1331 lines
41 KiB
1331 lines
41 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Community-ID English translation\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-26 11:33-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-26 11:34-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Keyboard Monkeys <projects@kb-m.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: English\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: translate\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../../\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: modules\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: views\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: javascript\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: libs/Monkeys\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-4: plugins\n"
#: modules/users/forms/SigninImage.php:25
msgid "Only files of type jpg, jpeg, png and gif are allowed.<br />Maximum size is 2 MB."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:26
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:45
msgid "Username"
msgstr "ユーザ名"
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:32
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:28
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "名"
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:37
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:33
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "姓"
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:42
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:38
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "電子メール"
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:49
msgid "Auth Method"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:56
msgid "Associated YubiKey"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:64
#: modules/users/forms/ChangePassword.php:26
msgid "Enter password"
msgstr "パスワードを入力"
#: modules/users/forms/AccountInfo.php:76
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:63
#: modules/users/forms/ChangePassword.php:38
msgid "Enter password again"
msgstr "再度パスワードを入力"
#: modules/users/forms/PersonalInfo.php:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile Name"
msgstr "プロフィール"
#: modules/users/forms/Login.php:18
msgid "USERNAME"
msgstr "ユーザ名"
#: modules/users/forms/Login.php:27
msgid "PASSWORD"
msgstr "パスワード"
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:51
msgid "Enter desired password"
msgstr "希望のパスワードを入力"
#: modules/users/forms/Register.php:68
msgid "Please enter the text below"
msgstr "画像内の文字は?"
#: modules/users/models/User.php:129
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default profile"
msgstr "プロフィール"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:26
msgid "Sorry, registrations are currently disabled"
msgstr "すみませんが、現在登録はできません"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:59
msgid "This username is already in use"
msgstr "このユーザ名はすでに登録済みです"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:66
msgid "This E-mail is already in use"
msgstr "このメールアドレスはすでに登録済みです"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:95
msgid "Community-ID registration confirmation"
msgstr "Community-ID登録の確認"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:100
msgid "Thank you."
msgstr "ありがとうございます。"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:101
msgid "You will receive an E-mail with instructions to activate the account."
msgstr "アカウントを有効にする手順を説明する電子メールが届けられます。"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:104
msgid "The confirmation E-mail could not be sent, so the account creation was cancelled. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:106
msgid "The account was created but the E-mail could not be sent"
msgstr "アカウントは作成されましたが、電子メールが送れませんでした"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:123
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:141
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:156
msgid "Invalid token"
msgstr "Invalid token"
#: modules/users/controllers/RegisterController.php:147
msgid "Your account has been deleted"
msgstr "あなたのアカウントは削除されました"
#: modules/users/controllers/LoginController.php:63
#: modules/users/controllers/LoginController.php:97
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr "不正な認証情報"
#: modules/users/controllers/SigninimageController.php:71
msgid "There is no image uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/SigninimageController.php:77
msgid "There was a problem setting the cookie"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/SigninimageController.php:82
msgid "Image has been set successfully on this computer/browser"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/SigninimageController.php:86
msgid "Image has been disabled successfully on this computer/browser"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:51
msgid "This E-mail is not registered in the system"
msgstr "このメールアドレスはシステムに登録されていません"
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:72
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:101
msgid "Community-ID password reset"
msgstr "Community-IDのパスワードをリセット"
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:74
msgid "Password reset E-mail has been sent"
msgstr "パスワードリセットのための電子メールを送りました"
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:83
msgid "Wrong Token"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/RecoverpasswordController.php:103
msgid "You'll receive your new password via E-mail"
msgstr "新パスワードは電子メールで届けられます"
#: modules/users/controllers/ProfilegeneralController.php:109
msgid "Could not validate Yubikey"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/controllers/ProfilegeneralController.php:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Account was deleted, but feedback form couldn't be sent to admins"
msgstr "アカウントは作成されましたが、電子メールが送れませんでした"
#: modules/users/controllers/ProfilegeneralController.php:315
msgid "Your acccount has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "あなたのアカウントは問題なく消去されました"
#: modules/users/controllers/UserslistController.php:59
msgid "admin"
msgstr "管理者"
#: modules/users/controllers/UserslistController.php:61
msgid "confirmed"
msgstr "確認済み"
#: modules/users/controllers/UserslistController.php:63
msgid "unconfirmed"
msgstr "確認前"
#: modules/users/controllers/PersonalinfoController.php:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile has been saved"
msgstr "履歴ログは消去されました"
#: modules/users/controllers/PersonalinfoController.php:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile has been deleted"
msgstr "あなたのアカウントは削除されました"
#: modules/users/controllers/ManageusersController.php:31
msgid "User has been deleted successfully"
msgstr "ユーザは確実に削除されました"
#: modules/users/controllers/ManageusersController.php:48
msgid "Community-ID registration reminder"
msgstr "Community-ID登録のお知らせ"
#: modules/default/forms/MessageUsers.php:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Subject:"
#: modules/default/forms/MessageUsers.php:22
#, fuzzy
msgid "CC"
msgstr "CC:"
#: modules/default/forms/OpenidLogin.php:28
msgid "OpenID URL"
msgstr "OpenID URL"
#: modules/default/forms/OpenidLogin.php:35
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
#: modules/default/forms/Feedback.php:25
msgid "Enter your name"
msgstr "名前を入力"
#: modules/default/forms/Feedback.php:30
msgid "Enter your E-mail"
msgstr "メールアドレスを入力"
#: modules/default/forms/Feedback.php:37
msgid "Enter your questions or comments"
msgstr "質問やコメントの入力"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:20
msgid "Value is empty, but a non-empty value is required"
msgstr "値がありませんが、必須です"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:21
msgid "Value is required and can't be empty"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:22
msgid "'%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname"
msgstr "'%value%' は、名前@ドメイン名といった基本的なメールアドレスの書式として正しくありません"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:23
msgid "'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'"
msgstr "'%hostname%'は、メールアドレス:'%value%'のホスト名として正しくありません"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:24
msgid "'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:25
msgid "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list"
msgstr "'%value%' はDNSのホスト名のようですが、TLDにマッチしません。"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:26
msgid "'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed"
msgstr "'%value%' はローカルネットワークの名前のようですが、使用できません"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:27
msgid "Captcha value is wrong"
msgstr "Captchaの値が間違っています"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:28
msgid "Password confirmation does not match"
msgstr "再確認用のパスワードとマッチしません"
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:29
msgid "Username can only contain US-ASCII alphanumeric characters, plus any of the symbols $-_.+!*'(), and \""
msgstr "ユーザ名には、半角英数字と次の文字のみ使用可能です $-_.+!*'() \""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:30
msgid "Username is invalid"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:31
msgid "The file '%value%' was not uploaded"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:32
msgid "Password can't be a dictionary word"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:33
msgid "Password can't contain the username"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:34
msgid "Password must be longer than %minLength% characters"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:35
msgid "Password must contain numbers"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:36
msgid "Password must contain symbols"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/forms/ErrorMessages.php:37
msgid "Password needs to have lowercase and uppercase characters"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/models/Field.php:39
msgid "Male"
msgstr "男性"
#: modules/default/models/Field.php:40
msgid "Female"
msgstr "女性"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:62
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "ニックネーム"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:64
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "姓名"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:65
msgid "Date of Birth"
msgstr "誕生日"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:66
msgid "Gender"
msgstr "性別"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:67
msgid "Postal Code"
msgstr "郵便番号"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:68
msgid "Country"
msgstr "国"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:69
msgid "Language"
msgstr "言語"
#: modules/default/models/Fields.php:70
msgid "Time Zone"
msgstr "時間帯"
#: modules/default/controllers/MessageusersController.php:46
msgid "CC field must be a comma-separated list of valid E-mails"
msgstr "CCフィールドには、有効なメールアドレスをコンマで区切ったリスト形式で記入してください"
#: modules/default/controllers/MessageusersController.php:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "Message has been sent"
msgstr "ユーザにメッセージを送る"
#: modules/default/controllers/MessageusersController.php:88
msgid "There was an error trying to send the message"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php:18
msgid "The URL you entered is incorrect. Please correct and try again."
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php:21
msgid "Access Denied - Maybe your session has expired? Try logging-in again."
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/controllers/FeedbackController.php:57
msgid "Thank you for your interest. Your message has been routed."
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/controllers/FeedbackController.php:59
msgid "Sorry, the feedback couldn't be delivered. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/controllers/CidController.php:29
msgid "Could not retrieve news items"
msgstr "ニュース項目を取得できませんでした"
#: modules/default/controllers/CidController.php:47
msgid "Read More"
msgstr "続きを読む"
#: modules/default/controllers/OpenidController.php:26
msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr ""
#: modules/news/forms/Article.php:18
msgid "Title"
msgstr "タイトル"
#: modules/news/forms/Article.php:24
msgid "Publication date"
msgstr "公開日"
#: modules/news/forms/Article.php:32
msgid "Excerpt"
msgstr "抜粋"
#: modules/news/controllers/EditController.php:60
#: modules/news/controllers/EditController.php:90
msgid "The article doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: modules/news/controllers/EditController.php:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "The article has been saved."
msgstr "履歴ログは消去されました"
#: modules/news/controllers/EditController.php:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "The article has been deleted."
msgstr "あなたのアカウントは削除されました"
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ホーム"
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:19
msgid "usually localhost"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:27
msgid "Database name"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:34
msgid "Database username"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:40
#, fuzzy
msgid "Database password"
msgstr "パスワードを入力"
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support E-mail"
msgstr "電子メール"
#: modules/install/forms/Install.php:45
msgid "Will be used as the sender for any message sent by the system, and as the recipient for user feedback"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/UpgradeController.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Upgrade was successful. You are now on version %s"
msgstr "アップグレードは成功しました。現在のバージョン: %s"
#: modules/install/controllers/UpgradeController.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "WARNING: there are some new configuration settings. To override their default values (as set in config.default.php) add them to your config.php file. The new settings correspond to the following directives: %s."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/UpgradeController.php:117
#, php-format
msgid "Correct before upgrading: File %s is required to proceed"
msgstr "アップグレードの前に修正が必要です: ファイル %s がないので先にすすめません"
#: modules/install/controllers/UpgradeController.php:159
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please address the following requirements before proceeding with the upgrade:"
msgstr "次の問題を修正してから先に進んでください:"
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:44
msgid "We couldn't connect to the database using those credentials."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:45
msgid "Please verify and try again."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "The connection to the database engine worked, but the database %s doesn't exist or the provided user doesn't have access to it. An attempt was made to create it, but the provided user doesn't have permissions to do so either. Please create it yourself and try again."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:230
#, php-format
msgid "PHP version %s or greater is required"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:234
#, php-format
msgid "The directory where Community-ID is installed must be writable by the web server user (%s). Another option is to create an EMPTY config.php file that is writable by that user."
msgstr "Community-IDをインストールするディレクトリは、 web serverの起動ユーザ (%s)から書き込みが可能である必要があります。別の方法として、内容が空でこのユーザからの書き込みが可能なconfig.phpファイルを作っておくことでも可能です。"
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:237
#, php-format
msgid "The directory \"captchas\" under the web directory for Community-ID must be writable by the web server user (%s)"
msgstr "Community-IDをインストールしたディレクトリの直下にある\"captchas\"ディレクトリは、 web server user (%s)が書き込みできる必要があります。"
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:240
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:243
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:252
#, php-format
msgid "You need to have the %s extension installed"
msgstr "%s 拡張をインストールしておく必要があります"
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:246
msgid "You need to have <a href=\"http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php\">PNG support in your GD configuration</a>"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/controllers/CredentialsController.php:249
msgid "You need to have <a href=\"http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php\">Freetype support in your GD configuration</a>"
msgstr ""
#: javascript/language.php:30
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名前"
#: javascript/language.php:31
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "登録日"
#: javascript/language.php:32
msgid "Status"
msgstr "ステータス"
#: javascript/language.php:33
msgid "profile"
msgstr "プロフィール"
#: javascript/language.php:34
msgid "delete"
msgstr "削除する"
#: javascript/language.php:35
msgid "Site"
msgstr "サイト"
#: javascript/language.php:36
msgid "view info exchanged"
msgstr "交換された情報を見る"
#: javascript/language.php:37
msgid "deny"
msgstr "拒否する"
#: javascript/language.php:38
msgid "allow"
msgstr "許可する"
#: javascript/language.php:39
msgid "Are you sure you wish to send this message to ALL users?"
msgstr "本当にこのメッセージを全ユーザに送りますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:40
msgid "Are you sure you wish to deny trust to this site?"
msgstr "本当にこのサイトを信頼する事を拒否しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:41
msgid "operation failed"
msgstr "操作失敗"
#: javascript/language.php:42
msgid "Trust to the following site has been granted:"
msgstr "次のサイトを信頼することは認められました:"
#: javascript/language.php:43
msgid "Trust the following site has been denied:"
msgstr "次のサイトを信頼することは拒否されました:"
#: javascript/language.php:44
msgid "ERROR. The server returned:"
msgstr "エラー. サーバの応答:"
#: javascript/language.php:45
msgid "Your relationship with the following site has been deleted:"
msgstr "このサイトとの関係データは削除されました:"
#: javascript/language.php:46
msgid "The history log has been cleared"
msgstr "履歴ログは消去されました"
#: javascript/language.php:47
msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow access to this site?"
msgstr "本当にこのサイトへのアクセスを許可しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:48
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete your relationship with this site?"
msgstr "本当にこのサイトとの関係データを削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:49
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete all the History Log?"
msgstr "本当にすべての履歴ログを削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:50
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete the user"
msgstr "本当にこのユーザを削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:51
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete all the unconfirmed accounts?"
msgstr "本当にすべての確認前アカウントを削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:52
msgid "Date"
msgstr "日付"
#: javascript/language.php:53
msgid "Result"
msgstr "結果"
#: javascript/language.php:54
msgid "No records found."
msgstr "該当する記録はありませんでした。"
#: javascript/language.php:55
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "ロード中..."
#: javascript/language.php:56
msgid "Data error."
msgstr "データエラー."
#: javascript/language.php:57
msgid "Click to sort ascending"
msgstr "クリックすると昇順に並べ替えます"
#: javascript/language.php:58
msgid "Click to sort descending"
msgstr "クリックすると降順に並べ替えます"
#: javascript/language.php:59
msgid "Authorized"
msgstr "許可された"
#: javascript/language.php:60
msgid "Denied"
msgstr "拒否された"
#: javascript/language.php:61
msgid "of"
msgstr "の"
#: javascript/language.php:62
msgid "next"
msgstr "次"
#: javascript/language.php:63
msgid "prev"
msgstr "前"
#: javascript/language.php:64
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"
#: javascript/language.php:65
msgid "Delete unconfirmed accounts older than how many days?"
msgstr "確認されないままのアカウントは何日以上経過したら削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:66
msgid "The value entered is incorrect"
msgstr "入力された値は正しくありません"
#: javascript/language.php:67
msgid "Send reminder to accounts older than how many days?"
msgstr "何日以上たったアカウントにお知らせを送りますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:68
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete this article?"
msgstr "本当にこの記事を削除しますか?"
#: javascript/language.php:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "reminder"
msgstr "性別"
#: javascript/language.php:70
#, fuzzy
msgid "reminders"
msgstr "性別"
#: javascript/language.php:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?"
msgstr "本当にこの記事を削除しますか?"
#: libs/Monkeys/Form/Element/Timezone.php:47
msgid "-- Select a Timezone --"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/Form/Element/Country.php:35
msgid "-- Select a Country --"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/Form/Element/Language.php:35
msgid "-- Select a Language --"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:266
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:267
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:268
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "April"
msgstr "プロフィール"
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:270
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:271
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:272
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:273
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Septembre"
msgstr "ログインの状態を保持"
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:275
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:276
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
#: libs/Monkeys/View/Helper/FormDateSelects.php:277
#, fuzzy
msgid "December"
msgstr "ログインの状態を保持"
#: plugins/stats/Authorizations.php:21
msgid "Authorizations per day"
msgstr "日単位の承認数"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.php:21
msgid "Trusted Sites"
msgstr "信頼されたサイト"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.php:77
#: plugins/stats/Sites.php:81
msgid "Trusted sites"
msgstr "信頼済みサイト"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.php:78
#: plugins/stats/Sites.php:82
msgid "Sites per user"
msgstr "ユーザ毎サイト"
#: plugins/stats/Top.php:21
msgid "Top 10 Trusted Sites"
msgstr "信頼できるサイトトップ10"
#: plugins/stats/Registrations.php:21
msgid "Registrations per day"
msgstr "日単位の登録数"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:1
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:14
msgid "Sign-in Image"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:8
msgid "You haven't uploaded an image yet"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:11
msgid "Select an image to use as your Sign-in Image:"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:15
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/edit.phtml:5
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:23
msgid "This image will be shown in the log-in and OpenID authentication screens of Community-ID."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:26
msgid "It serves as a phishing counter-measure, as only you will recognize your image, proving these pages haven't been falsified."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:29
msgid "After having uploaded the image, for the it to be shown you need to enable it on each computer/browser you want to use (the system is cookie-based)."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:34
msgid "Use the following button to enable/disable it in the current computer/browser:"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:39
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "男性"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/signinimage/index.phtml:51
msgid "Further instructions will appear after you upload the image."
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/register/index.phtml:1
msgid "Registration Form"
msgstr "登録フォーム"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/register/index.phtml:10
#: modules/users/views/scripts/recoverpassword/index.phtml:4
msgid "Send"
msgstr "送信"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/register/eula.phtml:1
msgid "Please read the following EULA in order to continue"
msgstr "次の使用許諾契約書を読んでから続けてください"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/register/eula.phtml:8
msgid "I AGREE"
msgstr "同意する"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/register/eula.phtml:9
msgid "I DISAGREE"
msgstr "同意しない"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:3
#, php-format
msgid "Hello, %s"
msgstr "%sさん、こんにちは"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:7
msgid "Account"
msgstr "アカウント"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:11
msgid "Personal Info"
msgstr "個人情報"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:17
msgid "Sites database"
msgstr "サイトのデータベース"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:20
msgid "History Log"
msgstr "履歴ログ"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:24
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "ログアウト"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:29
msgid "Admin options"
msgstr "システム管理オプション"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:32
msgid "Manage Users"
msgstr "ユーザを管理する"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:35
msgid "Message Users"
msgstr "ユーザにメッセージを送る"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:39
msgid "Disable Maintenance Mode"
msgstr "メンテナンスモードを解除する"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:41
msgid "Enable Maintenance Mode"
msgstr "メンテナンスモードにする"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:45
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "統計"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:48
msgid "About Community-ID"
msgstr "Community-IDについて"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:55
msgid "User access is currently disabled for system maintenance.<br />Please try again later"
msgstr "現在システムメンテナンスのため、ユーザアクセスはできません。<br />後でまたアクセスしてみてください"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:64
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:65
msgid "This is the image that identifies your account in this computer"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:82
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "ログインの状態を保持"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:85
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "ログイン"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "パスワードを忘れたときは?"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:98
msgid "You don't have an account?"
msgstr "アカウントをお持ちでない方はこちらへ"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/login/index.phtml:100
msgstr "登録しましょう!"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/recoverpassword/index.phtml:1
msgid "Please enter your E-mail below to receive a link to reset your password"
msgstr "パスワードをリセットするためのリンクを得るためには、以下にメールアドレスを入力してください"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:11
msgid "Enter search string"
msgstr "検索文字列入力"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:12
msgid "Go"
msgstr "実行する"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:13
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "クリア"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:16
msgid "All"
msgstr "全て"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:19
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "確認済"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:22
msgid "Unconfirmed"
msgstr "確認前"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:29
msgid "Total users:"
msgstr "総ユーザ数:"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:30
msgid "Total confirmed users:"
msgstr "確認済ユーザ総数:"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:31
msgid "Total unconfirmed users:"
msgstr "確認前ユーザ総数:"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:34
msgid "Add User"
msgstr "ユーザ追加"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:36
msgid "Delete Unconfirmed Users"
msgstr "確認前ユーザの削除"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/manageusers/index.phtml:39
msgid "Send Reminder"
msgstr "お知らせを送信"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/edit.phtml:6
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/index.phtml:16
msgid "This information will be used to automatically populate registration fields to any OpenID transaction that requires so"
msgstr "この情報は、OpenIDのやりとりで必要な登録項目を自動的に渡すために使われます"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/index.phtml:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit profile"
msgstr "記事の編集"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/index.phtml:29
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete profile"
msgstr "記事を削除"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/index.phtml:49
msgid "Not Entered"
msgstr "未入力"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/personalinfo/index.phtml:57
msgid "Add another profile"
msgstr ""
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/accountinfo.phtml:28
msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:3
msgid "Why do you want to delete your Community-ID account?"
msgstr "なぜ Community-ID アカウントを消去したいのですか?"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:4
msgid "Please check all that apply:"
msgstr "当てはまる項目全てにチェックしてください:"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:8
msgid "This was just a test account"
msgstr "単にテスト用のアカウントだから"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:11
msgid "I found a better service"
msgstr "別により良いサービスがあったから"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:14
msgid "Service lacked some key features I needed"
msgstr "必要な機能に欠けているから"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:17
msgid "No particular reason"
msgstr "とりたてて意味はない"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:20
msgid "Additional comments:"
msgstr "追加コメント:"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profilegeneral/confirmdelete.phtml:22
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:44
msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "アカウント削除"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:13
msgid "Account info"
msgstr "アカウント情報"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:18
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
#: modules/users/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:24
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "パスワード変更"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-en.phtml:39
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-sv.phtml:49
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-de.phtml:39
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-es.phtml:37
msgid "There are no news articles yet"
msgstr "新しいニュース記事はありません"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-en.phtml:46
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-sv.phtml:56
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-de.phtml:46
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-es.phtml:44
msgid "View All"
msgstr "全て閲覧"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-en.phtml:50
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-sv.phtml:60
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-de.phtml:50
#: modules/default/views/scripts/index/index-es.phtml:48
msgid "Add New Article"
msgstr "新記事の追加"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/feedback/index.phtml:1
msgid "In order to serve you better, we have provided the form below for your questions and comments"
msgstr "下のフォームを使ってあなたの質問やコメントを送ってください。今後のサービスに役立てます。"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/identity/id.phtml:2
msgid "This is the identity page for the Community-ID user identified with:"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/views/scripts/messageusers/index.phtml:9
msgid "This message will be sent to all registered Community-ID users"
msgstr "このメッセージはすべての登録済Community-IDユーザに送られます"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/messageusers/index.phtml:16
msgid "switch to Plain-Text"
msgstr "平文に変更"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/messageusers/index.phtml:19
msgid "switch to Rich-Text (HTML)"
msgstr "HTMLに変更"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:3
#, php-format
msgid "A site identifying as %s has asked for confirmation that %s is your identity URL."
msgstr "%s というサイトは、 %s があなたの認証URLかどうかの確認を求めてきています。."
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:9
msgid "It also requests this additional information about you:"
msgstr "次の追加情報も求めてきています:"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:10
msgid "Fields are automatically filled according to the personal info stored in your community-id account."
msgstr "データ欄は、あなたのCommunity-idのアカウントに記載されている個人情報に基づいて自動的に入力されます。"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:11
msgid "Fields marked with * are required."
msgstr "(*)で示された入力欄は必須項目です。"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:16
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:23
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "永続的"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:26
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "許可"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/trust.phtml:27
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "拒否"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/openid/login.phtml:26
msgid "Login"
msgstr "ログイン"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:5
msgid "Please select the profile you want to use:"
msgstr ""
#: modules/default/views/scripts/profile/index.phtml:20
#, fuzzy, php-format
msgid "The privacy policy can be found at %s"
msgstr "個人情報保護に関する方針はこちら: %s"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/history/index.phtml:13
msgid "Clear History"
msgstr "履歴削除"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/sites/index.phtml:15
msgid "Information Exchanged"
msgstr "交換された情報"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/sites/index.phtml:17
msgid "Information exchanged with:"
msgstr "情報交換先:"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/sites/index.phtml:21
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/cid/index.phtml:3
msgid "Version installed:"
msgstr "インストールされているバージョン:"
#: modules/default/views/scripts/cid/index.phtml:8
msgid "Latest news from Community-ID:"
msgstr "Community-IDからの最新ニュース:"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/pagination.phtml:10
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/pagination.phtml:13
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "以前"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/pagination.phtml:30
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/pagination.phtml:33
msgid "Next"
msgstr "次"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/index.phtml:3
msgid "Latest News"
msgstr "最新のニュース"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/index.phtml:16
#: modules/news/views/scripts/view/index.phtml:3
#, php-format
msgid "Published on %s"
msgstr "%sに公開"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/index/index.phtml:21
msgid "read more"
msgstr "続きを読む"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/view/index.phtml:6
msgid "Edit Article"
msgstr "記事の編集"
#: modules/news/views/scripts/view/index.phtml:7
msgid "Delete Article"
msgstr "記事を削除"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/index/index.phtml:2
msgid "This Community-ID instance hasn't been installed yet"
msgstr "この Community-ID のインスタンスはまだインストールされていません"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/index/index.phtml:5
msgid "Proceed with installation"
msgstr "インストレーションをすすめる"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/credentials/index.phtml:3
msgid "Database and E-mail information"
msgstr "データベースと電子メール情報"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/credentials/index.phtml:13
msgid "Administrator User Information"
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/views/scripts/permissions/index.phtml:2
msgid "Please correct the following problems before proceeding:"
msgstr "次の問題を修正してから先に進んでください:"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/permissions/index.phtml:10
msgid "Check again"
msgstr "再確認"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/complete/index.phtml:2
msgid "The installation was performed successfully"
msgstr "インストレーションは成功しました"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/complete/index.phtml:6
msgid "You can login as the administrator with the username and password you just provided."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/views/scripts/complete/index.phtml:7
msgid "Please note that this user is only meant for administrative tasks, and cannot have an OpenID credential."
msgstr ""
#: modules/install/views/scripts/complete/index.phtml:10
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "終了"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/upgrade/index.phtml:1
msgid "New version detected"
msgstr "新しいバージョンがあります"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/upgrade/index.phtml:3
msgid "Enter the administrator credentials to proceed with the upgrade:"
msgstr "管理者の認証情報を入力してアップグレードをすすめます"
#: modules/install/views/scripts/upgrade/index.phtml:6
msgid "Make sure you make a copy of the database before, just in case"
msgstr "万が一のために、データベースのコピーをとっておきましょう"
#: views/layouts/layout.phtml:33
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:33
msgid "Home"
msgstr "ホーム"
#: views/layouts/layout.phtml:36
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:36
msgid "Feedback"
msgstr "フィードバック"
#: views/layouts/layout.phtml:42
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:45
msgid "Your OpenID is:"
msgstr "あなたの OpenID は:"
#: views/layouts/layout.phtml:59
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:62
msgid "Maintenance mode is enabled: user access is restricted"
msgstr "保守モードになっていますので、ユーザアクセスは制限されます"
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:39
msgid "Help and Support"
msgstr "Help and Support"
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:82
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:85
msgid "About Us"
msgstr "About Us"
#: views/layouts_monkeys/layout.phtml:88
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "Contact Us"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.phtml:2
msgid "Select view"
msgstr "ビューを選択"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.phtml:4
msgid "Last Week"
msgstr "過去7日間"
#: plugins/stats/Sites.phtml:5
msgid "Last Year"
msgstr "過去1年間"
#: plugins/stats/Top.phtml:6
#, php-format
msgid "%s users"
msgstr "%s ユーザ"
#: plugins/stats/Registrations.phtml:5
msgid "Last Month"
msgstr "過去1か月"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Forgot you password?"
#~ msgstr "パスワードを忘れたときは?"
#~ msgid "Privacy Policy"
#~ msgstr "個人情報保護に関する方針"
#~ msgid "About Community-id"
#~ msgstr "Community-idについて"
#~ msgid "Body:"
#~ msgstr "Body:"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fed up with having to remember dozens of<br />usernames and passwords<br /"
#~ ">for your favorite websites?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Fed up with having to remember dozens of<br />usernames and passwords<br /"
#~ ">for your favorite websites?"
#~ msgid "Starting today<br />you'll only have to remember one"
#~ msgstr "Starting today<br />you'll only have to remember one"