private constants */ /*===================*/ /* Name of the device to communicate with the kernel file system. */ #define FUSE_DEV_NAME "fuse" /* Minimum minor version of fuse. */ #define FUSE_MIN_MINOR 13 /* Private global variables */ /*==========================*/ /* File descriptor of the fuse device. */ static int fuse_device; /* Buffer used for communication with the kernel module (in and out). */ static size_t buf_size; static char *buf; /* Header of incomming calls. */ static struct fuse_in_header *ih; /* Header of outgoing replies. */ static struct fuse_out_header *oh; /* Start of upcall specific structure. */ static char *upcall; /* Start of upcall specific reply structure. */ static char *reply; /* Time to wait for upcalls before calling dav_tidy_cache(). */ static time_t idle_time; /* Send debug messages to syslog if dbg != 0. */ static int debug; /* fuse wants the nodeid of the root node to be 1, so we have to translate between the real nodeid and what fuse wants. */ static uint64_t root; /* Private function prototypes */ /*=============================*/ /* Functions to handle upcalls fromthe kernel module. */ static uint32_t fuse_access(void); static uint32_t fuse_create(void); static uint32_t fuse_getattr(void); static uint32_t fuse_init(void); static uint32_t fuse_lookup(void); static uint32_t fuse_mkdir(void); static uint32_t fuse_mknod(void); static uint32_t fuse_open(void); static uint32_t fuse_read(void); static uint32_t fuse_release(void); static uint32_t fuse_rename(void); static uint32_t fuse_setattr(void); static uint32_t fuse_stat(void); static uint32_t fuse_write(void); static uint32_t not_implemented(const char *msg); /* Auxiliary functions. */ static off_t write_dir_entry(int fd, off_t off, const dav_node *node, const char *name); static void set_attr(struct fuse_attr *attr, const dav_node *node); /* Public functions */ /*==================*/ void dav_init_kernel_interface(const char *url, const char *mpoint, const dav_args *args) { debug = args->debug & DAV_DBG_KERNEL; if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "Initializing kernel interface"); buf_size = args->buf_size * 1024; if (buf_size < (FUSE_MIN_READ_BUFFER + 1024)) buf_size = FUSE_MIN_READ_BUFFER + 1024; buf = malloc(buf_size); if (!buf) error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("can't allocate message buffer")); ih = (struct fuse_in_header *) buf; oh = (struct fuse_out_header *) buf; upcall = buf + sizeof(struct fuse_in_header); reply = buf + sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); idle_time = args->delay_upload; char *path = xasprintf("%s/%s", DAV_DEV_DIR, FUSE_DEV_NAME); fuse_device = open(path, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (fuse_device <= 0) { error(0, 0, _("loading kernel module fuse")); int ret; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { execl("/sbin/modprobe", "modprobe", "fuse", NULL); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (pid < 0) { ret = -1; } else { if (waitpid(pid, &ret, 0) != pid) ret = -1; } if (ret) { error(0, 0, _("loading kernel module fuse failed")); } else { fuse_device = open(path, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); } if (fuse_device <= 0) { error(0, 0, _("waiting for %s to be created"), path); sleep(2); fuse_device = open(path, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); } } free(path); if (fuse_device <= 0) error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("can't open fuse device")); char *mdata = xasprintf("fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i,group_id=%i," "allow_other,max_read=%lu", fuse_device, args->dir_mode, args->fsuid, args->fsgid, (unsigned long int) (buf_size - 1024)); if (mount(url, mpoint, "fuse", args->mopts, mdata) != 0) error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("mounting failed")); free(mdata); } void dav_run_msgloop(volatile int *keep_on_running) { dav_register_kernel_interface(&write_dir_entry); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = idle_time; tv.tv_usec = 0; time_t last_tidy_cache = time(NULL); while (*keep_on_running) { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fuse_device, &fds); int ret = select(fuse_device + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "SELECT: %i", ret); if (ret > 0) { ssize_t bytes_read = read(fuse_device, buf, buf_size); if (bytes_read <= 0) { if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "READ: %s", strerror(errno)); if (bytes_read == 0 || errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN || errno == ENOENT) { if (time(NULL) < (last_tidy_cache + idle_time)) { tv.tv_sec = last_tidy_cache + idle_time - time(NULL); } else { tv.tv_sec = 0; } continue; } break; } } else if (ret == 0) { if (!dav_is_mounted()) break; if (dav_tidy_cache() == 0) { tv.tv_sec = idle_time; last_tidy_cache = time(NULL); } else { tv.tv_sec = 0; } continue; } else { break; } if (ih->nodeid == 1) ih->nodeid = root; switch (ih->opcode) { case FUSE_LOOKUP: oh->len = fuse_lookup(); break; case FUSE_FORGET: if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_FORGET: no reply"); oh->len = 0; break; case FUSE_GETATTR: oh->len = fuse_getattr(); break; case FUSE_SETATTR: oh->len = fuse_setattr(); break; case FUSE_READLINK: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_READLINK:"); break; case FUSE_SYMLINK: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_SYMLINK:"); break; case FUSE_MKNOD: oh->len = fuse_mknod(); break; case FUSE_MKDIR: oh->len = fuse_mkdir(); break; case FUSE_UNLINK: if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_UNLINK %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); } oh->error = dav_remove((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), upcall, ih->uid); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; oh->len = sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); break; case FUSE_RMDIR: if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_RMDIR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); } oh->error = dav_rmdir((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), upcall, ih->uid); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; oh->len = sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); break; case FUSE_RENAME: oh->len = fuse_rename(); break; case FUSE_LINK: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_LINK:"); break; case FUSE_OPEN: oh->len = fuse_open(); break; case FUSE_READ: oh->len = fuse_read(); break; case FUSE_WRITE: oh->len = fuse_write(); break; case FUSE_STATFS: oh->len = fuse_stat(); break; case FUSE_RELEASE: oh->len = fuse_release(); last_tidy_cache = 0; break; case FUSE_FSYNC: if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_FSYNC %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); } oh->error = dav_sync((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid)); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; oh->len = sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); break; case FUSE_SETXATTR: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_SETXATTR:"); break; case FUSE_GETXATTR: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_GETXATTR:"); break; case FUSE_LISTXATTR: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_LISTXATTR:"); break; case FUSE_REMOVEXATTR: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_REMOVEXATTR:"); break; case FUSE_FLUSH: if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_FLUSH: ignored"); oh->error = 0; oh->len = sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); break; case FUSE_INIT: oh->len = fuse_init(); break; case FUSE_OPENDIR: oh->len = fuse_open(); break; case FUSE_READDIR: oh->len = fuse_read(); break; case FUSE_RELEASEDIR: oh->len = fuse_release(); break; case FUSE_FSYNCDIR: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_FSYNCDIR:"); break; case FUSE_GETLK: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_GETLK:"); break; case FUSE_SETLK: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_SETLK:"); break; case FUSE_SETLKW: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_SETLKW:"); break; case FUSE_ACCESS: oh->len = fuse_access(); break; case FUSE_CREATE: oh->len = fuse_create(); break; case FUSE_INTERRUPT: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_INTERRUPT:"); break; case FUSE_BMAP: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_BMAP:"); break; case FUSE_DESTROY: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_DESTROY:"); break; case FUSE_IOCTL: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_IOCTL:"); break; case FUSE_POLL: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_POLL:"); break; case FUSE_NOTIFY_REPLY: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_NOTIFY_REPLY:"); break; case FUSE_BATCH_FORGET: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_BATCH_FORGET:"); break; case FUSE_FALLOCATE: oh->len = not_implemented("FUSE_FALLOCATE:"); break; default: if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "UNKNOWN FUSE CALL %i", ih->opcode); oh->error = -ENOSYS; oh->len = sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); break; } if (debug && oh->len) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "RET: %s", strerror(-oh->error)); ssize_t n = 0; ssize_t w = 0; while (n < oh->len && w >= 0) { w = write(fuse_device, buf + n, oh->len - n); n += w; } if (time(NULL) < (last_tidy_cache + idle_time)) { tv.tv_sec = last_tidy_cache + idle_time - time(NULL); } else { dav_tidy_cache(); tv.tv_sec = idle_time; last_tidy_cache = time(NULL); } } } /* Private functions */ /*===================*/ /* Functions to handle upcalls fromthe kernel module. The cache module only uses data types from the C-library. For file access, mode and the like it only uses symbolic constants defined in the C-library. So the main porpose of this functions is to translate from kernel specific types and constants to types and constants from the C-library, and back. All of this functions return the amount of data in buf that is to be send to the kernel module. */ static uint32_t fuse_access(void) { struct fuse_access_in *in = (struct fuse_access_in *) upcall; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_ACCESS %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " m=0x%x", in->mask); } oh->error = dav_access((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), ih->uid, in->mask); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } static uint32_t fuse_create(void) { struct fuse_create_in *in = (struct fuse_create_in *) upcall; char *name = upcall + sizeof(struct fuse_create_in); struct create_out *out = (struct create_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_CREATE %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " f=0x%x m=0%o um=0%o", in->flags, in->mode, in->umask); } int created = 0; dav_node *node = NULL; oh->error = dav_lookup(&node, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid); if (!oh->error) { if (!node) { oh->error = -EIO; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } else if (in->flags & O_EXCL) { oh->error = -EEXIST; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } } else if (oh->error == ENOENT) { oh->error = dav_create(&node, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid, in->mode & DAV_A_MASK); if (oh->error || !node) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } created = 1; } else { oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } int fd = 0; oh->error = dav_open(&fd, node, in->flags & ~(O_EXCL | O_CREAT), ih->uid, 1); if (oh->error || !fd) { if (created) dav_remove((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid); if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->entry.nodeid = (size_t) node; out->entry.generation = out->entry.nodeid; out->entry.entry_valid = 1; out->entry.attr_valid = 1; out->entry.entry_valid_nsec = 0; out->entry.attr_valid_nsec = 0; set_attr(&out->entry.attr, node); out->open.open_flags = in->flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_APPEND); out->open.fh = fd; out->open.padding = 0; if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " fd %i", fd); return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct create_out); } static uint32_t fuse_getattr(void) { struct fuse_getattr_in *in = (struct fuse_getattr_in *) upcall; struct fuse_attr_out *out = (struct fuse_attr_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_GETATTR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " f=0x%x fh=%llu", in->getattr_flags, in->fh); } oh->error = dav_getattr((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), ih->uid); if (oh->error) { oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } set_attr(&out->attr, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid)); out->attr_valid = 1; out->attr_valid_nsec = 0; out->dummy = 0; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_attr_out); } static uint32_t fuse_init(void) { struct fuse_init_in *in = (struct fuse_init_in *) upcall; struct fuse_init_out *out = (struct fuse_init_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_INIT %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " verson=%u.%u", in->major, in->minor); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " ra=%u f=0x%x", in->max_readahead, in->flags); } if (in->major < FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION || (in->major == FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION && in->minor < FUSE_MIN_MINOR)) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FATAL: Kernel-version too old."); oh->error = -ENOSYS; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } if (in->major > FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION) { oh->error = 0; out->major = FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } dav_node *node; oh->error = dav_root(&node, ih->uid); if (oh->error || !node) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } root = (size_t) node; out->major = FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION; if (in->minor > FUSE_KERNEL_MINOR_VERSION) { out->minor = FUSE_KERNEL_MINOR_VERSION; } else { out->minor = in->minor; } out->max_readahead = 0; out->flags = 0; out->max_background = 0; out->congestion_threshold = 0; out->max_write = buf_size - 1024; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_init_out); } static uint32_t fuse_lookup(void) { char * name = upcall; struct fuse_entry_out *out = (struct fuse_entry_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_LOOKUP %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " %s", name); } dav_node *node = NULL; oh->error = dav_lookup(&node, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid); if (oh->error || !node) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->nodeid = (uint64_t) ((size_t) node); out->generation = out->nodeid; out->entry_valid = 1; out->attr_valid = 1; out->entry_valid_nsec = 0; out->attr_valid_nsec = 0; set_attr(&out->attr, node); return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_entry_out); } static uint32_t fuse_mkdir(void) { struct fuse_mkdir_in *in = (struct fuse_mkdir_in *) upcall; char *name = upcall + sizeof(struct fuse_mkdir_in); struct fuse_entry_out *out = (struct fuse_entry_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_MKDIR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " m=0%o um=0%o %s", in->mode, in->umask, name); } dav_node *node = NULL; oh->error = dav_mkdir(&node, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid, in->mode & DAV_A_MASK); if (oh->error || !node) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->nodeid = (size_t) node; out->generation = out->nodeid; out->entry_valid = 1; out->attr_valid = 1; out->entry_valid_nsec = 0; out->attr_valid_nsec = 0; set_attr(&out->attr, node); return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_entry_out); } static uint32_t fuse_mknod(void) { struct fuse_mknod_in *in = (struct fuse_mknod_in *) upcall; char *name = upcall + sizeof(struct fuse_mknod_in); struct fuse_entry_out *out = (struct fuse_entry_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_MKNOD %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " m=0%o r=%u um=0%o", in->mode, in->rdev, in->umask); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " %s", name); } if (!S_ISREG(in->mode)) { oh->error = -ENOTSUP; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } dav_node *node = NULL; oh->error = dav_create(&node, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), name, ih->uid, in->mode & DAV_A_MASK); if (oh->error || !node) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->nodeid = (size_t) node; out->generation = out->nodeid; out->entry_valid = 1; out->attr_valid = 1; out->entry_valid_nsec = 0; out->attr_valid_nsec = 0; set_attr(&out->attr, node); return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_entry_out); } static uint32_t fuse_open(void) { struct fuse_open_in *in = (struct fuse_open_in *) upcall; struct fuse_open_out *out = (struct fuse_open_out *) reply; if (debug) { if (ih->opcode == FUSE_OPENDIR) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_OPENDIR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } else { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_OPEN %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih-> unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " f=0x%x", in->flags); } int fd = 0; oh->error = dav_open(&fd, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), in->flags, ih->uid, 0); if (oh->error || !fd) { if (!oh->error) oh->error = EIO; oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->open_flags = in->flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_APPEND); out->fh = fd; out->padding = 0; if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " fd %i", fd); return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_open_out); } static uint32_t fuse_read(void) { struct fuse_read_in *in = (struct fuse_read_in *) upcall; if (debug) { if (ih->opcode == FUSE_READDIR) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_READDIR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } else { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_READ %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih-> unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " fh=%llu, off=%llu, sz=%u", (unsigned long long) in->fh, (unsigned long long) in->offset, in->size); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " rf=0x%x, f=0x%x", in->read_flags, in->flags); } if (in->size > (buf_size - sizeof(struct fuse_out_header))) { oh->error = -EINVAL; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } ssize_t len; oh->error = dav_read(&len, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), in->fh, reply, in->size, in->offset); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; return len + sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } static uint32_t fuse_release(void) { struct fuse_release_in *in = (struct fuse_release_in *) upcall; if (debug) { if (ih->opcode == FUSE_RELEASEDIR) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_RELEASEDIR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } else { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_RELEASE %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); } syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " fh=%llu, f=0x%x, rf=0x%x", (unsigned long long) in->fh, in->flags, in->release_flags); } oh->error = dav_close((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), in->fh, in->flags, ih->pid, 0); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } static uint32_t fuse_rename(void) { struct fuse_rename_in *in = (struct fuse_rename_in *) upcall; char *old = upcall + sizeof(struct fuse_rename_in); char *new = old + strlen(old) + 1; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_RENAME %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " %s", old); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " n=0x%llx %s", (unsigned long long) in->newdir, new); } if (in->newdir == 1) in->newdir = root; oh->error = dav_rename((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), old, (dav_node *) ((size_t) in->newdir), new, ih->uid); if (oh->error) oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } static uint32_t fuse_setattr(void) { struct fuse_setattr_in *in = (struct fuse_setattr_in *) upcall; struct fuse_attr_out *out = (struct fuse_attr_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_SETATTR %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " v=0x%x sz=%llu", in->valid, (unsigned long long) in->size); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " at=%llu mt=%llu", (unsigned long long) in->atime, (unsigned long long) in->mtime); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " m=0%o uid=%u gid=%u", in->mode, in->uid, in->gid); } oh->error = dav_setattr((dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), ih->uid, in->valid & FATTR_MODE, in->mode, in->valid & FATTR_UID, in->uid, in->valid & FATTR_GID, in->gid, in->valid & FATTR_ATIME, in->atime, in->valid & FATTR_MTIME, in->mtime, in->valid & FATTR_SIZE, in->size); if (oh->error) { oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } set_attr(&out->attr, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid)); out->attr_valid = 1; out->attr_valid_nsec = 0; out->dummy = 0; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_attr_out); } static uint32_t fuse_stat(void) { struct fuse_statfs_out *out = (struct fuse_statfs_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_STATFS %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); } dav_stat *st = dav_statfs(); if (!st) { oh->error = -ENOSYS; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } int nblocks = (buf_size - sizeof(struct fuse_in_header) - sizeof(struct fuse_write_in) - 4095) / st->bsize; if (nblocks > 1) { out->st.blocks = st->blocks / nblocks; out->st.bfree = st->bfree / nblocks; out->st.bavail = st->bavail / nblocks; out->st.bsize = st->bsize * nblocks; } else { out->st.blocks = st->blocks; out->st.bfree = st->bfree; out->st.bavail = st->bavail; out->st.bsize = st->bsize; } out->st.files = st->files; out->st.ffree = st->ffree; out->st.namelen = st->namelen; out->st.frsize = 0; out->st.padding = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) out->st.spare[i] = 0; oh->error = 0; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_statfs_out); } static uint32_t fuse_write(void) { struct fuse_write_in *in = (struct fuse_write_in *) upcall; struct fuse_write_out *out = (struct fuse_write_out *) reply; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "FUSE_WRITE %llu: n=0x%llx", (unsigned long long) ih->unique, (unsigned long long) ih->nodeid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " u=%u g=%u p=%u", ih->uid, ih->gid, ih->pid); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " fh=%llu, off=%llu, sz=%u", (unsigned long long) in->fh, (unsigned long long) in->offset, in->size); syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), " wf=0x%x, f=0x%x", in->write_flags, in->flags); } if (in->size > (buf_size - sizeof(struct fuse_in_header) - sizeof(struct fuse_write_in))) { oh->error = -EINVAL; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } size_t size; oh->error = dav_write(&size, (dav_node *) ((size_t) ih->nodeid), in->fh, upcall + sizeof(struct fuse_write_in), in->size, in->offset); if (oh->error) { oh->error *= -1; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } out->size = size; out->padding = 0; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header) + sizeof(struct fuse_write_out); } static uint32_t not_implemented(const char *msg) { if (debug) syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_DAEMON, LOG_DEBUG), "%s", msg); oh->error = -ENOSYS; return sizeof(struct fuse_out_header); } /* Auxiliary functions. */ /* Writes a struct fuse_dirent to file with file descriptor fd. fd : An open file descriptor to write to. off : The current file size. name : File name; if NULL, the last, empty entry is written. return value : New size of the file. -1 in case of an error. */ static off_t write_dir_entry(int fd, off_t off, const dav_node *node, const char *name) { if (!name) return off; struct fuse_dirent entry; size_t head = offsetof(struct fuse_dirent, name); size_t reclen = (head + strlen(name) + sizeof(uint64_t) -1) & ~(sizeof(uint64_t) - 1); entry.ino = (((size_t) node) == root) ? 1 : (size_t) node; entry.off = off + reclen; entry.namelen = strlen(name); entry.type = (node->mode & S_IFMT) >> 12; size_t size = 0; ssize_t ret = 0; while (ret >= 0 && size < head) { ret = write(fd, (char *) &entry + size, head - size); size += ret; } if (size != head) return -1; ret = 0; while (ret >= 0 && size < (head + entry.namelen)) { ret = write(fd, name + size - head, entry.namelen - size + head); size += ret; } if (size != (head + entry.namelen)) return -1; ret = 0; while (ret >= 0 && size < reclen) { ret = write(fd, "\0", 1); size += ret; } if (size != reclen) return -1; return off + reclen; } static void set_attr(struct fuse_attr *attr, const dav_node *node) { attr->ino = (((size_t) node) == root) ? 1 : (size_t) node; attr->size = node->size; attr->blocks = (node->size + 511) / 512; attr->atime = node->atime; attr->mtime = node->mtime; attr->ctime = node->ctime; attr->atimensec = 0; attr->mtimensec = 0; attr->ctimensec = 0; attr->mode = node->mode; if (S_ISDIR(node->mode)) { attr->nlink = node->nref; } else { attr->nlink = 1; } attr->uid = node->uid; attr->gid = node->gid; attr->rdev = 0; /* TODO: set blocksize */ attr->blksize = 0; attr->padding = 0; }