2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
< ? php
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE . txt .
* It is also available through the world - wide - web at this URL :
* http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world - wide - web , please send an email
* to license @ zend . com so we can send you a copy immediately .
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Session
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2008 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
* @ version $Id : Namespace . php 13337 2008 - 12 - 17 11 : 11 : 25 Z sidhighwind $
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* @ since Preview Release 0.2
* @ see Zend_Session
require_once 'Zend/Session.php' ;
* @ see Zend_Session_Abstract
require_once 'Zend/Session/Abstract.php' ;
* Zend_Session_Namespace
* @ category Zend
* @ package Zend_Session
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2008 Zend Technologies USA Inc . ( http :// www . zend . com )
* @ license http :// framework . zend . com / license / new - bsd New BSD License
class Zend_Session_Namespace extends Zend_Session_Abstract implements IteratorAggregate
* used as option to constructor to prevent additional instances to the same namespace
const SINGLE_INSTANCE = true ;
* Namespace - which namespace this instance of zend - session is saving - to / getting - from
* @ var string
protected $_namespace = " Default " ;
* Namespace locking mechanism
* @ var array
protected static $_namespaceLocks = array ();
* Single instance namespace array to ensure data security .
* @ var array
protected static $_singleInstances = array ();
* __construct () - Returns an instance object bound to a particular , isolated section
* of the session , identified by $namespace name ( defaulting to 'Default' ) .
* The optional argument $singleInstance will prevent construction of additional
* instance objects acting as accessors to this $namespace .
* @ param string $namespace - programmatic name of the requested namespace
* @ param bool $singleInstance - prevent creation of additional accessor instance objects for this namespace
* @ return void
public function __construct ( $namespace = 'Default' , $singleInstance = false )
if ( $namespace === '' ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Session namespace must be a non-empty string.' );
if ( $namespace [ 0 ] == " _ " ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Session namespace must not start with an underscore.' );
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
if ( preg_match ( '#(^[0-9])#i' , $namespace [ 0 ])) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Session namespace must not start with a number.' );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
if ( isset ( self :: $_singleInstances [ $namespace ])) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( " A session namespace object already exists for this namespace (' $namespace '), and no additional accessors (session namespace objects) for this namespace are permitted. " );
if ( $singleInstance === true ) {
self :: $_singleInstances [ $namespace ] = true ;
$this -> _namespace = $namespace ;
// Process metadata specific only to this namespace.
Zend_Session :: start ( true ); // attempt auto-start (throws exception if strict option set)
if ( self :: $_readable === false ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( self :: _THROW_NOT_READABLE_MSG );
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ])) {
return ; // no further processing needed
// do not allow write access to namespaces, after stop() or writeClose()
if ( parent :: $_writable === true ) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ])) {
// Expire Namespace by Namespace Hop (ENNH)
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENNH' ])) {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENNH' ] -- ;
if ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENNH' ] === 0 ) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ $namespace ])) {
self :: $_expiringData [ $namespace ] = $_SESSION [ $namespace ];
unset ( $_SESSION [ $namespace ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENNH' ]);
// Expire Namespace Variables by Namespace Hop (ENVNH)
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ])) {
foreach ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ] as $variable => $hops ) {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ][ $variable ] -- ;
if ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ][ $variable ] === 0 ) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ $namespace ][ $variable ])) {
self :: $_expiringData [ $namespace ][ $variable ] = $_SESSION [ $namespace ][ $variable ];
unset ( $_SESSION [ $namespace ][ $variable ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ][ $variable ]);
if ( empty ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ])) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $namespace ]);
if ( empty ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ])) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ '__ZF' ]);
* getIterator () - return an iteratable object for use in foreach and the like ,
* this completes the IteratorAggregate interface
* @ return ArrayObject - iteratable container of the namespace contents
public function getIterator ()
return new ArrayObject ( parent :: _namespaceGetAll ( $this -> _namespace ));
* lock () - mark a session / namespace as readonly
* @ return void
public function lock ()
self :: $_namespaceLocks [ $this -> _namespace ] = true ;
* unlock () - unmark a session / namespace to enable read & write
* @ return void
public function unlock ()
unset ( self :: $_namespaceLocks [ $this -> _namespace ]);
* unlockAll () - unmark all session / namespaces to enable read & write
* @ return void
public static function unlockAll ()
self :: $_namespaceLocks = array ();
* isLocked () - return lock status , true if , and only if , read - only
* @ return bool
public function isLocked ()
return isset ( self :: $_namespaceLocks [ $this -> _namespace ]);
* unsetAll () - unset all variables in this namespace
* @ return true
public function unsetAll ()
return parent :: _namespaceUnset ( $this -> _namespace );
* __get () - method to get a variable in this object ' s current namespace
* @ param string $name - programmatic name of a key , in a < key , value > pair in the current namespace
* @ return mixed
public function & __get ( $name )
if ( $name === '' ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( " The ' $name ' key must be a non-empty string " );
return parent :: _namespaceGet ( $this -> _namespace , $name );
* __set () - method to set a variable / value in this object ' s namespace
* @ param string $name - programmatic name of a key , in a < key , value > pair in the current namespace
* @ param mixed $value - value in the < key , value > pair to assign to the $name key
* @ throws Zend_Session_Exception
* @ return true
public function __set ( $name , $value )
if ( isset ( self :: $_namespaceLocks [ $this -> _namespace ])) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'This session/namespace has been marked as read-only.' );
if ( $name === '' ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( " The ' $name ' key must be a non-empty string " );
if ( parent :: $_writable === false ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( parent :: _THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG );
$name = ( string ) $name ;
$_SESSION [ $this -> _namespace ][ $name ] = $value ;
* apply () - enables applying user - selected function , such as array_merge () to the namespace
* Parameters following the $callback argument are passed to the callback function .
* Caveat : ignores members expiring now .
* Example :
* $namespace -> apply ( 'array_merge' , array ( 'tree' => 'apple' , 'fruit' => 'peach' ), array ( 'flower' => 'rose' ));
* $namespace -> apply ( 'count' );
* @ param string | array $callback - callback function
public function apply ( $callback )
$arg_list = func_get_args ();
$arg_list [ 0 ] = $_SESSION [ $this -> _namespace ];
return call_user_func_array ( $callback , $arg_list );
* applySet () - enables applying user - selected function , and sets entire namespace to the result
* Result of $callback must be an array .
* Parameters following the $callback argument are passed to the callback function .
* Caveat : ignores members expiring now .
* Example :
* $namespace -> applySet ( 'array_merge' , array ( 'tree' => 'apple' , 'fruit' => 'peach' ), array ( 'flower' => 'rose' ));
* @ param string | array $callback - callback function
public function applySet ( $callback )
$arg_list = func_get_args ();
$arg_list [ 0 ] = $_SESSION [ $this -> _namespace ];
$result = call_user_func_array ( $callback , $arg_list );
if ( ! is_array ( $result )) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Result must be an array. Got: ' . gettype ( $result ));
$_SESSION [ $this -> _namespace ] = $result ;
return $result ;
* __isset () - determine if a variable in this object ' s namespace is set
* @ param string $name - programmatic name of a key , in a < key , value > pair in the current namespace
* @ return bool
public function __isset ( $name )
if ( $name === '' ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( " The ' $name ' key must be a non-empty string " );
return parent :: _namespaceIsset ( $this -> _namespace , $name );
* __unset () - unset a variable in this object ' s namespace .
* @ param string $name - programmatic name of a key , in a < key , value > pair in the current namespace
* @ return true
public function __unset ( $name )
if ( $name === '' ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( " The ' $name ' key must be a non-empty string " );
return parent :: _namespaceUnset ( $this -> _namespace , $name );
* setExpirationSeconds () - expire the namespace , or specific variables after a specified
* number of seconds
* @ param int $seconds - expires in this many seconds
* @ param mixed $variables - OPTIONAL list of variables to expire ( defaults to all )
* @ throws Zend_Session_Exception
* @ return void
public function setExpirationSeconds ( $seconds , $variables = null )
if ( parent :: $_writable === false ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( parent :: _THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG );
if ( $seconds <= 0 ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Seconds must be positive.' );
if ( $variables === null ) {
// apply expiration to entire namespace
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENT' ] = time () + $seconds ;
} else {
if ( is_string ( $variables )) {
$variables = array ( $variables );
foreach ( $variables as $variable ) {
if ( ! empty ( $variable )) {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENVT' ][ $variable ] = time () + $seconds ;
* setExpirationHops () - expire the namespace , or specific variables after a specified
* number of page hops
* @ param int $hops - how many " hops " ( number of subsequent requests ) before expiring
* @ param mixed $variables - OPTIONAL list of variables to expire ( defaults to all )
* @ param boolean $hopCountOnUsageOnly - OPTIONAL if set , only count a hop / request if this namespace is used
* @ throws Zend_Session_Exception
* @ return void
public function setExpirationHops ( $hops , $variables = null , $hopCountOnUsageOnly = false )
if ( parent :: $_writable === false ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( parent :: _THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG );
if ( $hops <= 0 ) {
* @ see Zend_Session_Exception
require_once 'Zend/Session/Exception.php' ;
throw new Zend_Session_Exception ( 'Hops must be positive number.' );
if ( $variables === null ) {
// apply expiration to entire namespace
if ( $hopCountOnUsageOnly === false ) {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENGH' ] = $hops ;
} else {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENNH' ] = $hops ;
} else {
if ( is_string ( $variables )) {
$variables = array ( $variables );
foreach ( $variables as $variable ) {
if ( ! empty ( $variable )) {
if ( $hopCountOnUsageOnly === false ) {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENVGH' ][ $variable ] = $hops ;
} else {
$_SESSION [ '__ZF' ][ $this -> _namespace ][ 'ENVNH' ][ $variable ] = $hops ;