2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
< ? php
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ zend . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Tool
* @ subpackage Framework
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
2019-07-17 20:19:00 +00:00
* @ version $Id : Registry . php 16972 2009 - 07 - 22 18 : 44 : 24 Z ralph $
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ see Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Interface
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Registry/Interface.php' ;
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Tool
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
class Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry implements Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Interface
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Loader_Abstract
protected $_loader = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Abstract
protected $_client = null ;
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* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Config
protected $_config = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Storage
protected $_storage = null ;
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* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Action_Repository
protected $_actionRepository = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Repository
protected $_providerRepository = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Manifest_Repository
protected $_manifestRepository = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Request
protected $_request = null ;
* @ var Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Response
protected $_response = null ;
* reset () - Reset all internal properties
public function reset ()
unset ( $this -> _client );
unset ( $this -> _loader );
unset ( $this -> _actionRepository );
unset ( $this -> _providerRepository );
unset ( $this -> _request );
unset ( $this -> _response );
// public function __construct()
// {
// // no instantiation from outside
// }
* Enter description here ...
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Abstract $client
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setClient ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Abstract $client )
$this -> _client = $client ;
if ( $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $this -> _client )) {
$this -> enableRegistryOnObject ( $this -> _client );
return $this ;
* getClient () return the client in the registry
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Abstract
public function getClient ()
return $this -> _client ;
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* setConfig ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Config $config
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setConfig ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Config $config )
$this -> _config = $config ;
return $this ;
* getConfig ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Config
public function getConfig ()
if ( $this -> _config === null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Config.php' ;
$this -> setConfig ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Config ());
return $this -> _config ;
* setStorage ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Storage $storage
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setStorage ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Storage $storage )
$this -> _storage = $storage ;
return $this ;
* getConfig ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Storage
public function getStorage ()
if ( $this -> _storage === null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Storage.php' ;
$this -> setStorage ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Storage ());
return $this -> _storage ;
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* setLoader ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Loader_Abstract $loader
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setLoader ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Loader_Abstract $loader )
$this -> _loader = $loader ;
if ( $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $this -> _loader )) {
$this -> enableRegistryOnObject ( $this -> _loader );
return $this ;
* getLoader ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Loader_Abstract
public function getLoader ()
if ( $this -> _loader === null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Loader/IncludePathLoader.php' ;
$this -> setLoader ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Loader_IncludePathLoader ());
return $this -> _loader ;
* setActionRepository ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Action_Repository $actionRepository
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setActionRepository ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Action_Repository $actionRepository )
$this -> _actionRepository = $actionRepository ;
if ( $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $this -> _actionRepository )) {
$this -> enableRegistryOnObject ( $this -> _actionRepository );
return $this ;
* getActionRepository ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Action_Repository
public function getActionRepository ()
if ( $this -> _actionRepository == null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Action/Repository.php' ;
$this -> setActionRepository ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Action_Repository ());
return $this -> _actionRepository ;
* setProviderRepository ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Repository $providerRepository
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setProviderRepository ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Repository $providerRepository )
$this -> _providerRepository = $providerRepository ;
if ( $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $this -> _providerRepository )) {
$this -> enableRegistryOnObject ( $this -> _providerRepository );
return $this ;
* getProviderRepository ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Repository
public function getProviderRepository ()
if ( $this -> _providerRepository == null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Provider/Repository.php' ;
$this -> setProviderRepository ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Repository ());
return $this -> _providerRepository ;
* setManifestRepository ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Manifest_Repository $manifestRepository
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setManifestRepository ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Manifest_Repository $manifestRepository )
$this -> _manifestRepository = $manifestRepository ;
if ( $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $this -> _manifestRepository )) {
$this -> enableRegistryOnObject ( $this -> _manifestRepository );
return $this ;
* getManifestRepository ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Manifest_Repository
public function getManifestRepository ()
if ( $this -> _manifestRepository == null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Manifest/Repository.php' ;
$this -> setManifestRepository ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Manifest_Repository ());
return $this -> _manifestRepository ;
* setRequest ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Request $request
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setRequest ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Request $request )
$this -> _request = $request ;
return $this ;
* getRequest ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Request
public function getRequest ()
if ( $this -> _request == null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Request.php' ;
$this -> setRequest ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Request ());
return $this -> _request ;
* setResponse ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Response $response
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function setResponse ( Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Response $response )
$this -> _response = $response ;
return $this ;
* getResponse ()
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Response
public function getResponse ()
if ( $this -> _response == null ) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Response.php' ;
$this -> setResponse ( new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Response ());
return $this -> _response ;
* __get () - Get a property via property call $registry -> foo
* @ param string $name
* @ return mixed
public function __get ( $name )
if ( method_exists ( $this , 'get' . $name )) {
return $this -> { 'get' . $name }();
} else {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Registry/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Exception ( 'Property ' . $name . ' was not located in this registry.' );
* __set () - Set a property via the magic set $registry -> foo = 'foo'
* @ param string $name
* @ param mixed $value
public function __set ( $name , $value )
if ( method_exists ( $this , 'set' . $name )) {
$this -> { 'set' . $name }( $value );
return ;
} else {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Registry/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Exception ( 'Property ' . $name . ' was not located in this registry.' );
* isObjectRegistryEnablable () - Check whether an object is registry enablable
* @ param object $object
* @ return bool
public function isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $object )
if ( ! is_object ( $object )) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Registry/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Exception ( 'isObjectRegistryEnablable() expects an object.' );
return ( $object instanceof Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_EnabledInterface );
* enableRegistryOnObject () - make an object registry enabled
* @ param object $object
* @ return Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry
public function enableRegistryOnObject ( $object )
if ( ! $this -> isObjectRegistryEnablable ( $object )) {
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Registry/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry_Exception ( 'Object provided is not registry enablable, check first with Zend_Tool_Framework_Registry::isObjectRegistryEnablable()' );
$object -> setRegistry ( $this );
return $this ;