2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
< ? php
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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* to license @ zend . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Tool
* @ subpackage Framework
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
2019-07-17 20:19:00 +00:00
* @ version $Id : Test . php 16971 2009 - 07 - 22 18 : 05 : 45 Z mikaelkael $
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ see Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Abstract
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Abstract.php' ;
* @ see Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Exception.php' ;
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Tool
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
class Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Test extends Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Abstract
protected $_specialties = array ( 'Application' , 'Library' );
* isTestingEnabled ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile
* @ return bool
public static function isTestingEnabled ( Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile )
$profileSearchParams = array ( 'testsDirectory' );
$testsDirectory = $profile -> search ( $profileSearchParams );
return $testsDirectory -> isEnabled ();
* createApplicationResource ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile
* @ param string $controllerName
* @ param string $actionName
* @ param string $moduleName
* @ return Zend_Tool_Project_Profile_Resource
public static function createApplicationResource ( Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile , $controllerName , $actionName , $moduleName = null )
if ( ! is_string ( $controllerName )) {
throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Exception ( 'Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_View::createApplicationResource() expects \"controllerName\" is the name of a controller resource to create.' );
if ( ! is_string ( $actionName )) {
throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Exception ( 'Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_View::createApplicationResource() expects \"actionName\" is the name of a controller resource to create.' );
$testsDirectoryResource = $profile -> search ( 'testsDirectory' );
if (( $testAppDirectoryResource = $testsDirectoryResource -> search ( 'testApplicationDirectory' )) === false ) {
$testAppDirectoryResource = $testsDirectoryResource -> createResource ( 'testApplicationDirectory' );
if ( $moduleName ) {
//@todo $moduleName
$moduleName = '' ;
if (( $testAppControllerDirectoryResource = $testAppDirectoryResource -> search ( 'testApplicationControllerDirectory' )) === false ) {
$testAppControllerDirectoryResource = $testAppDirectoryResource -> createResource ( 'testApplicationControllerDirectory' );
$testAppControllerFileResource = $testAppControllerDirectoryResource -> createResource ( 'testApplicationControllerFile' , array ( 'forControllerName' => $controllerName ));
return $testAppControllerFileResource ;
* createLibraryResource ()
* @ param Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile
* @ param string $libraryClassName
* @ return Zend_Tool_Project_Profile_Resource
public static function createLibraryResource ( Zend_Tool_Project_Profile $profile , $libraryClassName )
$testLibraryDirectoryResource = $profile -> search ( array ( 'TestsDirectory' , 'TestLibraryDirectory' ));
$fsParts = explode ( '_' , $libraryClassName );
$currentDirectoryResource = $testLibraryDirectoryResource ;
while ( $nameOrNamespacePart = array_shift ( $fsParts )) {
if ( count ( $fsParts ) > 0 ) {
if (( $libraryDirectoryResource = $currentDirectoryResource -> search ( array ( 'TestLibraryNamespaceDirectory' => array ( 'namespaceName' => $nameOrNamespacePart )))) === false ) {
$currentDirectoryResource = $currentDirectoryResource -> createResource ( 'TestLibraryNamespaceDirectory' , array ( 'namespaceName' => $nameOrNamespacePart ));
} else {
$currentDirectoryResource = $libraryDirectoryResource ;
} else {
if (( $libraryFileResource = $currentDirectoryResource -> search ( array ( 'TestLibraryFile' => array ( 'forClassName' => $libraryClassName )))) === false ) {
$libraryFileResource = $currentDirectoryResource -> createResource ( 'TestLibraryFile' , array ( 'forClassName' => $libraryClassName ));
return $libraryFileResource ;
public function enable ()
public function disable ()
* create ()
* @ param unknown_type $libraryClassName
public function create ( $libraryClassName )
$profile = $this -> _loadProfile ();
if ( ! self :: isTestingEnabled ( $profile )) {
$this -> _registry -> getResponse () -> appendContent ( 'Testing is not enabled for this project.' );
$testLibraryResource = self :: createLibraryResource ( $profile , $libraryClassName );
$response = $this -> _registry -> getResponse ();
if ( $this -> _registry -> getRequest () -> isPretend ()) {
$response -> appendContent ( 'Would create a library stub in location ' . $testLibraryResource -> getContext () -> getPath ());
} else {
$response -> appendContent ( 'Creating a library stub in location ' . $testLibraryResource -> getContext () -> getPath ());
$testLibraryResource -> create ();
$this -> _storeProfile ();