2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
/ *
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
Copyright ( c ) 2009 , Yahoo ! Inc . All rights reserved .
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
Code licensed under the BSD License :
http : //developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
version : 2.7 . 0
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* /
// YAHOO.widget.DataSource Backwards Compatibility
YAHOO . widget . DS _JSArray = YAHOO . util . LocalDataSource ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _JSFunction = YAHOO . util . FunctionDataSource ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _XHR = function ( sScriptURI , aSchema , oConfigs ) {
var DS = new YAHOO . util . XHRDataSource ( sScriptURI , oConfigs ) ;
DS . _aDeprecatedSchema = aSchema ;
return DS ;
} ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _ScriptNode = function ( sScriptURI , aSchema , oConfigs ) {
var DS = new YAHOO . util . ScriptNodeDataSource ( sScriptURI , oConfigs ) ;
DS . _aDeprecatedSchema = aSchema ;
return DS ;
} ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _XHR . TYPE _JSON = YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _JSON ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _XHR . TYPE _XML = YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _XML ;
YAHOO . widget . DS _XHR . TYPE _FLAT = YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _TEXT ;
// TODO: widget.DS_ScriptNode.scriptCallbackParam
/ * *
* The AutoComplete control provides the front - end logic for text - entry suggestion and
* completion functionality .
* @ module autocomplete
* @ requires yahoo , dom , event , datasource
* @ optional animation
* @ namespace YAHOO . widget
* @ title AutoComplete Widget
* /
/ * *
* The AutoComplete class provides the customizable functionality of a plug - and - play DHTML
* auto completion widget . Some key features :
* < ul >
* < li > Navigate with up / down arrow keys and / or mouse to pick a selection < / l i >
* < li > The drop down container can "roll down" or "fly out" via configurable
* animation < / l i >
* < li > UI look - and - feel customizable through CSS , including container
* attributes , borders , position , fonts , etc < / l i >
* < / u l >
* @ class AutoComplete
* @ constructor
* @ param elInput { HTMLElement } DOM element reference of an input field .
* @ param elInput { String } String ID of an input field .
* @ param elContainer { HTMLElement } DOM element reference of an existing DIV .
* @ param elContainer { String } String ID of an existing DIV .
* @ param oDataSource { YAHOO . widget . DataSource } DataSource instance .
* @ param oConfigs { Object } ( optional ) Object literal of configuration params .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete = function ( elInput , elContainer , oDataSource , oConfigs ) {
if ( elInput && elContainer && oDataSource ) {
// Validate DataSource
if ( oDataSource instanceof YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase ) {
this . dataSource = oDataSource ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid DataSource" , "error" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
// YAHOO.widget.DataSource schema backwards compatibility
// Converted deprecated schema into supported schema
// First assume key data is held in position 0 of results array
this . key = 0 ;
var schema = oDataSource . responseSchema ;
// An old school schema has been defined in the deprecated DataSource constructor
if ( oDataSource . _aDeprecatedSchema ) {
var aDeprecatedSchema = oDataSource . _aDeprecatedSchema ;
if ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( aDeprecatedSchema ) ) {
if ( ( oDataSource . responseType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _JSON ) ||
( oDataSource . responseType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _UNKNOWN ) ) { // Used to default to unknown
// Store the resultsList
schema . resultsList = aDeprecatedSchema [ 0 ] ;
// Store the key
this . key = aDeprecatedSchema [ 1 ] ;
// Only resultsList and key are defined, so grab all the data
schema . fields = ( aDeprecatedSchema . length < 3 ) ? null : aDeprecatedSchema . slice ( 1 ) ;
else if ( oDataSource . responseType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _XML ) {
schema . resultNode = aDeprecatedSchema [ 0 ] ;
this . key = aDeprecatedSchema [ 1 ] ;
schema . fields = aDeprecatedSchema . slice ( 1 ) ;
else if ( oDataSource . responseType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _TEXT ) {
schema . recordDelim = aDeprecatedSchema [ 0 ] ;
schema . fieldDelim = aDeprecatedSchema [ 1 ] ;
oDataSource . responseSchema = schema ;
// Validate input element
if ( YAHOO . util . Dom . inDocument ( elInput ) ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( elInput ) ) {
this . _sName = "instance" + YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _nIndex + " " + elInput ;
this . _elTextbox = document . getElementById ( elInput ) ;
else {
this . _sName = ( elInput . id ) ?
"instance" + YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _nIndex + " " + elInput . id :
"instance" + YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _nIndex ;
this . _elTextbox = elInput ;
YAHOO . util . Dom . addClass ( this . _elTextbox , "yui-ac-input" ) ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid input element" , "error" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Validate container element
if ( YAHOO . util . Dom . inDocument ( elContainer ) ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( elContainer ) ) {
this . _elContainer = document . getElementById ( elContainer ) ;
else {
this . _elContainer = elContainer ;
if ( this . _elContainer . style . display == "none" ) {
YAHOO . log ( "The container may not display properly if display is set to \"none\" in CSS" , "warn" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
// For skinning
var elParent = this . _elContainer . parentNode ;
var elTag = elParent . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( elTag == "div" ) {
YAHOO . util . Dom . addClass ( elParent , "yui-ac" ) ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not find the wrapper element for skinning" , "warn" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid container element" , "error" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Default applyLocalFilter setting is to enable for local sources
if ( this . dataSource . dataType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _LOCAL ) {
this . applyLocalFilter = true ;
// Set any config params passed in to override defaults
if ( oConfigs && ( oConfigs . constructor == Object ) ) {
for ( var sConfig in oConfigs ) {
if ( sConfig ) {
this [ sConfig ] = oConfigs [ sConfig ] ;
// Initialization sequence
this . _initContainerEl ( ) ;
this . _initProps ( ) ;
this . _initListEl ( ) ;
this . _initContainerHelperEls ( ) ;
// Set up events
var oSelf = this ;
var elTextbox = this . _elTextbox ;
// Dom events
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elTextbox , "keyup" , oSelf . _onTextboxKeyUp , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elTextbox , "keydown" , oSelf . _onTextboxKeyDown , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elTextbox , "focus" , oSelf . _onTextboxFocus , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elTextbox , "blur" , oSelf . _onTextboxBlur , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elContainer , "mouseover" , oSelf . _onContainerMouseover , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elContainer , "mouseout" , oSelf . _onContainerMouseout , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elContainer , "click" , oSelf . _onContainerClick , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elContainer , "scroll" , oSelf . _onContainerScroll , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elContainer , "resize" , oSelf . _onContainerResize , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( elTextbox , "keypress" , oSelf . _onTextboxKeyPress , oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( window , "unload" , oSelf . _onWindowUnload , oSelf ) ;
// Custom events
this . textboxFocusEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "textboxFocus" , this ) ;
this . textboxKeyEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "textboxKey" , this ) ;
this . dataRequestEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "dataRequest" , this ) ;
this . dataReturnEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "dataReturn" , this ) ;
this . dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "dataError" , this ) ;
this . containerPopulateEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "containerPopulate" , this ) ;
this . containerExpandEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "containerExpand" , this ) ;
this . typeAheadEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "typeAhead" , this ) ;
this . itemMouseOverEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "itemMouseOver" , this ) ;
this . itemMouseOutEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "itemMouseOut" , this ) ;
this . itemArrowToEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "itemArrowTo" , this ) ;
this . itemArrowFromEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "itemArrowFrom" , this ) ;
this . itemSelectEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "itemSelect" , this ) ;
this . unmatchedItemSelectEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "unmatchedItemSelect" , this ) ;
this . selectionEnforceEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "selectionEnforce" , this ) ;
this . containerCollapseEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "containerCollapse" , this ) ;
this . textboxBlurEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "textboxBlur" , this ) ;
this . textboxChangeEvent = new YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ( "textboxChange" , this ) ;
// Finish up
elTextbox . setAttribute ( "autocomplete" , "off" ) ;
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _nIndex ++ ;
YAHOO . log ( "AutoComplete initialized" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
// Required arguments were not found
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not instantiate AutoComplete due invalid arguments" , "error" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
// Public member variables
/ * *
* The DataSource object that encapsulates the data used for auto completion .
* This object should be an inherited object from YAHOO . widget . DataSource .
* @ property dataSource
* @ type YAHOO . widget . DataSource
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . dataSource = null ;
/ * *
* By default , results from local DataSources will pass through the filterResults
* method to apply a client - side matching algorithm .
* @ property applyLocalFilter
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true for local arrays and json , otherwise false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . applyLocalFilter = null ;
/ * *
* When applyLocalFilter is true , the local filtering algorthim can have case sensitivity
* enabled .
* @ property queryMatchCase
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryMatchCase = false ;
/ * *
* When applyLocalFilter is true , results can be locally filtered to return
* matching strings that "contain" the query string rather than simply "start with"
* the query string .
* @ property queryMatchContains
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryMatchContains = false ;
/ * *
* Enables query subset matching . When the DataSource ' s cache is enabled and queryMatchSubset is
* true , substrings of queries will return matching cached results . For
* instance , if the first query is for "abc" susequent queries that start with
* "abc" , like "abcd" , will be queried against the cache , and not the live data
* source . Recommended only for DataSources that return comprehensive results
* for queries with very few characters .
* @ property queryMatchSubset
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryMatchSubset = false ;
/ * *
* Number of characters that must be entered before querying for results . A negative value
* effectively turns off the widget . A value of 0 allows queries of null or empty string
* values .
* @ property minQueryLength
* @ type Number
* @ default 1
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . minQueryLength = 1 ;
/ * *
* Maximum number of results to display in results container .
* @ property maxResultsDisplayed
* @ type Number
* @ default 10
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . maxResultsDisplayed = 10 ;
/ * *
* Number of seconds to delay before submitting a query request . If a query
* request is received before a previous one has completed its delay , the
* previous request is cancelled and the new request is set to the delay . If
* typeAhead is also enabled , this value must always be less than the typeAheadDelay
* in order to avoid certain race conditions .
* @ property queryDelay
* @ type Number
* @ default 0.2
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryDelay = 0.2 ;
/ * *
* If typeAhead is true , number of seconds to delay before updating input with
* typeAhead value . In order to prevent certain race conditions , this value must
* always be greater than the queryDelay .
* @ property typeAheadDelay
* @ type Number
* @ default 0.5
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . typeAheadDelay = 0.5 ;
/ * *
* When IME usage is detected , AutoComplete will switch to querying the input
* value at the given interval rather than per key event .
* @ property queryInterval
* @ type Number
* @ default 500
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryInterval = 500 ;
/ * *
* Class name of a highlighted item within results container .
* @ property highlightClassName
* @ type String
* @ default "yui-ac-highlight"
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . highlightClassName = "yui-ac-highlight" ;
/ * *
* Class name of a pre - highlighted item within results container .
* @ property prehighlightClassName
* @ type String
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . prehighlightClassName = null ;
/ * *
* Query delimiter . A single character separator for multiple delimited
* selections . Multiple delimiter characteres may be defined as an array of
* strings . A null value or empty string indicates that query results cannot
* be delimited . This feature is not recommended if you need forceSelection to
* be true .
* @ property delimChar
* @ type String | String [ ]
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . delimChar = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the first item in results container should be automatically highlighted
* on expand .
* @ property autoHighlight
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . autoHighlight = true ;
/ * *
* If autohighlight is enabled , whether or not the input field should be automatically updated
* with the first query result as the user types , auto - selecting the substring portion
* of the first result that the user has not yet typed .
* @ property typeAhead
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . typeAhead = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to animate the expansion / collapse of the results container in the
* horizontal direction .
* @ property animHoriz
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . animHoriz = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to animate the expansion / collapse of the results container in the
* vertical direction .
* @ property animVert
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . animVert = true ;
/ * *
* Speed of container expand / collapse animation , in seconds . .
* @ property animSpeed
* @ type Number
* @ default 0.3
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . animSpeed = 0.3 ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to force the user ' s selection to match one of the query
* results . Enabling this feature essentially transforms the input field into a
* & lt ; select & gt ; field . This feature is not recommended with delimiter character ( s )
* defined .
* @ property forceSelection
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . forceSelection = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to allow browsers to cache user - typed input in the input
* field . Disabling this feature will prevent the widget from setting the
* autocomplete = "off" on the input field . When autocomplete = "off"
* and users click the back button after form submission , user - typed input can
* be prefilled by the browser from its cache . This caching of user input may
* not be desired for sensitive data , such as credit card numbers , in which
* case , implementers should consider setting allowBrowserAutocomplete to false .
* @ property allowBrowserAutocomplete
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . allowBrowserAutocomplete = true ;
/ * *
* Enabling this feature prevents the toggling of the container to a collapsed state .
* Setting to true does not automatically trigger the opening of the container .
* Implementers are advised to pre - load the container with an explicit "sendQuery()" call .
* @ property alwaysShowContainer
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . alwaysShowContainer = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to use an iFrame to layer over Windows form elements in
* IE . Set to true only when the results container will be on top of a
* & lt ; select & gt ; field in IE and thus exposed to the IE z - index bug ( i . e . ,
* 5.5 < IE < 7 ) .
* @ property useIFrame
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . useIFrame = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the results container should have a shadow .
* @ property useShadow
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . useShadow = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the input field should be updated with selections .
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ property suppressInputUpdate
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* @ type Boolean
* @ default false
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . suppressInputUpdate = false ;
/ * *
* For backward compatibility to pre - 2.6 . 0 formatResults ( ) signatures , setting
* resultsTypeList to true will take each object literal result returned by
* DataSource and flatten into an array .
* @ property resultTypeList
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . resultTypeList = true ;
/ * *
* For XHR DataSources , AutoComplete will automatically insert a "?" between the server URI and
* the "query" param / value pair . To prevent this behavior , implementers should
* set this value to false . To more fully customize the query syntax , implementers
* should override the generateRequest ( ) method .
* @ property queryQuestionMark
* @ type Boolean
* @ default true
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . queryQuestionMark = true ;
// Public methods
/ * *
* Public accessor to the unique name of the AutoComplete instance .
* @ method toString
* @ return { String } Unique name of the AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . toString = function ( ) {
return "AutoComplete " + this . _sName ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns DOM reference to input element .
* @ method getInputEl
* @ return { HTMLELement } DOM reference to input element .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getInputEl = function ( ) {
return this . _elTextbox ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns DOM reference to container element .
* @ method getContainerEl
* @ return { HTMLELement } DOM reference to container element .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getContainerEl = function ( ) {
return this . _elContainer ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if widget instance is currently focused .
* @ method isFocused
* @ return { Boolean } Returns true if widget instance is currently focused .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . isFocused = function ( ) {
return ( this . _bFocused === null ) ? false : this . _bFocused ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if container is in an expanded state , false otherwise .
* @ method isContainerOpen
* @ return { Boolean } Returns true if container is in an expanded state , false otherwise .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . isContainerOpen = function ( ) {
return this . _bContainerOpen ;
} ;
/ * *
* Public accessor to the & lt ; ul & gt ; element that displays query results within the results container .
* @ method getListEl
* @ return { HTMLElement [ ] } Reference to & lt ; ul & gt ; element within the results container .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getListEl = function ( ) {
return this . _elList ;
} ;
/ * *
* Public accessor to the matching string associated with a given & lt ; li & gt ; result .
* @ method getListItemMatch
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } Reference to & lt ; LI & gt ; element .
* @ return { String } Matching string .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getListItemMatch = function ( elListItem ) {
if ( elListItem . _sResultMatch ) {
return elListItem . _sResultMatch ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Public accessor to the result data associated with a given & lt ; li & gt ; result .
* @ method getListItemData
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } Reference to & lt ; LI & gt ; element .
* @ return { Object } Result data .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getListItemData = function ( elListItem ) {
if ( elListItem . _oResultData ) {
return elListItem . _oResultData ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Public accessor to the index of the associated with a given & lt ; li & gt ; result .
* @ method getListItemIndex
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } Reference to & lt ; LI & gt ; element .
* @ return { Number } Index .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getListItemIndex = function ( elListItem ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( elListItem . _nItemIndex ) ) {
return elListItem . _nItemIndex ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets HTML markup for the results container header . This markup will be
* inserted within a & lt ; div & gt ; tag with a class of "yui-ac-hd" .
* @ method setHeader
* @ param sHeader { String } HTML markup for results container header .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . setHeader = function ( sHeader ) {
if ( this . _elHeader ) {
var elHeader = this . _elHeader ;
if ( sHeader ) {
elHeader . innerHTML = sHeader ;
elHeader . style . display = "block" ;
else {
elHeader . innerHTML = "" ;
elHeader . style . display = "none" ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets HTML markup for the results container footer . This markup will be
* inserted within a & lt ; div & gt ; tag with a class of "yui-ac-ft" .
* @ method setFooter
* @ param sFooter { String } HTML markup for results container footer .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . setFooter = function ( sFooter ) {
if ( this . _elFooter ) {
var elFooter = this . _elFooter ;
if ( sFooter ) {
elFooter . innerHTML = sFooter ;
elFooter . style . display = "block" ;
else {
elFooter . innerHTML = "" ;
elFooter . style . display = "none" ;
} ;
/ * *
* Sets HTML markup for the results container body . This markup will be
* inserted within a & lt ; div & gt ; tag with a class of "yui-ac-bd" .
* @ method setBody
* @ param sBody { String } HTML markup for results container body .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . setBody = function ( sBody ) {
if ( this . _elBody ) {
var elBody = this . _elBody ;
YAHOO . util . Event . purgeElement ( elBody , true ) ;
if ( sBody ) {
elBody . innerHTML = sBody ;
elBody . style . display = "block" ;
else {
elBody . innerHTML = "" ;
elBody . style . display = "none" ;
this . _elList = null ;
} ;
/ * *
* A function that converts an AutoComplete query into a request value which is then
* passed to the DataSource ' s sendRequest method in order to retrieve data for
* the query . By default , returns a String with the syntax : "query={query}"
* Implementers can customize this method for custom request syntaxes .
* @ method generateRequest
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ return { MIXED } Request
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . generateRequest = function ( sQuery ) {
var dataType = this . dataSource . dataType ;
// Transform query string in to a request for remote data
// By default, local data doesn't need a transformation, just passes along the query as is.
if ( dataType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _XHR ) {
// By default, XHR GET requests look like "{scriptURI}?{scriptQueryParam}={sQuery}&{scriptQueryAppend}"
if ( ! this . dataSource . connMethodPost ) {
sQuery = ( this . queryQuestionMark ? "?" : "" ) + ( this . dataSource . scriptQueryParam || "query" ) + "=" + sQuery +
( this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ? ( "&" + this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ) : "" ) ;
// By default, XHR POST bodies are sent to the {scriptURI} like "{scriptQueryParam}={sQuery}&{scriptQueryAppend}"
else {
sQuery = ( this . dataSource . scriptQueryParam || "query" ) + "=" + sQuery +
( this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ? ( "&" + this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ) : "" ) ;
// By default, remote script node requests look like "{scriptURI}&{scriptCallbackParam}={callbackString}&{scriptQueryParam}={sQuery}&{scriptQueryAppend}"
else if ( dataType === YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase . TYPE _SCRIPTNODE ) {
sQuery = "&" + ( this . dataSource . scriptQueryParam || "query" ) + "=" + sQuery +
( this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ? ( "&" + this . dataSource . scriptQueryAppend ) : "" ) ;
return sQuery ;
} ;
/ * *
* Makes query request to the DataSource .
* @ method sendQuery
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . sendQuery = function ( sQuery ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
// Reset focus for a new interaction
this . _bFocused = null ;
// Adjust programatically sent queries to look like they were input by user
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// when delimiters are enabled
var newQuery = ( this . delimChar ) ? this . _elTextbox . value + sQuery : sQuery ;
this . _sendQuery ( newQuery ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Collapses container .
* @ method collapseContainer
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . collapseContainer = function ( ) {
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles subset matching for when queryMatchSubset is enabled .
* @ method getSubsetMatches
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string .
* @ return { Object } oParsedResponse or null .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getSubsetMatches = function ( sQuery ) {
var subQuery , oCachedResponse , subRequest ;
// Loop through substrings of each cached element's query property...
for ( var i = sQuery . length ; i >= this . minQueryLength ; i -- ) {
subRequest = this . generateRequest ( sQuery . substr ( 0 , i ) ) ;
this . dataRequestEvent . fire ( this , subQuery , subRequest ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Searching for query subset \"" + subQuery + "\" in cache" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
// If a substring of the query is found in the cache
oCachedResponse = this . dataSource . getCachedResponse ( subRequest ) ;
if ( oCachedResponse ) {
YAHOO . log ( "Found match for query subset \"" + subQuery + "\": " + YAHOO . lang . dump ( oCachedResponse ) , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return this . filterResults . apply ( this . dataSource , [ sQuery , oCachedResponse , oCachedResponse , { scope : this } ] ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Did not find subset match for query subset \"" + sQuery + "\"" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Executed by DataSource ( within DataSource scope via doBeforeParseData ( ) ) to
* handle responseStripAfter cleanup .
* @ method preparseRawResponse
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string .
* @ return { Object } oParsedResponse or null .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . preparseRawResponse = function ( oRequest , oFullResponse , oCallback ) {
var nEnd = ( ( this . responseStripAfter !== "" ) && ( oFullResponse . indexOf ) ) ?
oFullResponse . indexOf ( this . responseStripAfter ) : - 1 ;
if ( nEnd != - 1 ) {
oFullResponse = oFullResponse . substring ( 0 , nEnd ) ;
return oFullResponse ;
} ;
/ * *
* Executed by DataSource ( within DataSource scope via doBeforeCallback ( ) ) to
* filter results through a simple client - side matching algorithm .
* @ method filterResults
* @ param sQuery { String } Original request .
* @ param oFullResponse { Object } Full response object .
* @ param oParsedResponse { Object } Parsed response object .
* @ param oCallback { Object } Callback object .
* @ return { Object } Filtered response object .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . filterResults = function ( sQuery , oFullResponse , oParsedResponse , oCallback ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
// If AC has passed a query string value back to itself, grab it
if ( oCallback && oCallback . argument && oCallback . argument . query ) {
sQuery = oCallback . argument . query ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Only if a query string is available to match against
if ( sQuery && sQuery !== "" ) {
// First make a copy of the oParseResponse
oParsedResponse = YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _cloneObject ( oParsedResponse ) ;
var oAC = oCallback . scope ,
oDS = this ,
allResults = oParsedResponse . results , // the array of results
filteredResults = [ ] , // container for filtered results
bMatchFound = false ,
bMatchCase = ( oDS . queryMatchCase || oAC . queryMatchCase ) , // backward compat
bMatchContains = ( oDS . queryMatchContains || oAC . queryMatchContains ) ; // backward compat
// Loop through each result object...
for ( var i = allResults . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var oResult = allResults [ i ] ;
// Grab the data to match against from the result object...
var sResult = null ;
// Result object is a simple string already
if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( oResult ) ) {
sResult = oResult ;
// Result object is an array of strings
else if ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( oResult ) ) {
sResult = oResult [ 0 ] ;
// Result object is an object literal of strings
else if ( this . responseSchema . fields ) {
var key = this . responseSchema . fields [ 0 ] . key || this . responseSchema . fields [ 0 ] ;
sResult = oResult [ key ] ;
// Backwards compatibility
else if ( this . key ) {
sResult = oResult [ this . key ] ;
if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( sResult ) ) {
var sKeyIndex = ( bMatchCase ) ?
sResult . indexOf ( decodeURIComponent ( sQuery ) ) :
sResult . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( decodeURIComponent ( sQuery ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
// A STARTSWITH match is when the query is found at the beginning of the key string...
if ( ( ! bMatchContains && ( sKeyIndex === 0 ) ) ||
// A CONTAINS match is when the query is found anywhere within the key string...
( bMatchContains && ( sKeyIndex > - 1 ) ) ) {
// Stash the match
filteredResults . unshift ( oResult ) ;
oParsedResponse . results = filteredResults ;
YAHOO . log ( "Filtered " + filteredResults . length + " results against query \"" + sQuery + "\": " + YAHOO . lang . dump ( filteredResults ) , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Did not filter results against query" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return oParsedResponse ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles response for display . This is the callback function method passed to
* YAHOO . util . DataSourceBase # sendRequest so results from the DataSource are
* returned to the AutoComplete instance .
* @ method handleResponse
* @ param sQuery { String } Original request .
* @ param oResponse { Object } Response object .
* @ param oPayload { MIXED } ( optional ) Additional argument ( s )
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . handleResponse = function ( sQuery , oResponse , oPayload ) {
if ( ( this instanceof YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete ) && this . _sName ) {
this . _populateList ( sQuery , oResponse , oPayload ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Overridable method called before container is loaded with result data .
* @ method doBeforeLoadData
* @ param sQuery { String } Original request .
* @ param oResponse { Object } Response object .
* @ param oPayload { MIXED } ( optional ) Additional argument ( s )
* @ return { Boolean } Return true to continue loading data , false to cancel .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . doBeforeLoadData = function ( sQuery , oResponse , oPayload ) {
return true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Overridable method that returns HTML markup for one result to be populated
* as innerHTML of an & lt ; LI & gt ; element .
* @ method formatResult
* @ param oResultData { Object } Result data object .
* @ param sQuery { String } The corresponding query string .
* @ param sResultMatch { HTMLElement } The current query string .
* @ return { String } HTML markup of formatted result data .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . formatResult = function ( oResultData , sQuery , sResultMatch ) {
var sMarkup = ( sResultMatch ) ? sResultMatch : "" ;
return sMarkup ;
} ;
/ * *
* Overridable method called before container expands allows implementers to access data
* and DOM elements .
* @ method doBeforeExpandContainer
* @ param elTextbox { HTMLElement } The text input box .
* @ param elContainer { HTMLElement } The container element .
* @ param sQuery { String } The query string .
* @ param aResults { Object [ ] } An array of query results .
* @ return { Boolean } Return true to continue expanding container , false to cancel the expand .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . doBeforeExpandContainer = function ( elTextbox , elContainer , sQuery , aResults ) {
return true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Nulls out the entire AutoComplete instance and related objects , removes attached
* event listeners , and clears out DOM elements inside the container . After
* calling this method , the instance reference should be expliclitly nulled by
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* implementer , as in myAutoComplete = null . Use with caution !
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* @ method destroy
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . destroy = function ( ) {
var instanceName = this . toString ( ) ;
var elInput = this . _elTextbox ;
var elContainer = this . _elContainer ;
// Unhook custom events
this . textboxFocusEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . textboxKeyEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . dataRequestEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . dataReturnEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . dataErrorEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . containerPopulateEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . containerExpandEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . typeAheadEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . itemMouseOverEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . itemMouseOutEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . itemArrowToEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . itemArrowFromEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . itemSelectEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . unmatchedItemSelectEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . selectionEnforceEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . containerCollapseEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . textboxBlurEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
this . textboxChangeEvent . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
// Unhook DOM events
YAHOO . util . Event . purgeElement ( elInput , true ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . purgeElement ( elContainer , true ) ;
// Remove DOM elements
elContainer . innerHTML = "" ;
// Null out objects
for ( var key in this ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . hasOwnProperty ( this , key ) ) {
this [ key ] = null ;
YAHOO . log ( "AutoComplete instance destroyed: " + instanceName ) ;
} ;
// Public events
/ * *
* Fired when the input field receives focus .
* @ event textboxFocusEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . textboxFocusEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the input field receives key input .
* @ event textboxKeyEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param nKeycode { Number } The keycode number .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . textboxKeyEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the AutoComplete instance makes a request to the DataSource .
* @ event dataRequestEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param sQuery { String } The query string .
* @ param oRequest { Object } The request .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . dataRequestEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the AutoComplete instance receives query results from the data
* source .
* @ event dataReturnEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param sQuery { String } The query string .
* @ param aResults { Object [ ] } Results array .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . dataReturnEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the AutoComplete instance does not receive query results from the
* DataSource due to an error .
* @ event dataErrorEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param sQuery { String } The query string .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . dataErrorEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the results container is populated .
* @ event containerPopulateEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . containerPopulateEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the results container is expanded .
* @ event containerExpandEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . containerExpandEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the input field has been prefilled by the type - ahead
* feature .
* @ event typeAheadEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param sQuery { String } The query string .
* @ param sPrefill { String } The prefill string .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . typeAheadEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when result item has been moused over .
* @ event itemMouseOverEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param elItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt element item moused to .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . itemMouseOverEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when result item has been moused out .
* @ event itemMouseOutEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param elItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item moused from .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . itemMouseOutEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when result item has been arrowed to .
* @ event itemArrowToEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param elItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item arrowed to .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . itemArrowToEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when result item has been arrowed away from .
* @ event itemArrowFromEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param elItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item arrowed from .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . itemArrowFromEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when an item is selected via mouse click , ENTER key , or TAB key .
* @ event itemSelectEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param elItem { HTMLElement } The selected & lt ; li & gt ; element item .
* @ param oData { Object } The data returned for the item , either as an object ,
* or mapped from the schema into an array .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . itemSelectEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when a user selection does not match any of the displayed result items .
* @ event unmatchedItemSelectEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ param sSelection { String } The selected string .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . unmatchedItemSelectEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired if forceSelection is enabled and the user ' s input has been cleared
* because it did not match one of the returned query results .
* @ event selectionEnforceEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ param sClearedValue { String } The cleared value ( including delimiters if applicable ) .
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . selectionEnforceEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the results container is collapsed .
* @ event containerCollapseEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . containerCollapseEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the input field loses focus .
* @ event textboxBlurEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . textboxBlurEvent = null ;
/ * *
* Fired when the input field value has changed when it loses focus .
* @ event textboxChangeEvent
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . textboxChangeEvent = null ;
// Private member variables
/ * *
* Internal class variable to index multiple AutoComplete instances .
* @ property _nIndex
* @ type Number
* @ default 0
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _nIndex = 0 ;
/ * *
* Name of AutoComplete instance .
* @ property _sName
* @ type String
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sName = null ;
/ * *
* Text input field DOM element .
* @ property _elTextbox
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elTextbox = null ;
/ * *
* Container DOM element .
* @ property _elContainer
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elContainer = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to content element within container element .
* @ property _elContent
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elContent = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to header element within content element .
* @ property _elHeader
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elHeader = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to body element within content element .
* @ property _elBody
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elBody = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to footer element within content element .
* @ property _elFooter
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elFooter = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to shadow element within container element .
* @ property _elShadow
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elShadow = null ;
/ * *
* Reference to iframe element within container element .
* @ property _elIFrame
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elIFrame = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the input field is currently in focus . If query results come back
* but the user has already moved on , do not proceed with auto complete behavior .
* @ property _bFocused
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _bFocused = null ;
/ * *
* Animation instance for container expand / collapse .
* @ property _oAnim
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _oAnim = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the results container is currently open .
* @ property _bContainerOpen
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _bContainerOpen = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the mouse is currently over the results
* container . This is necessary in order to prevent clicks on container items
* from being text input field blur events .
* @ property _bOverContainer
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _bOverContainer = false ;
/ * *
* Internal reference to & lt ; ul & gt ; elements that contains query results within the
* results container .
* @ property _elList
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elList = null ;
/ *
* Array of & lt ; li & gt ; elements references that contain query results within the
* results container .
* @ property _aListItemEls
* @ type HTMLElement [ ]
* @ private
* /
//YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._aListItemEls = null;
/ * *
* Number of & lt ; li & gt ; elements currently displayed in results container .
* @ property _nDisplayedItems
* @ type Number
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _nDisplayedItems = 0 ;
/ *
* Internal count of & lt ; li & gt ; elements displayed and hidden in results container .
* @ property _maxResultsDisplayed
* @ type Number
* @ private
* /
//YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._maxResultsDisplayed = 0;
/ * *
* Current query string
* @ property _sCurQuery
* @ type String
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sCurQuery = null ;
/ * *
* Selections from previous queries ( for saving delimited queries ) .
* @ property _sPastSelections
* @ type String
* @ default ""
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sPastSelections = "" ;
/ * *
* Stores initial input value used to determine if textboxChangeEvent should be fired .
* @ property _sInitInputValue
* @ type String
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sInitInputValue = null ;
/ * *
* Pointer to the currently highlighted & lt ; li & gt ; element in the container .
* @ property _elCurListItem
* @ type HTMLElement
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _elCurListItem = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not an item has been selected since the container was populated
* with results . Reset to false by _populateList , and set to true when item is
* selected .
* @ property _bItemSelected
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _bItemSelected = false ;
/ * *
* Key code of the last key pressed in textbox .
* @ property _nKeyCode
* @ type Number
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _nKeyCode = null ;
/ * *
* Delay timeout ID .
* @ property _nDelayID
* @ type Number
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _nDelayID = - 1 ;
/ * *
* TypeAhead delay timeout ID .
* @ property _nTypeAheadDelayID
* @ type Number
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _nTypeAheadDelayID = - 1 ;
/ * *
* Src to iFrame used when useIFrame = true . Supports implementations over SSL
* as well .
* @ property _iFrameSrc
* @ type String
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _iFrameSrc = "javascript:false;" ;
/ * *
* For users typing via certain IMEs , queries must be triggered by intervals ,
* since key events yet supported across all browsers for all IMEs .
* @ property _queryInterval
* @ type Object
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _queryInterval = null ;
/ * *
* Internal tracker to last known textbox value , used to determine whether or not
* to trigger a query via interval for certain IME users .
* @ event _sLastTextboxValue
* @ type String
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sLastTextboxValue = null ;
// Private methods
/ * *
* Updates and validates latest public config properties .
* @ method _ _initProps
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _initProps = function ( ) {
// Correct any invalid values
var minQueryLength = this . minQueryLength ;
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( minQueryLength ) ) {
this . minQueryLength = 1 ;
var maxResultsDisplayed = this . maxResultsDisplayed ;
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( maxResultsDisplayed ) || ( maxResultsDisplayed < 1 ) ) {
this . maxResultsDisplayed = 10 ;
var queryDelay = this . queryDelay ;
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( queryDelay ) || ( queryDelay < 0 ) ) {
this . queryDelay = 0.2 ;
var typeAheadDelay = this . typeAheadDelay ;
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( typeAheadDelay ) || ( typeAheadDelay < 0 ) ) {
this . typeAheadDelay = 0.2 ;
var delimChar = this . delimChar ;
if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( delimChar ) && ( delimChar . length > 0 ) ) {
this . delimChar = [ delimChar ] ;
else if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isArray ( delimChar ) ) {
this . delimChar = null ;
var animSpeed = this . animSpeed ;
if ( ( this . animHoriz || this . animVert ) && YAHOO . util . Anim ) {
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isNumber ( animSpeed ) || ( animSpeed < 0 ) ) {
this . animSpeed = 0.3 ;
if ( ! this . _oAnim ) {
this . _oAnim = new YAHOO . util . Anim ( this . _elContent , { } , this . animSpeed ) ;
else {
this . _oAnim . duration = this . animSpeed ;
if ( this . forceSelection && delimChar ) {
YAHOO . log ( "The forceSelection feature has been enabled with delimChar defined." , "warn" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Initializes the results container helpers if they are enabled and do
* not exist
* @ method _initContainerHelperEls
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _initContainerHelperEls = function ( ) {
if ( this . useShadow && ! this . _elShadow ) {
var elShadow = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elShadow . className = "yui-ac-shadow" ;
elShadow . style . width = 0 ;
elShadow . style . height = 0 ;
this . _elShadow = this . _elContainer . appendChild ( elShadow ) ;
if ( this . useIFrame && ! this . _elIFrame ) {
var elIFrame = document . createElement ( "iframe" ) ;
elIFrame . src = this . _iFrameSrc ;
elIFrame . frameBorder = 0 ;
elIFrame . scrolling = "no" ;
elIFrame . style . position = "absolute" ;
elIFrame . style . width = 0 ;
elIFrame . style . height = 0 ;
elIFrame . tabIndex = - 1 ;
elIFrame . style . padding = 0 ;
this . _elIFrame = this . _elContainer . appendChild ( elIFrame ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Initializes the results container once at object creation
* @ method _initContainerEl
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _initContainerEl = function ( ) {
YAHOO . util . Dom . addClass ( this . _elContainer , "yui-ac-container" ) ;
if ( ! this . _elContent ) {
// The elContent div is assigned DOM listeners and
// helps size the iframe and shadow properly
var elContent = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elContent . className = "yui-ac-content" ;
elContent . style . display = "none" ;
this . _elContent = this . _elContainer . appendChild ( elContent ) ;
var elHeader = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elHeader . className = "yui-ac-hd" ;
elHeader . style . display = "none" ;
this . _elHeader = this . _elContent . appendChild ( elHeader ) ;
var elBody = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elBody . className = "yui-ac-bd" ;
this . _elBody = this . _elContent . appendChild ( elBody ) ;
var elFooter = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elFooter . className = "yui-ac-ft" ;
elFooter . style . display = "none" ;
this . _elFooter = this . _elContent . appendChild ( elFooter ) ;
else {
YAHOO . log ( "Could not initialize the container" , "warn" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Clears out contents of container body and creates up to
* YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete # maxResultsDisplayed & lt ; li & gt ; elements in an
* & lt ; ul & gt ; element .
* @ method _initListEl
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _initListEl = function ( ) {
var nListLength = this . maxResultsDisplayed ;
var elList = this . _elList || document . createElement ( "ul" ) ;
var elListItem ;
while ( elList . childNodes . length < nListLength ) {
elListItem = document . createElement ( "li" ) ;
elListItem . style . display = "none" ;
elListItem . _nItemIndex = elList . childNodes . length ;
elList . appendChild ( elListItem ) ;
if ( ! this . _elList ) {
var elBody = this . _elBody ;
YAHOO . util . Event . purgeElement ( elBody , true ) ;
elBody . innerHTML = "" ;
this . _elList = elBody . appendChild ( elList ) ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
/ * *
* Focuses input field .
* @ method _focus
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _focus = function ( ) {
// http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/index.php?title=Key-navigable_custom_DHTML_widgets
var oSelf = this ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
try {
oSelf . _elTextbox . focus ( ) ;
catch ( e ) {
} , 0 ) ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
/ * *
* Enables interval detection for IME support .
* @ method _enableIntervalDetection
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _enableIntervalDetection = function ( ) {
var oSelf = this ;
if ( ! oSelf . _queryInterval && oSelf . queryInterval ) {
oSelf . _queryInterval = setInterval ( function ( ) { oSelf . _onInterval ( ) ; } , oSelf . queryInterval ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Interval set" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Enables query triggers based on text input detection by intervals ( rather
* than by key events ) .
* @ method _onInterval
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onInterval = function ( ) {
var currValue = this . _elTextbox . value ;
var lastValue = this . _sLastTextboxValue ;
if ( currValue != lastValue ) {
this . _sLastTextboxValue = currValue ;
this . _sendQuery ( currValue ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Cancels text input detection by intervals .
* @ method _clearInterval
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _clearInterval = function ( ) {
if ( this . _queryInterval ) {
clearInterval ( this . _queryInterval ) ;
this . _queryInterval = null ;
YAHOO . log ( "Interval cleared" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Whether or not key is functional or should be ignored . Note that the right
* arrow key is NOT an ignored key since it triggers queries for certain intl
* charsets .
* @ method _isIgnoreKey
* @ param nKeycode { Number } Code of key pressed .
* @ return { Boolean } True if key should be ignored , false otherwise .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _isIgnoreKey = function ( nKeyCode ) {
if ( ( nKeyCode == 9 ) || ( nKeyCode == 13 ) || // tab, enter
( nKeyCode == 16 ) || ( nKeyCode == 17 ) || // shift, ctl
( nKeyCode >= 18 && nKeyCode <= 20 ) || // alt, pause/break,caps lock
( nKeyCode == 27 ) || // esc
( nKeyCode >= 33 && nKeyCode <= 35 ) || // page up,page down,end
/*(nKeyCode >= 36 && nKeyCode <= 38) || / / home , left , up
( nKeyCode == 40 ) || // down*/
( nKeyCode >= 36 && nKeyCode <= 40 ) || // home,left,up, right, down
( nKeyCode >= 44 && nKeyCode <= 45 ) || // print screen,insert
( nKeyCode == 229 ) // Bug 2041973: Korean XP fires 2 keyup events, the key and 229
) {
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Makes query request to the DataSource .
* @ method _sendQuery
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _sendQuery = function ( sQuery ) {
// Widget has been effectively turned off
if ( this . minQueryLength < 0 ) {
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Property minQueryLength is less than 0" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Delimiter has been enabled
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
if ( this . delimChar ) {
var extraction = this . _extractQuery ( sQuery ) ;
// Here is the query itself
sQuery = extraction . query ;
// ...and save the rest of the string for later
this . _sPastSelections = extraction . previous ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Don't search queries that are too short
if ( ( sQuery && ( sQuery . length < this . minQueryLength ) ) || ( ! sQuery && this . minQueryLength > 0 ) ) {
if ( this . _nDelayID != - 1 ) {
clearTimeout ( this . _nDelayID ) ;
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Query \"" + sQuery + "\" is too short" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
sQuery = encodeURIComponent ( sQuery ) ;
this . _nDelayID = - 1 ; // Reset timeout ID because request is being made
// Subset matching
if ( this . dataSource . queryMatchSubset || this . queryMatchSubset ) { // backward compat
var oResponse = this . getSubsetMatches ( sQuery ) ;
if ( oResponse ) {
this . handleResponse ( sQuery , oResponse , { query : sQuery } ) ;
return ;
if ( this . responseStripAfter ) {
this . dataSource . doBeforeParseData = this . preparseRawResponse ;
if ( this . applyLocalFilter ) {
this . dataSource . doBeforeCallback = this . filterResults ;
var sRequest = this . generateRequest ( sQuery ) ;
this . dataRequestEvent . fire ( this , sQuery , sRequest ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Sending query \"" + sRequest + "\"" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
this . dataSource . sendRequest ( sRequest , {
success : this . handleResponse ,
failure : this . handleResponse ,
scope : this ,
argument : {
query : sQuery
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Populates the array of & lt ; li & gt ; elements in the container with query
* results .
* @ method _populateList
* @ param sQuery { String } Original request .
* @ param oResponse { Object } Response object .
* @ param oPayload { MIXED } ( optional ) Additional argument ( s )
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _populateList = function ( sQuery , oResponse , oPayload ) {
// Clear previous timeout
if ( this . _nTypeAheadDelayID != - 1 ) {
clearTimeout ( this . _nTypeAheadDelayID ) ;
sQuery = ( oPayload && oPayload . query ) ? oPayload . query : sQuery ;
// Pass data through abstract method for any transformations
var ok = this . doBeforeLoadData ( sQuery , oResponse , oPayload ) ;
// Data is ok
if ( ok && ! oResponse . error ) {
this . dataReturnEvent . fire ( this , sQuery , oResponse . results ) ;
// Continue only if instance is still focused (i.e., user hasn't already moved on)
// Null indicates initialized state, which is ok too
if ( this . _bFocused || ( this . _bFocused === null ) ) {
//TODO: is this still necessary?
/ * v a r i s O p e r a = ( Y A H O O . e n v . u a . o p e r a ) ;
var contentStyle = this . _elContent . style ;
contentStyle . width = ( ! isOpera ) ? null : "" ;
contentStyle . height = ( ! isOpera ) ? null : "" ; * /
// Store state for this interaction
var sCurQuery = decodeURIComponent ( sQuery ) ;
this . _sCurQuery = sCurQuery ;
this . _bItemSelected = false ;
var allResults = oResponse . results ,
nItemsToShow = Math . min ( allResults . length , this . maxResultsDisplayed ) ,
sMatchKey = ( this . dataSource . responseSchema . fields ) ?
( this . dataSource . responseSchema . fields [ 0 ] . key || this . dataSource . responseSchema . fields [ 0 ] ) : 0 ;
if ( nItemsToShow > 0 ) {
// Make sure container and helpers are ready to go
if ( ! this . _elList || ( this . _elList . childNodes . length < nItemsToShow ) ) {
this . _initListEl ( ) ;
this . _initContainerHelperEls ( ) ;
var allListItemEls = this . _elList . childNodes ;
// Fill items with data from the bottom up
for ( var i = nItemsToShow - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var elListItem = allListItemEls [ i ] ,
oResult = allResults [ i ] ;
// Backward compatibility
if ( this . resultTypeList ) {
// Results need to be converted back to an array
var aResult = [ ] ;
// Match key is first
aResult [ 0 ] = ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( oResult ) ) ? oResult : oResult [ sMatchKey ] || oResult [ this . key ] ;
// Add additional data to the result array
var fields = this . dataSource . responseSchema . fields ;
if ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( fields ) && ( fields . length > 1 ) ) {
for ( var k = 1 , len = fields . length ; k < len ; k ++ ) {
aResult [ aResult . length ] = oResult [ fields [ k ] . key || fields [ k ] ] ;
// No specific fields defined, so pass along entire data object
else {
// Already an array
if ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( oResult ) ) {
aResult = oResult ;
// Simple string
else if ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( oResult ) ) {
aResult = [ oResult ] ;
// Object
else {
aResult [ 1 ] = oResult ;
oResult = aResult ;
// The matching value, including backward compatibility for array format and safety net
elListItem . _sResultMatch = ( YAHOO . lang . isString ( oResult ) ) ? oResult : ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( oResult ) ) ? oResult [ 0 ] : ( oResult [ sMatchKey ] || "" ) ;
elListItem . _oResultData = oResult ; // Additional data
elListItem . innerHTML = this . formatResult ( oResult , sCurQuery , elListItem . _sResultMatch ) ;
elListItem . style . display = "" ;
// Clear out extraneous items
if ( nItemsToShow < allListItemEls . length ) {
var extraListItem ;
for ( var j = allListItemEls . length - 1 ; j >= nItemsToShow ; j -- ) {
extraListItem = allListItemEls [ j ] ;
extraListItem . style . display = "none" ;
this . _nDisplayedItems = nItemsToShow ;
this . containerPopulateEvent . fire ( this , sQuery , allResults ) ;
// Highlight the first item
if ( this . autoHighlight ) {
var elFirstListItem = this . _elList . firstChild ;
this . _toggleHighlight ( elFirstListItem , "to" ) ;
this . itemArrowToEvent . fire ( this , elFirstListItem ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Arrowed to first item" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
this . _typeAhead ( elFirstListItem , sQuery ) ;
// Unhighlight any previous time
else {
this . _toggleHighlight ( this . _elCurListItem , "from" ) ;
// Expand the container
ok = this . doBeforeExpandContainer ( this . _elTextbox , this . _elContainer , sQuery , allResults ) ;
this . _toggleContainer ( ok ) ;
else {
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Container populated with " + nItemsToShow + " list items" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Error
else {
this . dataErrorEvent . fire ( this , sQuery ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Could not populate list" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* When forceSelection is true and the user attempts
* leave the text input box without selecting an item from the query results ,
* the user selection is cleared .
* @ method _clearSelection
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _clearSelection = function ( ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
var extraction = ( this . delimChar ) ? this . _extractQuery ( this . _elTextbox . value ) :
{ previous : "" , query : this . _elTextbox . value } ;
this . _elTextbox . value = extraction . previous ;
this . selectionEnforceEvent . fire ( this , extraction . query ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
YAHOO . log ( "Selection enforced" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Whether or not user - typed value in the text input box matches any of the
* query results .
* @ method _textMatchesOption
* @ return { HTMLElement } Matching list item element if user - input text matches
* a result , null otherwise .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _textMatchesOption = function ( ) {
var elMatch = null ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _nDisplayedItems ; i ++ ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
var elListItem = this . _elList . childNodes [ i ] ;
var sMatch = ( "" + elListItem . _sResultMatch ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( sMatch == this . _sCurQuery . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
elMatch = elListItem ;
break ;
return ( elMatch ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Updates in the text input box with the first query result as the user types ,
* selecting the substring that the user has not typed .
* @ method _typeAhead
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item whose data populates the input field .
* @ param sQuery { String } Query string .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _typeAhead = function ( elListItem , sQuery ) {
// Don't typeAhead if turned off or is backspace
if ( ! this . typeAhead || ( this . _nKeyCode == 8 ) ) {
return ;
var oSelf = this ,
elTextbox = this . _elTextbox ;
// Only if text selection is supported
if ( elTextbox . setSelectionRange || elTextbox . createTextRange ) {
// Set and store timeout for this typeahead
this . _nTypeAheadDelayID = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
// Select the portion of text that the user has not typed
var nStart = elTextbox . value . length ; // any saved queries plus what user has typed
oSelf . _updateValue ( elListItem ) ;
var nEnd = elTextbox . value . length ;
oSelf . _selectText ( elTextbox , nStart , nEnd ) ;
var sPrefill = elTextbox . value . substr ( nStart , nEnd ) ;
oSelf . typeAheadEvent . fire ( oSelf , sQuery , sPrefill ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Typeahead occured with prefill string \"" + sPrefill + "\"" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
} , ( this . typeAheadDelay * 1000 ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Selects text in the input field .
* @ method _selectText
* @ param elTextbox { HTMLElement } Text input box element in which to select text .
* @ param nStart { Number } Starting index of text string to select .
* @ param nEnd { Number } Ending index of text selection .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _selectText = function ( elTextbox , nStart , nEnd ) {
if ( elTextbox . setSelectionRange ) { // For Mozilla
elTextbox . setSelectionRange ( nStart , nEnd ) ;
else if ( elTextbox . createTextRange ) { // For IE
var oTextRange = elTextbox . createTextRange ( ) ;
oTextRange . moveStart ( "character" , nStart ) ;
oTextRange . moveEnd ( "character" , nEnd - elTextbox . value . length ) ;
oTextRange . select ( ) ;
else {
elTextbox . select ( ) ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
/ * *
* Extracts rightmost query from delimited string .
* @ method _extractQuery
* @ param sQuery { String } String to parse
* @ return { Object } Object literal containing properties "query" and "previous" .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _extractQuery = function ( sQuery ) {
var aDelimChar = this . delimChar ,
nDelimIndex = - 1 ,
nNewIndex , nQueryStart ,
i = aDelimChar . length - 1 ,
sPrevious ;
// Loop through all possible delimiters and find the rightmost one in the query
// A " " may be a false positive if they are defined as delimiters AND
// are used to separate delimited queries
for ( ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
nNewIndex = sQuery . lastIndexOf ( aDelimChar [ i ] ) ;
if ( nNewIndex > nDelimIndex ) {
nDelimIndex = nNewIndex ;
// If we think the last delimiter is a space (" "), make sure it is NOT
// a false positive by also checking the char directly before it
if ( aDelimChar [ i ] == " " ) {
for ( var j = aDelimChar . length - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- ) {
if ( sQuery [ nDelimIndex - 1 ] == aDelimChar [ j ] ) {
nDelimIndex -- ;
break ;
// A delimiter has been found in the query so extract the latest query from past selections
if ( nDelimIndex > - 1 ) {
nQueryStart = nDelimIndex + 1 ;
// Trim any white space from the beginning...
while ( sQuery . charAt ( nQueryStart ) == " " ) {
nQueryStart += 1 ;
// ...and save the rest of the string for later
sPrevious = sQuery . substring ( 0 , nQueryStart ) ;
// Here is the query itself
sQuery = sQuery . substr ( nQueryStart ) ;
// No delimiter found in the query, so there are no selections from past queries
else {
sPrevious = "" ;
return {
previous : sPrevious ,
query : sQuery
} ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
/ * *
* Syncs results container with its helpers .
* @ method _toggleContainerHelpers
* @ param bShow { Boolean } True if container is expanded , false if collapsed
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _toggleContainerHelpers = function ( bShow ) {
var width = this . _elContent . offsetWidth + "px" ;
var height = this . _elContent . offsetHeight + "px" ;
if ( this . useIFrame && this . _elIFrame ) {
var elIFrame = this . _elIFrame ;
if ( bShow ) {
elIFrame . style . width = width ;
elIFrame . style . height = height ;
elIFrame . style . padding = "" ;
YAHOO . log ( "Iframe expanded" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
elIFrame . style . width = 0 ;
elIFrame . style . height = 0 ;
elIFrame . style . padding = 0 ;
YAHOO . log ( "Iframe collapsed" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( this . useShadow && this . _elShadow ) {
var elShadow = this . _elShadow ;
if ( bShow ) {
elShadow . style . width = width ;
elShadow . style . height = height ;
YAHOO . log ( "Shadow expanded" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
elShadow . style . width = 0 ;
elShadow . style . height = 0 ;
YAHOO . log ( "Shadow collapsed" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Animates expansion or collapse of the container .
* @ method _toggleContainer
* @ param bShow { Boolean } True if container should be expanded , false if container should be collapsed
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _toggleContainer = function ( bShow ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
YAHOO . log ( "Toggling container " + ( ( bShow ) ? "open" : "closed" ) , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
var elContainer = this . _elContainer ;
// If implementer has container always open and it's already open, don't mess with it
// Container is initialized with display "none" so it may need to be shown first time through
if ( this . alwaysShowContainer && this . _bContainerOpen ) {
return ;
// Reset states
if ( ! bShow ) {
this . _toggleHighlight ( this . _elCurListItem , "from" ) ;
this . _nDisplayedItems = 0 ;
this . _sCurQuery = null ;
// Container is already closed, so don't bother with changing the UI
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
if ( this . _elContent . style . display == "none" ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
return ;
// If animation is enabled...
var oAnim = this . _oAnim ;
if ( oAnim && oAnim . getEl ( ) && ( this . animHoriz || this . animVert ) ) {
if ( oAnim . isAnimated ( ) ) {
oAnim . stop ( true ) ;
// Clone container to grab current size offscreen
var oClone = this . _elContent . cloneNode ( true ) ;
elContainer . appendChild ( oClone ) ;
oClone . style . top = "-9000px" ;
oClone . style . width = "" ;
oClone . style . height = "" ;
oClone . style . display = "" ;
// Current size of the container is the EXPANDED size
var wExp = oClone . offsetWidth ;
var hExp = oClone . offsetHeight ;
// Calculate COLLAPSED sizes based on horiz and vert anim
var wColl = ( this . animHoriz ) ? 0 : wExp ;
var hColl = ( this . animVert ) ? 0 : hExp ;
// Set animation sizes
oAnim . attributes = ( bShow ) ?
{ width : { to : wExp } , height : { to : hExp } } :
{ width : { to : wColl } , height : { to : hColl } } ;
// If opening anew, set to a collapsed size...
if ( bShow && ! this . _bContainerOpen ) {
this . _elContent . style . width = wColl + "px" ;
this . _elContent . style . height = hColl + "px" ;
// Else, set it to its last known size.
else {
this . _elContent . style . width = wExp + "px" ;
this . _elContent . style . height = hExp + "px" ;
elContainer . removeChild ( oClone ) ;
oClone = null ;
var oSelf = this ;
var onAnimComplete = function ( ) {
// Finish the collapse
oAnim . onComplete . unsubscribeAll ( ) ;
if ( bShow ) {
oSelf . _toggleContainerHelpers ( true ) ;
oSelf . _bContainerOpen = bShow ;
oSelf . containerExpandEvent . fire ( oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Container expanded" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
oSelf . _elContent . style . display = "none" ;
oSelf . _bContainerOpen = bShow ;
oSelf . containerCollapseEvent . fire ( oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Container collapsed" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
// Display container and animate it
this . _toggleContainerHelpers ( false ) ; // Bug 1424486: Be early to hide, late to show;
this . _elContent . style . display = "" ;
oAnim . onComplete . subscribe ( onAnimComplete ) ;
oAnim . animate ( ) ;
// Else don't animate, just show or hide
else {
if ( bShow ) {
this . _elContent . style . display = "" ;
this . _toggleContainerHelpers ( true ) ;
this . _bContainerOpen = bShow ;
this . containerExpandEvent . fire ( this ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Container expanded" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
else {
this . _toggleContainerHelpers ( false ) ;
this . _elContent . style . display = "none" ;
this . _bContainerOpen = bShow ;
this . containerCollapseEvent . fire ( this ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Container collapsed" , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Toggles the highlight on or off for an item in the container , and also cleans
* up highlighting of any previous item .
* @ method _toggleHighlight
* @ param elNewListItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item to receive highlight behavior .
* @ param sType { String } Type "mouseover" will toggle highlight on , and "mouseout" will toggle highlight off .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _toggleHighlight = function ( elNewListItem , sType ) {
if ( elNewListItem ) {
var sHighlight = this . highlightClassName ;
if ( this . _elCurListItem ) {
// Remove highlight from old item
YAHOO . util . Dom . removeClass ( this . _elCurListItem , sHighlight ) ;
this . _elCurListItem = null ;
if ( ( sType == "to" ) && sHighlight ) {
// Apply highlight to new item
YAHOO . util . Dom . addClass ( elNewListItem , sHighlight ) ;
this . _elCurListItem = elNewListItem ;
} ;
/ * *
* Toggles the pre - highlight on or off for an item in the container .
* @ method _togglePrehighlight
* @ param elNewListItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item to receive highlight behavior .
* @ param sType { String } Type "mouseover" will toggle highlight on , and "mouseout" will toggle highlight off .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _togglePrehighlight = function ( elNewListItem , sType ) {
if ( elNewListItem == this . _elCurListItem ) {
return ;
var sPrehighlight = this . prehighlightClassName ;
if ( ( sType == "mouseover" ) && sPrehighlight ) {
// Apply prehighlight to new item
YAHOO . util . Dom . addClass ( elNewListItem , sPrehighlight ) ;
else {
// Remove prehighlight from old item
YAHOO . util . Dom . removeClass ( elNewListItem , sPrehighlight ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Updates the text input box value with selected query result . If a delimiter
* has been defined , then the value gets appended with the delimiter .
* @ method _updateValue
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } The & lt ; li & gt ; element item with which to update the value .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _updateValue = function ( elListItem ) {
if ( ! this . suppressInputUpdate ) {
var elTextbox = this . _elTextbox ;
var sDelimChar = ( this . delimChar ) ? ( this . delimChar [ 0 ] || this . delimChar ) : null ;
var sResultMatch = elListItem . _sResultMatch ;
// Calculate the new value
var sNewValue = "" ;
if ( sDelimChar ) {
// Preserve selections from past queries
sNewValue = this . _sPastSelections ;
// Add new selection plus delimiter
sNewValue += sResultMatch + sDelimChar ;
if ( sDelimChar != " " ) {
sNewValue += " " ;
else {
sNewValue = sResultMatch ;
// Update input field
elTextbox . value = sNewValue ;
// Scroll to bottom of textarea if necessary
if ( elTextbox . type == "textarea" ) {
elTextbox . scrollTop = elTextbox . scrollHeight ;
// Move cursor to end
var end = elTextbox . value . length ;
this . _selectText ( elTextbox , end , end ) ;
this . _elCurListItem = elListItem ;
} ;
/ * *
* Selects a result item from the container
* @ method _selectItem
* @ param elListItem { HTMLElement } The selected & lt ; li & gt ; element item .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _selectItem = function ( elListItem ) {
this . _bItemSelected = true ;
this . _updateValue ( elListItem ) ;
this . _sPastSelections = this . _elTextbox . value ;
this . _clearInterval ( ) ;
this . itemSelectEvent . fire ( this , elListItem , elListItem . _oResultData ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Item selected: " + YAHOO . lang . dump ( elListItem . _oResultData ) , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* If an item is highlighted in the container , the right arrow key jumps to the
* end of the textbox and selects the highlighted item , otherwise the container
* is closed .
* @ method _jumpSelection
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _jumpSelection = function ( ) {
if ( this . _elCurListItem ) {
this . _selectItem ( this . _elCurListItem ) ;
else {
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Triggered by up and down arrow keys , changes the current highlighted
* & lt ; li & gt ; element item . Scrolls container if necessary .
* @ method _moveSelection
* @ param nKeyCode { Number } Code of key pressed .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _moveSelection = function ( nKeyCode ) {
if ( this . _bContainerOpen ) {
// Determine current item's id number
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
var elCurListItem = this . _elCurListItem ,
nCurItemIndex = - 1 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
if ( elCurListItem ) {
nCurItemIndex = elCurListItem . _nItemIndex ;
var nNewItemIndex = ( nKeyCode == 40 ) ?
( nCurItemIndex + 1 ) : ( nCurItemIndex - 1 ) ;
// Out of bounds
if ( nNewItemIndex < - 2 || nNewItemIndex >= this . _nDisplayedItems ) {
return ;
if ( elCurListItem ) {
// Unhighlight current item
this . _toggleHighlight ( elCurListItem , "from" ) ;
this . itemArrowFromEvent . fire ( this , elCurListItem ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Item arrowed from: " + elCurListItem . _nItemIndex , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( nNewItemIndex == - 1 ) {
// Go back to query (remove type-ahead string)
if ( this . delimChar ) {
this . _elTextbox . value = this . _sPastSelections + this . _sCurQuery ;
else {
this . _elTextbox . value = this . _sCurQuery ;
return ;
if ( nNewItemIndex == - 2 ) {
// Close container
this . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
return ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
var elNewListItem = this . _elList . childNodes [ nNewItemIndex ] ,
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Scroll the container if necessary
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
elContent = this . _elContent ,
sOF = YAHOO . util . Dom . getStyle ( elContent , "overflow" ) ,
sOFY = YAHOO . util . Dom . getStyle ( elContent , "overflowY" ) ,
scrollOn = ( ( sOF == "auto" ) || ( sOF == "scroll" ) || ( sOFY == "auto" ) || ( sOFY == "scroll" ) ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
if ( scrollOn && ( nNewItemIndex > - 1 ) &&
( nNewItemIndex < this . _nDisplayedItems ) ) {
// User is keying down
if ( nKeyCode == 40 ) {
// Bottom of selected item is below scroll area...
if ( ( elNewListItem . offsetTop + elNewListItem . offsetHeight ) > ( elContent . scrollTop + elContent . offsetHeight ) ) {
// Set bottom of scroll area to bottom of selected item
elContent . scrollTop = ( elNewListItem . offsetTop + elNewListItem . offsetHeight ) - elContent . offsetHeight ;
// Bottom of selected item is above scroll area...
else if ( ( elNewListItem . offsetTop + elNewListItem . offsetHeight ) < elContent . scrollTop ) {
// Set top of selected item to top of scroll area
elContent . scrollTop = elNewListItem . offsetTop ;
// User is keying up
else {
// Top of selected item is above scroll area
if ( elNewListItem . offsetTop < elContent . scrollTop ) {
// Set top of scroll area to top of selected item
this . _elContent . scrollTop = elNewListItem . offsetTop ;
// Top of selected item is below scroll area
else if ( elNewListItem . offsetTop > ( elContent . scrollTop + elContent . offsetHeight ) ) {
// Set bottom of selected item to bottom of scroll area
this . _elContent . scrollTop = ( elNewListItem . offsetTop + elNewListItem . offsetHeight ) - elContent . offsetHeight ;
this . _toggleHighlight ( elNewListItem , "to" ) ;
this . itemArrowToEvent . fire ( this , elNewListItem ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Item arrowed to " + elNewListItem . _nItemIndex , "info" , this . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( this . typeAhead ) {
this . _updateValue ( elNewListItem ) ;
} ;
// Private event handlers
/ * *
* Handles container mouseover events .
* @ method _onContainerMouseover
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The mouseover event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onContainerMouseover = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var elTarget = YAHOO . util . Event . getTarget ( v ) ;
var elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
while ( elTarget && ( elTag != "table" ) ) {
switch ( elTag ) {
case "body" :
return ;
case "li" :
if ( oSelf . prehighlightClassName ) {
oSelf . _togglePrehighlight ( elTarget , "mouseover" ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleHighlight ( elTarget , "to" ) ;
oSelf . itemMouseOverEvent . fire ( oSelf , elTarget ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Item moused over " + elTarget . _nItemIndex , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
break ;
case "div" :
if ( YAHOO . util . Dom . hasClass ( elTarget , "yui-ac-container" ) ) {
oSelf . _bOverContainer = true ;
return ;
break ;
default :
break ;
elTarget = elTarget . parentNode ;
if ( elTarget ) {
elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles container mouseout events .
* @ method _onContainerMouseout
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The mouseout event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onContainerMouseout = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var elTarget = YAHOO . util . Event . getTarget ( v ) ;
var elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
while ( elTarget && ( elTag != "table" ) ) {
switch ( elTag ) {
case "body" :
return ;
case "li" :
if ( oSelf . prehighlightClassName ) {
oSelf . _togglePrehighlight ( elTarget , "mouseout" ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleHighlight ( elTarget , "from" ) ;
oSelf . itemMouseOutEvent . fire ( oSelf , elTarget ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Item moused out " + elTarget . _nItemIndex , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
break ;
case "ul" :
oSelf . _toggleHighlight ( oSelf . _elCurListItem , "to" ) ;
break ;
case "div" :
if ( YAHOO . util . Dom . hasClass ( elTarget , "yui-ac-container" ) ) {
oSelf . _bOverContainer = false ;
return ;
break ;
default :
break ;
elTarget = elTarget . parentNode ;
if ( elTarget ) {
elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles container click events .
* @ method _onContainerClick
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The click event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onContainerClick = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var elTarget = YAHOO . util . Event . getTarget ( v ) ;
var elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
while ( elTarget && ( elTag != "table" ) ) {
switch ( elTag ) {
case "body" :
return ;
case "li" :
// In case item has not been moused over
oSelf . _toggleHighlight ( elTarget , "to" ) ;
oSelf . _selectItem ( elTarget ) ;
return ;
default :
break ;
elTarget = elTarget . parentNode ;
if ( elTarget ) {
elTag = elTarget . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles container scroll events .
* @ method _onContainerScroll
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The scroll event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onContainerScroll = function ( v , oSelf ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
oSelf . _focus ( ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
} ;
/ * *
* Handles container resize events .
* @ method _onContainerResize
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The resize event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onContainerResize = function ( v , oSelf ) {
oSelf . _toggleContainerHelpers ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles textbox keydown events of functional keys , mainly for UI behavior .
* @ method _onTextboxKeyDown
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The keydown event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onTextboxKeyDown = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var nKeyCode = v . keyCode ;
// Clear timeout
if ( oSelf . _nTypeAheadDelayID != - 1 ) {
clearTimeout ( oSelf . _nTypeAheadDelayID ) ;
switch ( nKeyCode ) {
case 9 : // tab
if ( ! YAHOO . env . ua . opera && ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "mac" ) == - 1 ) || ( YAHOO . env . ua . webkit > 420 ) ) {
// select an item or clear out
if ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) {
if ( oSelf . delimChar && ( oSelf . _nKeyCode != nKeyCode ) ) {
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
oSelf . _selectItem ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
break ;
case 13 : // enter
if ( ! YAHOO . env . ua . opera && ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "mac" ) == - 1 ) || ( YAHOO . env . ua . webkit > 420 ) ) {
if ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) {
if ( oSelf . _nKeyCode != nKeyCode ) {
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
oSelf . _selectItem ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
break ;
case 27 : // esc
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
return ;
case 39 : // right
oSelf . _jumpSelection ( ) ;
break ;
case 38 : // up
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
oSelf . _moveSelection ( nKeyCode ) ;
break ;
case 40 : // down
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
oSelf . _moveSelection ( nKeyCode ) ;
break ;
default :
oSelf . _bItemSelected = false ;
oSelf . _toggleHighlight ( oSelf . _elCurListItem , "from" ) ;
oSelf . textboxKeyEvent . fire ( oSelf , nKeyCode ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Textbox keyed" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
break ;
if ( nKeyCode === 18 ) {
oSelf . _enableIntervalDetection ( ) ;
oSelf . _nKeyCode = nKeyCode ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles textbox keypress events .
* @ method _onTextboxKeyPress
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The keypress event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onTextboxKeyPress = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var nKeyCode = v . keyCode ;
// Expose only to non SF3 (bug 1978549) Mac browsers (bug 790337) and Opera browsers (bug 583531),
// where stopEvent is ineffective on keydown events
if ( YAHOO . env . ua . opera || ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "mac" ) != - 1 ) && ( YAHOO . env . ua . webkit < 420 ) ) {
switch ( nKeyCode ) {
case 9 : // tab
// select an item or clear out
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
if ( oSelf . delimChar ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
if ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) {
oSelf . _selectItem ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
break ;
case 13 : // enter
if ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . stopEvent ( v ) ;
if ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) {
oSelf . _selectItem ( oSelf . _elCurListItem ) ;
else {
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
//TODO: (?) limit only to non-IE, non-Mac-FF for Korean IME support (bug 811948)
// Korean IME detected
else if ( nKeyCode == 229 ) {
oSelf . _enableIntervalDetection ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles textbox keyup events to trigger queries .
* @ method _onTextboxKeyUp
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The keyup event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onTextboxKeyUp = function ( v , oSelf ) {
var sText = this . value ; //string in textbox
// Check to see if any of the public properties have been updated
oSelf . _initProps ( ) ;
// Filter out chars that don't trigger queries
var nKeyCode = v . keyCode ;
if ( oSelf . _isIgnoreKey ( nKeyCode ) ) {
return ;
// Clear previous timeout
/ * i f ( o S e l f . _ n T y p e A h e a d D e l a y I D ! = - 1 ) {
clearTimeout ( oSelf . _nTypeAheadDelayID ) ;
} * /
if ( oSelf . _nDelayID != - 1 ) {
clearTimeout ( oSelf . _nDelayID ) ;
// Set new timeout
oSelf . _nDelayID = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
oSelf . _sendQuery ( sText ) ;
} , ( oSelf . queryDelay * 1000 ) ) ;
//= nDelayID;
//else {
// No delay so send request immediately
} ;
/ * *
* Handles text input box receiving focus .
* @ method _onTextboxFocus
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The focus event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onTextboxFocus = function ( v , oSelf ) {
// Start of a new interaction
if ( ! oSelf . _bFocused ) {
oSelf . _elTextbox . setAttribute ( "autocomplete" , "off" ) ;
oSelf . _bFocused = true ;
oSelf . _sInitInputValue = oSelf . _elTextbox . value ;
oSelf . textboxFocusEvent . fire ( oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Textbox focused" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handles text input box losing focus .
* @ method _onTextboxBlur
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The focus event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onTextboxBlur = function ( v , oSelf ) {
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
// Is a true blur
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
if ( ! oSelf . _bOverContainer || ( oSelf . _nKeyCode == 9 ) ) {
// Current query needs to be validated as a selection
if ( ! oSelf . _bItemSelected ) {
var elMatchListItem = oSelf . _textMatchesOption ( ) ;
// Container is closed or current query doesn't match any result
if ( ! oSelf . _bContainerOpen || ( oSelf . _bContainerOpen && ( elMatchListItem === null ) ) ) {
// Force selection is enabled so clear the current query
if ( oSelf . forceSelection ) {
oSelf . _clearSelection ( ) ;
// Treat current query as a valid selection
else {
oSelf . unmatchedItemSelectEvent . fire ( oSelf , oSelf . _sCurQuery ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Unmatched item selected: " + oSelf . _sCurQuery , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
// Container is open and current query matches a result
else {
// Force a selection when textbox is blurred with a match
if ( oSelf . forceSelection ) {
oSelf . _selectItem ( elMatchListItem ) ;
oSelf . _clearInterval ( ) ;
oSelf . _bFocused = false ;
if ( oSelf . _sInitInputValue !== oSelf . _elTextbox . value ) {
oSelf . textboxChangeEvent . fire ( oSelf ) ;
oSelf . textboxBlurEvent . fire ( oSelf ) ;
YAHOO . log ( "Textbox blurred" , "info" , oSelf . toString ( ) ) ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
oSelf . _toggleContainer ( false ) ;
// Not a true blur if it was a selection via mouse click
else {
oSelf . _focus ( ) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
} ;
/ * *
* Handles window unload event .
* @ method _onWindowUnload
* @ param v { HTMLEvent } The unload event .
* @ param oSelf { YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete } The AutoComplete instance .
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . _onWindowUnload = function ( v , oSelf ) {
if ( oSelf && oSelf . _elTextbox && oSelf . allowBrowserAutocomplete ) {
oSelf . _elTextbox . setAttribute ( "autocomplete" , "on" ) ;
} ;
// Deprecated for Backwards Compatibility
/ * *
* @ method doBeforeSendQuery
* @ deprecated Use generateRequest .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . doBeforeSendQuery = function ( sQuery ) {
return this . generateRequest ( sQuery ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ method getListItems
* @ deprecated Use getListEl ( ) . childNodes .
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . prototype . getListItems = function ( ) {
var allListItemEls = [ ] ,
els = this . _elList . childNodes ;
for ( var i = els . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
allListItemEls [ i ] = els [ i ] ;
return allListItemEls ;
} ;
// Private static methods
/ * *
* Clones object literal or array of object literals .
* @ method AutoComplete . _cloneObject
* @ param o { Object } Object .
* @ private
* @ static
* /
YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _cloneObject = function ( o ) {
if ( ! YAHOO . lang . isValue ( o ) ) {
return o ;
var copy = { } ;
if ( YAHOO . lang . isFunction ( o ) ) {
copy = o ;
else if ( YAHOO . lang . isArray ( o ) ) {
var array = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = o . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
array [ i ] = YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _cloneObject ( o [ i ] ) ;
copy = array ;
else if ( YAHOO . lang . isObject ( o ) ) {
for ( var x in o ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . hasOwnProperty ( o , x ) ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . isValue ( o [ x ] ) && YAHOO . lang . isObject ( o [ x ] ) || YAHOO . lang . isArray ( o [ x ] ) ) {
copy [ x ] = YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete . _cloneObject ( o [ x ] ) ;
else {
copy [ x ] = o [ x ] ;
else {
copy = o ;
return copy ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
YAHOO . register ( "autocomplete" , YAHOO . widget . AutoComplete , { version : "2.7.0" , build : "1799" } ) ;