This commit is contained in:
6543 2018-03-26 14:52:46 +02:00
parent d0b6c3d271
commit 479ed25411

View File

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
#@version 1.7.3
#@version 1.8.0
#@date 2017-06-20
#@date 2017-07-04

################## S e t t i n g s ##################################################



#entweder iso_source oder filesystem_source alls quelle
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ distro="desinfect2017"
log_file="/data/remaster/logs/`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.log"

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ function main_renew() {
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "log_file=\"$log_file\""
echo "log_mail_source=\"$log_mail_source\""
echo "log_mail_aim=\"$log_mail_aim\""
echo "log_mail_subject=\"$log_mail_subject\""
echo ""
@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ function main_renew() {
echo "### Enviroment ###"
echo "iso_extr_dir=\"$iso_extr_dir\"" >> "$log_file"
echo "chroot_path=\"$chroot_path\"" >> "$log_file"
#env >> "$log_file"
echo $'\n\n' >> "$log_file"

echo $'### R U N ... ###\n' >> "$log_file"
@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ function main_renew() {
on_exit 0
} update
function main_update() { update_pxe
function main_update_pxe() {

[ "$log_file" == "" ] && log_file="`mktemp`"
[ -f "$log_file" ] || touch "$log_file"
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function main_update() {
chroot_path="`mktemp -d`"

echo "Remaster LOG `date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" > "$log_file"
echo "MODE: update" >> "$log_file"
echo "MODE: update_pxe" >> "$log_file"
echo "HOST: `hostname`" >> "$log_file"
echo >> "$log_file"

@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ function main_update() {
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "log_file=\"$log_file\""
echo "log_mail_source=\"$log_mail_source\""
echo "log_mail_aim=\"$log_mail_aim\""
echo "log_mail_subject=\"$log_mail_subject\""
echo ""
@ -240,6 +239,7 @@ function main_update() {

echo "### Enviroment ###"
echo "chroot_path=\"$chroot_path\"" >> "$log_file"
#env >> "$log_file"
echo $'\n\n' >> "$log_file"

echo $'### R U N ... ###\n' >> "$log_file"
@ -311,9 +311,8 @@ function main_update() {
on_exit 0
} renew_test
function main_renew_test() { update_iso #in arbeit
function main_update_iso() {
[ -f "$log_file" ] || touch "$log_file"
tail -f "$log_file" --pid="$$" &

@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ function main_renew_test() {
iso_extr_dir="`mktemp -d`"

echo "Remaster LOG `date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" > "$log_file"
echo "MODE: renew_test" >> "$log_file"
echo "MODE: update_iso" >> "$log_file"
echo "HOST: `hostname`" >> "$log_file"
echo >> "$log_file"

@ -348,7 +347,6 @@ function main_renew_test() {
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "log_file=\"$log_file\""
echo "log_mail_source=\"$log_mail_source\""
echo "log_mail_aim=\"$log_mail_aim\""
echo "log_mail_subject=\"$log_mail_subject\""
echo ""
@ -360,6 +358,7 @@ function main_renew_test() {
echo "### Enviroment ###"
echo "iso_extr_dir=\"$iso_extr_dir\"" >> "$log_file"
echo "chroot_path=\"$chroot_path\"" >> "$log_file"
#env >> "$log_file"
echo $'\n\n' >> "$log_file"

echo $'### R U N ... ###\n' >> "$log_file"
@ -376,6 +375,16 @@ function main_renew_test() {
# 2. Entpacke ISO
iso_extract "$iso_source" "$iso_extr_dir"

# 3. Checke pxe version
# if pxe is set
# if (date != date ); then $0 update_pxe #4.1
# filesystem = update #4.2
# else
# extrakt filesystem #5.
# update #6.
# done
# pack iso

# 3. Entpacken der Dateien des Live-Systems
filesystem_img="`find "$iso_extr_dir" -name filesystem.squashfs`"
[ -e "$filesystem_img" ] || {
@ -416,9 +425,9 @@ function main_renew_test() {

# 8. Manuelle Aktionen - deaktiviert

echo "Now You Have TIME to do something MANUALY!"
echo "enter in shell: #> chroot $chroot_path /bin/bash"
chroot $chroot_path /bin/bash
#echo "Now You Have TIME to do something MANUALY!"
#echo "enter in shell: #> chroot $chroot_path /bin/bash"
#chroot $chroot_path /bin/bash
#echo "Are You Finisch? Then Press [ENTER]"

# 9. Umount - Chroot Umgebung auflösen
@ -465,118 +474,9 @@ function main_renew_test() {
on_exit 0
} update_test
function main_update_test() {

[ "$log_file" == "" ] && log_file="`mktemp`"
[ -f "$log_file" ] || touch "$log_file"
tail -f "$log_file" --pid="$$" &

chroot_path="`mktemp -d`"

echo "Remaster LOG `date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" > "$log_file"
echo "MODE: update_test" >> "$log_file"
echo "HOST: `hostname`" >> "$log_file"
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "### S e t t i n g s ###" >> "$log_file"
echo "#Filesystem (for pxe)" >> "$log_file"
echo "filesystem_source=\"$filesystem_source\""
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "#Network" >> "$log_file"
echo "domain=\"$domain\"" >> "$log_file"
echo "nameserver=\"$nameserver\"" >> "$log_file"
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "#remaster_script" >> "$log_file"
echo "distro=\"$distro\"" >> "$log_file"
echo >> "$log_file"

echo "log_file=\"$log_file\""
echo "log_mail_source=\"$log_mail_source\""
echo "log_mail_aim=\"$log_mail_aim\""
echo "log_mail_subject=\"$log_mail_subject\""
echo ""

echo "#Sonstiges" >> "$log_file"
echo "tools_list=\"$tools_list\"" >> "$log_file"
echo $'\n' >> "$log_file"

echo "### Enviroment ###"
echo "chroot_path=\"$chroot_path\"" >> "$log_file"
echo $'\n\n' >> "$log_file"

echo $'### R U N ... ###\n' >> "$log_file"

#1. Set and Check Enviroment
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

[ "$distro" != "" ] && distro="_$distro"

# 1. Entpacken der Dateien des Live-Systems
[ -e "$filesystem_source" ] || {
echo "### ERROR ### \"$filesystem_source\" does not exist!" >> "$log_file"
on_exit 15 >> "$log_file"

filesystem_extract "$filesystem_source" "$chroot_path" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

# 2. Vorbereiten für chroot-Umgebung:

chroot_initial$distro "$chroot_path" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

# 3. Setzen der Netzwerk-Einstellungen:

dns_set "$chroot_path" "$domain" "$nameserver" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

# 4. Updaten von Desinfec't:
os_update$distro "$chroot_path" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

tools_add$distro "$chroot_path" "$tools_list"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

# 5. Manuelle Aktionen - deaktiviert

#echo "Now You Have TIME to do something MANUALY!"
#echo "enter in shell: #> chroot $chroot_path /bin/bash"
#echo "Are You Finisch? Then Press [ENTER]"

# 6. Umount - Chroot Umgebung auflösen

chroot_umount$distro "$chroot_path" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

#Überprüfen ob alles ausgehängt wurde
[ "`chroot_is_mounted "$chroot_path"`" == "true" ] && {
echo "### ERROR ### Cant Unmount Chroot!" >> "$log_file"
on_exit 21 >> "$log_file"

# 5. Packen und Ersetzen der Dateien
rm "$filesystem_source" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

filesystem_pack "$chroot_path" "$filesystem_source" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

chmod 777 "$filesystem_source" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

workspace_erase "$chroot_path/" >> "$log_file"
error_level="$?"; [ "$error_level" != "0" ] && on_exit $error_level >> "$log_file"

on_exit 0 update
function main_update() {
} error_code [error_level]
@ -606,7 +506,7 @@ function on_exit() {
echo "$log_mail_subject"
echo $'####################################################################################\n\n'
cat "$log_file"
} | sendemail -s -f -t "$mail_aim" -u "$log_mail_subject" -o tls=no
} | sendemail -s "$log_mail_smtp" -f "$log_mail_source" -t "$mail_aim" -u "$log_mail_subject" -o tls=no

[ "$1" != "0" ] && {
@ -1085,6 +985,27 @@ function chroot_is_mounted() {

#chroot_sh [chroot_dir] [command]
function chroot_sh() {
#check chroot dir
[ -d "$chroot_dir" ] || {
echo "### ERROR ### chroot_umount: chroot directory not exist!"
return 12


[ -f "$chroot_dir/tmp/" ] || {
#if not exist create environment skript
cat "$chroot_dir/etc/environment" | grep -v "#" | grep "=" > "$chroot_dir/tmp/env"
while read line; do echo export $line; done < "$chroot_dir/tmp/env" > "$chroot_dir/tmp/"
chmod +x "$chroot_dir/tmp/" && rm "$chroot_dir/tmp/env"

chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c ". /tmp/; $command"

### Settings ###
### proxy

@ -1101,12 +1022,16 @@ function proxy_enable() {
return 12

#Wenn alle drei Parameter gegeben
#Wenn alle zwei Parameter gegeben
if [ "$proxy_host" != "" ] && [ "$proxy_port" != "" ] ; then
echo "http_proxy=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment
echo "https_proxy=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment
echo "ftp_proxy=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment

echo "HTTP_PROXY=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment
echo "HTTPS_PROXY=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment
echo "FTP_PROXY=\"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"" >> $chroot_dir/etc/environment

echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"http://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"\;" > $chroot_dir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90proxy
echo "Acquire::ftp::Proxy \"ftp://$proxy_host:$proxy_port\"\;" >> $chroot_dir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90proxy

@ -1635,14 +1560,16 @@ function os_update_desinfect2017() {
#Avast Avira
echo "Avira ..."
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/AntiVirUpdate/avupdate" | grep -v " -> "
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c ". /tmp/; /AntiVirUpdate/avupdate" | grep -v " -> "
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/AntiVirUpdate/avupdate" | grep -v " -> "
echo "Avira done"

#Clam AV
echo "ClamAV..."
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "freshclam" > /dev/null
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c ". /tmp/; freshclam" > /dev/null
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "freshclam" > /dev/null
rm -f "$chroot_dir/var/lib/clamav/daily.cld"
echo "ClamAV done"
@ -1655,17 +1582,19 @@ function os_update_desinfect2017() {
cat "$tmp_file_23421" > "$chroot_dir/etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg"
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/esetrand" >> "$chroot_dir/etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg"

echo "set timeout: 5min"
echo "set timeout: $((av_eaet_timeout/60))min"
tmp_var_3092="`chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/opt/desinfect/ eset"`"

#eig. update routine
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/esets restart"
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/esets restart"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/esets restart"
sleep 2
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c "/opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon --update"
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c "/opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon --update"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon --update"

#warten auf daemon update ...
echo "wait 10min for Eset AV update"
echo "wait $((av_eaet_timeout/60))min for Eset AV update"
while [ "`chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/opt/desinfect/ eset"`" == "$tmp_var_3092" ]; do
sleep 10
@ -1674,7 +1603,8 @@ function os_update_desinfect2017() {

sleep 4

chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/esets stop"
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/esets stop"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/esets stop"

cat "$tmp_file_23421" > "$chroot_dir/etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg"

@ -1687,7 +1617,10 @@ function os_update_desinfect2017() {
echo "Sophos..."
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c "/opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v3"
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c "/opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v3"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v3"
echo "sleep 10s and do it again" && sleep 10s
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v3"
#chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v3 -a"
echo "Sophos done"
@ -1695,13 +1628,13 @@ function os_update_desinfect2017() {
echo "F-Secure..."
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/fsaua start"
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/fsupdate stop"
( sleep 1m; chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/fsaua start" ) &
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash --login -c "/opt/f-secure/fssp/bin/dbupdate_lite" && echo "Update Success"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/fsaua start"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/fsupdate stop"
( sleep 1m; chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/fsaua start" ) &
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/opt/f-secure/fssp/bin/dbupdate_lite" && echo "Update Success"
sleep 1m
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/fsaua stop"
chroot "$chroot_dir" /bin/bash -c "/etc/init.d/fsupdate stop"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/fsaua stop"
chroot_sh "$chroot_dir" "/etc/init.d/fsupdate stop"
echo "F-Secure done"