Merge branch 'doc-struckture' into develop

add draft
This commit is contained in:
6543 2018-05-20 01:34:46 +02:00
commit 28f59fb94b
1 changed files with 104 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,28 +1,113 @@
# Src # 1. Starte "remaster"

raw scripts .. ## 1.1 Lade Grundfunctionen [-> #functions]

## functions ## 1.2 Überprüfe ...
* auf Updates
* auf Rechte

- creat iso ## 1.3 Lade Richtige Einstellungen [-> #config]
- burn cd ... * Lade /etc/remaster/<Conf>
- clean workspace ... * Überprüfe Conf. (Proj Exist; Mods Exist; ...)

## 1.4 Lade Proj-Func [-> #projects]
* Überlade nach Abhängigkeit
* (z.B. ubuntu.16.04 -> ubuntu -> debian)
* Prüfe Conf. (Proj Conform)

## distros ## 1.5 Lade $n Mods (optional) [-> #mods]
* Überprüfen
* Spechern in MOD_LST

scripts vor distros # 2. Init Chroot
- update
- set network settings
- set OS settings

## mods ## 2.1 Dateien Entpacken
- for example: install & enable xrdp * ISO
- set default passwd * Squashfs
- ...

## web ## 2.2 Config für Chroot (chroot_initial)
placeholder for webfiles ... * (lxc-conf / tmpdir)
* Netzwerk

## pxe ## 2.3 Starte Chroot
placeholder for pxefiles ... * (lxc-start / mount ...)

# 3. Modivikationen

## 3.1 Netzwerk

## 3.2 Proj-Spez.
* (z.B. Desinfect: conky_info)

## 3.3 Packet Mgr
* Updates
* Install
* Delete

## 3.4 Weitere in $MOD_LST
* z.B. xrdp
* z.B. default pw

# 4. Finish

## 4.1 Aufreumen Live-Sys
* tmpfiles
* Packet Mgr

## 4.2 Stop chroot
* Umount

## 4.3. Gen ISO/PXE

## 4.4. Del Chroot

# 5. Send Log


## lxc

-> chroot_sh exec lxc-attach

-> chroot_dir = container name


## PXE

-> Install
* DHCP Relay
* NFS-Server
* TFTP-Server
* [Samba]

-> Setup
* (use <Lib>/proj/<proj> func)
* SMB/NFS LiveSys export
* TFTP (Boot Menue; Boot Loader; Kernel&Initrd)

-> Deinstall
* RM TFTP-Root
* RM SMB/NFS LiveSys export
* del DHCP Relay conf


## Jobs
* Read Confs -> get time interfall I
* Exec remaster <Conf> for I


## Web

show/edit #Configs

show (+live) #Logs

start/stop/plan #Jobs

start/stop/edit #PXE menue
* default
* all / single / none
* live view new clients