This commit is contained in:
6543 2019-07-17 22:36:42 +02:00
parent 2f397f01f7
commit 674a9ca6b6
1 changed files with 228 additions and 236 deletions

View File

@ -9,261 +9,253 @@
* @packager Keyboard Monkeys

class Install_CredentialsController extends CommunityID_Controller_Action
class Install_CredentialsController extends CommunityID_Controller_Action {

protected $_numCols = 1;

public function indexAction()
if ($errors = $this->_getErrors()) {
return $this->_forward('index', 'permissions', null, array('errors' => $errors));
protected $_numCols = 1;

$appSession = Zend_Registry::get('appSession');
if (isset($appSession->installForm)) {
$this->view->form = $appSession->installForm;
} else {
$this->view->form = new Install_Form_Install();
public function indexAction(){
if( $errors = $this->_getErrors() )
return $this->_forward( 'index' , 'permissions' , null , array( 'errors' => $errors ) );

$appSession = Zend_Registry::get( 'appSession' );
if( isset( $appSession->installForm ) ){
$this->view->form = $appSession->installForm;
unset( $appSession->installForm );
$this->view->form = new Install_Form_Install();
public function saveAction(){
$form = new Install_Form_Install();
$formData = $this->_request->getPost();

$form->populate( $formData );
if( !$form->isValid( $formData ) )
return $this->_forwardFormError( $form );

if( !$this->_connectToDbEngine( $form ) ){
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage( $this->view->translate( "We couldn't connect to the database using those credentials." ) );
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage( $this->view->translate( 'Please verify and try again.' ) );
return $this->_forwardFormError( $form );

if( !$this->_createDbIfMissing( $form ) ){
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage( $this->view->translate( "The connection to the database engine worked, but the database %s doesn\'t exist or the provided user doesn\'t have access to it. An attempt was made to create it, but the provided user doesn't have permissions to do so either. Please create it yourself and try again." , $form->getValue( 'dbname' ) ) );
return $this->_forwardFormError( $form );

$this->_createAdmin( $form );

if( !$this->_writeConfig( $form ) )
throw new Exception( 'Couldn\'t write to config file ' . APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' );

$this->_redirect( '/install/complete' );

private function _connectToDbEngine( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this->_config->database->params->host = $form->getValue( 'hostname' );
$this->_config->database->params->username = $form->getValue( 'dbusername' );
$this->_config->database->params->password = $form->getValue( 'dbpassword' );

// setting dbname to null makes Zend_Db::getConnection() try to connect to the db engine without attempting to connect to the dbname
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = null;

return Application::setDatabase();

private function _createDbIfMissing( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this->_config->database->params->host = $form->getValue( 'hostname' );
$this->_config->database->params->username = $form->getValue( 'dbusername' );
$this->_config->database->params->password = $form->getValue( 'dbpassword' );
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = $form->getValue( 'dbname' );

if( !Application::setDatabase() ){
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = null;

// binding doesn't work here for some reason
Zend_Registry::get( 'db' )->getConnection()->query( 'CREATE DATABASE `' . $form->getValue('dbname') . '`' );
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = $form->getValue( 'dbname' );
}catch( PDOException $e ){ // when using PDO, it throws this exception, not Zend's
return false;

return true;

private function _writeConfig( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this->_config->environment->installed = true;
$this->_config->email->supportemail = $form->getValue( 'supportemail' );

$replace = array(
'{environment.installed}' => ( $this->_config->environment->installed ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.session_name}' => $this->_config->environment->session_name,
'{environment.production}' => ( $this->_config->environment->production ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.YDN}' => ( $this->_config->environment->YDN ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.ajax_slowdown}' => $this->_config->environment->ajax_slowdown ,
'{environment.keep_history_days}' => $this->_config->environment->keep_history_days ,
'{environment.unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire}' => $this->_config->environment->unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire ,
'{environment.registrations_enabled}' => ( $this->_config->environment->registrations_enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.locale}' => $this->_config->environment->locale ,
'{environment.template}' => $this->_config->environment->template ,
'{metadata.description}' => $this->_config->metadata->description ,
'{metadata.keywords}' => $this->_config->metadata->keywords ,
'{logging.location}' => $this->_config->logging->location ,
'{logging.level}' => $this->_config->logging->level ,
'{subdomain.enabled}' => ( $this->_config->subdomain->enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{subdomain.hostname}' => $this->_config->subdomain->hostname ,
'{subdomain.use_www}' => ( $this->_config->subdomain->use_www ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{SSL.enable_mixed_mode}' => ( $this->_config->SSL->enable_mixed_mode ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{database.adapter}' => $this->_config->database->adapter ,
'{}' => $this->_config->database->params->host ,
'{database.params.dbname}' => $this->_config->database->params->dbname ,
'{database.params.username}' => $this->_config->database->params->username ,
'{database.params.password}' => $this->_config->database->params->password ,
'{security.passwords.dictionary}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->dictionary,
'{security.passwords.username_different}' => ( $this->_config->security->passwords->username_different ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.minimum_length}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->minimum_length,
'{security.passwords.include_numbers}' => ( $this->_config->security->passwords->include_numbers ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.include_symbols}' => ( $this->_config->security->passwords->include_symbols ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.lowercase_and_uppercase}' => ( $this->_config->security->passwords->lowercase_and_uppercase ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.usernames.exclude}' => $this->_config->security->usernames->exclude->current() ,
'{ldap.enabled}' => ( $this->_config->ldap->enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{}' => $this->_config->ldap->host ,
'{ldap.baseDn}' => $this->_config->ldap->baseDn ,
'{ldap.bindRequiresDn}' => ( $this->_config->ldap->bindRequiresDn ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.username}' => $this->_config->ldap->username ,
'{ldap.password}' => $this->_config->ldap->password ,
'{ldap.admin}' => $this->_config->ldap->admin ,
'{ldap.keepRecordsSynced}' => ( $this->_config->ldap->keepRecordsSynced ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.canChangePassword}' => ( $this->_config->ldap->canChangePassword ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.passwordHashing}' => $this->_config->ldap->passwordHashing ,
'{ldap.fields.nickname}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->nickname ,
'{}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->email ,
'{ldap.fields.fullname}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->fullname ,
'{ldap.fields.postcode}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->postcode ,
'{yubikey.enabled}' => ( $this->_config->yubikey->enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{yubikey.force}' => ( $this->_config->yubikey->force ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{yubikey.api_id}' => $this->_config->yubikey->api_id ,
'{yubikey.api_key}' => $this->_config->yubikey->api_key ,
'{email.supportemail}' => $this->_config->email->supportemail ,
'{email.adminemail}' => $this->_config->email->adminemail ,
'{email.transport}' => $this->_config->email->transport ,
'{}' => $this->_config->email->host ,
'{email.auth}' => $this->_config->email->auth ,
'{email.username}' => $this->_config->email->username ,
'{email.password}' => $this->_config->email->password ,
public function saveAction()
$form = new Install_Form_Install();
$formData = $this->_request->getPost();
$configTemplate = file_get_contents( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.template.php' );
$configTemplate = str_replace( array_keys( $replace ) , array_values( $replace ), $configTemplate );

if (!$form->isValid($formData)) {
return $this->_forwardFormError($form);
return @file_put_contents( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.php' , $configTemplate );

if (!$this->_connectToDbEngine($form)) {
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('We couldn\'t connect to the database using those credentials.'));
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('Please verify and try again.'));
return $this->_forwardFormError($form);
private function _importDb(){
$this->_runSqlFILE( 'final.sql' );

if (!$this->_createDbIfMissing($form)) {
'The connection to the database engine worked, but the database %s doesn\'t exist or the provided user doesn\'t have access to it. An attempt was made to create it, but the provided user doesn\'t have permissions to do so either. Please create it yourself and try again.', $form->getValue('dbname')));
return $this->_forwardFormError($form);
private function _createAdmin( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$users = new Users_Model_Users();
$user = $users->createRow();
$user->username = $form->getValue( 'username' );
$user->accepted_eula = 1;
$user->registration_date = date( 'Y-m-d' );
$user->openid = '';
$user->setClearPassword( $form->getValue( 'password1' ) );
$user->firstname = 'Admin';
$user->lastname = 'User';
$user->email = $form->getValue( 'supportemail' );
$user->role = Users_Model_User::ROLE_ADMIN;

function _runSqlFile( $fileName ){
$fp = fopen( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'/setup/'.$fileName , 'r' );
$query = '';
$db = Zend_Registry::get( 'db' );
while( !feof( $fp ) ){
$line = trim( fgets( $fp ) );
// skip SQL comments
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' )

if (!$this->_writeConfig($form)) {
throw new Exception('Couldn\'t write to config file ' . APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php');


private function _connectToDbEngine(Install_Form_Install $form)
$this->_config->database->params->host = $form->getValue('hostname');
$this->_config->database->params->username = $form->getValue('dbusername');
$this->_config->database->params->password = $form->getValue('dbpassword');

// setting dbname to null makes Zend_Db::getConnection() try to connect to the db engine
// without attempting to connect to the dbname
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = null;

return Application::setDatabase();

private function _createDbIfMissing(Install_Form_Install $form)
$this->_config->database->params->host = $form->getValue('hostname');
$this->_config->database->params->username = $form->getValue('dbusername');
$this->_config->database->params->password = $form->getValue('dbpassword');

$this->_config->database->params->dbname = $form->getValue('dbname');

if (!Application::setDatabase()) {
try {
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = null;

// binding doesn't work here for some reason
Zend_Registry::get('db')->getConnection()->query("CREATE DATABASE `" . $form->getValue('dbname') . "`");
$this->_config->database->params->dbname = $form->getValue('dbname');
} catch (PDOException $e) { // when using PDO, it throws this exception, not Zend's
return false;

return true;

private function _writeConfig(Install_Form_Install $form)
$this->_config->environment->installed = true;
$this->_config->email->supportemail = $form->getValue('supportemail');

$configTemplate = file_get_contents(APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.template.php');
$replace = array(
'{environment.installed}' => $this->_config->environment->installed? 'true' : 'false',
'{environment.session_name}' => $this->_config->environment->session_name,
'{environment.production}' => $this->_config->environment->production? 'true' : 'false',
'{environment.YDN}' => $this->_config->environment->YDN? 'true' : 'false',
'{environment.ajax_slowdown}' => $this->_config->environment->ajax_slowdown,
'{environment.keep_history_days}' => $this->_config->environment->keep_history_days,
'{environment.unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire}' => $this->_config->environment->unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire,
'{environment.registrations_enabled}' => $this->_config->environment->registrations_enabled? 'true' : 'false',
'{environment.locale}' => $this->_config->environment->locale,
'{environment.template}' => $this->_config->environment->template,
'{metadata.description}' => $this->_config->metadata->description,
'{metadata.keywords}' => $this->_config->metadata->keywords,
'{logging.location}' => $this->_config->logging->location,
'{logging.level}' => $this->_config->logging->level,
'{subdomain.enabled}' => $this->_config->subdomain->enabled? 'true' : 'false',
'{subdomain.hostname}' => $this->_config->subdomain->hostname,
'{subdomain.use_www}' => $this->_config->subdomain->use_www? 'true' : 'false',
'{SSL.enable_mixed_mode}' => $this->_config->SSL->enable_mixed_mode? 'true' : 'false',
'{database.adapter}' => $this->_config->database->adapter,
'{}' => $this->_config->database->params->host,
'{database.params.dbname}' => $this->_config->database->params->dbname,
'{database.params.username}' => $this->_config->database->params->username,
'{database.params.password}' => $this->_config->database->params->password,
'{security.passwords.dictionary}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->dictionary,
'{security.passwords.username_different}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->username_different? 'true' : 'false',
'{security.passwords.minimum_length}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->minimum_length,
'{security.passwords.include_numbers}'=> $this->_config->security->passwords->include_numbers? 'true' : 'false',
'{security.passwords.include_symbols}'=> $this->_config->security->passwords->include_symbols? 'true' : 'false',
'{security.passwords.lowercase_and_uppercase}' => $this->_config->security->passwords->lowercase_and_uppercase? 'true' : 'false',
'{security.usernames.exclude}' => $this->_config->security->usernames->exclude->current(),
'{ldap.enabled}' => $this->_config->ldap->enabled? 'true' : 'false',
'{}' => $this->_config->ldap->host,
'{ldap.baseDn}' => $this->_config->ldap->baseDn,
'{ldap.bindRequiresDn}' => $this->_config->ldap->bindRequiresDn? 'true' : 'false',
'{ldap.username}' => $this->_config->ldap->username,
'{ldap.password}' => $this->_config->ldap->password,
'{ldap.admin}' => $this->_config->ldap->admin,
'{ldap.keepRecordsSynced}' => $this->_config->ldap->keepRecordsSynced? 'true' : 'false',
'{ldap.canChangePassword}' => $this->_config->ldap->canChangePassword? 'true' : 'false',
'{ldap.passwordHashing}' => $this->_config->ldap->passwordHashing,
'{ldap.fields.nickname}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->nickname,
'{}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->email,
'{ldap.fields.fullname}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->fullname,
'{ldap.fields.postcode}' => $this->_config->ldap->fields->postcode,
'{yubikey.enabled}' => $this->_config->yubikey->enabled? 'true' : 'false',
'{yubikey.force}' => $this->_config->yubikey->force? 'true' : 'false',
'{yubikey.api_id}' => $this->_config->yubikey->api_id,
'{yubikey.api_key}' => $this->_config->yubikey->api_key,
'{email.supportemail}' => $this->_config->email->supportemail,
'{email.adminemail}' => $this->_config->email->adminemail,
'{email.transport}' => $this->_config->email->transport,
'{}' => $this->_config->email->host,
'{email.auth}' => $this->_config->email->auth,
'{email.username}' => $this->_config->email->username,
'{email.password}' => $this->_config->email->password,
$configTemplate = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $configTemplate);

return @file_put_contents(APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php', $configTemplate);

private function _importDb()

private function _createAdmin(Install_Form_Install $form)
$users = new Users_Model_Users();
$user = $users->createRow();
$user->username = $form->getValue('username');
$user->accepted_eula = 1;
$user->registration_date = date('Y-m-d');
$user->openid = '';
$user->firstname = 'Admin';
$user->lastname = 'User';
$user->email = $form->getValue('supportemail');
$user->role = Users_Model_User::ROLE_ADMIN;

function _runSqlFile($fileName) {
$fp = fopen(APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "/setup/$fileName", 'r');
$query .= $line;
if( ( substr( $line , -1 , 1 )==';' || feof( $fp ) ) && $query!='' ){
// I had to resort to a direct call because regexes inside the Zend Framework are segfaulting with the long queries in sampleData.sql $this->db->query($query);
$db->getConnection()->query( $query );
$query = '';
$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = trim(fgets($fp));
fclose( $fp );

// skip SQL comments
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--') {
private function _forwardFormError( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$appSession = Zend_Registry::get( 'appSession' );
$appSession->installForm = $form;
$this->_redirect( '/install/credentials' );

$query .= $line;
if ((substr($line, -1, 1) == ';' || feof($fp)) && $query != '') {
// I had to resort to a direct call because regexes inside the Zend Framework are segfaulting with the long queries in sampleData.sql
private function _getErrors(){
$errors = array();
$webServerUser = $this->_getProcessUser();

$query = '';
if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION , self::PHP_MINIMAL_VERSION_REQUIRED , '<' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate( 'PHP version %s or greater is required' , self::PHP_MINIMAL_VERSION_REQUIRED );

if( ( file_exists( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.php' ) && !is_writable( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.php' ) )
|| !@touch( APP_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.php' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('The directory where Community-ID is installed must be writable by the web server user (%s). Another option is to create an EMPTY config.php file that is writable by that user.' , $webServerUser );
if( !( is_dir( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) && is_writable( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) ) ){
if( !is_dir( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) )
mkdir( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' );
if( !is_writable( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) ){
chmod( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' , 0777 );
chown( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' , $webServerUser );
if( !( is_dir( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) && is_writable( WEB_DIR.'/captchas' ) ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('The directory "captchas" under the web directory for Community-ID must be writable by the web server user (%s)' , $webServerUser );

private function _forwardFormError(Install_Form_Install $form)
$appSession = Zend_Registry::get('appSession');
$appSession->installForm = $form;
if( !extension_loaded( 'mysqli' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate( 'You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">MySQLi</a>' );
if( !extension_loaded( 'gd' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate( 'You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">GD</a>' );
if( !function_exists( 'imagepng' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate( 'You need to have <a href="">PNG support in your GD configuration</a>' );
if( !function_exists( 'imageftbbox' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate( 'You need to have <a href="">Freetype support in your GD configuration</a>' );
if( !function_exists( 'curl_init' ) )
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">cURL</a>' );

private function _getErrors()
$errors = array();
$webServerUser = $this->_getProcessUser();
return $errors;

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, self::PHP_MINIMAL_VERSION_REQUIRED, '<')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('PHP version %s or greater is required',
if (!is_writable(APP_DIR) && !is_writable(APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('The directory where Community-ID is installed must be writable by the web server user (%s). Another option is to create an EMPTY config.php file that is writable by that user.', $webServerUser);
if (!is_writable(WEB_DIR . '/captchas')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('The directory "captchas" under the web directory for Community-ID must be writable by the web server user (%s)', $webServerUser);
if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">MySQLi</a>');
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">GD</a>');
if (!function_exists('imagepng')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have <a href="">PNG support in your GD configuration</a>');
if (!function_exists('imageftbbox')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have <a href="">Freetype support in your GD configuration</a>');
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
$errors[] = $this->view->translate('You need to have the %s extension installed', '<a href="">cURL</a>');
private function _getProcessUser(){
if( !function_exists( 'posix_getpwuid' ) ) // we're on windows
return getenv( 'USERNAME' );

return $errors;
$processUser = posix_getpwuid( posix_geteuid() );

private function _getProcessUser()
if (!function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
// we're on windows
return getenv('USERNAME');
return $processUser['name'];

$processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());

return $processUser['name'];