2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
< ? php
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description: JpGraph Gantt plot extension
// Created: 2001-11-12
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_gantt.php 1809 2009-09-09 13:07:33Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Aditus Consulting. All rights reserved.
require_once ( 'jpgraph_plotband.php' );
require_once ( 'jpgraph_iconplot.php' );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
require_once ( 'jpgraph_plotmark.inc.php' );
// Maximum size for Automatic Gantt chart
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'MAX_GANTTIMG_SIZE_W' , 8000 );
define ( 'MAX_GANTTIMG_SIZE_H' , 5000 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Scale Header types
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " GANTT_HDAY " , 1 );
define ( " GANTT_HWEEK " , 2 );
define ( " GANTT_HMONTH " , 4 );
define ( " GANTT_HYEAR " , 8 );
define ( " GANTT_HHOUR " , 16 );
define ( " GANTT_HMIN " , 32 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Bar patterns
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " GANTT_RDIAG " , BAND_RDIAG ); // Right diagonal lines
define ( " GANTT_LDIAG " , BAND_LDIAG ); // Left diagonal lines
define ( " GANTT_SOLID " , BAND_SOLID ); // Solid one color
define ( " GANTT_VLINE " , BAND_VLINE ); // Vertical lines
define ( " GANTT_HLINE " , BAND_HLINE ); // Horizontal lines
define ( " GANTT_3DPLANE " , BAND_3DPLANE ); // "3D" Plane
define ( " GANTT_HVCROSS " , BAND_HVCROSS ); // Vertical/Hor crosses
define ( " GANTT_DIAGCROSS " , BAND_DIAGCROSS ); // Diagonal crosses
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Conversion constant
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " SECPERDAY " , 3600 * 24 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// You should use the proper locale strings directly
// from now on.
define ( " LOCALE_EN " , " en_UK " );
define ( " LOCALE_SV " , " sv_SE " );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Layout of bars
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " GANTT_EVEN " , 1 );
define ( " GANTT_FROMTOP " , 2 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Style for minute header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " MINUTESTYLE_MM " , 0 ); // 15
define ( " MINUTESTYLE_CUSTOM " , 2 ); // Custom format
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Style for hour header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " HOURSTYLE_HM24 " , 0 ); // 13:10
define ( " HOURSTYLE_HMAMPM " , 1 ); // 1:10pm
define ( " HOURSTYLE_H24 " , 2 ); // 13
define ( " HOURSTYLE_HAMPM " , 3 ); // 1pm
define ( " HOURSTYLE_CUSTOM " , 4 ); // User defined
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Style for day header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " DAYSTYLE_ONELETTER " , 0 ); // "M"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_LONG " , 1 ); // "Monday"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_LONGDAYDATE1 " , 2 ); // "Monday 23 Jun"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_LONGDAYDATE2 " , 3 ); // "Monday 23 Jun 2003"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORT " , 4 ); // "Mon"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE1 " , 5 ); // "Mon 23/6"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE2 " , 6 ); // "Mon 23 Jun"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE3 " , 7 ); // "Mon 23"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE1 " , 8 ); // "23/6"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE2 " , 9 ); // "23 Jun"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE3 " , 10 ); // "Mon 23"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE4 " , 11 ); // "23"
define ( " DAYSTYLE_CUSTOM " , 12 ); // "M"
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Styles for week header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " WEEKSTYLE_WNBR " , 0 );
define ( " WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY " , 1 );
define ( " WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 " , 2 );
define ( " WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR " , 3 );
define ( " WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR " , 4 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Styles for month header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( " MONTHSTYLE_SHORTNAME " , 0 );
define ( " MONTHSTYLE_LONGNAME " , 1 );
define ( " MONTHSTYLE_LONGNAMEYEAR2 " , 2 );
define ( " MONTHSTYLE_LONGNAMEYEAR4 " , 4 );
define ( " MONTHSTYLE_FIRSTLETTER " , 6 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Types of constrain links
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'CONSTRAIN_STARTSTART' , 0 );
define ( 'CONSTRAIN_STARTEND' , 1 );
define ( 'CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART' , 2 );
define ( 'CONSTRAIN_ENDEND' , 3 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Arrow direction for constrain links
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'ARROW_DOWN' , 0 );
define ( 'ARROW_UP' , 1 );
define ( 'ARROW_LEFT' , 2 );
define ( 'ARROW_RIGHT' , 3 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Arrow type for constrain type
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'ARROWT_SOLID' , 0 );
define ( 'ARROWT_OPEN' , 1 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Arrow size for constrain lines
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'ARROW_S1' , 0 );
define ( 'ARROW_S2' , 1 );
define ( 'ARROW_S3' , 2 );
define ( 'ARROW_S4' , 3 );
define ( 'ARROW_S5' , 4 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Activity types for use with utility method CreateSimple()
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'ACTYPE_NORMAL' , 0 );
define ( 'ACTYPE_GROUP' , 1 );
define ( 'ACTYPE_MILESTONE' , 2 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'ACTINFO_3D' , 1 );
define ( 'ACTINFO_2D' , 0 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Check if array_fill() exists
if ( ! function_exists ( 'array_fill' )) {
function array_fill ( $iStart , $iLen , $vValue ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$aResult = array ();
for ( $iCount = $iStart ; $iCount < $iLen + $iStart ; $iCount ++ ) {
$aResult [ $iCount ] = $vValue ;
return $aResult ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttActivityInfo
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description:
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class GanttActivityInfo {
public $iShow = true ;
public $iLeftColMargin = 4 , $iRightColMargin = 1 , $iTopColMargin = 1 , $iBottomColMargin = 3 ;
public $vgrid = null ;
private $iColor = 'black' ;
private $iBackgroundColor = 'lightgray' ;
private $iFFamily = FF_FONT1 , $iFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $iFSize = 10 , $iFontColor = 'black' ;
private $iTitles = array ();
private $iWidth = array (), $iHeight =- 1 ;
private $iTopHeaderMargin = 4 ;
private $iStyle = 1 ;
private $iHeaderAlign = 'center' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct () {
$this -> vgrid = new LineProperty ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Hide ( $aF = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShow =! $aF ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Show ( $aF = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShow = $aF ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Specify font
function SetFont ( $aFFamily , $aFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $aFSize = 10 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFFamily = $aFFamily ;
$this -> iFStyle = $aFStyle ;
$this -> iFSize = $aFSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetStyle ( $aStyle ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iStyle = $aStyle ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColumnMargin ( $aLeft , $aRight ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLeftColMargin = $aLeft ;
$this -> iRightColMargin = $aRight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFontColor ( $aFontColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFontColor = $aFontColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetBackgroundColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iBackgroundColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColTitles ( $aTitles , $aWidth = null ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iTitles = $aTitles ;
$this -> iWidth = $aWidth ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMinColWidth ( $aWidths ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$n = min ( count ( $this -> iTitles ), count ( $aWidths ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( ! empty ( $aWidths [ $i ]) ) {
if ( empty ( $this -> iWidth [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> iWidth [ $i ] = $aWidths [ $i ];
else {
$this -> iWidth [ $i ] = max ( $this -> iWidth [ $i ], $aWidths [ $i ]);
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetWidth ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$txt = new TextProperty ();
$txt -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$n = count ( $this -> iTitles ) ;
$rm = $this -> iRightColMargin ;
$w = 0 ;
for ( $h = 0 , $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$w += $this -> iLeftColMargin ;
$txt -> Set ( $this -> iTitles [ $i ]);
if ( ! empty ( $this -> iWidth [ $i ]) ) {
$w1 = max ( $txt -> GetWidth ( $aImg ) + $rm , $this -> iWidth [ $i ]);
else {
$w1 = $txt -> GetWidth ( $aImg ) + $rm ;
$this -> iWidth [ $i ] = $w1 ;
$w += $w1 ;
$h = max ( $h , $txt -> GetHeight ( $aImg ));
$this -> iHeight = $h + $this -> iTopHeaderMargin ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$txt = '' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $w ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetColStart ( $aImg , & $aStart , $aAddLeftMargin = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$n = count ( $this -> iTitles ) ;
$adj = $aAddLeftMargin ? $this -> iLeftColMargin : 0 ;
$aStart = array ( $aImg -> left_margin + $adj );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$aStart [ $i ] = $aStart [ $i - 1 ] + $this -> iLeftColMargin + $this -> iWidth [ $i - 1 ];
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Adjust headers left, right or centered
function SetHeaderAlign ( $aAlign ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iHeaderAlign = $aAlign ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aXLeft , $aYTop , $aXRight , $aYBottom , $aUseTextHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> iShow ) return ;
$txt = new TextProperty ();
$txt -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$txt -> SetColor ( $this -> iFontColor );
$txt -> SetAlign ( $this -> iHeaderAlign , 'top' );
$n = count ( $this -> iTitles );
if ( $n == 0 )
return ;
$x = $aXLeft ;
$h = $this -> iHeight ;
$yTop = $aUseTextHeight ? $aYBottom - $h - $this -> iTopColMargin - $this -> iBottomColMargin : $aYTop ;
if ( $h < 0 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6001 );
//('Internal error. Height for ActivityTitles is < 0');
$aImg -> SetLineWeight ( 1 );
// Set background color
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iBackgroundColor );
$aImg -> FilledRectangle ( $aXLeft , $yTop , $aXRight , $aYBottom - 1 );
if ( $this -> iStyle == 1 ) {
// Make a 3D effect
$aImg -> SetColor ( 'white' );
$aImg -> Line ( $aXLeft , $yTop + 1 , $aXRight , $yTop + 1 );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $this -> iStyle == 1 ) {
// Make a 3D effect
$aImg -> SetColor ( 'white' );
$aImg -> Line ( $x + 1 , $yTop , $x + 1 , $aYBottom );
$x += $this -> iLeftColMargin ;
$txt -> Set ( $this -> iTitles [ $i ]);
// Adjust the text anchor position according to the choosen alignment
$xp = $x ;
if ( $this -> iHeaderAlign == 'center' ) {
$xp = (( $x - $this -> iLeftColMargin ) + ( $x + $this -> iWidth [ $i ])) / 2 ;
elseif ( $this -> iHeaderAlign == 'right' ) {
$xp = $x + $this -> iWidth [ $i ] - $this -> iRightColMargin ;
$txt -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xp , $yTop + $this -> iTopHeaderMargin );
$x += $this -> iWidth [ $i ];
if ( $i < $n - 1 ) {
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
$aImg -> Line ( $x , $yTop , $x , $aYBottom );
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
$aImg -> Line ( $aXLeft , $yTop , $aXRight , $yTop );
// Stroke vertical column dividers
$cols = array ();
$this -> GetColStart ( $aImg , $cols );
$n = count ( $cols );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> vgrid -> Stroke ( $aImg , $cols [ $i ], $aYBottom , $cols [ $i ],
$aImg -> height - $aImg -> bottom_margin );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttGraph
// Description: Main class to handle gantt graphs
class GanttGraph extends Graph {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
public $scale ; // Public accessible
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
public $hgrid = null ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iObj = array (); // Gantt objects
private $iLabelHMarginFactor = 0.2 ; // 10% margin on each side of the labels
private $iLabelVMarginFactor = 0.4 ; // 40% margin on top and bottom of label
private $iLayout = GANTT_FROMTOP ; // Could also be GANTT_EVEN
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
private $iSimpleFont = FF_FONT1 , $iSimpleFontSize = 11 ;
private $iSimpleStyle = GANTT_RDIAG , $iSimpleColor = 'yellow' , $iSimpleBkgColor = 'red' ;
private $iSimpleProgressBkgColor = 'gray' , $iSimpleProgressColor = 'darkgreen' ;
private $iSimpleProgressStyle = GANTT_SOLID ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iZoomFactor = 1.0 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Create a new gantt graph
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aWidth = 0 , $aHeight = 0 , $aCachedName = " " , $aTimeOut = 0 , $aInline = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Backward compatibility
if ( $aWidth == - 1 ) $aWidth = 0 ;
if ( $aHeight == - 1 ) $aHeight = 0 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $aWidth < 0 || $aHeight < 0 ) {
JpgraphError :: RaiseL ( 6002 );
//("You can't specify negative sizes for Gantt graph dimensions. Use 0 to indicate that you want the library to automatically determine a dimension.");
parent :: __construct ( $aWidth , $aHeight , $aCachedName , $aTimeOut , $aInline );
$this -> scale = new GanttScale ( $this -> img );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Default margins
$this -> img -> SetMargin ( 15 , 17 , 25 , 15 );
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> hgrid = new HorizontalGridLine ();
$this -> scale -> ShowHeaders ( GANTT_HWEEK | GANTT_HDAY );
$this -> SetBox ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetSimpleFont ( $aFont , $aSize ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iSimpleFont = $aFont ;
$this -> iSimpleFontSize = $aSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetSimpleStyle ( $aBand , $aColor , $aBkgColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iSimpleStyle = $aBand ;
$this -> iSimpleColor = $aColor ;
$this -> iSimpleBkgColor = $aBkgColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// A utility function to help create basic Gantt charts
function CreateSimple ( $data , $constrains = array (), $progress = array ()) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$num = count ( $data );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num ; ++ $i ) {
switch ( $data [ $i ][ 1 ] ) {
// Create a slightly smaller height bar since the
// "wings" at the end will make it look taller
$a = new GanttBar ( $data [ $i ][ 0 ], $data [ $i ][ 2 ], $data [ $i ][ 3 ], $data [ $i ][ 4 ], '' , 8 );
$a -> title -> SetFont ( $this -> iSimpleFont , FS_BOLD , $this -> iSimpleFontSize );
$a -> rightMark -> Show ();
$a -> rightMark -> SetType ( MARK_RIGHTTRIANGLE );
$a -> rightMark -> SetWidth ( 8 );
$a -> rightMark -> SetColor ( 'black' );
$a -> rightMark -> SetFillColor ( 'black' );
$a -> leftMark -> Show ();
$a -> leftMark -> SetType ( MARK_LEFTTRIANGLE );
$a -> leftMark -> SetWidth ( 8 );
$a -> leftMark -> SetColor ( 'black' );
$a -> leftMark -> SetFillColor ( 'black' );
$a -> SetPattern ( BAND_SOLID , 'black' );
$csimpos = 6 ;
break ;
$a = new GanttBar ( $data [ $i ][ 0 ], $data [ $i ][ 2 ], $data [ $i ][ 3 ], $data [ $i ][ 4 ], '' , 10 );
$a -> title -> SetFont ( $this -> iSimpleFont , FS_NORMAL , $this -> iSimpleFontSize );
$a -> SetPattern ( $this -> iSimpleStyle , $this -> iSimpleColor );
$a -> SetFillColor ( $this -> iSimpleBkgColor );
// Check if this activity should have a constrain line
$n = count ( $constrains );
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $n ; ++ $j ) {
if ( empty ( $constrains [ $j ]) || ( count ( $constrains [ $j ]) != 3 ) ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6003 , $j );
//("Invalid format for Constrain parameter at index=$j in CreateSimple(). Parameter must start with index 0 and contain arrays of (Row,Constrain-To,Constrain-Type)");
if ( $constrains [ $j ][ 0 ] == $data [ $i ][ 0 ] ) {
$a -> SetConstrain ( $constrains [ $j ][ 1 ], $constrains [ $j ][ 2 ], 'black' , ARROW_S2 , ARROWT_SOLID );
// Check if this activity have a progress bar
$n = count ( $progress );
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $n ; ++ $j ) {
if ( empty ( $progress [ $j ]) || ( count ( $progress [ $j ]) != 2 ) ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6004 , $j );
//("Invalid format for Progress parameter at index=$j in CreateSimple(). Parameter must start with index 0 and contain arrays of (Row,Progress)");
if ( $progress [ $j ][ 0 ] == $data [ $i ][ 0 ] ) {
$a -> progress -> Set ( $progress [ $j ][ 1 ]);
$a -> progress -> SetPattern ( $this -> iSimpleProgressStyle ,
$this -> iSimpleProgressColor );
$a -> progress -> SetFillColor ( $this -> iSimpleProgressBkgColor );
break ;
$csimpos = 6 ;
break ;
$a = new MileStone ( $data [ $i ][ 0 ], $data [ $i ][ 2 ], $data [ $i ][ 3 ]);
$a -> title -> SetFont ( $this -> iSimpleFont , FS_NORMAL , $this -> iSimpleFontSize );
$a -> caption -> SetFont ( $this -> iSimpleFont , FS_NORMAL , $this -> iSimpleFontSize );
$csimpos = 5 ;
break ;
default :
die ( 'Unknown activity type' );
break ;
// Setup caption
$a -> caption -> Set ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos - 1 ]);
// Check if this activity should have a CSIM target<65> ?
if ( ! empty ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos ]) ) {
$a -> SetCSIMTarget ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos ]);
$a -> SetCSIMAlt ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos + 1 ]);
if ( ! empty ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos + 2 ]) ) {
$a -> title -> SetCSIMTarget ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos + 2 ]);
$a -> title -> SetCSIMAlt ( $data [ $i ][ $csimpos + 3 ]);
$this -> Add ( $a );
// Set user specified scale zoom factor when auto sizing is used
function SetZoomFactor ( $aZoom ) {
$this -> iZoomFactor = $aZoom ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Set what headers should be shown
function ShowHeaders ( $aFlg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> scale -> ShowHeaders ( $aFlg );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Specify the fraction of the font height that should be added
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// as vertical margin
function SetLabelVMarginFactor ( $aVal ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLabelVMarginFactor = $aVal ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Synonym to the method above
function SetVMarginFactor ( $aVal ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLabelVMarginFactor = $aVal ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Add a new Gantt object
function Add ( $aObject ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_array ( $aObject ) && count ( $aObject ) > 0 ) {
$cl = $aObject [ 0 ];
if ( class_exists ( 'IconPlot' , false ) && ( $cl instanceof IconPlot ) ) {
$this -> AddIcon ( $aObject );
elseif ( class_exists ( 'Text' , false ) && ( $cl instanceof Text ) ) {
$this -> AddText ( $aObject );
else {
$n = count ( $aObject );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i )
$this -> iObj [] = $aObject [ $i ];
else {
if ( class_exists ( 'IconPlot' , false ) && ( $aObject instanceof IconPlot ) ) {
$this -> AddIcon ( $aObject );
elseif ( class_exists ( 'Text' , false ) && ( $aObject instanceof Text ) ) {
$this -> AddText ( $aObject );
else {
$this -> iObj [] = $aObject ;
function StrokeTexts () {
// Stroke any user added text objects
if ( $this -> texts != null ) {
$n = count ( $this -> texts );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $this -> texts [ $i ] -> iScalePosX !== null && $this -> texts [ $i ] -> iScalePosY !== null ) {
$x = $this -> scale -> TranslateDate ( $this -> texts [ $i ] -> iScalePosX );
$y = $this -> scale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> texts [ $i ] -> iScalePosY );
$y -= $this -> scale -> GetVertSpacing () / 2 ;
else {
$x = $y = null ;
$this -> texts [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img , $x , $y );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Override inherit method from Graph and give a warning message
function SetScale ( $aAxisType , $aYMin = 1 , $aYMax = 1 , $aXMin = 1 , $aXMax = 1 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6005 );
//("SetScale() is not meaningfull with Gantt charts.");
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Specify the date range for Gantt graphs (if this is not set it will be
// automtically determined from the input data)
function SetDateRange ( $aStart , $aEnd ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Adjust the start and end so that the indicate the
// begining and end of respective start and end days
if ( strpos ( $aStart , ':' ) === false )
$aStart = date ( 'Y-m-d 00:00' , strtotime ( $aStart ));
if ( strpos ( $aEnd , ':' ) === false )
$aEnd = date ( 'Y-m-d 23:59' , strtotime ( $aEnd ));
$this -> scale -> SetRange ( $aStart , $aEnd );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get the maximum width of the activity titles columns for the bars
// The name is lightly misleading since we from now on can have
// multiple columns in the label section. When this was first written
// it only supported a single label, hence the name.
function GetMaxLabelWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$m = 10 ;
if ( $this -> iObj != null ) {
$marg = $this -> scale -> actinfo -> iLeftColMargin + $this -> scale -> actinfo -> iRightColMargin ;
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title ) ) {
if ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> HasTabs () ) {
list ( $tot , $w ) = $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> GetWidth ( $this -> img , true );
$m = max ( $m , $tot );
$m = max ( $m , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> GetWidth ( $this -> img ));
return $m ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get the maximum height of the titles for the bars
function GetMaxLabelHeight () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$m = 10 ;
if ( $this -> iObj != null ) {
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
// We can not include the title of GnttVLine since that title is stroked at the bottom
// of the Gantt bar and not in the activity title columns
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title ) && ! ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] instanceof GanttVLine ) ) {
$m = max ( $m , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> GetHeight ( $this -> img ));
return $m ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetMaxBarAbsHeight () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$m = 0 ;
if ( $this -> iObj != null ) {
$m = $this -> iObj [ 0 ] -> GetAbsHeight ( $this -> img );
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$m = max ( $m , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> GetAbsHeight ( $this -> img ));
return $m ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get the maximum used line number (vertical position) for bars
function GetBarMaxLineNumber () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$m = 1 ;
if ( $this -> iObj != null ) {
$m = $this -> iObj [ 0 ] -> GetLineNbr ();
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$m = max ( $m , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> GetLineNbr ());
return $m ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get the minumum and maximum used dates for all bars
function GetBarMinMax () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$start = 0 ;
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
while ( $start < $n && $this -> iObj [ $start ] -> GetMaxDate () === false )
++ $start ;
if ( $start >= $n ) {
JpgraphError :: RaiseL ( 6006 );
//('Cannot autoscale Gantt chart. No dated activities exist. [GetBarMinMax() start >= n]');
$max = $this -> scale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iObj [ $start ] -> GetMaxDate ());
$min = $this -> scale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iObj [ $start ] -> GetMinDate ());
for ( $i = $start + 1 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$rmax = $this -> scale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> GetMaxDate ());
if ( $rmax != false )
$max = Max ( $max , $rmax );
$rmin = $this -> scale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> GetMinDate ());
if ( $rmin != false )
$min = Min ( $min , $rmin );
$minDate = date ( " Y-m-d " , $min );
$min = strtotime ( $minDate );
$maxDate = date ( " Y-m-d 23:59 " , $max );
$max = strtotime ( $maxDate );
return array ( $min , $max );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Create a new auto sized canvas if the user hasn't specified a size
// The size is determined by what scale the user has choosen and hence
// the minimum width needed to display the headers. Some margins are
// also added to make it better looking.
function AutoSize () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> img -> img == null ) {
// The predefined left, right, top, bottom margins.
// Note that the top margin might incease depending on
// the title.
$hadj = $vadj = 0 ;
if ( $this -> doshadow ) {
$hadj = $this -> shadow_width ;
$vadj = $this -> shadow_width + 5 ;
$lm = $this -> img -> left_margin ;
$rm = $this -> img -> right_margin + $hadj ;
$rm += 2 ;
$tm = $this -> img -> top_margin ;
$bm = $this -> img -> bottom_margin + $vadj ;
$bm += 2 ;
// If there are any added GanttVLine we must make sure that the
// bottom margin is wide enough to hold a title.
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] instanceof GanttVLine ) {
$bm = max ( $bm , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> GetHeight ( $this -> img ) + 10 );
// First find out the height
$n = $this -> GetBarMaxLineNumber () + 1 ;
$m = max ( $this -> GetMaxLabelHeight (), $this -> GetMaxBarAbsHeight ());
$height = $n * (( 1 + $this -> iLabelVMarginFactor ) * $m );
// Add the height of the scale titles
$h = $this -> scale -> GetHeaderHeight ();
$height += $h ;
// Calculate the top margin needed for title and subtitle
if ( $this -> title -> t != " " ) {
$tm += $this -> title -> GetFontHeight ( $this -> img );
if ( $this -> subtitle -> t != " " ) {
$tm += $this -> subtitle -> GetFontHeight ( $this -> img );
// ...and then take the bottom and top plot margins into account
$height += $tm + $bm + $this -> scale -> iTopPlotMargin + $this -> scale -> iBottomPlotMargin ;
// Now find the minimum width for the chart required
// If day scale or smaller is shown then we use the day font width
// as the base size unit.
// If only weeks or above is displayed we use a modified unit to
// get a smaller image.
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayHour () || $this -> scale -> IsDisplayMinute () ) {
// Add 2 pixel margin on each side
$fw = $this -> scale -> day -> GetFontWidth ( $this -> img ) + 4 ;
elseif ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayWeek () ) {
$fw = 8 ;
elseif ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayMonth () ) {
$fw = 4 ;
else {
$fw = 2 ;
$nd = $this -> scale -> GetNumberOfDays ();
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayDay () ) {
// If the days are displayed we also need to figure out
// how much space each day's title will require.
switch ( $this -> scale -> day -> iStyle ) {
$txt = " Monday " ;
break ;
$txt = " Monday 23 Jun " ;
break ;
$txt = " Monday 23 Jun 2003 " ;
break ;
$txt = " Mon " ;
break ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$txt = " Mon 23/6 " ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
break ;
$txt = " Mon 23 Jun " ;
break ;
$txt = " Mon 23 " ;
break ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$txt = " 23/6 " ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
break ;
$txt = " 23 Jun " ;
break ;
$txt = " Mon 23 " ;
break ;
$txt = " 88 " ;
break ;
$txt = date ( $this -> scale -> day -> iLabelFormStr , strtotime ( '2003-12-20 18:00' ));
break ;
default :
$txt = " M " ;
break ;
$fw = $this -> scale -> day -> GetStrWidth ( $this -> img , $txt ) + 6 ;
// If we have hours enabled we must make sure that each day has enough
// space to fit the number of hours to be displayed.
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayHour () ) {
// Depending on what format the user has choose we need different amount
// of space. We therefore create a typical string for the choosen format
// and determine the length of that string.
switch ( $this -> scale -> hour -> iStyle ) {
$txt = '12:00pm' ;
break ;
case HOURSTYLE_H24 :
// 13
$txt = '24' ;
break ;
$txt = '12pm' ;
break ;
$txt = date ( $this -> scale -> hour -> iLabelFormStr , strtotime ( '2003-12-20 18:00' ));
break ;
default :
$txt = '24:00' ;
break ;
$hfw = $this -> scale -> hour -> GetStrWidth ( $this -> img , $txt ) + 6 ;
$mw = $hfw ;
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayMinute () ) {
// Depending on what format the user has choose we need different amount
// of space. We therefore create a typical string for the choosen format
// and determine the length of that string.
switch ( $this -> scale -> minute -> iStyle ) {
$txt2 = date ( $this -> scale -> minute -> iLabelFormStr , strtotime ( '2005-05-15 18:55' ));
break ;
default :
$txt2 = '15' ;
break ;
$mfw = $this -> scale -> minute -> GetStrWidth ( $this -> img , $txt2 ) + 6 ;
$n2 = ceil ( 60 / $this -> scale -> minute -> GetIntervall () );
$mw = $n2 * $mfw ;
$hfw = $hfw < $mw ? $mw : $hfw ;
$n = ceil ( 24 * 60 / $this -> scale -> TimeToMinutes ( $this -> scale -> hour -> GetIntervall ()) );
$hw = $n * $hfw ;
$fw = $fw < $hw ? $hw : $fw ;
// We need to repeat this code block here as well.
// We really need it since we need to adjust for minutes both in the case
// where hour scale is shown and when it is not shown.
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayMinute () ) {
// Depending on what format the user has choose we need different amount
// of space. We therefore create a typical string for the choosen format
// and determine the length of that string.
switch ( $this -> scale -> minute -> iStyle ) {
$txt = date ( $this -> scale -> minute -> iLabelFormStr , strtotime ( '2005-05-15 18:55' ));
break ;
default :
$txt = '15' ;
break ;
$mfw = $this -> scale -> minute -> GetStrWidth ( $this -> img , $txt ) + 6 ;
$n = ceil ( 60 / $this -> scale -> TimeToMinutes ( $this -> scale -> minute -> GetIntervall ()) );
$mw = $n * $mfw ;
$fw = $fw < $mw ? $mw : $fw ;
// If we display week we must make sure that 7*$fw is enough
// to fit up to 10 characters of the week font (if the week is enabled)
if ( $this -> scale -> IsDisplayWeek () ) {
// Depending on what format the user has choose we need different amount
// of space
$fsw = strlen ( $this -> scale -> week -> iLabelFormStr );
if ( $this -> scale -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR ) {
$fsw += 8 ;
elseif ( $this -> scale -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ) {
$fsw += 7 ;
else {
$fsw += 4 ;
$ww = $fsw * $this -> scale -> week -> GetFontWidth ( $this -> img );
if ( 7 * $fw < $ww ) {
$fw = ceil ( $ww / 7 );
if ( ! $this -> scale -> IsDisplayDay () && ! $this -> scale -> IsDisplayHour () &&
! ( ( $this -> scale -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ||
$this -> scale -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR ) && $this -> scale -> IsDisplayWeek () ) ) {
// If we don't display the individual days we can shrink the
// scale a little bit. This is a little bit pragmatic at the
// moment and should be re-written to take into account
// a) What scales exactly are shown and
// b) what format do they use so we know how wide we need to
// make each scale text space at minimum.
$fw /= 2 ;
if ( ! $this -> scale -> IsDisplayWeek () ) {
$fw /= 1.8 ;
$cw = $this -> GetMaxActInfoColWidth () ;
$this -> scale -> actinfo -> SetMinColWidth ( $cw );
if ( $this -> img -> width <= 0 ) {
// Now determine the width for the activity titles column
// Firdst find out the maximum width of each object column
$titlewidth = max ( max ( $this -> GetMaxLabelWidth (),
$this -> scale -> tableTitle -> GetWidth ( $this -> img )),
$this -> scale -> actinfo -> GetWidth ( $this -> img ));
// Add the width of the vertivcal divider line
$titlewidth += $this -> scale -> divider -> iWeight * 2 ;
// Adjust the width by the user specified zoom factor
$fw *= $this -> iZoomFactor ;
// Now get the total width taking
// titlewidth, left and rigt margin, dayfont size
// into account
$width = $titlewidth + $nd * $fw + $lm + $rm ;
else {
$width = $this -> img -> width ;
$width = round ( $width );
$height = round ( $height );
// Make a sanity check on image size
if ( $width > MAX_GANTTIMG_SIZE_W || $height > MAX_GANTTIMG_SIZE_H ) {
JpgraphError :: RaiseL ( 6007 , $width , $height );
//("Sanity check for automatic Gantt chart size failed. Either the width (=$width) or height (=$height) is larger than MAX_GANTTIMG_SIZE. This could potentially be caused by a wrong date in one of the activities.");
$this -> img -> CreateImgCanvas ( $width , $height );
$this -> img -> SetMargin ( $lm , $rm , $tm , $bm );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Return an array width the maximum width for each activity
// column. This is used when we autosize the columns where we need
// to find out the maximum width of each column. In order to do that we
// must walk through all the objects, sigh...
function GetMaxActInfoColWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
if ( $n == 0 ) return ;
$w = array ();
$m = $this -> scale -> actinfo -> iLeftColMargin + $this -> scale -> actinfo -> iRightColMargin ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$tmp = $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> title -> GetColWidth ( $this -> img , $m );
$nn = count ( $tmp );
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $nn ; ++ $j ) {
if ( empty ( $w [ $j ]) )
$w [ $j ] = $tmp [ $j ];
$w [ $j ] = max ( $w [ $j ], $tmp [ $j ]);
return $w ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke the gantt chart
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aStrokeFileName = " " ) {
// If the filename is the predefined value = '_csim_special_'
// we assume that the call to stroke only needs to do enough
// to correctly generate the CSIM maps.
// We use this variable to skip things we don't strictly need
// to do to generate the image map to improve performance
// a best we can. Therefor you will see a lot of tests !$_csim in the
// code below.
$_csim = ( $aStrokeFileName === _CSIM_SPECIALFILE );
// Should we autoscale dates?
if ( ! $this -> scale -> IsRangeSet () ) {
list ( $min , $max ) = $this -> GetBarMinMax ();
$this -> scale -> SetRange ( $min , $max );
$this -> scale -> AdjustStartEndDay ();
// Check if we should autoscale the image
$this -> AutoSize ();
// Should we start from the top or just spread the bars out even over the
// available height
$this -> scale -> SetVertLayout ( $this -> iLayout );
if ( $this -> iLayout == GANTT_FROMTOP ) {
$maxheight = max ( $this -> GetMaxLabelHeight (), $this -> GetMaxBarAbsHeight ());
$this -> scale -> SetVertSpacing ( $maxheight * ( 1 + $this -> iLabelVMarginFactor ));
// If it hasn't been set find out the maximum line number
if ( $this -> scale -> iVertLines == - 1 )
$this -> scale -> iVertLines = $this -> GetBarMaxLineNumber () + 1 ;
$maxwidth = max ( $this -> scale -> actinfo -> GetWidth ( $this -> img ),
max ( $this -> GetMaxLabelWidth (),
$this -> scale -> tableTitle -> GetWidth ( $this -> img )));
$this -> scale -> SetLabelWidth ( $maxwidth + $this -> scale -> divider -> iWeight ); //*(1+$this->iLabelHMarginFactor));
if ( ! $_csim ) {
$this -> StrokePlotArea ();
if ( $this -> iIconDepth == DEPTH_BACK ) {
$this -> StrokeIcons ();
$this -> scale -> Stroke ();
if ( ! $_csim ) {
// Due to a minor off by 1 bug we need to temporarily adjust the margin
$this -> img -> right_margin -- ;
$this -> StrokePlotBox ();
$this -> img -> right_margin ++ ;
// Stroke Grid line
$this -> hgrid -> Stroke ( $this -> img , $this -> scale );
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> iObj [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img , $this -> scale );
$this -> StrokeTitles ();
if ( ! $_csim ) {
$this -> StrokeConstrains ();
$this -> footer -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
if ( $this -> iIconDepth == DEPTH_FRONT ) {
$this -> StrokeIcons ();
// Stroke all added user texts
$this -> StrokeTexts ();
// Should we do any final image transformation
if ( $this -> iImgTrans ) {
if ( ! class_exists ( 'ImgTrans' , false ) ) {
require_once ( 'jpgraph_imgtrans.php' );
$tform = new ImgTrans ( $this -> img -> img );
$this -> img -> img = $tform -> Skew3D ( $this -> iImgTransHorizon , $this -> iImgTransSkewDist ,
$this -> iImgTransDirection , $this -> iImgTransHighQ ,
$this -> iImgTransMinSize , $this -> iImgTransFillColor ,
$this -> iImgTransBorder );
// If the filename is given as the special "__handle"
// then the image handler is returned and the image is NOT
// streamed back
if ( $aStrokeFileName == _IMG_HANDLER ) {
return $this -> img -> img ;
else {
// Finally stream the generated picture
$this -> cache -> PutAndStream ( $this -> img , $this -> cache_name , $this -> inline ,
$aStrokeFileName );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeConstrains () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
// Stroke all constrains
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
// Some gantt objects may not have constraints associated with them
// for example we can add IconPlots which doesn't have this property.
if ( empty ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints ) ) continue ;
$numConstrains = count ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints );
for ( $k = 0 ; $k < $numConstrains ; $k ++ ) {
$vpos = $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints [ $k ] -> iConstrainRow ;
if ( $vpos >= 0 ) {
$c1 = $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> iConstrainPos ;
// Find out which object is on the target row
$targetobj = - 1 ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $n && $targetobj == - 1 ; ++ $j ) {
if ( $this -> iObj [ $j ] -> iVPos == $vpos ) {
$targetobj = $j ;
if ( $targetobj == - 1 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6008 , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> iVPos , $vpos );
//('You have specifed a constrain from row='.$this->iObj[$i]->iVPos.' to row='.$vpos.' which does not have any activity.');
$c2 = $this -> iObj [ $targetobj ] -> iConstrainPos ;
if ( count ( $c1 ) == 4 && count ( $c2 ) == 4 ) {
switch ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints [ $k ] -> iConstrainType ) {
if ( $c1 [ 1 ] < $c2 [ 1 ] ) {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 2 ], $c1 [ 3 ], $c2 [ 0 ], $c2 [ 1 ]);
else {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 2 ], $c1 [ 1 ], $c2 [ 0 ], $c2 [ 3 ]);
$link -> SetPath ( 3 );
break ;
if ( $c1 [ 1 ] < $c2 [ 1 ] ) {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 0 ], $c1 [ 3 ], $c2 [ 2 ], $c2 [ 1 ]);
else {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 0 ], $c1 [ 1 ], $c2 [ 2 ], $c2 [ 3 ]);
$link -> SetPath ( 0 );
break ;
if ( $c1 [ 1 ] < $c2 [ 1 ] ) {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 2 ], $c1 [ 3 ], $c2 [ 2 ], $c2 [ 1 ]);
else {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 2 ], $c1 [ 1 ], $c2 [ 2 ], $c2 [ 3 ]);
$link -> SetPath ( 1 );
break ;
if ( $c1 [ 1 ] < $c2 [ 1 ] ) {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 0 ], $c1 [ 3 ], $c2 [ 0 ], $c2 [ 1 ]);
else {
$link = new GanttLink ( $c1 [ 0 ], $c1 [ 1 ], $c2 [ 0 ], $c2 [ 3 ]);
$link -> SetPath ( 3 );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6009 , $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> iVPos , $vpos );
//('Unknown constrain type specified from row='.$this->iObj[$i]->iVPos.' to row='.$vpos);
break ;
$link -> SetColor ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints [ $k ] -> iConstrainColor );
$link -> SetArrow ( $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints [ $k ] -> iConstrainArrowSize ,
$this -> iObj [ $i ] -> constraints [ $k ] -> iConstrainArrowType );
$link -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetCSIMAreas () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> iHasStroked )
$this -> Stroke ( _CSIM_SPECIALFILE );
$csim = $this -> title -> GetCSIMAreas ();
$csim .= $this -> subtitle -> GetCSIMAreas ();
$csim .= $this -> subsubtitle -> GetCSIMAreas ();
$n = count ( $this -> iObj );
for ( $i = $n - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; -- $i )
$csim .= $this -> iObj [ $i ] -> GetCSIMArea ();
return $csim ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS PredefIcons
// Description: Predefined icons for use with Gantt charts
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'GICON_WARNINGRED' , 0 );
define ( 'GICON_TEXT' , 1 );
define ( 'GICON_ENDCONS' , 2 );
define ( 'GICON_MAIL' , 3 );
define ( 'GICON_STARTCONS' , 4 );
define ( 'GICON_CALC' , 5 );
define ( 'GICON_MAGNIFIER' , 6 );
define ( 'GICON_LOCK' , 7 );
define ( 'GICON_STOP' , 8 );
define ( 'GICON_WARNINGYELLOW' , 9 );
define ( 'GICON_FOLDEROPEN' , 10 );
define ( 'GICON_FOLDER' , 11 );
define ( 'GICON_TEXTIMPORTANT' , 12 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class PredefIcons {
private $iBuiltinIcon = null , $iLen = - 1 ;
function GetLen () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iLen ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetImg ( $aIdx ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $aIdx < 0 || $aIdx >= $this -> iLen ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6010 , $aIdx );
//('Illegal icon index for Gantt builtin icon ['.$aIdx.']');
return Image :: CreateFromString ( base64_decode ( $this -> iBuiltinIcon [ $aIdx ][ 1 ]));
function __construct () {
// warning.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 0 ][ 0 ] = 1043 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 0 ][ 1 ] =
'0SIUxf/AvfRSBS9EKILFFqyIH9CEmFZtPqrBJLs7c+b1YneT3WTTbNsUFPLCcAbmzPt73o9zzgzs2Z793231UOdv3w9k9Z2uzOdA' .
'5+2+79yNeL7Hl7hw7oeixRMZ6PJM26W18DNAm/Vh7lR8fqh97NmMF11es1iFpMATqdirwMNA/J4DpIzkr5YsAF1PO6gIMYHRdPwl' .
'oO2elmB+qH3sm7XozbkgYvy8SzYnZPtcblyM6I+5z3jQ+0vJfgpEu56BfI9vUkbyi2HZd1QJoeWRiAjBd4SDCW8SSAOy6wBHMzF7' .
'YdV2A+ROuvRPLfHoiSU0EMY/cDAIhxJeGngKaN1VgHyPL7NBxI1K9P4QxBzw3K1zJ/zkG8B9uwaQ7/HNsRZv9kohBGD0o7JqMYS/' .
'/ynPidQw/LrBiPBcS/yFCT95DvB2BWAy4575PaQbQKW+tPd3GCItu2odKI++YxiKu0d26oWmAD7paZU/rLz37VqIijD2YbnzNBBE' .
'IBHf8K8qjL7vYhCGErEU8CTg3xXAeMp96GrJEqkyXkm9Bhui1xfsunjdGhcYLq+IzjsGmBt5YH/cmJkFq6gIqlon3u4LxdKGuCIo' .
'Qu41g0E41po+2R33Xt5uz9kRIB2UTle7PnfKrROP1HD4sRjZlq0lzhwoZ6rDNeTi3nEg1si/7FT7kYQbXS6E5E65tA5uRF9tutq0' .
'K/VwAF+/FbIYWt6+tjQM/AqUms7A4Wy6d7YSfSNxgMmzi0ycWWworio4QJvj4LpuL5BqugTnXzzqJsJwurrlNhJXFaavW67NRw3F' .
'q+aJcCQVe9fzvJGmAY7/dPH0gi0f64OveGxa+usCuQMeZ0+kt8BVrX+qPO9Bzx0MgqBvs+a2PfDdYIf+WAjXU1ub4tqNaPPzRs8A' .
'blrli+WVn79cXn0cWKl+tGx7HLc7pu3CSmnfitL+l1UihAhwjFkPQev4K/fSABjBM8JCaFuurJU+rgW41SroA8aNMVNAFtgHJCsn' .
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// edit.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 1 ][ 0 ] = 959 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 1 ][ 1 ] =
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'm0KhkACICCKCMeaBjiLC0tLSnjNvPmuOHRpH0TZTU1M8zBi9wakzn7OFTs5sw8YYACYmJrre7HkeuVyu69qPF77hlT1XmZ0eQ03O' .
'wOLJTvhBx1rLz18VmJ0eY+jVd2FxDkKXnvYLHgb97OgLzE4ON9Hzc1B1QaQzsed5O0Lta3Ec89OnR5h5McfQ+Mw2qgQUnfBOPbZ3' .
'bK3l+xOvMT0+3ERLp5FNF6UEjcL32+DdVmGt5WLhDYYPZrbRqreFumXwql0S3w9tnDvLWD5PZigPpdOwuYpSCo3C8wU3UHxQdHbf' .
'cZIkNM6dxcnlUM4k1eUFMlUPpUADbpkttFarHe6oYqeOr6yt4RzMQHYUcUsQVtGicHDwKprViuLDkkOtVnsHCHZVRVy/zcj1i5Af' .
'h8AjdIts+hUcGcYPK3iBtKM3gD/uAzf/AdY2mmmVgy6X8YNNKmGIvyloPcB8SUin07RQ4EZHFdsdG0wkJEnEaHAJxvKEpSLeaokV' .
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'vD46REY0iysegSjKQciRt99ib7qXwX0O+pG4teM6YKHLB9JMq4mTmF9/+AKA4wvLZByH7OgYL7+UY2qvw/7Bfg5kHiXjJFyv3CGO' .
'Y1rof+BW4t/XLiPG0DCGr79d4XzRxRnIMn98huXSTYyJ6et1UNYQhRvcinpJq86H3wGPPPM0iBDd+QffD1g4eZjLvuG7S1Wef26E' .
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// endconstrain.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 2 ][ 0 ] = 666 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 2 ][ 1 ] =
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'nDoYAI8XwDa8o1RMLT+2hAsigtTvbIGVqhX46szUifBGswUeCPgAGB7QeLk0X4Ork+HOxo1VgSqGASjMqkn8W4r4vVtEgI/RRQEL' .
'vaoGD85cl5V3nySR/S1mxWxab7f35PnntNyMJeRr9kCMqiHTy09EoeToLwggx6ymiMOD/VwcD7Oa/MHkcIiQx026WGYto5P/U+ZZ' .
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'7GgamCb0anBYBeChMtl8855CarclxU1gvViiUK4w2OMkNDnGeJ8bt9fH90yOnOkCwLFTwhzykhvtYzOWoBBbY//R3dbaNTYhf2RO' .
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'avXYaXXxPwsnt0imdttCocMmZBdK7YU9D8wuNOW0nXc6QWzPsSa5naZ1beb9BbGB6dxGtMnXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC' ;
// mail.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 3 ][ 0 ] = 1122 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 3 ][ 1 ] =
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'x+1xkslW6mrixGIODx8EFSlEBC0+tmXT0NhA2763iEUjnLv4C8XpUbSbAB1mKkGJ3J83Od77HW5EszvZSqK2iljMIeJaRGNuJePF' .
'6mspY7BJ1DXwQnCd2fxGRq5OUCz8xt72dyhMZcn++Cu3xu9SKhdp2b4ZHWnAtTSxmIWlhcIjlksR3lNBYzlxZsb7+f7ne+xtSzOd' .
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'Rh7+NcjA0O+0p4+CNwXigwnbWlQQdpuEpli+n+PIkcOc//YKuckJJFh2K2anrjFw+QZt6S6kPImIF/b+cqAJD1LihWAxC61twBTo' .
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// startconstrain.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 4 ][ 0 ] = 725 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 4 ][ 1 ] =
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'ScfxSywml5j7mVypN0eGEJ0tebIre+zxB6Tv7jPReS2hREpOvpmUXU+H5eC913JnNCSRVE60pUVbWoZjprR39Yq70bdqj4pW7PEH' .
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'RoOdm+vRIriUYjKexrQV+t1o0YEVwfZSVJmD/dIABJuO0LG3lRFx0GOfiAELE9OgCrfU0XnIp5FwGLEy5WEAOxlR5uN+ARhP7GN3' .
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// calc.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 5 ][ 0 ] = 589 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 5 ][ 1 ] =
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'vejleL2Ay9+jaw6A+4OSICG2cacGKhsGxg+CxeqAQS0Y7BYJvowq7iGMOhXHEfzpvpQkA9bLKgOgWKt+4Lo1mM9hs9m17QNsJ70P' .
'Fjc/O52joogoX8MZKiBiAFxd9Z1vcj9wfSpUlDRNMcYQxzFpmnJ0FPH8nDe1MQaWSz9woQpWSZKEojDkeaWoKAyr1tlu+s48wfVx' .
'u7n5i7jthmGIiEGcT+36PP+gFeJrxWLhb0UA/lb4ggGs1T0rZs0zwM/ZjNfilcIY5tutPxgOW3F6dUX464LrKILLiw+A7WErrl+2' .
'rABG1EL/BilZP8DjU2uR4U+2E49P1Z8QJmNXUzl24A9GBT0IruCfi86d9x+D12RGzt+pNAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==' ;
// mag.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 6 ][ 0 ] = 1415 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 6 ][ 1 ] =
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'F7U+hf0HD2JduIzTFy6SlJRkPtkcDgdCCE65OxFC8NPV6wghyM7OptankJ2dzbSC5QghEEIgCSHog9PpNAF27dlN6miZuPgElB4/' .
'nmY3O7ZtByA1NVUCkGWZweD1eklJScESTbqxuIjrd+/x6uIl5M19hSy7nfGOeUxf+g7VjU1sKi7C4/GYsiyz7tAJAD4/cRaA1tZW' .
'AHIPnECUVGD1+/3U19ebG4uLeHf1akamjsIwoVnVCOvQEdLoVILYYmMo3PIxSBJflpSaDX5FAmju1QAYv/8k/s8+wLVxOU0jR2LZ' .
'8sMFAApWrCApbRRDrRZirBYSLBKaoRPQw3SFernf2sav7T0Ubt4KwL4FMwF4Vu8FoHBCKgCzDhwHwLIhZ7y5a89u4m2JhA0wTdDC' .
'OrphEjJMNElCHxKDEjaobmvlfo/Krj27CQQCJsCGJW8C0KXqAMxMiosQA8hZWcTFx9OsaniDKh1qmG7VoFsL0x0K06kbeAMhWpRe' .
'/KpG+gwHAKUnz7Dz3BUMw6DK18nuw99wt0Nh6VdHI8RJicmETQgFg7SFwjSrGv+oKp6ghldV6dZ0ugJBlF6FmCESQ2w2AIqXLsan' .
'BrFYLJTnTCBrdBqveeopWZiPFaBHUegJhegMqGgxEkHDwB/UaQ9rdIV06v0+TD2EEQjQFtAY0dsNgNvt5sialQAIIXh7wQKuVf6J' .
'gTsSccPDWlQstClBGjr9eHpVWvUQncEwdYEedF8noQ4vmYmpZMTH0nTvDn25vLbrNmu7bvfnsYEbAMnhcPDgwQPzUo2LJusw/mhp' .
'QwlHNO0KBAnoIfxtrcQMT2De1Mm891wyUzNlUlJSpIyMDBobGzlzr5rFM/Koq6vrP8ASGxsLwPmKcvIShjPGZiPOakE3VFB8hHwd' .
'vJAxhrk5L7Ly+RQuH/sWgPdXrwFg/6HDFBUsIj09nehfbAWwPWOT9n5RYhqGwarNWxkRM5TRCfF4U1PQsDDJFk9uYhwXvzvKjm3b' .
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'aXx96ixOp9O8cfUa80srmDpjOgAulytiQqZpMnvObLbt/JTtHxXj9/tRVdU0DGOAufRpevPDTeac0hJyc3NxOOawfv161lVWS6eX' .
'z+9/UOCxu1VWVvaTRGv16NFfjB2bNeAQp9NpTpmSM4DcbrdL0WsGDKLRR+52uwe1yP8jb2lpYfikyY9t80n03UCWZeaXVjw1f+zs' .
'Oen+/d+pqanhzp2fKSsrw+l0mi6XiyPl5ZGITdN8fAVJwjRNJEmi1qfw1kw7siyTnJxMe3s71dXV3GpoZO64DG41NPJylvxU5D/e' .
'qJKsfWQD9IkaZ2RmUvr9aV4aGYcQgjfO3aWoYBF5eXm4ewIsu/CbdPz1aWb0/p1bNoOrQxlUiuiaFo3c3FyEEOx9+C9CCD6paaTW' .
// lock.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 7 ][ 0 ] = 963 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 7 ][ 1 ] =
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'zmBZVj1HeY2VUti2TSQSQSml2bZdi0QirK2tMT09zerqKtlslqGhISYnJ4nHv2N+foFsNquOe9FotLlxOBwmk8lgWRbhcFgymYxY' .
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'HsfjcWZnZ+ns7KTRqwcnk0mKxSKFQqGJlVKtruuSTCYB6O3trW9UI/v9/iZPB/j8s2HOnX0FgHfeXpeffnzK+fWf+fijvhLs0PtG' .
'D/n1OJ9+MsrlSwb3733DwMCAt1EyPj6uACYmJp56168NU6nUqFSE9nZdPE7+WqC/r4NKTagcCJVqDaUUB5VDAA4Pa9x7sMLlSwan' .
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'g++yuPCwzm/2vU8+n2a7sMFfj79mp7BBuVzioFSiXHJx3SKuW2Rzy0Up9dxnQVvODALQerqNRn4ZKe0Mvtc6TpzpmqbxalcY9Ato' .
'2v06t515C73YQftZB9GLnDrt4LoujuPgOA4Ui+C6yOpXJwZrJ7r/gv4P/u+D9W7fLxTz+1ScQxrZ3atRLaVxdjbY2d184R6/sLHe' .
'opHP7/Do90Ua+WWUyezzZHObP/7cfX54/dowE1d66s8TV3oE+Mfn+L/zb4XmHPjRG9YjAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC' ;
// stop.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 8 ][ 0 ] = 889 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 8 ][ 1 ] =
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'pZKxRFszAI/DcP0HazXY22v+HB01kee1PA/v3zfnjx4xgGnHcNZe7OvuNj+cOEF1ZATv5nUA4jhBSgmADCVWo8Ge2Of9wb18P/G7' .
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'sT/P4s8PmKlUmNhQaIJbkDVqBbpw6wZ2zUc4Nm+ePku5p4eOrgpueQOFUoVCVxcD4+N07dpF9+5tVJeWGPBjhvr7WF1zC8ASgtcP' .
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'Po5d6AQhstMSvGyI4wS5FJBKSRwnzF8byx/u+PjzzMF1mfryQ1K/jnCahqp1xEopjFLoNEFJSRJHzF799gWHqa+/QKcSUXBI609f' .
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'PSdmqL+P/YHkwMGDOGWDZTlQcNBRhPEComgB/YeHfq2InF1kLlXUOkpMbio1bd7aATRD/X0M1lPeSlM2vt2X1XBZjZnpLG2tmZO6' .
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// error.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 9 ][ 0 ] = 541 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 9 ][ 1 ] =
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'iOsCHgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==' ;
// openfolder.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 10 ][ 0 ] = 2040 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 10 ][ 1 ] =
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'9J41d8973f3Dhg1pISTV1dXXBRNJxPGFCzhou+DCQrScZOkktNaeDZjamgeZ9MgiYmVDccvHhjAzJw0NTh8/alyZMaVJicp0iTHj' .
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'4xUOMVEvaTZu3BgmvF4Yk4hz9rO/Ulr5cE9owae/rcGxohSOuiWkC2IjcIqKyPZm+OmCH7GhoZEF077EEzVVweAbJ+riEeO0Ey8y' .
'UubqOHn0AOgMwvf59txnBrSp9dgxKmf/+kIP1NY8SFk0jh5ajmNHAWg5b2E5EexojGHjbiVRMoRMNs0LC+Yz46vTuH3enN7BI8fr' .
'qFdo0BoVZNC9aVSQ4fNjBzEmQJiARxb+/AqYPMAVB5FsPU5v37g9OxgLhe14ZM5/ju052E6MNZvf5pmHHuLmmWOkEysxUtpGAtme' .
'dtHTflJkezqQto3jFRnLssyf1jydxiiM7zNnye/c3ZsqLu2BN5fcMfzrv/hby1tPzmRUoihcTJ87CwQI2yLtDcIqsIjYUf51qBlf' .
'bOGNPU280dgkq6Y2yu8vfjCIlwwzr+/ZQ/PHO0gOLuO5qsftDQ2NbN+4OCgqG6WTxWVaq6zpF+DiSHWnicdylp3r6aZTWthIOrNp' .
'ktHcvBu0sHX1Sm6ozB3B42d90zZA9bQp7PvgPSzXZfnqX/HS4DKKK2+x69Y/HURs26iBAN5ccsfw7774UcumF37C6f07KSt2OHji' .
'DEUJD0tISjyPrrSPlAKvN0JP/U4O1NfjuhG2rvklN1SOpfXwftpbTqAyKRrff5fb7rs9V1R7m4wlz2ihA3HpmXflUWyOH2umpLiY' .
'ui3v8M+6bWzfsRNbSgqkxaCkiy0simMuEWEhpcRzIhQWOIAh6tiAwS4owInFiTou5dOnMnl2NR++ujBwXEc9terD6M43nrj6LgAB' .
'QnDPA9/irtkP8JRS7Hr/3T6YekDQ1pEiEXOwpUVJzCVlZZFS4mZtkpEo9ChAkDp/jtLMBACy6S4RiQghLyv5cgBRPnKUOX6smUGF' .
'hSil0MYw9d77mPy1e5mnFE3batm3czvb6nYgEJztSFGU9LCRlMRdUjIH0+lnEMIwPNXD3NumoVJnrMCJaiciMUZfvQnz4QcBSvV1' .
'vjE5GK358t0zmXDnDB79saLpo20c+aSRD+t25JTp7GZQwsEWFiVxl6hlUf/WO9z32CxmL1rOe6u/I2KuwGhzLQCB7/sYY9Bah3el' .
'FKbvrrVm4vS7GH/7ncx+chEHGz7myCeNbPtoO0JI2jq78WIRLGkzsqs7V5SfFV5EovXACoiqqsfNpk2vo5VCWtYFBfoU0VoTBAFa' .
'a7TRaK2p+MoURk+cxMzq+Rzbv49DDbuo27UTW9h0dedssPxuK+kIfN8XxhgDYPVXf2Fh4XKtFIl4AiklAlBKAYRKKK36wHIweTCt' .
'NfHiEkaOn8j0+7/BmDFjaT30GbHywSxcuZkpFfFg+m1jjZ/NmnVvNfRvwd69e8WBA/uNFAIh4JVXXmHsmDHE4vEQQgjQ2lxQIm9N' .
'nz35q3BEOZOHzaG2thaA4mRU+L29It+IV21CpbRQfeMFC35gRB/M2rVrubnyZmLxWJhECBEmz/eHyo/7lMlH3LFFujsthNFCCGOu' .
'+WNyeUgpjSVzMKtWraKyshLPdcPEeYWCIEBdpIxSivr6eta8vI7d6+cGnhdV06pe1QP+F/QXWmuRL+jZZ58LlVmxYgUVFRV4rhtu' .
'4TzMxXAA6XRaRAtsYUkx8I/JtSJQOlSwpmZpCLN8+fPcdNNoHMfB9/0QJgRoP295TlR7UVv8xxZcHMuWIZ9/Hn35vG3JEGZpzVJG' .
'jx5N1IlitKahsZE1L69j69qHgx+urFX/lQL9JYdLlfnZihUhzOLFi8N3Ml1dthOxVH/f/8/CtqSJ2JaJ2JZ59J7RPsC/AViJsQS/' .
// folder.png
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 11 ][ 0 ] = 1824 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 11 ][ 1 ] =
'6+jQOlQihT1AYgytqzZpD1atfyYqlT1h0lRpT7aRJ4NQpRvZGELVuo5Ua9jEJDIETQsNQyPBsUJMWGPnj//e+e72wNg4xElMR6ed' .
'ZNln3933dZ/f93f6yfB/sgmrHdDV1WXlPg8NDZUDScD8LFFFEZZlWYZhWMFg0Orq6sq/gDJAfFy1iiZy9OjrVnj4JzQ1rMWqfxm/' .
'309jYyNtbW0kEgnu3bvH4cOH88c/jqSKQl4/XGkd+eVtAN46up1LH92ktqYS++ZX8Pv9NDQ0sGnTJlKpFOFwmO7u7vy5IyMjeVRd' .
'XV1+WEOh0IrY4pDnq6wXX/sTiCJaMkFZdRNqxefoe7VtCSqXVDqdZnZ2ltraWkzTpKqqijt3JpFlG7dvj7NzZ1f++qFQyA3EClHL' .
'Ql743nFkhxPDtJAd5eTaYSVUfX09lZWVlJWVIUnSg7sVQMBCUcu4ceMGe/bsIRQK1QAzOcyykIM9P0KyudAyCWyqG8nhwqa4SkLt' .
'3r0bVVVxu924XC40TUOWZUQxe97CwgIdHR2LMHIxSCaVInVvFElxE0vMY1Pd2NUKJMWNTXHlUfF//4vETJCelwbpFm3MjP2dt37x' .
'AlN+PzU1NViWRSwW4+7du3g8HjweD4qi5EFAJzAExIpCANbooxhplfB0FJvTg6xWIqsVRVF6MopkU3FXPcnkJxGU0VEAdF2noqKC' .
'W3/8DpnqLjzep2lubsblcjE8PExHR8fboVDID9xYFpLBDpJF0jDQIncQpWlkm31FlFLtp9PfyuW/vYQj1kPSuRW/38+lj27S2Q7v' .
'/aWXUBVUffVNtm3blivVCEwsC5Eyc5iiApEpDEAXMqQdldhSiWVQHjJagud+8Fuexck/zv+K82dfoSbSCsDe75/km+4GVPd6+l5t' .
'4zJHcqVUYN2yEEtZQDCSJCueRAYsPY49HsFIZVG6p25JUumFafT4DKJN4amtT7Nz38sk5+5A70HMtEYyMkFiZhxzjQ/poXrLQrRU' .
'DFGEeFpAlkQkm4pRiCpIKodKzk0T/2QMh+piPjxKZPwiSkUtu/b9mNnJEWS7E8nhAmvpM60oJDkXJxqNozxRRUxPIesispBBlsXV' .
'UaKEFo8gzoaJhz8s2lOmrpUG+WBhJ9/60g+Z+fDXTAXfxllRjl1VkO0OFATsYhYliiK21ZKKhhHnFveUqSdKgwAEOp7F2v51vvw8' .
'XH7/N1wd/BlTweuUV65BdtgfoLTSkipsdD3tRi0VYpommUwGwzDwdT5HYEc3giAwcvH3jLz3BlPB67jWeZBEKYsSBWwpHZtNKo4q' .
'aHTDsJeeiGEYWJaFZVmYpommaRiGQdPnv0bb1m8gSRL/vPIOV979aR4lmAJ2p4qCgCxksNuKJ6VNpx4NYhgGpmkuQhmGQTqdxjAM' .
'qr2d7HtxEEEQuH1tkKvvvkF44tqDnrIcKJKAPf1g+LAUElq8dIiu60sApmnm93Pfzc7OYhgGrie+wFe++ztcLhcT1wf54PzPCU9c' .
'w7XWjWS3IdsdOAUBWZAxrRJnTQ6SG5bce2FCpmkughmGQSqVYm5uDtnj44sH38TtdhP6+Dwf//V4ttHXrkGURZJaic8RgHQ6jWma' .
'SJKUL5RLKNfIOczDKF3XSSaTRCIRhLJWntp3nGfWrSMxc5OLf3iNP4+68T9Ub9nF76lTpxgfHycajZJKpdA0LZ9GbjYV7hcDWZaF' .
'pmnMz88Ti8UYunSLmu1HFi2aVkxkaGjINTY2ttDb24vX6+XQoUNs3ryZ8vJyIDu1BUFYkkxhgxeiWlpaOHPmDE1NTdTX1xe98eWG' .
'JnF/9dQZCoXUYDA4AOD1ejlw4ACtra2Ul5fniwmCkEcUJiUIAoFAgL6+Pnw+H21tbfT39z8SxCS7hHsfWH9/8dL4MKqnp4eWlhac' .
'TmcekEvMNE2am5s5ceIEgUCA9vZ2Tp48ic/nY3j4UsmQHCYOjJHtpeBKqL1799Lc3IzT6UTXdRobGxkYGKC9vZ3W1tZ8Ko86NJ8a' .
'tXHjRo4dO8bp06fZsmULGzZsoL+/n0AggNfr5ezZs/8VpGTU5OSkc//+/acBfD4f1dXV7Nq1i4aGBs6dO4fP5+Pq1SuPBbIiyjTN' .
'RUnV1dUNXLhwAa/Xy44dO4jFYgBEo9FFF1r134BPuYlk16LrAYXsAlmtq6sbKDwoFAp9m+ykuP5ZQVZF3f8tCdwCov8LyHIoAANI' .
// file_important.png
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 12 ][ 0 ] = 1785 ;
$this -> iBuiltinIcon [ 12 ][ 1 ] =
'OFRdSo6FNhdB6SGHlpDmYtJCDyoxyKe6EBxKQkt7KKL0T6ABo0NbciqigtC6PhWKI2NFqqxdSd7V2/dmftPDvPd212t55dCBYfbN' .
'zpvfZ77z+/1mdhUjytWrV93Hf/24eD5z9gwiMlDjOKbb7dLtdhER2u02u7u73Lp1CxEZBw4AeZwdNQqkMd9wbziFGINJUt6rRbz5' .
'1ptUq1XK5TJBEAAUMHt7e+zu7gKwvLzMysoKwAng/uNg9CgQgFKlgg1DUJ67Vqtx6tQpZmdniaIIpRTOOZRSdDoddnZ2aLfbLC8v' .
's7S0xJUrV7ZGwQSj1PhhfRodVdDlMrpc5vup5Z2fvMPdu3fZ29vDWjvwztjYGPV6nVqtRqVS4dKlSywtLQFsAdOH2XwsCEApg3jl' .
'w98Rak2gvYjNZpNms0mSJDjnHgkDMDc3dySYQ0Ea8w139YUX0OUKulzyg7UmCEO+l1huvHuDra0t9vf3h1TJYSqVypFhHquIrlQI' .
'S5qv/uIDAC7/4bcEQYAKvK+0Wq1DVQGIoog7d+4cCeaRII35hrt+8SsEOkRlUaEyR0UpFIrXHxyMVKVUKnHv3r0jwRwaNelBjBjL' .
'Sz/7KYuLiwAsLi7y4z/9kY9e+TpkCuSqjI+Po7XuAWeKXLt2DWNMUZMkwRjDhQsXWFtbK6JpCCT3jfQgxomPtPX19YHWicM5x3c2' .
'73Pj3Ru8/aO3mZqaolKpoHVvyuvXr/Ppnf/Q7uzz380NPtu4y/qnG+ztd1hfX2dtbQ3gIvDnRyqSxl1UoPjyz98D4PTp0wPtq39Z' .
'4fdzLxegrVaLVqvF5OQkYRgWqpRKJZ77wvNsbW1RG5tgfKLOTH2G7Z1twqBQrgrMDvhInjfSOCY5iIv+hYWFgRZArEWsZWF941Bf' .
'SdMUgMnJCWpjVU4cn+HUyePM1Gc4+fRUPkzBI5w1jbukcczLv/5l0XfmzJmBFuCba38r/CRXpT+CrDUoZ0jjB4RYonJAOYRobJKT' .
'z5zgqfqxAbsFSH6mpHFM2qdGXh4VnoViD6mSJF2cTQeqDqBaKVHWmonJCWpZjhkC6anR5WsffTgwaHV1FaUUq6urA/2v3f5k4LnV' .
'arG9tUn3oI2YBCcWHYAxMVYs1qZEZY2SFB2aYZDGfMN9d7uJiWPSeFiNo5Rclc3NTXZbO6RpF7EJVixYA9agwwDnUiqlEPdQ3imi' .
'Jo27BGHIt/7x9yEjc3Nzh27Na7c/4TdffKl4bja3ae5MUIu0T/HOEIaOpJt4gwoSsVTK4SBIY77hFtY3ABBjBiZ90rKwvsH77/+K' .
't37wOhO1iPpTk4SBw1mLsz6CnKQ4l3qV+kE+t9XHlNZOk+bUJLVIE1VCcIJWQmJ6qjj30NbcXLkZMt8YPig+Z3n1G5fZ39/j/vY2' .
'9ckqZT2Ochbn0p4qNkU/dDfUADdXbh4HXgRO4zNdEU0XL1784PLly5w9e7Z4SazFOfGrEotDcOKrcoJPmrYIXf/Zop3QNd1skuGt' .
'cUAb2MgAxvHZTgFUq1Wmp6eZnZ0F8JlTjDduDThBnDeECEoJtbGIp6enqEblzCcEZ1PECU4yVRiOGgd0gc+AB0CZvkv1sWPHOHfu' .
'HOfPn8da41cpkkltEBEPJhYnBkTQJcdYVKGkgRxCfBsq5xXNgAa2Bn+hjTOgHEKBP8pzRUxykIH4ifLJRTJAl+UMBJzPHQ6bfe/f' .
'cWIzPxlUpD+zugzIZtVk1d8znBAqRxgoQuVQgSJQ3h9C5QhDRYgjUILCAzlnEdsHYTKfMTEBcP7F54YUGVmc2GLlIn6ve6v0ahSt' .
'8X25TzjJ+rIx1grKpQPWR4LkGVVsMgghvS0qjPdvm5OeceOTWA5Evo2mFzkjQfL7hZPUy5yvvF/uPFQL3+nbDmsLCEmT3sTmCTNr' .
'rogT6yFsOix3ftw7OwQhkvSU6CuinhCk0+kAkFoBazEEICHaHHiPVmU0gnUp4EAc1mYrF0EBVpwPi34VrBkwPxKk3W5ju/e5/c+d' .
'bGUHIAIuydTIE5zfc5Wr4lJcahHnHTP3CVGm78DrgY38N+DEibp7dmYKdAQmBh1hjEFjis+9CTWYGK21H6PxPyOI0DobYwzZF/z7' .
'7jadTvJtYG0kCD7lfwl49ijgT1gc0AH+dZSJA/xB+Mz/GSIvFoj/B7H1mAd8CO/zAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC' ;
$this -> iLen = count ( $this -> iBuiltinIcon );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Global cache for builtin images
$_gPredefIcons = new PredefIcons ();
// CLASS IconImage
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description: Holds properties for an icon image
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class IconImage {
private $iGDImage = null ;
private $iWidth , $iHeight ;
private $ixalign = 'left' , $iyalign = 'center' ;
private $iScale = 1.0 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aIcon , $aScale = 1 ) {
GLOBAL $_gPredefIcons ;
if ( is_string ( $aIcon ) ) {
$this -> iGDImage = Graph :: LoadBkgImage ( '' , $aIcon );
elseif ( is_integer ( $aIcon ) ) {
// Builtin image
$this -> iGDImage = $_gPredefIcons -> GetImg ( $aIcon );
else {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6011 );
//('Argument to IconImage must be string or integer');
$this -> iScale = $aScale ;
$this -> iWidth = Image :: GetWidth ( $this -> iGDImage );
$this -> iHeight = Image :: GetHeight ( $this -> iGDImage );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return round ( $this -> iScale * $this -> iWidth );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetHeight () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return round ( $this -> iScale * $this -> iHeight );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetAlign ( $aX = 'left' , $aY = 'center' ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> ixalign = $aX ;
$this -> iyalign = $aY ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $x , $y ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> ixalign == 'right' ) {
$x -= $this -> iWidth ;
elseif ( $this -> ixalign == 'center' ) {
$x -= round ( $this -> iWidth / 2 * $this -> iScale );
if ( $this -> iyalign == 'bottom' ) {
$y -= $this -> iHeight ;
elseif ( $this -> iyalign == 'center' ) {
$y -= round ( $this -> iHeight / 2 * $this -> iScale );
$aImg -> Copy ( $this -> iGDImage ,
$x , $y , 0 , 0 ,
round ( $this -> iWidth * $this -> iScale ), round ( $this -> iHeight * $this -> iScale ),
$this -> iWidth , $this -> iHeight );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS TextProperty
// Description: Holds properties for a text
class TextProperty {
public $iShow = true ;
public $csimtarget = '' , $csimwintarget = '' , $csimalt = '' ;
private $iFFamily = FF_FONT1 , $iFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $iFSize = 10 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iFontArray = array ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
private $iColor = " black " ;
private $iText = " " ;
private $iHAlign = " left " , $iVAlign = " bottom " ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aTxt = '' ) {
$this -> iText = $aTxt ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Set ( $aTxt ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iText = $aTxt ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetCSIMTarget ( $aTarget , $aAltText = '' , $aWinTarget = '' ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $aTarget ) )
$aTarget = array ( $aTarget );
$this -> csimtarget = $aTarget ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $aWinTarget ) )
$aWinTarget = array ( $aWinTarget );
$this -> csimwintarget = $aWinTarget ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $aAltText ) )
$aAltText = array ( $aAltText );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$this -> csimalt = $aAltText ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetCSIMAlt ( $aAltText ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $aAltText ) )
$aAltText = array ( $aAltText );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$this -> csimalt = $aAltText ;
// Set text color
function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function HasTabs () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $this -> iText ) ) {
return substr_count ( $this -> iText , " \t " ) > 0 ;
elseif ( is_array ( $this -> iText ) ) {
return false ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get number of tabs in string
function GetNbrTabs () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_string ( $this -> iText ) ) {
return substr_count ( $this -> iText , " \t " ) ;
else {
return 0 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Set alignment
function Align ( $aHAlign , $aVAlign = " bottom " ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iHAlign = $aHAlign ;
$this -> iVAlign = $aVAlign ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Synonym
function SetAlign ( $aHAlign , $aVAlign = " bottom " ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iHAlign = $aHAlign ;
$this -> iVAlign = $aVAlign ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Specify font
function SetFont ( $aFFamily , $aFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $aFSize = 10 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFFamily = $aFFamily ;
$this -> iFStyle = $aFStyle ;
$this -> iFSize = $aFSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function SetColumnFonts ( $aFontArray ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $aFontArray ) || count ( $aFontArray [ 0 ]) != 3 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6033 );
// 'Array of fonts must contain arrays with 3 elements, i.e. (Family, Style, Size)'
$this -> iFontArray = $aFontArray ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function IsColumns () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return is_array ( $this -> iText ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get width of text. If text contains several columns separated by
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// tabs then return both the total width as well as an array with a
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// width for each column.
function GetWidth ( $aImg , $aUseTabs = false , $aTabExtraMargin = 1.1 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$extra_margin = 4 ;
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
if ( is_string ( $this -> iText ) ) {
if ( strlen ( $this -> iText ) == 0 ) return 0 ;
$tmp = preg_split ( '/\t/' , $this -> iText );
if ( count ( $tmp ) <= 1 || ! $aUseTabs ) {
$w = $aImg -> GetTextWidth ( $this -> iText );
return $w + 2 * $extra_margin ;
else {
$tot = 0 ;
$n = count ( $tmp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$res [ $i ] = $aImg -> GetTextWidth ( $tmp [ $i ]);
$tot += $res [ $i ] * $aTabExtraMargin ;
return array ( round ( $tot ), $res );
elseif ( is_object ( $this -> iText ) ) {
// A single icon
return $this -> iText -> GetWidth () + 2 * $extra_margin ;
elseif ( is_array ( $this -> iText ) ) {
// Must be an array of texts. In this case we return the sum of the
// length + a fixed margin of 4 pixels on each text string
$n = count ( $this -> iText );
$nf = count ( $this -> iFontArray );
for ( $i = 0 , $w = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $i < $nf ) {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 0 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 1 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 2 ]);
else {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$tmp = $this -> iText [ $i ];
if ( is_string ( $tmp ) ) {
$w += $aImg -> GetTextWidth ( $tmp ) + $extra_margin ;
else {
if ( is_object ( $tmp ) === false ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6012 );
$w += $tmp -> GetWidth () + $extra_margin ;
return $w ;
else {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6012 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// for the case where we have multiple columns this function returns the width of each
// column individually. If there is no columns just return the width of the single
// column as an array of one
function GetColWidth ( $aImg , $aMargin = 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
if ( is_array ( $this -> iText ) ) {
$n = count ( $this -> iText );
$nf = count ( $this -> iFontArray );
for ( $i = 0 , $w = array (); $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$tmp = $this -> iText [ $i ];
if ( is_string ( $tmp ) ) {
if ( $i < $nf ) {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 0 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 1 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 2 ]);
else {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$w [ $i ] = $aImg -> GetTextWidth ( $tmp ) + $aMargin ;
else {
if ( is_object ( $tmp ) === false ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6012 );
$w [ $i ] = $tmp -> GetWidth () + $aMargin ;
return $w ;
else {
return array ( $this -> GetWidth ( $aImg ));
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// Get total height of text
function GetHeight ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$nf = count ( $this -> iFontArray );
$maxheight = - 1 ;
if ( $nf > 0 ) {
// We have to find out the largest font and take that one as the
// height of the row
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nf ; ++ $i ) {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 0 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 1 ], $this -> iFontArray [ $i ][ 2 ]);
$height = $aImg -> GetFontHeight ();
$maxheight = max ( $height , $maxheight );
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$height = $aImg -> GetFontHeight ();
$maxheight = max ( $height , $maxheight );
return $maxheight ;
// Unhide/hide the text
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Show ( $aShow = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShow = $aShow ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke text at (x,y) coordinates. If the text contains tabs then the
// x parameter should be an array of positions to be used for each successive
// tab mark. If no array is supplied then the tabs will be ignored.
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aX , $aY ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> iShow ) {
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$aImg -> SetTextAlign ( $this -> iHAlign , $this -> iVAlign );
if ( $this -> GetNbrTabs () < 1 ) {
if ( is_string ( $this -> iText ) ) {
if ( is_array ( $aX ) ) $aX = $aX [ 0 ];
if ( is_array ( $aY ) ) $aY = $aY [ 0 ];
$aImg -> StrokeText ( $aX , $aY , $this -> iText );
elseif ( is_array ( $this -> iText ) && ( $n = count ( $this -> iText )) > 0 ) {
$ax = is_array ( $aX ) ;
$ay = is_array ( $aY ) ;
if ( $ax && $ay ) {
// Nothing; both are already arrays
elseif ( $ax ) {
$aY = array_fill ( 0 , $n , $aY );
elseif ( $ay ) {
$aX = array_fill ( 0 , $n , $aX );
else {
$aX = array_fill ( 0 , $n , $aX );
$aY = array_fill ( 0 , $n , $aY );
$n = min ( $n , count ( $aX ) ) ;
$n = min ( $n , count ( $aY ) ) ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$tmp = $this -> iText [ $i ];
if ( is_object ( $tmp ) ) {
$tmp -> Stroke ( $aImg , $aX [ $i ], $aY [ $i ]);
else {
if ( $i < count ( $this -> iFontArray ) ) {
$font = $this -> iFontArray [ $i ];
$aImg -> SetFont ( $font [ 0 ], $font [ 1 ], $font [ 2 ]);
else {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$aImg -> StrokeText ( $aX [ $i ], $aY [ $i ], str_replace ( " \t " , " " , $tmp ));
else {
$tmp = preg_split ( '/\t/' , $this -> iText );
$n = min ( count ( $tmp ), count ( $aX ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $i < count ( $this -> iFontArray ) ) {
$font = $this -> iFontArray [ $i ];
$aImg -> SetFont ( $font [ 0 ], $font [ 1 ], $font [ 2 ]);
else {
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
$aImg -> StrokeText ( $aX [ $i ], $aY , $tmp [ $i ]);
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS HeaderProperty
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description: Data encapsulating class to hold property
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// for each type of the scale headers
class HeaderProperty {
public $grid ;
public $iShowLabels = true , $iShowGrid = true ;
public $iTitleVertMargin = 3 , $iFFamily = FF_FONT0 , $iFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $iFSize = 8 ;
public $iStyle = 0 ;
public $iFrameColor = " black " , $iFrameWeight = 1 ;
public $iBackgroundColor = " white " ;
public $iWeekendBackgroundColor = " lightgray " , $iSundayTextColor = " red " ; // these are only used with day scale
public $iTextColor = " black " ;
public $iLabelFormStr = " %d " ;
public $iIntervall = 1 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct () {
$this -> grid = new LineProperty ();
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function Show ( $aShow = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShowLabels = $aShow ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetIntervall ( $aInt ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iIntervall = $aInt ;
function SetInterval ( $aInt ) {
$this -> iIntervall = $aInt ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetIntervall () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iIntervall ;
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFont ( $aFFamily , $aFStyle = FS_NORMAL , $aFSize = 10 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFFamily = $aFFamily ;
$this -> iFStyle = $aFStyle ;
$this -> iFSize = $aFSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFontColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iTextColor = $aColor ;
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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function GetFontHeight ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
return $aImg -> GetFontHeight ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetFontWidth ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
return $aImg -> GetFontWidth ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetStrWidth ( $aImg , $aStr ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$aImg -> SetFont ( $this -> iFFamily , $this -> iFStyle , $this -> iFSize );
return $aImg -> GetTextWidth ( $aStr );
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function SetStyle ( $aStyle ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iStyle = $aStyle ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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function SetBackgroundColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iBackgroundColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFrameWeight ( $aWeight ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFrameWeight = $aWeight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFrameColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFrameColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// Only used by day scale
function SetWeekendColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iWeekendBackgroundColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// Only used by day scale
function SetSundayFontColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iSundayTextColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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function SetTitleVertMargin ( $aMargin ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iTitleVertMargin = $aMargin ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetLabelFormatString ( $aStr ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLabelFormStr = $aStr ;
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function SetFormatString ( $aStr ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> SetLabelFormatString ( $aStr );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttScale
// Description: Responsible for calculating and showing
// the scale in a gantt chart. This includes providing methods for
// converting dates to position in the chart as well as stroking the
// date headers (days, week, etc).
class GanttScale {
public $minute , $hour , $day , $week , $month , $year ;
public $divider , $dividerh , $tableTitle ;
public $iStartDate =- 1 , $iEndDate =- 1 ;
// Number of gantt bar position (n.b not necessariliy the same as the number of bars)
// we could have on bar in position 1, and one bar in position 5 then there are two
// bars but the number of bar positions is 5
public $actinfo ;
public $iTopPlotMargin = 10 , $iBottomPlotMargin = 15 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
public $iVertLines =- 1 ;
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public $iVertHeaderSize =- 1 ;
// The width of the labels (defaults to the widest of all labels)
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iLabelWidth ;
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// Out image to stroke the scale to
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iImg ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
private $iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = " white " , $iTableHeaderFrameColor = " black " ;
private $iTableHeaderFrameWeight = 1 ;
private $iAvailableHeight =- 1 , $iVertSpacing =- 1 ;
private $iDateLocale ;
private $iVertLayout = GANTT_EVEN ;
private $iUsePlotWeekendBackground = true ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iWeekStart = 1 ; // Default to have weekends start on Monday
function __construct ( $aImg ) {
$this -> iImg = $aImg ;
$this -> iDateLocale = new DateLocale ();
$this -> minute = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> minute -> SetIntervall ( 15 );
$this -> minute -> SetLabelFormatString ( 'i' );
$this -> minute -> SetFont ( FF_FONT0 );
$this -> minute -> grid -> SetColor ( " gray " );
$this -> hour = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> hour -> SetFont ( FF_FONT0 );
$this -> hour -> SetIntervall ( 6 );
$this -> hour -> SetStyle ( HOURSTYLE_HM24 );
$this -> hour -> SetLabelFormatString ( 'H:i' );
$this -> hour -> grid -> SetColor ( " gray " );
$this -> day = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> day -> grid -> SetColor ( " gray " );
$this -> day -> SetLabelFormatString ( 'l' );
$this -> week = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> week -> SetLabelFormatString ( " w%d " );
$this -> week -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 );
$this -> month = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> month -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_BOLD );
$this -> year = new HeaderProperty ();
$this -> year -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_BOLD );
$this -> divider = new LineProperty ();
$this -> dividerh = new LineProperty ();
$this -> dividerh -> SetWeight ( 2 );
$this -> divider -> SetWeight ( 6 );
$this -> divider -> SetColor ( 'gray' );
$this -> divider -> SetStyle ( 'fancy' );
$this -> tableTitle = new TextProperty ();
$this -> tableTitle -> Show ( false );
$this -> actinfo = new GanttActivityInfo ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Specify what headers should be visible
function ShowHeaders ( $aFlg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> day -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HDAY );
$this -> week -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK );
$this -> month -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HMONTH );
$this -> year -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HYEAR );
$this -> hour -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HHOUR );
$this -> minute -> Show ( $aFlg & GANTT_HMIN );
// Make some default settings of gridlines whihc makes sense
if ( $aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK ) {
$this -> month -> grid -> Show ( false );
$this -> year -> grid -> Show ( false );
if ( $aFlg & GANTT_HHOUR ) {
$this -> day -> grid -> SetColor ( " black " );
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2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Should the weekend background stretch all the way down in the plotarea
function UseWeekendBackground ( $aShow ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iUsePlotWeekendBackground = $aShow ;
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Have a range been specified?
function IsRangeSet () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iStartDate !=- 1 && $this -> iEndDate !=- 1 ;
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Should the layout be from top or even?
function SetVertLayout ( $aLayout ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iVertLayout = $aLayout ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// Which locale should be used?
function SetDateLocale ( $aLocale ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iDateLocale -> Set ( $aLocale );
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// Number of days we are showing
function GetNumberOfDays () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return round (( $this -> iEndDate - $this -> iStartDate ) / SECPERDAY );
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// The width of the actual plot area
function GetPlotWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
return $img -> width - $img -> left_margin - $img -> right_margin ;
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// Specify the width of the titles(labels) for the activities
// (This is by default set to the minimum width enought for the
// widest title)
function SetLabelWidth ( $aLabelWidth ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLabelWidth = $aLabelWidth ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
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// Which day should the week start?
// 0==Sun, 1==Monday, 2==Tuesday etc
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetWeekStart ( $aStartDay ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iWeekStart = $aStartDay % 7 ;
//Recalculate the startday since this will change the week start
$this -> SetRange ( $this -> iStartDate , $this -> iEndDate );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Do we show min scale?
function IsDisplayMinute () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> minute -> iShowLabels ;
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// Do we show day scale?
function IsDisplayHour () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> hour -> iShowLabels ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// Do we show day scale?
function IsDisplayDay () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> day -> iShowLabels ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Do we show week scale?
function IsDisplayWeek () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> week -> iShowLabels ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
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// Do we show month scale?
function IsDisplayMonth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> month -> iShowLabels ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Do we show year scale?
function IsDisplayYear () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> year -> iShowLabels ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Specify spacing (in percent of bar height) between activity bars
function SetVertSpacing ( $aSpacing ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iVertSpacing = $aSpacing ;
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// Specify scale min and max date either as timestamp or as date strings
// Always round to the nearest week boundary
function SetRange ( $aMin , $aMax ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iStartDate = $this -> NormalizeDate ( $aMin );
$this -> iEndDate = $this -> NormalizeDate ( $aMax );
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// Adjust the start and end date so they fit to beginning/ending
// of the week taking the specified week start day into account.
function AdjustStartEndDay () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! ( $this -> IsDisplayYear () || $this -> IsDisplayMonth () || $this -> IsDisplayWeek ()) ) {
// Don't adjust
return ;
// Get day in week for start and ending date (Sun==0)
$ds = strftime ( " %w " , $this -> iStartDate );
$de = strftime ( " %w " , $this -> iEndDate );
// We want to start on iWeekStart day. But first we subtract a week
// if the startdate is "behind" the day the week start at.
// This way we ensure that the given start date is always included
// in the range. If we don't do this the nearest correct weekday in the week
// to start at might be later than the start date.
if ( $ds < $this -> iWeekStart )
$d = strtotime ( '-7 day' , $this -> iStartDate );
$d = $this -> iStartDate ;
$adjdate = strtotime (( $this -> iWeekStart - $ds ) . ' day' , $d /*$this->iStartDate*/ );
$this -> iStartDate = $adjdate ;
// We want to end on the last day of the week
$preferredEndDay = ( $this -> iWeekStart + 6 ) % 7 ;
if ( $preferredEndDay != $de ) {
// Solve equivalence eq: $de + x ~ $preferredDay (mod 7)
$adj = ( 7 + ( $preferredEndDay - $de )) % 7 ;
$adjdate = strtotime ( " + $adj day " , $this -> iEndDate );
$this -> iEndDate = $adjdate ;
// Specify background for the table title area (upper left corner of the table)
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetTableTitleBackground ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// PRIVATE Methods
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Determine the height of all the scale headers combined
function GetHeaderHeight () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$height = 1 ;
if ( $this -> minute -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> minute -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> minute -> iTitleVertMargin ;
if ( $this -> hour -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> hour -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> hour -> iTitleVertMargin ;
if ( $this -> day -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> day -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> day -> iTitleVertMargin ;
if ( $this -> week -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> week -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> week -> iTitleVertMargin ;
if ( $this -> month -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> month -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> month -> iTitleVertMargin ;
if ( $this -> year -> iShowLabels ) {
$height += $this -> year -> GetFontHeight ( $img );
$height += $this -> year -> iTitleVertMargin ;
return $height ;
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2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get width (in pixels) for a single day
function GetDayWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return ( $this -> GetPlotWidth () - $this -> iLabelWidth + 1 ) / $this -> GetNumberOfDays ();
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// Get width (in pixels) for a single hour
function GetHourWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> GetDayWidth () / 24 ;
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function GetMinuteWidth () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> GetHourWidth () / 60 ;
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// Nuber of days in a year
function GetNumDaysInYear ( $aYear ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> IsLeap ( $aYear ) )
return 366 ;
return 365 ;
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// Get week number
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetWeekNbr ( $aDate , $aSunStart = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// We can't use the internal strftime() since it gets the weeknumber
// wrong since it doesn't follow ISO on all systems since this is
// system linrary dependent.
// Even worse is that this works differently if we are on a Windows
// or UNIX box (it even differs between UNIX boxes how strftime()
// is natively implemented)
// Credit to Nicolas Hoizey <nhoizey@phpheaven.net> for this elegant
// version of Week Nbr calculation.
$day = $this -> NormalizeDate ( $aDate );
if ( $aSunStart )
$day += 60 * 60 * 24 ;
According to ISO - 8601 :
" Week 01 of a year is per definition the first week that has the Thursday in this year,
which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January .
In other words , the first week of a new year is the week that has the majority of its
days in the new year . "
Be carefull , with PHP , - 3 % 7 = - 3 , instead of 4 !!!
day of year = date ( " z " , $day ) + 1
offset to thursday = 3 - ( date ( " w " , $day ) + 6 ) % 7
first thursday of year = 1 + ( 11 - date ( " w " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , date ( " Y " , $day )))) % 7
week number = ( thursday 's day of year - first thursday' s day of year ) / 7 + 1
$thursday = $day + 60 * 60 * 24 * ( 3 - ( date ( " w " , $day ) + 6 ) % 7 ); // take week's thursday
$week = 1 + ( date ( " z " , $thursday ) - ( 11 - date ( " w " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , date ( " Y " , $thursday )))) % 7 ) / 7 ;
return $week ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Is year a leap year?
function IsLeap ( $aYear ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Is the year a leap year?
//$year = 0+date("Y",$aDate);
if ( $aYear % 4 == 0 )
if ( ! ( $aYear % 100 == 0 ) || ( $aYear % 400 == 0 ) )
return true ;
return false ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get current year
function GetYear ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return 0 + Date ( " Y " , $aDate );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Return number of days in a year
function GetNumDaysInMonth ( $aMonth , $aYear ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$days = array ( 31 , 28 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 );
$daysl = array ( 31 , 29 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 );
if ( $this -> IsLeap ( $aYear ))
return $daysl [ $aMonth ];
return $days [ $aMonth ];
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get day in month
function GetMonthDayNbr ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return 0 + strftime ( " %d " , $aDate );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get day in year
function GetYearDayNbr ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return 0 + strftime ( " %j " , $aDate );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Get month number
function GetMonthNbr ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return 0 + strftime ( " %m " , $aDate );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Translate a date to screen coordinates (horizontal scale)
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function TranslateDate ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// In order to handle the problem with Daylight savings time
// the scale written with equal number of seconds per day beginning
// with the start date. This means that we "cement" the state of
// DST as it is in the start date. If later the scale includes the
// switchover date (depends on the locale) we need to adjust back
// if the date we try to translate has a different DST status since
// we would otherwise be off by one hour.
$aDate = $this -> NormalizeDate ( $aDate );
$tmp = localtime ( $aDate );
$cloc = $tmp [ 8 ];
$tmp = localtime ( $this -> iStartDate );
$sloc = $tmp [ 8 ];
$offset = 0 ;
if ( $sloc != $cloc ) {
if ( $sloc )
$offset = 3600 ;
$offset = - 3600 ;
$img = $this -> iImg ;
return ( $aDate - $this -> iStartDate - $offset ) / SECPERDAY * $this -> GetDayWidth () + $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;;
// Get screen coordinatesz for the vertical position for a bar
function TranslateVertPos ( $aPos , $atTop = false ) {
$img = $this -> iImg ;
if ( $aPos > $this -> iVertLines )
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6015 , $aPos );
// 'Illegal vertical position %d'
if ( $this -> iVertLayout == GANTT_EVEN ) {
// Position the top bar at 1 vert spacing from the scale
$pos = round ( $img -> top_margin + $this -> iVertHeaderSize + ( $aPos + 1 ) * $this -> iVertSpacing );
else {
// position the top bar at 1/2 a vert spacing from the scale
$pos = round ( $img -> top_margin + $this -> iVertHeaderSize + $this -> iTopPlotMargin + ( $aPos + 1 ) * $this -> iVertSpacing );
if ( $atTop )
$pos -= $this -> iVertSpacing ;
return $pos ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// What is the vertical spacing?
function GetVertSpacing () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iVertSpacing ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Convert a date to timestamp
function NormalizeDate ( $aDate ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $aDate === false ) return false ;
if ( is_string ( $aDate ) ) {
$t = strtotime ( $aDate );
if ( $t === FALSE || $t === - 1 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6016 , $aDate );
//("Date string ($aDate) specified for Gantt activity can not be interpretated. Please make sure it is a valid time string, e.g. 2005-04-23 13:30");
return $t ;
elseif ( is_int ( $aDate ) || is_float ( $aDate ) )
return $aDate ;
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6017 , $aDate );
//Unknown date format in GanttScale ($aDate).");
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
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2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Convert a time string to minutes
function TimeToMinutes ( $aTimeString ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Split in hours and minutes
$pos = strpos ( $aTimeString , ':' );
$minint = 60 ;
if ( $pos === false ) {
$hourint = $aTimeString ;
$minint = 0 ;
else {
$hourint = floor ( substr ( $aTimeString , 0 , $pos ));
$minint = floor ( substr ( $aTimeString , $pos + 1 ));
$minint += 60 * $hourint ;
return $minint ;
// Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeMinutes ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
if ( $this -> minute -> iShowLabels ) {
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> minute -> iFFamily , $this -> minute -> iFStyle , $this -> minute -> iFSize );
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () +
$this -> minute -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> minute -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> minute -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$x = $xt ;
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
$day = date ( 'w' , $this -> iStartDate );
$minint = $this -> minute -> GetIntervall () ;
if ( 60 % $minint !== 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6018 , $minint );
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
//'Intervall for minutes must divide the hour evenly, e.g. 1,5,10,12,15,20,30 etc You have specified an intervall of '.$minint.' minutes.');
$n = 60 / $minint ;
$datestamp = $this -> iStartDate ;
$width = $this -> GetHourWidth () / $n ;
if ( $width < 8 ) {
// TO small width to draw minute scale
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6019 , $width );
//('The available width ('.$width.') for minutes are to small for this scale to be displayed. Please use auto-sizing or increase the width of the graph.');
$nh = ceil ( 24 * 60 / $this -> TimeToMinutes ( $this -> hour -> GetIntervall ()) );
$nd = $this -> GetNumberOfDays ();
// Convert to intervall to seconds
$minint *= 60 ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $nd ; ++ $j , $day += 1 , $day %= 7 ) {
for ( $k = 0 ; $k < $nh ; ++ $k ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i , $x += $width , $datestamp += $minint ) {
if ( $day == 6 || $day == 0 ) {
$img -> PushColor ( $this -> day -> iWeekendBackgroundColor );
if ( $this -> iUsePlotWeekendBackground )
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight , $x + $width , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight , $x + $width , $yb - $this -> day -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> PopColor ();
if ( $day == 0 )
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iSundayTextColor );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iTextColor );
switch ( $this -> minute -> iStyle ) {
$txt = date ( $this -> minute -> iLabelFormStr , $datestamp );
break ;
default :
// 15
$txt = date ( 'i' , $datestamp );
break ;
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $width / 2 ), round ( $yb - $this -> minute -> iTitleVertMargin ), $txt );
// Fix a rounding problem the wrong way ..
// If we also have hour scale then don't draw the firsta or last
// gridline since that will be overwritten by the hour scale gridline if such exists.
// However, due to the propagation of rounding of the 'x+=width' term in the loop
// this might sometimes be one pixel of so we fix this by not drawing it.
// The proper way to fix it would be to re-calculate the scale for each step and
// not using the additive term.
if ( ! (( $i == $n || $i == 0 ) && $this -> hour -> iShowLabels && $this -> hour -> grid -> iShow ) ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> minute -> grid -> iColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> minute -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> minute -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> minute -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> minute -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
// Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeHours ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
if ( $this -> hour -> iShowLabels ) {
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> hour -> iFFamily , $this -> hour -> iFStyle , $this -> hour -> iFSize );
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () +
$this -> hour -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> hour -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> hour -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$x = $xt ;
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
$tmp = $this -> hour -> GetIntervall () ;
$minint = $this -> TimeToMinutes ( $tmp );
if ( 1440 % $minint !== 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6020 , $tmp );
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
//('Intervall for hours must divide the day evenly, e.g. 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, 4:00 etc. You have specified an intervall of '.$tmp);
$n = ceil ( 24 * 60 / $minint );
$datestamp = $this -> iStartDate ;
$day = date ( 'w' , $this -> iStartDate );
$doback = ! $this -> minute -> iShowLabels ;
$width = $this -> GetDayWidth () / $n ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $this -> GetNumberOfDays (); ++ $j , $day += 1 , $day %= 7 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i , $x += $width ) {
if ( $day == 6 || $day == 0 ) {
$img -> PushColor ( $this -> day -> iWeekendBackgroundColor );
if ( $this -> iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback )
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight , $x + $width , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight , $x + $width , $yb - $this -> day -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> PopColor ();
if ( $day == 0 )
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iSundayTextColor );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iTextColor );
switch ( $this -> hour -> iStyle ) {
// 1:35pm
$txt = date ( 'g:ia' , $datestamp );
break ;
case HOURSTYLE_H24 :
// 13
$txt = date ( 'H' , $datestamp );
break ;
$txt = date ( 'ga' , $datestamp );
break ;
$txt = date ( $this -> hour -> iLabelFormStr , $datestamp );
break ;
default :
$txt = date ( 'H:i' , $datestamp );
break ;
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $width / 2 ), round ( $yb - $this -> hour -> iTitleVertMargin ), $txt );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> hour -> grid -> iColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> hour -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> hour -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
//$datestamp += $minint*60
$datestamp = mktime ( date ( 'H' , $datestamp ), date ( 'i' , $datestamp ) + $minint , 0 ,
date ( " m " , $datestamp ), date ( " d " , $datestamp ) + 1 , date ( " Y " , $datestamp ));
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> hour -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> hour -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
// Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeDays ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$daywidth = $this -> GetDayWidth ();
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
if ( $this -> day -> iShowLabels ) {
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> day -> iFFamily , $this -> day -> iFStyle , $this -> day -> iFSize );
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () + $this -> day -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$x = $xt ;
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
$day = date ( 'w' , $this -> iStartDate );
$datestamp = $this -> iStartDate ;
$doback = ! ( $this -> hour -> iShowLabels || $this -> minute -> iShowLabels );
setlocale ( LC_TIME , $this -> iDateLocale -> iLocale );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $this -> GetNumberOfDays (); ++ $i , $x += $daywidth , $day += 1 , $day %= 7 ) {
if ( $day == 6 || $day == 0 ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iWeekendBackgroundColor );
if ( $this -> iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback )
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight ,
$x + $daywidth , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $x , $yt + $this -> day -> iFrameWeight ,
$x + $daywidth , $yb - $this -> day -> iFrameWeight );
$mn = strftime ( '%m' , $datestamp );
if ( $mn [ 0 ] == '0' )
$mn = $mn [ 1 ];
switch ( $this -> day -> iStyle ) {
// "Monday"
$txt = strftime ( '%A' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Mon"
$txt = strftime ( '%a' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Mon 23/6"
$txt = strftime ( '%a %d/' . $mn , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Mon 23 Jun"
$txt = strftime ( '%a %d %b' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Mon 23 Jun 2003"
$txt = strftime ( '%a %d %b %Y' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Monday 23 Jun"
$txt = strftime ( '%A %d %b' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Monday 23 Jun 2003"
$txt = strftime ( '%A %d %b %Y' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "23/6"
$txt = strftime ( '%d/' . $mn , $datestamp );
break ;
// "23 Jun"
$txt = strftime ( '%d %b' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "Mon 23"
$txt = strftime ( '%a %d' , $datestamp );
break ;
// "23"
$txt = strftime ( '%d' , $datestamp );
break ;
// Custom format
$txt = strftime ( $this -> day -> iLabelFormStr , $datestamp );
break ;
default :
// "M"
$txt = strftime ( '%A' , $datestamp );
$txt = strtoupper ( $txt [ 0 ]);
break ;
if ( $day == 0 )
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iSundayTextColor );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iTextColor );
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $daywidth / 2 + 1 ),
round ( $yb - $this -> day -> iTitleVertMargin ), $txt );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> grid -> iColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> day -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> day -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$datestamp = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $datestamp ), date ( " d " , $datestamp ) + 1 , date ( " Y " , $datestamp ));
//$datestamp += SECPERDAY;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> day -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> day -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke week header and grid
function StrokeWeeks ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> week -> iShowLabels ) {
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> week -> iFFamily , $this -> week -> iFStyle , $this -> week -> iFSize );
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () + $this -> week -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> week -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$weekwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * 7 ;
$wdays = $this -> iDateLocale -> GetDayAbb ();
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$week = $this -> iStartDate ;
$weeknbr = $this -> GetWeekNbr ( $week );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> week -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> week -> grid -> iColor );
$x = $xt ;
if ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_WNBR ) {
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
$txtOffset = $weekwidth / 2 + 1 ;
elseif ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR ) {
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " left " );
$txtOffset = 3 ;
else {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6021 );
//("Unknown formatting style for week.");
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $this -> GetNumberOfDays () / 7 ; ++ $i , $x += $weekwidth ) {
$img -> PushColor ( $this -> week -> iTextColor );
if ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_WNBR )
$txt = sprintf ( $this -> week -> iLabelFormStr , $weeknbr );
elseif ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR )
$txt = date ( " j/n " , $week );
elseif ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR ) {
$monthnbr = date ( " n " , $week ) - 1 ;
$shortmonth = $this -> iDateLocale -> GetShortMonthName ( $monthnbr );
$txt = Date ( " j " , $week ) . " " . $shortmonth ;
if ( $this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ||
$this -> week -> iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR ) {
$w = sprintf ( $this -> week -> iLabelFormStr , $weeknbr );
$txt .= ' ' . $w ;
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $txtOffset ),
round ( $yb - $this -> week -> iTitleVertMargin ), $txt );
$week = strtotime ( '+7 day' , $week );
$weeknbr = $this -> GetWeekNbr ( $week );
$img -> PopColor ();
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> week -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> week -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> week -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> week -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Format the mont scale header string
function GetMonthLabel ( $aMonthNbr , $year ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$sn = $this -> iDateLocale -> GetShortMonthName ( $aMonthNbr );
$ln = $this -> iDateLocale -> GetLongMonthName ( $aMonthNbr );
switch ( $this -> month -> iStyle ) {
$m = $sn ;
break ;
$m = $ln ;
break ;
$m = $sn . " ' " . substr ( " " . $year , 2 );
break ;
$m = $sn . " " . $year ;
break ;
$m = $ln . " ' " . substr ( " " . $year , 2 );
break ;
$m = $ln . " " . $year ;
break ;
$m = $sn [ 0 ];
break ;
return $m ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke month scale and gridlines
function StrokeMonths ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> month -> iShowLabels ) {
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> month -> iFFamily , $this -> month -> iFStyle , $this -> month -> iFSize );
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () + $this -> month -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> month -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$monthnbr = $this -> GetMonthNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) - 1 ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> month -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> iTextColor );
$year = 0 + strftime ( " %Y " , $this -> iStartDate );
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
if ( $this -> GetMonthNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) == $this -> GetMonthNbr ( $this -> iEndDate )
&& $this -> GetYear ( $this -> iStartDate ) == $this -> GetYear ( $this -> iEndDate ) ) {
$monthwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * ( $this -> GetMonthDayNbr ( $this -> iEndDate ) - $this -> GetMonthDayNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) + 1 );
else {
$monthwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * ( $this -> GetNumDaysInMonth ( $monthnbr , $year ) - $this -> GetMonthDayNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) + 1 );
// Is it enough space to stroke the first month?
$monthName = $this -> GetMonthLabel ( $monthnbr , $year );
if ( $monthwidth >= 1.2 * $img -> GetTextWidth ( $monthName ) ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> iTextColor );
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $xt + $monthwidth / 2 + 1 ),
round ( $yb - $this -> month -> iTitleVertMargin ),
$monthName );
$x = $xt + $monthwidth ;
while ( $x < $xb ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> grid -> iColor );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> month -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$monthnbr ++ ;
if ( $monthnbr == 12 ) {
$monthnbr = 0 ;
$year ++ ;
$monthName = $this -> GetMonthLabel ( $monthnbr , $year );
$monthwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * $this -> GetNumDaysInMonth ( $monthnbr , $year );
if ( $x + $monthwidth < $xb )
$w = $monthwidth ;
$w = $xb - $x ;
if ( $w >= 1.2 * $img -> GetTextWidth ( $monthName ) ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> iTextColor );
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $w / 2 + 1 ),
round ( $yb - $this -> month -> iTitleVertMargin ), $monthName );
$x += $monthwidth ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> month -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> month -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke year scale and gridlines
function StrokeYears ( $aYCoord , $getHeight = false ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> year -> iShowLabels ) {
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img -> top_margin ;
$img -> SetFont ( $this -> year -> iFFamily , $this -> year -> iFStyle , $this -> year -> iFSize );
$yb = $yt + $img -> GetFontHeight () + $this -> year -> iTitleVertMargin + $this -> year -> iFrameWeight ;
if ( $getHeight ) {
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
$xb = $img -> width - $img -> right_margin + 1 ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$year = $this -> GetYear ( $this -> iStartDate );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> year -> iBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> year -> grid -> iWeight );
$img -> SetTextAlign ( " center " );
if ( $year == $this -> GetYear ( $this -> iEndDate ) )
$yearwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * ( $this -> GetYearDayNbr ( $this -> iEndDate ) - $this -> GetYearDayNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) + 1 );
$yearwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * ( $this -> GetNumDaysInYear ( $year ) - $this -> GetYearDayNbr ( $this -> iStartDate ) + 1 );
// The space for a year must be at least 20% bigger than the actual text
// so we allow 10% margin on each side
if ( $yearwidth >= 1.20 * $img -> GetTextWidth ( " " . $year ) ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> year -> iTextColor );
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $xt + $yearwidth / 2 + 1 ),
round ( $yb - $this -> year -> iTitleVertMargin ),
$year );
$x = $xt + $yearwidth ;
while ( $x < $xb ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> year -> grid -> iColor );
$img -> Line ( $x , $yt , $x , $yb );
$this -> year -> grid -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $yb , $x , $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin );
$year += 1 ;
$yearwidth = $this -> GetDayWidth () * $this -> GetNumDaysInYear ( $year );
if ( $x + $yearwidth < $xb )
$w = $yearwidth ;
$w = $xb - $x ;
if ( $w >= 1.2 * $img -> GetTextWidth ( " " . $year ) ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> year -> iTextColor );
$img -> StrokeText ( round ( $x + $w / 2 + 1 ),
round ( $yb - $this -> year -> iTitleVertMargin ),
$year );
$x += $yearwidth ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> year -> iFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> year -> iFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
return $yb - $img -> top_margin ;
return $aYCoord ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Stroke table title (upper left corner)
function StrokeTableHeaders ( $aYBottom ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img = $this -> iImg ;
$xt = $img -> left_margin ;
$yt = $img -> top_margin ;
$xb = $xt + $this -> iLabelWidth ;
$yb = $aYBottom + $img -> top_margin ;
if ( $this -> tableTitle -> iShow ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> iTableHeaderBackgroundColor );
$img -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$this -> tableTitle -> Align ( " center " , " top " );
$this -> tableTitle -> Stroke ( $img , $xt + ( $xb - $xt ) / 2 + 1 , $yt + 2 );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> iTableHeaderFrameColor );
$img -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> iTableHeaderFrameWeight );
$img -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$this -> actinfo -> Stroke ( $img , $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb , $this -> tableTitle -> iShow );
// Draw the horizontal dividing line
$this -> dividerh -> Stroke ( $img , $xt , $yb , $img -> width - $img -> right_margin , $yb );
// Draw the vertical dividing line
// We do the width "manually" since we want the line only to grow
// to the left
$fancy = $this -> divider -> iStyle == 'fancy' ;
if ( $fancy ) {
$this -> divider -> iStyle = 'solid' ;
$tmp = $this -> divider -> iWeight ;
$this -> divider -> iWeight = 1 ;
$y = $img -> height - $img -> bottom_margin ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $tmp ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> divider -> Stroke ( $img , $xb - $i , $yt , $xb - $i , $y );
// Should we draw "fancy" divider
if ( $fancy ) {
$img -> SetLineWeight ( 1 );
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> iTableHeaderFrameColor );
$img -> Line ( $xb , $yt , $xb , $y );
$img -> Line ( $xb - $tmp + 1 , $yt , $xb - $tmp + 1 , $y );
$img -> SetColor ( 'white' );
$img -> Line ( $xb - $tmp + 2 , $yt , $xb - $tmp + 2 , $y );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Main entry point to stroke scale
function Stroke () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> IsRangeSet () ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6022 );
//("Gantt scale has not been specified.");
$img = $this -> iImg ;
// If minutes are displayed then hour interval must be 1
if ( $this -> IsDisplayMinute () && $this -> hour -> GetIntervall () > 1 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6023 );
//('If you display both hour and minutes the hour intervall must be 1 (Otherwise it doesn\' make sense to display minutes).');
// Stroke all headers. As argument we supply the offset from the
// top which depends on any previous headers
// First find out the height of each header
$offy = $this -> StrokeYears ( 0 , true );
$offm = $this -> StrokeMonths ( $offy , true );
$offw = $this -> StrokeWeeks ( $offm , true );
$offd = $this -> StrokeDays ( $offw , true );
$offh = $this -> StrokeHours ( $offd , true );
$offmin = $this -> StrokeMinutes ( $offh , true );
// ... then we can stroke them in the "backwards order to ensure that
// the larger scale gridlines is stroked over the smaller scale gridline
$this -> StrokeMinutes ( $offh );
$this -> StrokeHours ( $offd );
$this -> StrokeDays ( $offw );
$this -> StrokeWeeks ( $offm );
$this -> StrokeMonths ( $offy );
$this -> StrokeYears ( 0 );
// Now when we now the oaverall size of the scale headers
// we can stroke the overall table headers
$this -> StrokeTableHeaders ( $offmin );
// Now we can calculate the correct scaling factor for each vertical position
$this -> iAvailableHeight = $img -> height - $img -> top_margin - $img -> bottom_margin - $offd ;
$this -> iVertHeaderSize = $offmin ;
if ( $this -> iVertSpacing == - 1 )
$this -> iVertSpacing = $this -> iAvailableHeight / $this -> iVertLines ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttConstraint
// Just a structure to store all the values for a constraint
class GanttConstraint {
public $iConstrainRow ;
public $iConstrainType ;
public $iConstrainColor ;
public $iConstrainArrowSize ;
public $iConstrainArrowType ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aRow , $aType , $aColor , $aArrowSize , $aArrowType ){
$this -> iConstrainType = $aType ;
$this -> iConstrainRow = $aRow ;
$this -> iConstrainColor = $aColor ;
$this -> iConstrainArrowSize = $aArrowSize ;
$this -> iConstrainArrowType = $aArrowType ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttPlotObject
// The common signature for a Gantt object
class GanttPlotObject {
public $title , $caption ;
public $csimarea = '' , $csimtarget = '' , $csimwintarget = '' , $csimalt = '' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
public $constraints = array ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
public $iCaptionMargin = 5 ;
public $iConstrainPos = array ();
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
protected $iStart = " " ; // Start date
public $iVPos = 0 ; // Vertical position
protected $iLabelLeftMargin = 2 ; // Title margin
function __construct () {
$this -> title = new TextProperty ();
$this -> title -> Align ( 'left' , 'center' );
$this -> caption = new TextProperty ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetCSIMArea () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> csimarea ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetCSIMTarget ( $aTarget , $aAlt = '' , $aWinTarget = '' ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! is_string ( $aTarget ) ) {
$tv = substr ( var_export ( $aTarget , true ), 0 , 40 );
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6024 , $tv );
//('CSIM Target must be specified as a string.'."\nStart of target is:\n$tv");
if ( ! is_string ( $aAlt ) ) {
$tv = substr ( var_export ( $aAlt , true ), 0 , 40 );
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6025 , $tv );
//('CSIM Alt text must be specified as a string.'."\nStart of alt text is:\n$tv");
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$this -> csimtarget = $aTarget ;
$this -> csimwintarget = $aWinTarget ;
$this -> csimalt = $aAlt ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetCSIMAlt ( $aAlt ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! is_string ( $aAlt ) ) {
$tv = substr ( var_export ( $aAlt , true ), 0 , 40 );
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6025 , $tv );
//('CSIM Alt text must be specified as a string.'."\nStart of alt text is:\n$tv");
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
$this -> csimalt = $aAlt ;
function SetConstrain ( $aRow , $aType , $aColor = 'black' , $aArrowSize = ARROW_S2 , $aArrowType = ARROWT_SOLID ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> constraints [] = new GanttConstraint ( $aRow , $aType , $aColor , $aArrowSize , $aArrowType );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetConstrainPos ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iConstrainPos = array ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetMinDate () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iStart ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetMaxDate () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iStart ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetCaptionMargin ( $aMarg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iCaptionMargin = $aMarg ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetAbsHeight ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return 0 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetLineNbr () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iVPos ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetLabelLeftMargin ( $aOff ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iLabelLeftMargin = $aOff ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeActInfo ( $aImg , $aScale , $aYPos ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$cols = array ();
$aScale -> actinfo -> GetColStart ( $aImg , $cols , true );
$this -> title -> Stroke ( $aImg , $cols , $aYPos );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS Progress
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Holds parameters for the progress indicator
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// displyed within a bar
class Progress {
public $iProgress =- 1 ;
public $iPattern = GANTT_SOLID ;
public $iColor = " black " , $iFillColor = 'black' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
public $iDensity = 98 , $iHeight = 0.65 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Set ( $aProg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $aProg < 0.0 || $aProg > 1.0 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6027 );
//("Progress value must in range [0, 1]");
$this -> iProgress = $aProg ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function SetPattern ( $aPattern , $aColor = " blue " , $aDensity = 98 ) {
$this -> iPattern = $aPattern ;
$this -> iColor = $aColor ;
$this -> iDensity = $aDensity ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFillColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFillColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetHeight ( $aHeight ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iHeight = $aHeight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
define ( 'GANTT_HGRID1' , 0 );
define ( 'GANTT_HGRID2' , 1 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS HorizontalGridLine
// Responsible for drawinf horizontal gridlines and filled alternatibg rows
class HorizontalGridLine {
private $iGraph = NULL ;
private $iRowColor1 = '' , $iRowColor2 = '' ;
private $iShow = false ;
private $line = null ;
private $iStart = 0 ; // 0=from left margin, 1=just along header
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct () {
$this -> line = new LineProperty ();
$this -> line -> SetColor ( 'gray@0.4' );
$this -> line -> SetStyle ( 'dashed' );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Show ( $aShow = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShow = $aShow ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetRowFillColor ( $aColor1 , $aColor2 = '' ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iRowColor1 = $aColor1 ;
$this -> iRowColor2 = $aColor2 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetStart ( $aStart ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iStart = $aStart ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aScale ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> iShow ) return ;
// Get horizontal width of line
$limst = $aScale -> iStartDate ;
$limen = $aScale -> iEndDate ;
$xt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $aScale -> iStartDate ));
$xb = round ( $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $limen ));
if ( $this -> iStart === 0 ) {
$xt = $aImg -> left_margin - 1 ;
else {
$xt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $aScale -> iStartDate )) + 1 ;
$xb = $aImg -> width - $aImg -> right_margin ;
$yt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( 0 ));
$yb = round ( $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( 1 ));
$height = $yb - $yt ;
// Loop around for all lines in the chart
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $aScale -> iVertLines ; ++ $i ) {
$yb = $yt - $height ;
$this -> line -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xt , $yb , $xb , $yb );
if ( $this -> iRowColor1 !== '' ) {
if ( $i % 2 == 0 ) {
$aImg -> PushColor ( $this -> iRowColor1 );
$aImg -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$aImg -> PopColor ();
elseif ( $this -> iRowColor2 !== '' ) {
$aImg -> PushColor ( $this -> iRowColor2 );
$aImg -> FilledRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$aImg -> PopColor ();
$yt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $i + 1 ));
$yb = $yt - $height ;
$this -> line -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xt , $yb , $xb , $yb );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttBar
// Responsible for formatting individual gantt bars
class GanttBar extends GanttPlotObject {
public $progress ;
public $leftMark , $rightMark ;
private $iEnd ;
private $iHeightFactor = 0.5 ;
private $iFillColor = " white " , $iFrameColor = " black " ;
private $iShadow = false , $iShadowColor = " darkgray " , $iShadowWidth = 1 , $iShadowFrame = " black " ;
private $iPattern = GANTT_RDIAG , $iPatternColor = " blue " , $iPatternDensity = 95 ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iBreakStyle = false , $iBreakLineStyle = 'dotted' , $iBreakLineWeight = 1 ;
function __construct ( $aPos , $aLabel , $aStart , $aEnd , $aCaption = " " , $aHeightFactor = 0.6 ) {
parent :: __construct ();
$this -> iStart = $aStart ;
// Is the end date given as a date or as number of days added to start date?
if ( is_string ( $aEnd ) ) {
// If end date has been specified without a time we will asssume
// end date is at the end of that date
if ( strpos ( $aEnd , ':' ) === false ) {
$this -> iEnd = strtotime ( $aEnd ) + SECPERDAY - 1 ;
else {
$this -> iEnd = $aEnd ;
elseif ( is_int ( $aEnd ) || is_float ( $aEnd ) ) {
$this -> iEnd = strtotime ( $aStart ) + round ( $aEnd * SECPERDAY );
$this -> iVPos = $aPos ;
$this -> iHeightFactor = $aHeightFactor ;
$this -> title -> Set ( $aLabel );
$this -> caption = new TextProperty ( $aCaption );
$this -> caption -> Align ( " left " , " center " );
$this -> leftMark = new PlotMark ();
$this -> leftMark -> Hide ();
$this -> rightMark = new PlotMark ();
$this -> rightMark -> Hide ();
$this -> progress = new Progress ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetShadow ( $aShadow = true , $aColor = " gray " ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iShadow = $aShadow ;
$this -> iShadowColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function SetBreakStyle ( $aFlg = true , $aLineStyle = 'dotted' , $aLineWeight = 1 ) {
$this -> iBreakStyle = $aFlg ;
$this -> iBreakLineStyle = $aLineStyle ;
$this -> iBreakLineWeight = $aLineWeight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetMaxDate () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return $this -> iEnd ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetHeight ( $aHeight ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iHeightFactor = $aHeight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFrameColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetFillColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iFillColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetAbsHeight ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_int ( $this -> iHeightFactor ) || $this -> leftMark -> show || $this -> rightMark -> show ) {
$m =- 1 ;
if ( is_int ( $this -> iHeightFactor ) )
$m = $this -> iHeightFactor ;
if ( $this -> leftMark -> show )
$m = max ( $m , $this -> leftMark -> width * 2 );
if ( $this -> rightMark -> show )
$m = max ( $m , $this -> rightMark -> width * 2 );
return $m ;
return - 1 ;
function SetPattern ( $aPattern , $aColor = " blue " , $aDensity = 95 ) {
$this -> iPattern = $aPattern ;
$this -> iPatternColor = $aColor ;
$this -> iPatternDensity = $aDensity ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aScale ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$factory = new RectPatternFactory ();
$prect = $factory -> Create ( $this -> iPattern , $this -> iPatternColor );
$prect -> SetDensity ( $this -> iPatternDensity );
// If height factor is specified as a float between 0,1 then we take it as meaning
// percetage of the scale width between horizontal line.
// If it is an integer > 1 we take it to mean the absolute height in pixels
if ( $this -> iHeightFactor > - 0.0 && $this -> iHeightFactor <= 1.1 )
$vs = $aScale -> GetVertSpacing () * $this -> iHeightFactor ;
elseif ( is_int ( $this -> iHeightFactor ) && $this -> iHeightFactor > 2 && $this -> iHeightFactor < 200 )
$vs = $this -> iHeightFactor ;
else {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6028 , $this -> iHeightFactor );
// ("Specified height (".$this->iHeightFactor.") for gantt bar is out of range.");
// Clip date to min max dates to show
$st = $aScale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iStart );
$en = $aScale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iEnd );
$limst = max ( $st , $aScale -> iStartDate );
$limen = min ( $en , $aScale -> iEndDate );
$xt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $limst ));
$xb = round ( $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $limen ));
$yt = round ( $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> iVPos ) - $vs - ( $aScale -> GetVertSpacing () / 2 - $vs / 2 ));
$yb = round ( $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> iVPos ) - ( $aScale -> GetVertSpacing () / 2 - $vs / 2 ));
$middle = round ( $yt + ( $yb - $yt ) / 2 );
$this -> StrokeActInfo ( $aImg , $aScale , $middle );
// CSIM for title
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimtarget ) ) {
$colwidth = $this -> title -> GetColWidth ( $aImg );
$colstarts = array ();
$aScale -> actinfo -> GetColStart ( $aImg , $colstarts , true );
$n = min ( count ( $colwidth ), count ( $this -> title -> csimtarget ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$title_xt = $colstarts [ $i ];
$title_xb = $title_xt + $colwidth [ $i ];
$coords = " $title_xt , $yt , $title_xb , $yt , $title_xb , $yb , $title_xt , $yb " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimtarget [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimarea .= " <area shape= \" poly \" coords= \" $coords\ " href = \ " " . $this -> title -> csimtarget [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimwintarget [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimarea .= " target= \" " . $this -> title -> csimwintarget [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimalt [ $i ]) ) {
$tmp = $this -> title -> csimalt [ $i ];
$this -> csimarea .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimarea .= " /> \n " ;
// Check if the bar is totally outside the current scale range
if ( $en < $aScale -> iStartDate || $st > $aScale -> iEndDate )
return ;
// Remember the positions for the bar
$this -> SetConstrainPos ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
$prect -> ShowFrame ( false );
$prect -> SetBackground ( $this -> iFillColor );
if ( $this -> iBreakStyle ) {
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iFrameColor );
$olds = $aImg -> SetLineStyle ( $this -> iBreakLineStyle );
$oldw = $aImg -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> iBreakLineWeight );
$aImg -> StyleLine ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yt );
$aImg -> StyleLine ( $xt , $yb , $xb , $yb );
$aImg -> SetLineStyle ( $olds );
$aImg -> SetLineWeight ( $oldw );
else {
if ( $this -> iShadow ) {
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iFrameColor );
$aImg -> ShadowRectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb , $this -> iFillColor , $this -> iShadowWidth , $this -> iShadowColor );
$prect -> SetPos ( new Rectangle ( $xt + 1 , $yt + 1 , $xb - $xt - $this -> iShadowWidth - 2 , $yb - $yt - $this -> iShadowWidth - 2 ));
$prect -> Stroke ( $aImg );
else {
$prect -> SetPos ( new Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb - $xt + 1 , $yb - $yt + 1 ));
$prect -> Stroke ( $aImg );
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iFrameColor );
$aImg -> Rectangle ( $xt , $yt , $xb , $yb );
// CSIM for bar
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimtarget ) ) {
$coords = " $xt , $yt , $xb , $yt , $xb , $yb , $xt , $yb " ;
$this -> csimarea .= " <area shape= \" poly \" coords= \" $coords\ " href = \ " " . $this -> csimtarget . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimwintarget ) ) {
$this -> csimarea .= " target= \" " . $this -> csimwintarget . " \" " ;
if ( $this -> csimalt != '' ) {
$tmp = $this -> csimalt ;
$this -> csimarea .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimarea .= " /> \n " ;
// Draw progress bar inside activity bar
if ( $this -> progress -> iProgress > 0 ) {
$xtp = $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $st );
$xbp = $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $en );
$len = ( $xbp - $xtp ) * $this -> progress -> iProgress ;
$endpos = $xtp + $len ;
if ( $endpos > $xt ) {
// Take away the length of the progress that is not visible (before the start date)
$len -= ( $xt - $xtp );
// Is the the progress bar visible after the start date?
if ( $xtp < $xt )
$xtp = $xt ;
// Make sure that the progess bar doesn't extend over the end date
if ( $xtp + $len - 1 > $xb )
$len = $xb - $xtp ;
$prog = $factory -> Create ( $this -> progress -> iPattern , $this -> progress -> iColor );
$prog -> SetDensity ( $this -> progress -> iDensity );
$prog -> SetBackground ( $this -> progress -> iFillColor );
$barheight = ( $yb - $yt + 1 );
if ( $this -> iShadow )
$barheight -= $this -> iShadowWidth ;
$progressheight = floor ( $barheight * $this -> progress -> iHeight );
$marg = ceil (( $barheight - $progressheight ) / 2 );
$pos = new Rectangle ( $xtp , $yt + $marg , $len , $barheight - 2 * $marg );
$prog -> SetPos ( $pos );
$prog -> Stroke ( $aImg );
// We don't plot the end mark if the bar has been capped
if ( $limst == $st ) {
$y = $middle ;
// We treat the RIGHT and LEFT triangle mark a little bi
// special so that these marks are placed right under the
// bar.
if ( $this -> leftMark -> GetType () == MARK_LEFTTRIANGLE ) {
$y = $yb ;
$this -> leftMark -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xt , $y );
if ( $limen == $en ) {
$y = $middle ;
// We treat the RIGHT and LEFT triangle mark a little bi
// special so that these marks are placed right under the
// bar.
if ( $this -> rightMark -> GetType () == MARK_RIGHTTRIANGLE ) {
$y = $yb ;
$this -> rightMark -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xb , $y );
$margin = $this -> iCaptionMargin ;
if ( $this -> rightMark -> show )
$margin += $this -> rightMark -> GetWidth ();
$this -> caption -> Stroke ( $aImg , $xb + $margin , $middle );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS MileStone
// Responsible for formatting individual milestones
class MileStone extends GanttPlotObject {
public $mark ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aVPos , $aLabel , $aDate , $aCaption = " " ) {
GanttPlotObject :: __construct ();
$this -> caption -> Set ( $aCaption );
$this -> caption -> Align ( " left " , " center " );
$this -> caption -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_BOLD );
$this -> title -> Set ( $aLabel );
$this -> title -> SetColor ( " darkred " );
$this -> mark = new PlotMark ();
$this -> mark -> SetWidth ( 10 );
$this -> mark -> SetType ( MARK_DIAMOND );
$this -> mark -> SetColor ( " darkred " );
$this -> mark -> SetFillColor ( " darkred " );
$this -> iVPos = $aVPos ;
$this -> iStart = $aDate ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetAbsHeight ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
return max ( $this -> title -> GetHeight ( $aImg ), $this -> mark -> GetWidth ());
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aScale ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Put the mark in the middle at the middle of the day
$d = $aScale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iStart ) + SECPERDAY / 2 ;
$x = $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $d );
$y = $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> iVPos ) - ( $aScale -> GetVertSpacing () / 2 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> StrokeActInfo ( $aImg , $aScale , $y );
// CSIM for title
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimtarget ) ) {
$yt = round ( $y - $this -> title -> GetHeight ( $aImg ) / 2 );
$yb = round ( $y + $this -> title -> GetHeight ( $aImg ) / 2 );
$colwidth = $this -> title -> GetColWidth ( $aImg );
$colstarts = array ();
$aScale -> actinfo -> GetColStart ( $aImg , $colstarts , true );
$n = min ( count ( $colwidth ), count ( $this -> title -> csimtarget ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$title_xt = $colstarts [ $i ];
$title_xb = $title_xt + $colwidth [ $i ];
$coords = " $title_xt , $yt , $title_xb , $yt , $title_xb , $yb , $title_xt , $yb " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimtarget [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimarea .= " <area shape= \" poly \" coords= \" $coords\ " href = \ " " . $this -> title -> csimtarget [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimwintarget [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimarea .= " target= \" " . $this -> title -> csimwintarget [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> title -> csimalt [ $i ]) ) {
$tmp = $this -> title -> csimalt [ $i ];
$this -> csimarea .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimarea .= " /> \n " ;
if ( $d < $aScale -> iStartDate || $d > $aScale -> iEndDate )
return ;
// Remember the coordinates for any constrains linking to
// this milestone
$w = $this -> mark -> GetWidth () / 2 ;
$this -> SetConstrainPos ( $x , round ( $y - $w ), $x , round ( $y + $w ));
// Setup CSIM
if ( $this -> csimtarget != '' ) {
$this -> mark -> SetCSIMTarget ( $this -> csimtarget );
$this -> mark -> SetCSIMAlt ( $this -> csimalt );
$this -> mark -> Stroke ( $aImg , $x , $y );
$this -> caption -> Stroke ( $aImg , $x + $this -> mark -> width / 2 + $this -> iCaptionMargin , $y );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> csimarea .= $this -> mark -> GetCSIMAreas ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttVLine
// Responsible for formatting individual milestones
class TextPropertyBelow extends TextProperty {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $aTxt = '' ) {
parent :: __construct ( $aTxt );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function GetColWidth ( $aImg , $aMargin = 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Since we are not stroking the title in the columns
// but rather under the graph we want this to return 0.
return array ( 0 );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class GanttVLine extends GanttPlotObject {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $iLine , $title_margin = 3 , $iDayOffset = 0.5 ;
private $iStartRow = - 1 , $iEndRow = - 1 ;
function __construct ( $aDate , $aTitle = " " , $aColor = " darkred " , $aWeight = 2 , $aStyle = " solid " ) {
GanttPlotObject :: __construct ();
$this -> iLine = new LineProperty ();
$this -> iLine -> SetColor ( $aColor );
$this -> iLine -> SetWeight ( $aWeight );
$this -> iLine -> SetStyle ( $aStyle );
$this -> iStart = $aDate ;
$this -> title = new TextPropertyBelow ();
$this -> title -> Set ( $aTitle );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Set start and end rows for the VLine. By default the entire heigh of the
// Gantt chart is used
function SetRowSpan ( $aStart , $aEnd =- 1 ) {
$this -> iStartRow = $aStart ;
$this -> iEndRow = $aEnd ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetDayOffset ( $aOff = 0.5 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $aOff < 0.0 || $aOff > 1.0 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6029 );
//("Offset for vertical line must be in range [0,1]");
$this -> iDayOffset = $aOff ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetTitleMargin ( $aMarg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> title_margin = $aMarg ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function SetWeight ( $aWeight ) {
$this -> iLine -> SetWeight ( $aWeight );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg , $aScale ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$d = $aScale -> NormalizeDate ( $this -> iStart );
if ( $d < $aScale -> iStartDate || $d > $aScale -> iEndDate )
return ;
if ( $this -> iDayOffset != 0.0 )
$d += 24 * 60 * 60 * $this -> iDayOffset ;
$x = $aScale -> TranslateDate ( $d ); //d=1006858800,
if ( $this -> iStartRow > - 1 ) {
$y1 = $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> iStartRow , true ) ;
else {
$y1 = $aScale -> iVertHeaderSize + $aImg -> top_margin ;
if ( $this -> iEndRow > - 1 ) {
$y2 = $aScale -> TranslateVertPos ( $this -> iEndRow );
else {
$y2 = $aImg -> height - $aImg -> bottom_margin ;
$this -> iLine -> Stroke ( $aImg , $x , $y1 , $x , $y2 );
$this -> title -> Align ( " center " , " top " );
$this -> title -> Stroke ( $aImg , $x , $y2 + $this -> title_margin );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS LinkArrow
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Handles the drawing of a an arrow
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class LinkArrow {
private $ix , $iy ;
private $isizespec = array (
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
array ( 2 , 3 ), array ( 3 , 5 ), array ( 3 , 8 ), array ( 6 , 15 ), array ( 8 , 22 ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
private $iDirection = ARROW_DOWN , $iType = ARROWT_SOLID , $iSize = ARROW_S2 ;
private $iColor = 'black' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $x , $y , $aDirection , $aType = ARROWT_SOLID , $aSize = ARROW_S2 ) {
$this -> iDirection = $aDirection ;
$this -> iType = $aType ;
$this -> iSize = $aSize ;
$this -> ix = $x ;
$this -> iy = $y ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetSize ( $aSize ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iSize = $aSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetType ( $aType ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iType = $aType ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
list ( $dx , $dy ) = $this -> isizespec [ $this -> iSize ];
$x = $this -> ix ;
$y = $this -> iy ;
switch ( $this -> iDirection ) {
$c = array ( $x , $y , $x - $dx , $y - $dy , $x + $dx , $y - $dy , $x , $y );
break ;
case ARROW_UP :
$c = array ( $x , $y , $x - $dx , $y + $dy , $x + $dx , $y + $dy , $x , $y );
break ;
$c = array ( $x , $y , $x + $dy , $y - $dx , $x + $dy , $y + $dx , $x , $y );
break ;
$c = array ( $x , $y , $x - $dy , $y - $dx , $x - $dy , $y + $dx , $x , $y );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6030 );
//('Unknown arrow direction for link.');
die ();
break ;
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
switch ( $this -> iType ) {
$aImg -> FilledPolygon ( $c );
break ;
$aImg -> Polygon ( $c );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6031 );
//('Unknown arrow type for link.');
die ();
break ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS GanttLink
// Handles the drawing of a link line between 2 points
class GanttLink {
private $ix1 , $ix2 , $iy1 , $iy2 ;
private $iPathType = 2 , $iPathExtend = 15 ;
private $iColor = 'black' , $iWeight = 1 ;
private $iArrowSize = ARROW_S2 , $iArrowType = ARROWT_SOLID ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $x1 = 0 , $y1 = 0 , $x2 = 0 , $y2 = 0 ) {
$this -> ix1 = $x1 ;
$this -> ix2 = $x2 ;
$this -> iy1 = $y1 ;
$this -> iy2 = $y2 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetPos ( $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> ix1 = $x1 ;
$this -> ix2 = $x2 ;
$this -> iy1 = $y1 ;
$this -> iy2 = $y2 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetPath ( $aPath ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iPathType = $aPath ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iColor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetArrow ( $aSize , $aType = ARROWT_SOLID ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iArrowSize = $aSize ;
$this -> iArrowType = $aType ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetWeight ( $aWeight ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> iWeight = $aWeight ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $aImg ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// The way the path for the arrow is constructed is partly based
// on some heuristics. This is not an exact science but draws the
// path in a way that, for me, makes esthetic sence. For example
// if the start and end activities are very close we make a small
// detour to endter the target horixontally. If there are more
// space between axctivities then no suh detour is made and the
// target is "hit" directly vertical. I have tried to keep this
// simple. no doubt this could become almost infinitive complex
// and have some real AI. Feel free to modify this.
// This will no-doubt be tweaked as times go by. One design aim
// is to avoid having the user choose what types of arrow
// he wants.
// The arrow is drawn between (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
$x1 = $this -> ix1 ;
$x2 = $this -> ix2 ;
$y1 = $this -> iy1 ;
$y2 = $this -> iy2 ;
// Depending on if the target is below or above we have to
// handle thi different.
if ( $y2 > $y1 ) {
$arrowtype = ARROW_DOWN ;
$midy = round (( $y2 - $y1 ) / 2 + $y1 );
if ( $x2 > $x1 ) {
switch ( $this -> iPathType ) {
case 0 :
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6032 , $this -> iPathType );
//('Internal error: Unknown path type (='.$this->iPathType .') specified for link.');
exit ( 1 );
break ;
else {
switch ( $this -> iPathType ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 2 :
// Always extend out horizontally a bit from the first point
// If we draw a link back in time (end to start) and the bars
// are very close we also change the path so it comes in from
// the left on the activity
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 + $this -> iPathExtend , $y1 ,
$x1 + $this -> iPathExtend , $midy ,
$x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 3 :
if ( $y2 - $midy < 6 ) {
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy ,
$x2 - $this -> iPathExtend , $midy ,
$x2 - $this -> iPathExtend , $y2 ,
$x2 , $y2 );
$arrowtype = ARROW_RIGHT ;
else {
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6032 , $this -> iPathType );
//('Internal error: Unknown path type specified for link.');
exit ( 1 );
break ;
$arrow = new LinkArrow ( $x2 , $y2 , $arrowtype );
else {
// Y2 < Y1
$arrowtype = ARROW_UP ;
$midy = round (( $y1 - $y2 ) / 2 + $y2 );
if ( $x2 > $x1 ) {
switch ( $this -> iPathType ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 3 :
if ( $midy - $y2 < 8 ) {
$arrowtype = ARROW_RIGHT ;
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $y2 , $x2 , $y2 );
else {
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6032 , $this -> iPathType );
//('Internal error: Unknown path type specified for link.');
break ;
else {
switch ( $this -> iPathType ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 2 :
// Always extend out horizontally a bit from the first point
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 + $this -> iPathExtend , $y1 ,
$x1 + $this -> iPathExtend , $midy ,
$x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
case 3 :
if ( $midy - $y2 < 16 ) {
$arrowtype = ARROW_RIGHT ;
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 - $this -> iPathExtend , $midy ,
$x2 - $this -> iPathExtend , $y2 ,
$x2 , $y2 );
else {
$c = array ( $x1 , $y1 , $x1 , $midy , $x2 , $midy , $x2 , $y2 );
break ;
default :
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 6032 , $this -> iPathType );
//('Internal error: Unknown path type specified for link.');
break ;
$arrow = new LinkArrow ( $x2 , $y2 , $arrowtype );
$aImg -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
$aImg -> SetLineWeight ( $this -> iWeight );
$aImg -> Polygon ( $c );
$aImg -> SetLineWeight ( 1 );
$arrow -> SetColor ( $this -> iColor );
$arrow -> SetSize ( $this -> iArrowSize );
$arrow -> SetType ( $this -> iArrowType );
$arrow -> Stroke ( $aImg );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// <EOF>