2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
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2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
Copyright ( c ) 2009 , Yahoo ! Inc . All rights reserved .
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
Code licensed under the BSD License :
http : //developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
version : 2.7 . 0
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
* /
/ * *
* The image loader is a framework to dynamically load images
* according to certain triggers , enabling faster load times
* and a more responsive UI .
* @ module imageloader
* @ namespace YAHOO . util
* /
if ( typeof ( YAHOO . util . ImageLoader ) == 'undefined' ) {
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader = { } ;
/ * *
* A group for images . A group can have one time limit and a series of triggers . Thus the images belonging to this group must share these constraints .
* @ class YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group
* @ requires YAHOO . util . Dom
* @ requires YAHOO . util . Event
* @ constructor
* @ param { String | HTMLElement } trigEl The HTML element id or reference to assign the trigger event to . Can be null for no trigger
* @ param { String } trigAct The type of event to assign to trigEl . Can be null for no trigger
* @ param { Number } timeout Timeout ( time limit ) length , in seconds . Can be undefined , or <= 0 , for no time limit
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group = function ( trigEl , trigAct , timeout ) {
/ * *
* Name for the group . Only used to identify the group in logging statements
* @ property name
* @ type String
* /
this . name = 'unnamed' ;
/ * *
* Collection of images registered with this group
* @ property _imgObjs
* @ private
* @ type Object
* /
this . _imgObjs = { } ;
/ * *
* Timeout ( time limit ) length , in seconds
* @ property timeoutLen
* @ type Number
* /
this . timeoutLen = timeout ;
/ * *
* Timeout object to keep a handle on the time limit
* @ property _timeout
* @ private
* @ type Object
* /
this . _timeout = null ;
/ * *
* Collection of triggers for this group .
* Keeps track of each trigger ' s element , event , and event - listener - callback "fetch" function
* @ property _triggers
* @ private
* @ type Array
* /
this . _triggers = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Collection of custom - event triggers for this group .
* Keeps track of each trigger ' s event object and event - listener - callback "fetch" function
* @ property _customTriggers
* @ private
* @ type Array
* /
this . _customTriggers = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Flag to check if images are above the fold . If foldConditional is true , the group will check each of its image locations at page load . If any part of the image is within the client viewport , the image is displayed immediately
* @ property foldConditional
* @ type Boolean
* /
this . foldConditional = false ;
/ * *
* Class name that will identify images belonging to the group . This class name will be removed from each element in order to fetch images .
* This class should have , in its CSS style definition , "background:none !important;"
* @ property className
* @ type String
* /
this . className = null ;
/ * *
* HTML elements having the class name that is associated with this group
* Elements are stored during the _foldCheck function and reused later during the fetch function . Gives a slight performance improvement when className and foldConditional are both used
* @ property _classImageEls
* @ private
* @ type Array
* /
this . _classImageEls = null ;
// add a listener to set the time limit in the onload
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( window , 'load' , this . _onloadTasks , this , true ) ;
// add the trigger
this . addTrigger ( trigEl , trigAct ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds a trigger to the group . Call this with the same style as YAHOO . util . Event . addListener
* @ method addTrigger
* @ param { String | HTMLElement } trigEl The HTML element id or reference to assign the trigger event to
* @ param { String } trigAct The type of event to assign to trigEl
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . addTrigger = function ( trigEl , trigAct ) {
if ( ! trigEl || ! trigAct ) {
return ;
/ * N e e d t o w r a p t h e f e t c h f u n c t i o n . E v e n t U t i l c a n ' t d i s t i n g u i s h p r o t o t y p e d f u n c t i o n s o f d i f f e r e n t i n s t a n t i a t i o n s
* Leads to this scenario : groupA and groupZ both have window - scroll triggers . groupZ also has a 2 - sec timeout ( groupA has no timeout ) .
* groupZ 's timeout fires; we remove the triggers. The removeListener call finds the first window-scroll event with Y.u.IL.p.fetch, which is groupA' s .
* groupA ' s trigger is removed and never fires , leaving images unfetched
* /
var wrappedFetch = function ( ) {
this . fetch ( ) ;
} ;
this . _triggers . push ( [ trigEl , trigAct , wrappedFetch ] ) ;
YAHOO . util . Event . addListener ( trigEl , trigAct , wrappedFetch , this , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds a custom event trigger to the group .
* @ method addCustomTrigger
* @ param { Object } event A YAHOO . util . CustomEvent object
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . addCustomTrigger = function ( event ) {
// make sure we're dealing with a CustomEvent object
if ( ! event || ! event instanceof YAHOO . util . CustomEvent ) {
return ;
// see comment in addTrigger()
var wrappedFetch = function ( ) {
this . fetch ( ) ;
} ;
this . _customTriggers . push ( [ event , wrappedFetch ] ) ;
event . subscribe ( wrappedFetch , this , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Setup to do in the window ' s onload
* Initiates time limit for group ; executes the fold check for the images
* @ method _onloadTasks
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . _onloadTasks = function ( ) {
if ( this . timeoutLen && typeof ( this . timeoutLen ) == 'number' && this . timeoutLen > 0 ) {
this . _timeout = setTimeout ( this . _getFetchTimeout ( ) , this . timeoutLen * 1000 ) ;
if ( this . foldConditional ) {
this . _foldCheck ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns the group ' s fetch method , with the proper closure , for use with setTimeout
* @ method _getFetchTimeout
* @ return { Function } group ' s fetch method
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . _getFetchTimeout = function ( ) {
var self = this ;
return function ( ) { self . fetch ( ) ; } ;
} ;
/ * *
* Registers a background image with the group
* @ method registerBgImage
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* @ return { Object } bgImgObj that was registered , for modifying any attributes in the object
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . registerBgImage = function ( domId , url ) {
this . _imgObjs [ domId ] = new YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj ( domId , url ) ;
return this . _imgObjs [ domId ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Registers a src image with the group
* @ method registerSrcImage
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* @ param { Int } width pixel width of the image - defaults to image ' s natural size
* @ param { Int } height pixel height of the image - defaults to image ' s natural size
* @ return { Object } srcImgObj that was registered , for modifying any attributes in the object
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . registerSrcImage = function ( domId , url , width , height ) {
this . _imgObjs [ domId ] = new YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj ( domId , url , width , height ) ;
return this . _imgObjs [ domId ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Registers an alpha - channel - type png background image with the group
* @ method registerPngBgImage
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* @ param { Object } ailProps The AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image
* Valid properties are 'sizingMethod' and 'enabled'
* @ return { Object } pngBgImgObj that was registered , for modifying any attributes in the object
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . registerPngBgImage = function ( domId , url , ailProps ) {
this . _imgObjs [ domId ] = new YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj ( domId , url , ailProps ) ;
return this . _imgObjs [ domId ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Displays the images in the group
* @ method fetch
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . fetch = function ( ) {
YAHOO . log ( 'Fetching images in group: "' + this . name + '".' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
clearTimeout ( this . _timeout ) ;
// remove all listeners
for ( var i = 0 , len = this . _triggers . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
YAHOO . util . Event . removeListener ( this . _triggers [ i ] [ 0 ] , this . _triggers [ i ] [ 1 ] , this . _triggers [ i ] [ 2 ] ) ;
// remove custom event subscriptions
for ( var i = 0 , len = this . _customTriggers . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
this . _customTriggers [ i ] [ 0 ] . unsubscribe ( this . _customTriggers [ i ] [ 1 ] , this ) ;
// fetch whatever we need to by className
this . _fetchByClass ( ) ;
// fetch registered images
for ( var id in this . _imgObjs ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . hasOwnProperty ( this . _imgObjs , id ) ) {
this . _imgObjs [ id ] . fetch ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks the position of each image in the group . If any part of the image is within the client viewport , shows the image immediately .
* @ method _foldCheck
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . _foldCheck = function ( ) {
YAHOO . log ( 'Checking for images above the fold in group: "' + this . name + '"' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
var scrollTop = ( document . compatMode != 'CSS1Compat' ) ? document . body . scrollTop : document . documentElement . scrollTop ;
var viewHeight = YAHOO . util . Dom . getViewportHeight ( ) ;
var hLimit = scrollTop + viewHeight ;
var scrollLeft = ( document . compatMode != 'CSS1Compat' ) ? document . body . scrollLeft : document . documentElement . scrollLeft ;
var viewWidth = YAHOO . util . Dom . getViewportWidth ( ) ;
var wLimit = scrollLeft + viewWidth ;
for ( var id in this . _imgObjs ) {
if ( YAHOO . lang . hasOwnProperty ( this . _imgObjs , id ) ) {
var elPos = YAHOO . util . Dom . getXY ( this . _imgObjs [ id ] . domId ) ;
if ( elPos [ 1 ] < hLimit && elPos [ 0 ] < wLimit ) {
YAHOO . log ( 'Image with id "' + this . _imgObjs [ id ] . domId + '" is above the fold. Fetching image.' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
this . _imgObjs [ id ] . fetch ( ) ;
// and by class
if ( this . className ) {
this . _classImageEls = YAHOO . util . Dom . getElementsByClassName ( this . className ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = this . _classImageEls . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var elPos = YAHOO . util . Dom . getXY ( this . _classImageEls [ i ] ) ;
if ( elPos [ 1 ] < hLimit && elPos [ 0 ] < wLimit ) {
YAHOO . log ( 'Image with id "' + this . _classImageEls [ i ] . id + '" is above the fold. Fetching image. (Image registered by class name with the group - may not have an id.)' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
YAHOO . util . Dom . removeClass ( this . _classImageEls [ i ] , this . className ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Finds all elements in the Dom with the class name specified in the group . Removes the class from the element in order to let the style definitions trigger the image fetching
* @ method _fetchByClass
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . group . prototype . _fetchByClass = function ( ) {
if ( ! this . className ) {
return ;
YAHOO . log ( 'Fetching all images with class "' + this . className + '" in group "' + this . name + '".' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
// this._classImageEls may have been set during _foldCheck
if ( this . _classImageEls === null ) {
this . _classImageEls = YAHOO . util . Dom . getElementsByClassName ( this . className ) ;
YAHOO . util . Dom . removeClass ( this . _classImageEls , this . className ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Base class for image objects to be registered with the groups
* @ class YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj
* @ constructor
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj = function ( domId , url ) {
/ * *
* HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ property domId
* @ type String
* /
this . domId = domId ;
/ * *
* URL for the image
* @ property url
* @ type String
* /
this . url = url ;
/ * *
* Pixel width of the image . Will be set as a "width" attribute after the image is fetched .
* Detaults to the natural width of the image .
* Only appropriate with src images
* @ property width
* @ type Int
* /
this . width = null ;
/ * *
* Pixel height of the image . Will be set as a "height" attribute after the image is fetched .
* Detaults to the natural height of the image .
* Only appropriate with src images
* @ property height
* @ type Int
* /
this . height = null ;
/ * *
* Whether the style . visibility should be set to "visible" after the image is fetched .
* Used when setting src images as visibility : hidden prior to image fetching
* @ property setVisible
* @ type Boolean
* /
this . setVisible = false ;
/ * *
* Whether the image has already been fetched . In the case of a foldCondional group , keeps track for when the trigger is fired so images aren ' t fetched twice
* @ property _fetched
* @ type Boolean
* @ private
* /
this . _fetched = false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Displays the image ; puts the URL into the DOM
* @ method fetch
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj . prototype . fetch = function ( ) {
if ( this . _fetched ) {
return ;
var el = document . getElementById ( this . domId ) ;
if ( ! el ) {
return ;
YAHOO . log ( 'Fetching image with id "' + this . domId + '".' , 'info' , 'imageloader' ) ;
this . _applyUrl ( el ) ;
if ( this . setVisible ) {
el . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
if ( this . width ) {
el . width = this . width ;
if ( this . height ) {
el . height = this . height ;
this . _fetched = true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed .
* Must be overridden by child class
* @ method _applyUrl
* @ param { Object } el HTML DOM element
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj . prototype . _applyUrl = function ( el ) {
} ;
/ * *
* Background image object . A background image is one whose URL is specified by "background-image" in the element ' s style
* @ class YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj
* @ constructor
* @ extends YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj = function ( domId , url ) {
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj . superclass . constructor . call ( this , domId , url ) ;
} ;
YAHOO . lang . extend ( YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj , YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj ) ;
/ * *
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed .
* Sets style . backgroundImage
* @ method _applyUrl
* @ param { Object } el HTML DOM element
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . bgImgObj . prototype . _applyUrl = function ( el ) {
el . style . backgroundImage = "url('" + this . url + "')" ;
} ;
/ * *
* Source image object . A source image is one whose URL is specified by a src attribute in the DOM element
* @ class YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj
* @ constructor
* @ extends YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* @ param { Int } width pixel width of the image - defaults to image ' s natural size
* @ param { Int } height pixel height of the image - defaults to image ' s natural size
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj = function ( domId , url , width , height ) {
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj . superclass . constructor . call ( this , domId , url ) ;
this . width = width ;
this . height = height ;
} ;
YAHOO . lang . extend ( YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj , YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj ) ;
/ * *
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed .
* Sets src
* @ method _applyUrl
* @ param { Object } el HTML DOM element
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . srcImgObj . prototype . _applyUrl = function ( el ) {
el . src = this . url ;
} ;
/ * *
* PNG background image object . A PNG background image is one whose URL is specified through AlphaImageLoader or by "background-image" in the element ' s style
* @ class YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj
* @ constructor
* @ extends YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj
* @ param { String } domId HTML DOM id of the image element
* @ param { String } url URL for the image
* @ param { Object } ailProps The AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image
* Valid properties are 'sizingMethod' and 'enabled'
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj = function ( domId , url , ailProps ) {
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj . superclass . constructor . call ( this , domId , url ) ;
/ * *
* AlphaImageLoader properties to be set for the image .
* Valid properties are "sizingMethod" and "enabled" .
* @ property props
* @ type Object
* /
this . props = ailProps || { } ;
} ;
YAHOO . lang . extend ( YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj , YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . imgObj ) ;
/ * *
* Inserts the image URL into the DOM so that the image is displayed .
* If the browser is determined to be IE6 ( or older ) , sets the AlphaImageLoader src ; otherwise sets style . backgroundImage
* @ method _applyUrl
* @ param { Object } el HTML DOM element
* @ private
* /
YAHOO . util . ImageLoader . pngBgImgObj . prototype . _applyUrl = function ( el ) {
if ( YAHOO . env . ua . ie && YAHOO . env . ua . ie <= 6 ) {
var sizingMethod = ( YAHOO . lang . isUndefined ( this . props . sizingMethod ) ) ? 'scale' : this . props . sizingMethod ;
var enabled = ( YAHOO . lang . isUndefined ( this . props . enabled ) ) ? 'true' : this . props . enabled ;
el . style . filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + this . url + '", sizingMethod="' + sizingMethod + '", enabled="' + enabled + '")' ;
else {
el . style . backgroundImage = "url('" + this . url + "')" ;
} ;
2019-07-17 20:16:19 +00:00
YAHOO . register ( "imageloader" , YAHOO . util . ImageLoader , { version : "2.7.0" , build : "1799" } ) ;