2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
< ? php
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description: Pie plot extension for JpGraph
// Created: 2001-02-14
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_pie.php 1790 2009-09-03 18:16:18Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Aditus Consulting. All rights reserved.
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// Defines for PiePlot::SetLabelType()
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define ( " PIE_VALUE_ABS " , 1 );
define ( " PIE_VALUE_PER " , 0 );
define ( " PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE " , 0 );
define ( " PIE_VALUE_ADJPERCENTAGE " , 2 );
define ( " PIE_VALUE_ADJPER " , 2 );
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// CLASS PiePlot
// Description: Draws a pie plot
class PiePlot {
public $posx = 0.5 , $posy = 0.5 ;
protected $radius = 0.3 ;
protected $explode_radius = array (), $explode_all = false , $explode_r = 20 ;
protected $labels = null , $legends = null ;
protected $csimtargets = null , $csimwintargets = null ; // Array of targets for CSIM
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protected $csimareas = '' ; // Generated CSIM text
protected $csimalts = null ; // ALT tags for corresponding target
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protected $data = null ;
public $title ;
protected $startangle = 0 ;
protected $weight = 1 , $color = " black " ;
protected $legend_margin = 6 , $show_labels = true ;
protected $themearr = array (
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" earth " => array ( 136 , 34 , 40 , 45 , 46 , 62 , 63 , 134 , 74 , 10 , 120 , 136 , 141 , 168 , 180 , 77 , 209 , 218 , 346 , 395 , 89 , 430 ),
" pastel " => array ( 27 , 415 , 128 , 59 , 66 , 79 , 105 , 110 , 42 , 147 , 152 , 230 , 236 , 240 , 331 , 337 , 405 , 38 ),
" water " => array ( 8 , 370 , 24 , 40 , 335 , 56 , 213 , 237 , 268 , 14 , 326 , 387 , 10 , 388 ),
" sand " => array ( 27 , 168 , 34 , 170 , 19 , 50 , 65 , 72 , 131 , 209 , 46 , 393 ));
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protected $theme = " earth " ;
protected $setslicecolors = array ();
protected $labeltype = 0 ; // Default to percentage
protected $pie_border = true , $pie_interior_border = true ;
public $value ;
protected $ishadowcolor = '' , $ishadowdrop = 4 ;
protected $ilabelposadj = 1 ;
protected $legendcsimtargets = array (), $legendcsimwintargets = array ();
protected $legendcsimalts = array ();
protected $adjusted_data = array ();
public $guideline = null ;
protected $guidelinemargin = 10 , $iShowGuideLineForSingle = false ;
protected $iGuideLineCurve = false , $iGuideVFactor = 1.4 , $iGuideLineRFactor = 0.8 ;
protected $la = array (); // Holds the exact angle for each label
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function __construct ( $data ) {
$this -> data = array_reverse ( $data );
$this -> title = new Text ( " " );
$this -> title -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_BOLD );
$this -> value = new DisplayValue ();
$this -> value -> Show ();
$this -> value -> SetFormat ( '%.1f%%' );
$this -> guideline = new LineProperty ();
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function SetCenter ( $x , $y = 0.5 ) {
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$this -> posx = $x ;
$this -> posy = $y ;
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// Enable guideline and set drwaing policy
function SetGuideLines ( $aFlg = true , $aCurved = true , $aAlways = false ) {
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$this -> guideline -> Show ( $aFlg );
$this -> iShowGuideLineForSingle = $aAlways ;
$this -> iGuideLineCurve = $aCurved ;
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// Adjuste the distance between labels and labels and pie
function SetGuideLinesAdjust ( $aVFactor , $aRFactor = 0.8 ) {
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$this -> iGuideVFactor = $aVFactor ;
$this -> iGuideLineRFactor = $aRFactor ;
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function SetColor ( $aColor ) {
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$this -> color = $aColor ;
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function SetSliceColors ( $aColors ) {
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$this -> setslicecolors = $aColors ;
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function SetShadow ( $aColor = 'darkgray' , $aDropWidth = 4 ) {
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$this -> ishadowcolor = $aColor ;
$this -> ishadowdrop = $aDropWidth ;
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function SetCSIMTargets ( $aTargets , $aAlts = '' , $aWinTargets = '' ) {
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$this -> csimtargets = array_reverse ( $aTargets );
if ( is_array ( $aWinTargets ) )
$this -> csimwintargets = array_reverse ( $aWinTargets );
if ( is_array ( $aAlts ) )
$this -> csimalts = array_reverse ( $aAlts );
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function GetCSIMareas () {
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return $this -> csimareas ;
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function AddSliceToCSIM ( $i , $xc , $yc , $radius , $sa , $ea ) {
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//Slice number, ellipse centre (x,y), height, width, start angle, end angle
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while ( $sa > 2 * M_PI ) $sa = $sa - 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $ea > 2 * M_PI ) $ea = $ea - 2 * M_PI ;
$sa = 2 * M_PI - $sa ;
$ea = 2 * M_PI - $ea ;
// Special case when we have only one slice since then both start and end
// angle will be == 0
if ( abs ( $sa - $ea ) < 0.0001 ) {
$sa = 2 * M_PI ; $ea = 0 ;
//add coordinates of the centre to the map
$xc = floor ( $xc ); $yc = floor ( $yc );
$coords = " $xc , $yc " ;
//add coordinates of the first point on the arc to the map
$xp = floor (( $radius * cos ( $ea )) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $ea ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
//add coordinates every 0.2 radians
$a = $ea + 0.2 ;
// If we cross the 360-limit with a slice we need to handle
// the fact that end angle is smaller than start
if ( $sa < $ea ) {
while ( $a <= 2 * M_PI ) {
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $a ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
$a += 0.2 ;
$a -= 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $a < $sa ) {
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $a ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
$a += 0.2 ;
//Add the last point on the arc
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $sa ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $sa ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimtargets [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimareas .= " <area shape= \" poly \" coords= \" $coords\ " href = \ " " . $this -> csimtargets [ $i ] . " \" " ;
$tmp = " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimareas .= " target= \" " . $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimalts [ $i ]) ) {
$tmp = sprintf ( $this -> csimalts [ $i ], $this -> data [ $i ]);
$this -> csimareas .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimareas .= " /> \n " ;
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function SetTheme ( $aTheme ) {
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if ( in_array ( $aTheme , array_keys ( $this -> themearr )) )
$this -> theme = $aTheme ;
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15001 , $aTheme ); //("PiePLot::SetTheme() Unknown theme: $aTheme");
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function ExplodeSlice ( $e , $radius = 20 ) {
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if ( ! is_integer ( $e ) )
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15002 ); //('Argument to PiePlot::ExplodeSlice() must be an integer');
$this -> explode_radius [ $e ] = $radius ;
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function ExplodeAll ( $radius = 20 ) {
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$this -> explode_all = true ;
$this -> explode_r = $radius ;
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function Explode ( $aExplodeArr ) {
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if ( ! is_array ( $aExplodeArr ) ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15003 );
//("Argument to PiePlot::Explode() must be an array with integer distances.");
$this -> explode_radius = $aExplodeArr ;
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function SetStartAngle ( $aStart ) {
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if ( $aStart < 0 || $aStart > 360 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15004 ); //('Slice start angle must be between 0 and 360 degrees.');
if ( $aStart == 0 ) {
$this -> startangle = 0 ;
else {
$this -> startangle = 360 - $aStart ;
$this -> startangle *= M_PI / 180 ;
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// Size in percentage
function SetSize ( $aSize ) {
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if ( ( $aSize > 0 && $aSize <= 0.5 ) || ( $aSize > 10 && $aSize < 1000 ) )
$this -> radius = $aSize ;
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15006 );
//("PiePlot::SetSize() Radius for pie must either be specified as a fraction [0, 0.5] of the size of the image or as an absolute size in pixels in the range [10, 1000]");
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// Set label arrays
function SetLegends ( $aLegend ) {
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$this -> legends = $aLegend ;
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// Set text labels for slices
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function SetLabels ( $aLabels , $aLblPosAdj = " auto " ) {
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$this -> labels = array_reverse ( $aLabels );
$this -> ilabelposadj = $aLblPosAdj ;
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function SetLabelPos ( $aLblPosAdj ) {
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$this -> ilabelposadj = $aLblPosAdj ;
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// Should we display actual value or percentage?
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function SetLabelType ( $aType ) {
if ( $aType < 0 || $aType > 2 )
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15008 , $aType );
//("PiePlot::SetLabelType() Type for pie plots must be 0 or 1 (not $t).");
$this -> labeltype = $aType ;
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// Deprecated.
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function SetValueType ( $aType ) {
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$this -> SetLabelType ( $aType );
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// Should the circle around a pie plot be displayed
function ShowBorder ( $exterior = true , $interior = true ) {
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$this -> pie_border = $exterior ;
$this -> pie_interior_border = $interior ;
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// Setup the legends
function Legend ( $graph ) {
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$colors = array_keys ( $graph -> img -> rgb -> rgb_table );
sort ( $colors );
$ta = $this -> themearr [ $this -> theme ];
$n = count ( $this -> data );
if ( $this -> setslicecolors == null ) {
$numcolors = count ( $ta );
if ( class_exists ( 'PiePlot3D' , false ) && ( $this instanceof PiePlot3D ) ) {
$ta = array_reverse ( array_slice ( $ta , 0 , $n ));
else {
$this -> setslicecolors = array_slice ( $this -> setslicecolors , 0 , $n );
$numcolors = count ( $this -> setslicecolors );
if ( $graph -> pieaa && ! ( $this instanceof PiePlot3D ) ) {
$this -> setslicecolors = array_reverse ( $this -> setslicecolors );
$sum = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i )
$sum += $this -> data [ $i ];
// Bail out with error if the sum is 0
if ( $sum == 0 )
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15009 ); //("Illegal pie plot. Sum of all data is zero for Pie!");
// Make sure we don't plot more values than data points
// (in case the user added more legends than data points)
$n = min ( count ( $this -> legends ), count ( $this -> data ));
if ( $this -> legends != " " ) {
$this -> legends = array_reverse ( array_slice ( $this -> legends , 0 , $n ));
for ( $i = $n - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; -- $i ) {
$l = $this -> legends [ $i ];
// Replace possible format with actual values
if ( count ( $this -> csimalts ) > $i ) {
$fmt = $this -> csimalts [ $i ];
else {
$fmt = " %d " ; // Deafult Alt if no other has been specified
if ( $this -> labeltype == 0 ) {
$l = sprintf ( $l , 100 * $this -> data [ $i ] / $sum );
$alt = sprintf ( $fmt , $this -> data [ $i ]);
elseif ( $this -> labeltype == 1 ) {
$l = sprintf ( $l , $this -> data [ $i ]);
$alt = sprintf ( $fmt , $this -> data [ $i ]);
else {
$l = sprintf ( $l , $this -> adjusted_data [ $i ]);
$alt = sprintf ( $fmt , $this -> adjusted_data [ $i ]);
if ( empty ( $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ]) ) {
$wintarg = '' ;
else {
$wintarg = $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ];
if ( $this -> setslicecolors == null ) {
$graph -> legend -> Add ( $l , $colors [ $ta [ $i % $numcolors ]], " " , 0 , $this -> csimtargets [ $i ], $alt , $wintarg );
else {
$graph -> legend -> Add ( $l , $this -> setslicecolors [ $i % $numcolors ], " " , 0 , $this -> csimtargets [ $i ], $alt , $wintarg );
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// Adjust the rounded percetage value so that the sum of
// of the pie slices are always 100%
// Using the Hare/Niemeyer method
function AdjPercentage ( $aData , $aPrec = 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$mul = 100 ;
if ( $aPrec > 0 && $aPrec < 3 ) {
if ( $aPrec == 1 )
$mul = 1000 ;
$mul = 10000 ;
$tmp = array ();
$result = array ();
$quote_sum = 0 ;
$n = count ( $aData ) ;
for ( $i = 0 , $sum = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i )
$sum += $aData [ $i ];
foreach ( $aData as $index => $value ) {
$tmp_percentage = $value / $sum * $mul ;
$result [ $index ] = floor ( $tmp_percentage );
$tmp [ $index ] = $tmp_percentage - $result [ $index ];
$quote_sum += $result [ $index ];
if ( $quote_sum == $mul ) {
if ( $mul > 100 ) {
$tmp = $mul / 100 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$result [ $i ] /= $tmp ;
return $result ;
arsort ( $tmp , SORT_NUMERIC );
reset ( $tmp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $mul - $quote_sum ; $i ++ )
$result [ key ( $tmp )] ++ ;
next ( $tmp );
if ( $mul > 100 ) {
$tmp = $mul / 100 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$result [ $i ] /= $tmp ;
return $result ;
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function Stroke ( $img , $aaoption = 0 ) {
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// aaoption is used to handle antialias
// aaoption == 0 a normal pie
// aaoption == 1 just the body
// aaoption == 2 just the values
// Explode scaling. If anti alias we scale the image
// twice and we also need to scale the exploding distance
$expscale = $aaoption === 1 ? 2 : 1 ;
if ( $this -> labeltype == 2 ) {
// Adjust the data so that it will add up to 100%
$this -> adjusted_data = $this -> AdjPercentage ( $this -> data );
$colors = array_keys ( $img -> rgb -> rgb_table );
sort ( $colors );
$ta = $this -> themearr [ $this -> theme ];
$n = count ( $this -> data );
if ( $this -> setslicecolors == null ) {
$numcolors = count ( $ta );
else {
// We need to create an array of colors as long as the data
// since we need to reverse it to get the colors in the right order
$numcolors = count ( $this -> setslicecolors );
$i = 2 * $numcolors ;
while ( $n > $i ) {
$this -> setslicecolors = array_merge ( $this -> setslicecolors , $this -> setslicecolors );
$i += $n ;
$tt = array_slice ( $this -> setslicecolors , 0 , $n % $numcolors );
$this -> setslicecolors = array_merge ( $this -> setslicecolors , $tt );
$this -> setslicecolors = array_reverse ( $this -> setslicecolors );
// Draw the slices
$sum = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i )
$sum += $this -> data [ $i ];
// Bail out with error if the sum is 0
if ( $sum == 0 ) {
JpGraphError :: RaiseL ( 15009 ); //("Sum of all data is 0 for Pie.");
// Set up the pie-circle
if ( $this -> radius <= 1 ) {
$radius = floor ( $this -> radius * min ( $img -> width , $img -> height ));
else {
$radius = $aaoption === 1 ? $this -> radius * 2 : $this -> radius ;
if ( $this -> posx <= 1 && $this -> posx > 0 ) {
$xc = round ( $this -> posx * $img -> width );
else {
$xc = $this -> posx ;
if ( $this -> posy <= 1 && $this -> posy > 0 ) {
$yc = round ( $this -> posy * $img -> height );
else {
$yc = $this -> posy ;
$n = count ( $this -> data );
if ( $this -> explode_all ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> explode_radius [ $i ] = $this -> explode_r ;
// If we have a shadow and not just drawing the labels
if ( $this -> ishadowcolor != " " && $aaoption !== 2 ) {
$accsum = 0 ;
$angle2 = $this -> startangle ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> ishadowcolor );
for ( $i = 0 ; $sum > 0 && $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$j = $n - $i - 1 ;
$d = $this -> data [ $i ];
$angle1 = $angle2 ;
$accsum += $d ;
$angle2 = $this -> startangle + 2 * M_PI * $accsum / $sum ;
if ( empty ( $this -> explode_radius [ $j ]) ) {
$this -> explode_radius [ $j ] = 0 ;
if ( $d < 0.00001 ) continue ;
$la = 2 * M_PI - ( abs ( $angle2 - $angle1 ) / 2.0 + $angle1 );
$xcm = $xc + $this -> explode_radius [ $j ] * cos ( $la ) * $expscale ;
$ycm = $yc - $this -> explode_radius [ $j ] * sin ( $la ) * $expscale ;
$xcm += $this -> ishadowdrop * $expscale ;
$ycm += $this -> ishadowdrop * $expscale ;
$_sa = round ( $angle1 * 180 / M_PI );
$_ea = round ( $angle2 * 180 / M_PI );
// The CakeSlice method draws a full circle in case of start angle = end angle
// for pie slices we don't want this behaviour unless we only have one
// slice in the pie in case it is the wanted behaviour
if ( $_ea - $_sa > 0.1 || $n == 1 ) {
$img -> CakeSlice ( $xcm , $ycm , $radius - 1 , $radius - 1 ,
$angle1 * 180 / M_PI , $angle2 * 180 / M_PI , $this -> ishadowcolor );
// This is the main loop to draw each cake slice
// Set up the accumulated sum, start angle for first slice and border color
$accsum = 0 ;
$angle2 = $this -> startangle ;
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> color );
// Loop though all the slices if there is a pie to draw (sum>0)
// There are n slices in total
for ( $i = 0 ; $sum > 0 && $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
// $j is the actual index used for the slice
$j = $n - $i - 1 ;
// Make sure we havea valid distance to explode the slice
if ( empty ( $this -> explode_radius [ $j ]) ) {
$this -> explode_radius [ $j ] = 0 ;
// The actual numeric value for the slice
$d = $this -> data [ $i ];
$angle1 = $angle2 ;
// Accumlate the sum
$accsum += $d ;
// The new angle when we add the "size" of this slice
// angle1 is then the start and angle2 the end of this slice
$angle2 = $this -> NormAngle ( $this -> startangle + 2 * M_PI * $accsum / $sum );
// We avoid some trouble by not allowing end angle to be 0, in that case
// we translate to 360
// la is used to hold the label angle, which is centered on the slice
if ( $angle2 < 0.0001 && $angle1 > 0.0001 ) {
$this -> la [ $i ] = 2 * M_PI - ( abs ( 2 * M_PI - $angle1 ) / 2.0 + $angle1 );
elseif ( $angle1 > $angle2 ) {
// The case where the slice crosses the 3 a'clock line
// Remember that the slices are counted clockwise and
// labels are counted counter clockwise so we need to revert with 2 PI
$this -> la [ $i ] = 2 * M_PI - $this -> NormAngle ( $angle1 + (( 2 * M_PI - $angle1 ) + $angle2 ) / 2 );
else {
$this -> la [ $i ] = 2 * M_PI - ( abs ( $angle2 - $angle1 ) / 2.0 + $angle1 );
// Too avoid rounding problems we skip the slice if it is too small
if ( $d < 0.00001 ) continue ;
// If the user has specified an array of colors for each slice then use
// that a color otherwise use the theme array (ta) of colors
if ( $this -> setslicecolors == null ) {
$slicecolor = $colors [ $ta [ $i % $numcolors ]];
else {
$slicecolor = $this -> setslicecolors [ $i % $numcolors ];
// $_sa = round($angle1*180/M_PI);
// $_ea = round($angle2*180/M_PI);
// $_la = round($this->la[$i]*180/M_PI);
// echo "Slice#$i: ang1=$_sa , ang2=$_ea, la=$_la, color=$slicecolor<br>";
// If we have enabled antialias then we don't draw any border so
// make the bordedr color the same as the slice color
if ( $this -> pie_interior_border && $aaoption === 0 ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> color );
else {
$img -> SetColor ( $slicecolor );
$arccolor = $this -> pie_border && $aaoption === 0 ? $this -> color : " " ;
// Calculate the x,y coordinates for the base of this slice taking
// the exploded distance into account. Here we use the mid angle as the
// ray of extension and we have the mid angle handy as it is also the
// label angle
$xcm = $xc + $this -> explode_radius [ $j ] * cos ( $this -> la [ $i ]) * $expscale ;
$ycm = $yc - $this -> explode_radius [ $j ] * sin ( $this -> la [ $i ]) * $expscale ;
// If we are not just drawing the labels then draw this cake slice
if ( $aaoption !== 2 ) {
$_sa = round ( $angle1 * 180 / M_PI );
$_ea = round ( $angle2 * 180 / M_PI );
$_la = round ( $this -> la [ $i ] * 180 / M_PI );
//echo "[$i] sa=$_sa, ea=$_ea, la[$i]=$_la, (color=$slicecolor)<br>";
// The CakeSlice method draws a full circle in case of start angle = end angle
// for pie slices we want this in case the slice have a value larger than 99% of the
// total sum
if ( abs ( $_ea - $_sa ) > 0.1 || $d > 0 ) {
$img -> CakeSlice ( $xcm , $ycm , $radius - 1 , $radius - 1 , $_sa , $_ea , $slicecolor , $arccolor );
// If the CSIM is used then make sure we register a CSIM area for this slice as well
if ( $this -> csimtargets && $aaoption !== 1 ) {
$this -> AddSliceToCSIM ( $i , $xcm , $ycm , $radius , $angle1 , $angle2 );
// Format the titles for each slice
if ( $aaoption !== 2 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $this -> labeltype == 0 ) {
if ( $sum != 0 )
$l = 100.0 * $this -> data [ $i ] / $sum ;
$l = 0.0 ;
elseif ( $this -> labeltype == 1 ) {
$l = $this -> data [ $i ] * 1.0 ;
else {
$l = $this -> adjusted_data [ $i ];
if ( isset ( $this -> labels [ $i ]) && is_string ( $this -> labels [ $i ]) )
$this -> labels [ $i ] = sprintf ( $this -> labels [ $i ], $l );
$this -> labels [ $i ] = $l ;
if ( $this -> value -> show && $aaoption !== 1 ) {
$this -> StrokeAllLabels ( $img , $xc , $yc , $radius );
// Adjust title position
if ( $aaoption !== 1 ) {
$this -> title -> SetPos ( $xc ,
$yc - $this -> title -> GetFontHeight ( $img ) - $radius - $this -> title -> margin ,
" center " , " bottom " );
$this -> title -> Stroke ( $img );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function NormAngle ( $a ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
while ( $a < 0 ) $a += 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $a > 2 * M_PI ) $a -= 2 * M_PI ;
return $a ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Quadrant ( $a ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$a = $this -> NormAngle ( $a );
if ( $a > 0 && $a <= M_PI / 2 )
return 0 ;
if ( $a > M_PI / 2 && $a <= M_PI )
return 1 ;
if ( $a > M_PI && $a <= 1.5 * M_PI )
return 2 ;
if ( $a > 1.5 * M_PI )
return 3 ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeGuideLabels ( $img , $xc , $yc , $radius ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$n = count ( $this -> labels );
// Step 1 of the algorithm is to construct a number of clusters
// a cluster is defined as all slices within the same quadrant (almost)
// that has an angular distance less than the treshold
$tresh_hold = 25 * M_PI / 180 ; // 25 degrees difference to be in a cluster
$incluster = false ; // flag if we are currently in a cluster or not
$clusters = array (); // array of clusters
$cidx =- 1 ; // running cluster index
// Go through all the labels and construct a number of clusters
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n - 1 ; ++ $i ) {
// Calc the angle distance between two consecutive slices
$a1 = $this -> la [ $i ];
$a2 = $this -> la [ $i + 1 ];
$q1 = $this -> Quadrant ( $a1 );
$q2 = $this -> Quadrant ( $a2 );
$diff = abs ( $a1 - $a2 );
if ( $diff < $tresh_hold ) {
if ( $incluster ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
// Each cluster can only cover one quadrant
// Do we cross a quadrant ( and must break the cluster)
if ( $q1 != $q2 ) {
// If we cross a quadrant boundary we normally start a
// new cluster. However we need to take the 12'a clock
// and 6'a clock positions into a special consideration.
// Case 1: WE go from q=1 to q=2 if the last slice on
// the cluster for q=1 is close to 12'a clock and the
// first slice in q=0 is small we extend the previous
// cluster
if ( $q1 == 1 && $q2 == 0 && $a2 > ( 90 - 15 ) * M_PI / 180 ) {
if ( $i < $n - 2 ) {
$a3 = $this -> la [ $i + 2 ];
// If there isn't a cluster coming up with the next-next slice
// we extend the previous cluster to cover this slice as well
if ( abs ( $a3 - $a2 ) >= $tresh_hold ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
$i ++ ;
elseif ( $q1 == 3 && $q2 == 2 && $a2 > ( 270 - 15 ) * M_PI / 180 ) {
if ( $i < $n - 2 ) {
$a3 = $this -> la [ $i + 2 ];
// If there isn't a cluster coming up with the next-next slice
// we extend the previous cluster to cover this slice as well
if ( abs ( $a3 - $a2 ) >= $tresh_hold ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
$i ++ ;
if ( $q1 == 2 && $q2 == 1 && $a2 > ( 180 - 15 ) * M_PI / 180 ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
$i ++ ;
$incluster = false ;
elseif ( $q1 == $q2 ) {
$incluster = true ;
// Now we have a special case for quadrant 0. If we previously
// have a cluster of one in quadrant 0 we just extend that
// cluster. If we don't do this then we risk that the label
// for the cluster of one will cross the guide-line
if ( $q1 == 0 && $cidx > - 1 &&
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] == 1 &&
$this -> Quadrant ( $this -> la [ $clusters [ $cidx ][ 0 ]]) == 0 ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
else {
$cidx ++ ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 0 ] = $i ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] = 1 ;
else {
// Create a "cluster" of one since we are just crossing
// a quadrant
$cidx ++ ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 0 ] = $i ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] = 1 ;
else {
if ( $incluster ) {
// Add the last slice
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
$incluster = false ;
else { // Create a "cluster" of one
$cidx ++ ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 0 ] = $i ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] = 1 ;
// Handle the very last slice
if ( $incluster ) {
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] ++ ;
else { // Create a "cluster" of one
$cidx ++ ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 0 ] = $i ;
$clusters [ $cidx ][ 1 ] = 1 ;
if ( true ) {
// Debug printout in labels
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $cidx ; ++ $i ) {
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $clusters [ $i ][ 1 ]; ++ $j ) {
$a = $this -> la [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $j ];
$aa = round ( $a * 180 / M_PI );
$q = $this -> Quadrant ( $a );
$this -> labels [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $j ] = " [ $q : $aa ] $i : $j " ;
// Step 2 of the algorithm is use the clusters and draw the labels
// and guidelines
// We use the font height as the base factor for how far we need to
// spread the labels in the Y-direction.
$this -> value -> ApplyFont ( $img );
$fh = $img -> GetFontHeight ();
$origvstep = $fh * $this -> iGuideVFactor ;
$this -> value -> SetMargin ( 0 );
// Number of clusters found
$nc = count ( $clusters );
// Walk through all the clusters
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; ++ $i ) {
// Start angle and number of slices in this cluster
$csize = $clusters [ $i ][ 1 ];
$a = $this -> la [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ]];
$q = $this -> Quadrant ( $a );
// Now set up the start and end conditions to make sure that
// in each cluster we walk through the all the slices starting with the slice
// closest to the equator. Since all slices are numbered clockwise from "3'a clock"
// we have different conditions depending on in which quadrant the slice lies within.
if ( $q == 0 ) {
$start = $csize - 1 ; $idx = $start ; $step = - 1 ; $vstep = - $origvstep ;
elseif ( $q == 1 ) {
$start = 0 ; $idx = $start ; $step = 1 ; $vstep = - $origvstep ;
elseif ( $q == 2 ) {
$start = $csize - 1 ; $idx = $start ; $step = - 1 ; $vstep = $origvstep ;
elseif ( $q == 3 ) {
$start = 0 ; $idx = $start ; $step = 1 ; $vstep = $origvstep ;
// Walk through all slices within this cluster
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $csize ; ++ $j ) {
// Now adjust the position of the labels in each cluster starting
// with the slice that is closest to the equator of the pie
$a = $this -> la [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $idx ];
// Guide line start in the center of the arc of the slice
$r = $radius + $this -> explode_radius [ $n - 1 - ( $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $idx )];
$x = round ( $r * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$y = round ( $yc - $r * sin ( $a ));
// The distance from the arc depends on chosen font and the "R-Factor"
$r += $fh * $this -> iGuideLineRFactor ;
// Should the labels be placed curved along the pie or in straight columns
// outside the pie?
if ( $this -> iGuideLineCurve )
$xt = round ( $r * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
// If this is the first slice in the cluster we need some first time
// proessing
if ( $idx == $start ) {
if ( ! $this -> iGuideLineCurve )
$xt = round ( $r * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yt = round ( $yc - $r * sin ( $a ));
// Some special consideration in case this cluster starts
// in quadrant 1 or 3 very close to the "equator" (< 20 degrees)
// and the previous clusters last slice is within the tolerance.
// In that case we add a font height to this labels Y-position
// so it doesn't collide with
// the slice in the previous cluster
$prevcluster = ( $i + ( $nc - 1 ) ) % $nc ;
$previdx = $clusters [ $prevcluster ][ 0 ] + $clusters [ $prevcluster ][ 1 ] - 1 ;
if ( $q == 1 && $a > 160 * M_PI / 180 ) {
// Get the angle for the previous clusters last slice
$diff = abs ( $a - $this -> la [ $previdx ]);
if ( $diff < $tresh_hold ) {
$yt -= $fh ;
elseif ( $q == 3 && $a > 340 * M_PI / 180 ) {
// We need to subtract 360 to compare angle distance between
// q=0 and q=3
$diff = abs ( $a - $this -> la [ $previdx ] - 360 * M_PI / 180 );
if ( $diff < $tresh_hold ) {
$yt += $fh ;
else {
// The step is at minimum $vstep but if the slices are relatively large
// we make sure that we add at least a step that corresponds to the vertical
// distance between the centers at the arc on the slice
$prev_a = $this -> la [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + ( $idx - $step )];
$dy = abs ( $radius * ( sin ( $a ) - sin ( $prev_a )) * 1.2 );
if ( $vstep > 0 )
$yt += max ( $vstep , $dy );
$yt += min ( $vstep , - $dy );
$label = $this -> labels [ $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $idx ];
if ( $csize == 1 ) {
// A "meta" cluster with only one slice
$r = $radius + $this -> explode_radius [ $n - 1 - ( $clusters [ $i ][ 0 ] + $idx )];
$rr = $r + $img -> GetFontHeight () / 2 ;
$xt = round ( $rr * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yt = round ( $yc - $rr * sin ( $a ));
$this -> StrokeLabel ( $label , $img , $xc , $yc , $a , $r );
if ( $this -> iShowGuideLineForSingle )
$this -> guideline -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $y , $xt , $yt );
else {
$this -> guideline -> Stroke ( $img , $x , $y , $xt , $yt );
if ( $q == 1 || $q == 2 ) {
// Left side of Pie
$this -> guideline -> Stroke ( $img , $xt , $yt , $xt - $this -> guidelinemargin , $yt );
$lbladj = - $this -> guidelinemargin - 5 ;
$this -> value -> halign = " right " ;
$this -> value -> valign = " center " ;
else {
// Right side of pie
$this -> guideline -> Stroke ( $img , $xt , $yt , $xt + $this -> guidelinemargin , $yt );
$lbladj = $this -> guidelinemargin + 5 ;
$this -> value -> halign = " left " ;
$this -> value -> valign = " center " ;
$this -> value -> Stroke ( $img , $label , $xt + $lbladj , $yt );
// Udate idx to point to next slice in the cluster to process
$idx += $step ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeAllLabels ( $img , $xc , $yc , $radius ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// First normalize all angles for labels
$n = count ( $this -> la );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> la [ $i ] = $this -> NormAngle ( $this -> la [ $i ]);
if ( $this -> guideline -> iShow ) {
$this -> StrokeGuideLabels ( $img , $xc , $yc , $radius );
else {
$n = count ( $this -> labels );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> StrokeLabel ( $this -> labels [ $i ], $img , $xc , $yc ,
$this -> la [ $i ],
$radius + $this -> explode_radius [ $n - 1 - $i ]);
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Position the labels of each slice
function StrokeLabel ( $label , $img , $xc , $yc , $a , $r ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Default value
if ( $this -> ilabelposadj === 'auto' )
$this -> ilabelposadj = 0.65 ;
// We position the values diferently depending on if they are inside
// or outside the pie
if ( $this -> ilabelposadj < 1.0 ) {
$this -> value -> SetAlign ( 'center' , 'center' );
$this -> value -> margin = 0 ;
$xt = round ( $this -> ilabelposadj * $r * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yt = round ( $yc - $this -> ilabelposadj * $r * sin ( $a ));
$this -> value -> Stroke ( $img , $label , $xt , $yt );
else {
$this -> value -> halign = " left " ;
$this -> value -> valign = " top " ;
$this -> value -> margin = 0 ;
// Position the axis title.
// dx, dy is the offset from the top left corner of the bounding box that sorrounds the text
// that intersects with the extension of the corresponding axis. The code looks a little
// bit messy but this is really the only way of having a reasonable position of the
// axis titles.
$this -> value -> ApplyFont ( $img );
$h = $img -> GetTextHeight ( $label );
// For numeric values the format of the display value
// must be taken into account
if ( is_numeric ( $label ) ) {
if ( $label > 0 )
$w = $img -> GetTextWidth ( sprintf ( $this -> value -> format , $label ));
$w = $img -> GetTextWidth ( sprintf ( $this -> value -> negformat , $label ));
$w = $img -> GetTextWidth ( $label );
if ( $this -> ilabelposadj > 1.0 && $this -> ilabelposadj < 5.0 ) {
$r *= $this -> ilabelposadj ;
$r += $img -> GetFontHeight () / 1.5 ;
$xt = round ( $r * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yt = round ( $yc - $r * sin ( $a ));
// Normalize angle
while ( $a < 0 ) $a += 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $a > 2 * M_PI ) $a -= 2 * M_PI ;
if ( $a >= 7 * M_PI / 4 || $a <= M_PI / 4 ) $dx = 0 ;
if ( $a >= M_PI / 4 && $a <= 3 * M_PI / 4 ) $dx = ( $a - M_PI / 4 ) * 2 / M_PI ;
if ( $a >= 3 * M_PI / 4 && $a <= 5 * M_PI / 4 ) $dx = 1 ;
if ( $a >= 5 * M_PI / 4 && $a <= 7 * M_PI / 4 ) $dx = ( 1 - ( $a - M_PI * 5 / 4 ) * 2 / M_PI );
if ( $a >= 7 * M_PI / 4 ) $dy = (( $a - M_PI ) - 3 * M_PI / 4 ) * 2 / M_PI ;
if ( $a <= M_PI / 4 ) $dy = ( 1 - $a * 2 / M_PI );
if ( $a >= M_PI / 4 && $a <= 3 * M_PI / 4 ) $dy = 1 ;
if ( $a >= 3 * M_PI / 4 && $a <= 5 * M_PI / 4 ) $dy = ( 1 - ( $a - 3 * M_PI / 4 ) * 2 / M_PI );
if ( $a >= 5 * M_PI / 4 && $a <= 7 * M_PI / 4 ) $dy = 0 ;
$this -> value -> Stroke ( $img , $label , $xt - $dx * $w , $yt - $dy * $h );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
} // Class
// CLASS PiePlotC
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description: Same as a normal pie plot but with a
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// filled circle in the center
class PiePlotC extends PiePlot {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $imidsize = 0.5 ; // Fraction of total width
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
private $imidcolor = 'white' ;
public $midtitle = '' ;
private $middlecsimtarget = '' , $middlecsimwintarget = '' , $middlecsimalt = '' ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $data , $aCenterTitle = '' ) {
parent :: __construct ( $data );
$this -> midtitle = new Text ();
$this -> midtitle -> ParagraphAlign ( 'center' );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMid ( $aTitle , $aColor = 'white' , $aSize = 0.5 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> midtitle -> Set ( $aTitle );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> imidsize = $aSize ;
$this -> imidcolor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMidTitle ( $aTitle ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> midtitle -> Set ( $aTitle );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMidSize ( $aSize ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> imidsize = $aSize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMidColor ( $aColor ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> imidcolor = $aColor ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetMidCSIM ( $aTarget , $aAlt = '' , $aWinTarget = '' ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> middlecsimtarget = $aTarget ;
$this -> middlecsimwintarget = $aWinTarget ;
$this -> middlecsimalt = $aAlt ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function AddSliceToCSIM ( $i , $xc , $yc , $radius , $sa , $ea ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
//Slice number, ellipse centre (x,y), radius, start angle, end angle
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
while ( $sa > 2 * M_PI ) $sa = $sa - 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $ea > 2 * M_PI ) $ea = $ea - 2 * M_PI ;
$sa = 2 * M_PI - $sa ;
$ea = 2 * M_PI - $ea ;
// Special case when we have only one slice since then both start and end
// angle will be == 0
if ( abs ( $sa - $ea ) < 0.0001 ) {
$sa = 2 * M_PI ; $ea = 0 ;
// Add inner circle first point
$xp = floor (( $this -> imidsize * $radius * cos ( $ea )) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - ( $this -> imidsize * $radius * sin ( $ea )));
$coords = " $xp , $yp " ;
//add coordinates every 0.25 radians
$a = $ea + 0.25 ;
// If we cross the 360-limit with a slice we need to handle
// the fact that end angle is smaller than start
if ( $sa < $ea ) {
while ( $a <= 2 * M_PI ) {
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $a ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
$a += 0.25 ;
$a -= 2 * M_PI ;
while ( $a < $sa ) {
$xp = floor (( $this -> imidsize * $radius * cos ( $a ) + $xc ));
$yp = floor ( $yc - ( $this -> imidsize * $radius * sin ( $a )));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
$a += 0.25 ;
// Make sure we end at the last point
$xp = floor (( $this -> imidsize * $radius * cos ( $sa ) + $xc ));
$yp = floor ( $yc - ( $this -> imidsize * $radius * sin ( $sa )));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
// Straight line to outer circle
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $sa ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $sa ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
//add coordinates every 0.25 radians
$a = $sa - 0.25 ;
while ( $a > $ea ) {
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $a ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $a ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
$a -= 0.25 ;
//Add the last point on the arc
$xp = floor ( $radius * cos ( $ea ) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - $radius * sin ( $ea ));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
// Close the arc
$xp = floor (( $this -> imidsize * $radius * cos ( $ea )) + $xc );
$yp = floor ( $yc - ( $this -> imidsize * $radius * sin ( $ea )));
$coords .= " , $xp , $yp " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimtargets [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimareas .= " <area shape= \" poly \" coords= \" $coords\ " href = \ " " .
$this -> csimtargets [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ]) ) {
$this -> csimareas .= " target= \" " . $this -> csimwintargets [ $i ] . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> csimalts [ $i ]) ) {
$tmp = sprintf ( $this -> csimalts [ $i ], $this -> data [ $i ]);
$this -> csimareas .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimareas .= " /> \n " ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Stroke ( $img , $aaoption = 0 ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Stroke the pie but don't stroke values
$tmp = $this -> value -> show ;
$this -> value -> show = false ;
parent :: Stroke ( $img , $aaoption );
$this -> value -> show = $tmp ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$xc = round ( $this -> posx * $img -> width );
$yc = round ( $this -> posy * $img -> height );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$radius = floor ( $this -> radius * min ( $img -> width , $img -> height )) ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> imidsize > 0 && $aaoption !== 2 ) {
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> ishadowcolor != " " ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> ishadowcolor );
$img -> FilledCircle ( $xc + $this -> ishadowdrop , $yc + $this -> ishadowdrop ,
round ( $radius * $this -> imidsize ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> imidcolor );
$img -> FilledCircle ( $xc , $yc , round ( $radius * $this -> imidsize ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> pie_border && $aaoption === 0 ) {
$img -> SetColor ( $this -> color );
$img -> Circle ( $xc , $yc , round ( $radius * $this -> imidsize ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> middlecsimtarget ) )
$this -> AddMiddleCSIM ( $xc , $yc , round ( $radius * $this -> imidsize ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> value -> show && $aaoption !== 1 ) {
$this -> StrokeAllLabels ( $img , $xc , $yc , $radius );
$this -> midtitle -> SetPos ( $xc , $yc , 'center' , 'center' );
$this -> midtitle -> Stroke ( $img );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function AddMiddleCSIM ( $xc , $yc , $r ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$xc = round ( $xc ); $yc = round ( $yc ); $r = round ( $r );
$this -> csimareas .= " <area shape= \" circle \" coords= \" $xc , $yc , $r\ " href = \ " " .
$this -> middlecsimtarget . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> middlecsimwintarget ) ) {
$this -> csimareas .= " target= \" " . $this -> middlecsimwintarget . " \" " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> middlecsimalt ) ) {
$tmp = $this -> middlecsimalt ;
$this -> csimareas .= " title= \" $tmp\ " alt = \ " $tmp\ " " ;
$this -> csimareas .= " /> \n " ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function StrokeLabel ( $label , $img , $xc , $yc , $a , $r ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( $this -> ilabelposadj === 'auto' )
$this -> ilabelposadj = ( 1 - $this -> imidsize ) / 2 + $this -> imidsize ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
parent :: StrokeLabel ( $label , $img , $xc , $yc , $a , $r );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// CLASS PieGraph
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// Description:
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
class PieGraph extends Graph {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
private $posx , $posy , $radius ;
private $legends = array ();
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
public $plots = array ();
public $pieaa = false ;
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
function __construct ( $width = 300 , $height = 200 , $cachedName = " " , $timeout = 0 , $inline = 1 ) {
parent :: __construct ( $width , $height , $cachedName , $timeout , $inline );
$this -> posx = $width / 2 ;
$this -> posy = $height / 2 ;
$this -> SetColor ( array ( 255 , 255 , 255 ));
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function Add ( $aObj ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
if ( is_array ( $aObj ) && count ( $aObj ) > 0 )
$cl = $aObj [ 0 ];
$cl = $aObj ;
if ( $cl instanceof Text )
$this -> AddText ( $aObj );
elseif ( class_exists ( 'IconPlot' , false ) && ( $cl instanceof IconPlot ) )
$this -> AddIcon ( $aObj );
else {
if ( is_array ( $aObj ) ) {
$n = count ( $aObj );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> plots [] = $aObj [ $i ];
else {
$this -> plots [] = $aObj ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetAntiAliasing ( $aFlg = true ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> pieaa = $aFlg ;
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function SetColor ( $c ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$this -> SetMarginColor ( $c );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
function DisplayCSIMAreas () {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
$csim = " " ;
foreach ( $this -> plots as $p ) {
$csim .= $p -> GetCSIMareas ();
//$csim.= $this->legend->GetCSIMareas();
if ( preg_match_all ( " /area shape= \" ( \ w+) \" coords= \" ([0-9 \ , ]+) \" / " , $csim , $coords )) {
$this -> img -> SetColor ( $this -> csimcolor );
$n = count ( $coords [ 0 ]);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $coords [ 1 ][ $i ] == " poly " ) {
preg_match_all ( '/\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,*/' , $coords [ 2 ][ $i ], $pts );
$this -> img -> SetStartPoint ( $pts [ 1 ][ count ( $pts [ 0 ]) - 1 ], $pts [ 2 ][ count ( $pts [ 0 ]) - 1 ]);
$m = count ( $pts [ 0 ]);
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $m ; $j ++ ) {
$this -> img -> LineTo ( $pts [ 1 ][ $j ], $pts [ 2 ][ $j ]);
} else if ( $coords [ 1 ][ $i ] == " rect " ) {
$pts = preg_split ( '/,/' , $coords [ 2 ][ $i ]);
$this -> img -> SetStartPoint ( $pts [ 0 ], $pts [ 1 ]);
$this -> img -> LineTo ( $pts [ 2 ], $pts [ 1 ]);
$this -> img -> LineTo ( $pts [ 2 ], $pts [ 3 ]);
$this -> img -> LineTo ( $pts [ 0 ], $pts [ 3 ]);
$this -> img -> LineTo ( $pts [ 0 ], $pts [ 1 ]);
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
// Method description
function Stroke ( $aStrokeFileName = " " ) {
2019-07-17 20:31:04 +00:00
// If the filename is the predefined value = '_csim_special_'
// we assume that the call to stroke only needs to do enough
// to correctly generate the CSIM maps.
// We use this variable to skip things we don't strictly need
// to do to generate the image map to improve performance
// a best we can. Therefor you will see a lot of tests !$_csim in the
// code below.
$_csim = ( $aStrokeFileName === _CSIM_SPECIALFILE );
// If we are called the second time (perhaps the user has called GetHTMLImageMap()
// himself then the legends have alsready been populated once in order to get the
// CSIM coordinats. Since we do not want the legends to be populated a second time
// we clear the legends
$this -> legend -> Clear ();
// We need to know if we have stroked the plot in the
// GetCSIMareas. Otherwise the CSIM hasn't been generated
// and in the case of GetCSIM called before stroke to generate
// CSIM without storing an image to disk GetCSIM must call Stroke.
$this -> iHasStroked = true ;
$n = count ( $this -> plots );
if ( $this -> pieaa ) {
if ( ! $_csim ) {
if ( $this -> background_image != " " ) {
$this -> StrokeFrameBackground ();
else {
$this -> StrokeFrame ();
$this -> StrokeBackgroundGrad ();
$w = $this -> img -> width ;
$h = $this -> img -> height ;
$oldimg = $this -> img -> img ;
$this -> img -> CreateImgCanvas ( 2 * $w , 2 * $h );
$this -> img -> SetColor ( $this -> margin_color );
$this -> img -> FilledRectangle ( 0 , 0 , 2 * $w - 1 , 2 * $h - 1 );
// Make all icons *2 i size since we will be scaling down the
// imahe to do the anti aliasing
$ni = count ( $this -> iIcons );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ni ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> iIcons [ $i ] -> iScale *= 2 ;
if ( $this -> iIcons [ $i ] -> iX > 1 )
$this -> iIcons [ $i ] -> iX *= 2 ;
if ( $this -> iIcons [ $i ] -> iY > 1 )
$this -> iIcons [ $i ] -> iY *= 2 ;
$this -> StrokeIcons ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
if ( $this -> plots [ $i ] -> posx > 1 )
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> posx *= 2 ;
if ( $this -> plots [ $i ] -> posy > 1 )
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> posy *= 2 ;
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img , 1 );
if ( $this -> plots [ $i ] -> posx > 1 )
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> posx /= 2 ;
if ( $this -> plots [ $i ] -> posy > 1 )
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> posy /= 2 ;
$indent = $this -> doframe ? ( $this -> frame_weight + ( $this -> doshadow ? $this -> shadow_width : 0 )) : 0 ;
$indent += $this -> framebevel ? $this -> framebeveldepth + 1 : 0 ;
$this -> img -> CopyCanvasH ( $oldimg , $this -> img -> img , $indent , $indent , $indent , $indent ,
$w - 2 * $indent , $h - 2 * $indent , 2 * ( $w - $indent ), 2 * ( $h - $indent ));
$this -> img -> img = $oldimg ;
$this -> img -> width = $w ;
$this -> img -> height = $h ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img , 2 ); // Stroke labels
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> Legend ( $this );
else {
if ( ! $_csim ) {
if ( $this -> background_image != " " ) {
$this -> StrokeFrameBackground ();
else {
$this -> StrokeFrame ();
$this -> StrokeBackgroundGrad ();
$this -> StrokeIcons ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
$this -> plots [ $i ] -> Legend ( $this );
$this -> legend -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
$this -> footer -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
$this -> StrokeTitles ();
if ( ! $_csim ) {
// Stroke texts
if ( $this -> texts != null ) {
$n = count ( $this -> texts );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> texts [ $i ] -> Stroke ( $this -> img );
if ( _JPG_DEBUG ) {
$this -> DisplayCSIMAreas ();
// Should we do any final image transformation
if ( $this -> iImgTrans ) {
if ( ! class_exists ( 'ImgTrans' , false ) ) {
require_once ( 'jpgraph_imgtrans.php' );
//JpGraphError::Raise('In order to use image transformation you must include the file jpgraph_imgtrans.php in your script.');
$tform = new ImgTrans ( $this -> img -> img );
$this -> img -> img = $tform -> Skew3D ( $this -> iImgTransHorizon , $this -> iImgTransSkewDist ,
$this -> iImgTransDirection , $this -> iImgTransHighQ ,
$this -> iImgTransMinSize , $this -> iImgTransFillColor ,
$this -> iImgTransBorder );
// If the filename is given as the special "__handle"
// then the image handler is returned and the image is NOT
// streamed back
if ( $aStrokeFileName == _IMG_HANDLER ) {
return $this -> img -> img ;
else {
// Finally stream the generated picture
$this -> cache -> PutAndStream ( $this -> img , $this -> cache_name , $this -> inline ,
$aStrokeFileName );
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
} // Class
/* EOF */