Merge branch 'post-namecoin'

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6543 2019-07-05 19:59:43 +02:00
commit 9dede69828
1 changed files with 38 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title = "Setup Namecoin Tld Lookup"
date = 2019-07-03T00:14:36+02:00
author = "MH"
cover = ""
tags = ["dns", "namecoin", "blokchain", "setup"]
description = "A straightforward way to set up a resolver only for Namecoins bit top-level domain"
showFullContent = false
draft = false

This setup is distor independent. All you need is cron to start the blockchain and the name resolver.

download namecoin and ncdns binaries for your linux distros:

* [](
* [](

extract namecoin to /opt/namecoin
extract ncdns to /opt/ncdns

create new user e.g. <name> ( useradd name )

mkdir /var/lib/namecoin
chown name /var/lib/namecoin

crontab -e

@reboot sudo -u <name> /opt/namecoin/bin/namecoind -datadir=/var/lib/namecoin -rpccookiefile=/var/lib/namecoin/rpc.cookie &
@reboot sleep 20s; /opt/ncdns/bin/ncdns -service.uid $(id -u <name>) -ncdns.namecoinrpccookiepath /var/lib/namecoin/rpc.cookie &

Thats it, just reboot!

> to test it:

> dig @localhost obermui.bit