
383 lines
13 KiB

* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* Implementation for the "Insert/Remove Ordered/Unordered List" commands.
var FCKListCommand = function( name, tagName )
this.Name = name ;
this.TagName = tagName ;
FCKListCommand.prototype =
GetState : function()
// Disabled if not WYSIWYG.
if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG || ! FCK.EditorWindow )
// We'll use the style system's convention to determine list state here...
// If the starting block is a descendant of an <ol> or <ul> node, then we're in a list.
var startContainer = FCKSelection.GetBoundaryParentElement( true ) ;
var listNode = startContainer ;
while ( listNode )
if ( listNode.nodeName.IEquals( [ 'ul', 'ol' ] ) )
break ;
listNode = listNode.parentNode ;
if ( listNode && listNode.nodeName.IEquals( this.TagName ) )
Execute : function()
FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
var doc = FCK.EditorDocument ;
var range = new FCKDomRange( FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
range.MoveToSelection() ;
var state = this.GetState() ;
// Midas lists rule #1 says we can create a list even in an empty document.
// But FCKDomRangeIterator wouldn't run if the document is really empty.
// So create a paragraph if the document is empty and we're going to create a list.
if ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF )
FCKDomTools.TrimNode( doc.body ) ;
if ( ! doc.body.firstChild )
var paragraph = doc.createElement( 'p' ) ;
doc.body.appendChild( paragraph ) ;
range.MoveToNodeContents( paragraph ) ;
var bookmark = range.CreateBookmark() ;
// Group the blocks up because there are many cases where multiple lists have to be created,
// or multiple lists have to be cancelled.
var listGroups = [] ;
var markerObj = {} ;
var iterator = new FCKDomRangeIterator( range ) ;
var block ;
iterator.ForceBrBreak = ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ) ;
var nextRangeExists = true ;
var rangeQueue = null ;
while ( nextRangeExists )
while ( ( block = iterator.GetNextParagraph() ) )
var path = new FCKElementPath( block ) ;
var listNode = null ;
var processedFlag = false ;
var blockLimit = path.BlockLimit ;
// First, try to group by a list ancestor.
for ( var i = path.Elements.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
var el = path.Elements[i] ;
if ( el.nodeName.IEquals( ['ol', 'ul'] ) )
// If we've encountered a list inside a block limit
// The last group object of the block limit element should
// no longer be valid. Since paragraphs after the list
// should belong to a different group of paragraphs before
// the list. (Bug #1309)
if ( blockLimit._FCK_ListGroupObject )
blockLimit._FCK_ListGroupObject = null ;
var groupObj = el._FCK_ListGroupObject ;
if ( groupObj )
groupObj.contents.push( block ) ;
groupObj = { 'root' : el, 'contents' : [ block ] } ;
listGroups.push( groupObj ) ;
FCKDomTools.SetElementMarker( markerObj, el, '_FCK_ListGroupObject', groupObj ) ;
processedFlag = true ;
break ;
if ( processedFlag )
continue ;
// No list ancestor? Group by block limit.
var root = blockLimit ;
if ( root._FCK_ListGroupObject )
root._FCK_ListGroupObject.contents.push( block ) ;
var groupObj = { 'root' : root, 'contents' : [ block ] } ;
FCKDomTools.SetElementMarker( markerObj, root, '_FCK_ListGroupObject', groupObj ) ;
listGroups.push( groupObj ) ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
nextRangeExists = false ;
if ( rangeQueue == null )
rangeQueue = [] ;
var selectionObject = FCKSelection.GetSelection() ;
if ( selectionObject && listGroups.length == 0 )
rangeQueue.push( selectionObject.getRangeAt( 0 ) ) ;
for ( var i = 1 ; selectionObject && i < selectionObject.rangeCount ; i++ )
rangeQueue.push( selectionObject.getRangeAt( i ) ) ;
if ( rangeQueue.length < 1 )
nextRangeExists = false ;
var internalRange = FCKW3CRange.CreateFromRange( doc, rangeQueue.shift() ) ;
range._Range = internalRange ;
range._UpdateElementInfo() ;
if ( range.StartNode.nodeName.IEquals( 'td' ) )
range.SetStart( range.StartNode, 1 ) ;
if ( range.EndNode.nodeName.IEquals( 'td' ) )
range.SetEnd( range.EndNode, 2 ) ;
iterator = new FCKDomRangeIterator( range ) ;
iterator.ForceBrBreak = ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ) ;
// Now we have two kinds of list groups, groups rooted at a list, and groups rooted at a block limit element.
// We either have to build lists or remove lists, for removing a list does not makes sense when we are looking
// at the group that's not rooted at lists. So we have three cases to handle.
var listsCreated = [] ;
while ( listGroups.length > 0 )
var groupObj = listGroups.shift() ;
if ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF )
if ( groupObj.root.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) )
this._ChangeListType( groupObj, markerObj, listsCreated ) ;
this._CreateList( groupObj, listsCreated ) ;
else if ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_ON && groupObj.root.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) )
this._RemoveList( groupObj, markerObj ) ;
// For all new lists created, merge adjacent, same type lists.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < listsCreated.length ; i++ )
var listNode = listsCreated[i] ;
var stopFlag = false ;
var currentNode = listNode ;
while ( ! stopFlag )
currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling ;
if ( currentNode && currentNode.nodeType == 3 && /^[\n\r\t ]*$/ ) == 0 )
continue ;
stopFlag = true ;
if ( currentNode && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( this.TagName ) )
currentNode.parentNode.removeChild( currentNode ) ;
while ( currentNode.firstChild )
listNode.appendChild( currentNode.removeChild( currentNode.firstChild ) ) ;
stopFlag = false ;
currentNode = listNode ;
while ( ! stopFlag )
currentNode = currentNode.previousSibling ;
if ( currentNode && currentNode.nodeType == 3 && /^[\n\r\t ]*$/ ) == 0 )
continue ;
stopFlag = true ;
if ( currentNode && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( this.TagName ) )
currentNode.parentNode.removeChild( currentNode ) ;
while ( currentNode.lastChild )
listNode.insertBefore( currentNode.removeChild( currentNode.lastChild ),
listNode.firstChild ) ;
// Clean up, restore selection and update toolbar button states.
FCKDomTools.ClearAllMarkers( markerObj ) ;
range.MoveToBookmark( bookmark ) ;
range.Select() ;
FCK.Focus() ;
FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;
_ChangeListType : function( groupObj, markerObj, listsCreated )
// This case is easy...
// 1. Convert the whole list into a one-dimensional array.
// 2. Change the list type by modifying the array.
// 3. Recreate the whole list by converting the array to a list.
// 4. Replace the original list with the recreated list.
var listArray = FCKDomTools.ListToArray( groupObj.root, markerObj ) ;
var selectedListItems = [] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupObj.contents.length ; i++ )
var itemNode = groupObj.contents[i] ;
itemNode = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( itemNode, 'li' ) ;
if ( ! itemNode || itemNode._FCK_ListItem_Processed )
continue ;
selectedListItems.push( itemNode ) ;
FCKDomTools.SetElementMarker( markerObj, itemNode, '_FCK_ListItem_Processed', true ) ;
var fakeParent = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( groupObj.root ).createElement( this.TagName ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selectedListItems.length ; i++ )
var listIndex = selectedListItems[i]._FCK_ListArray_Index ;
listArray[listIndex].parent = fakeParent ;
var newList = FCKDomTools.ArrayToList( listArray, markerObj ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < newList.listNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
if ( newList.listNode.childNodes[i].nodeName.IEquals( this.TagName ) )
listsCreated.push( newList.listNode.childNodes[i] ) ;
groupObj.root.parentNode.replaceChild( newList.listNode, groupObj.root ) ;
_CreateList : function( groupObj, listsCreated )
var contents = groupObj.contents ;
var doc = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( groupObj.root ) ;
var listContents = [] ;
// It is possible to have the contents returned by DomRangeIterator to be the same as the root.
// e.g. when we're running into table cells.
// In such a case, enclose the childNodes of contents[0] into a <div>.
if ( contents.length == 1 && contents[0] == groupObj.root )
var divBlock = doc.createElement( 'div' );
while ( contents[0].firstChild )
divBlock.appendChild( contents[0].removeChild( contents[0].firstChild ) ) ;
contents[0].appendChild( divBlock ) ;
contents[0] = divBlock ;
// Calculate the common parent node of all content blocks.
var commonParent = groupObj.contents[0].parentNode ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < contents.length ; i++ )
commonParent = FCKDomTools.GetCommonParents( commonParent, contents[i].parentNode ).pop() ;
// We want to insert things that are in the same tree level only, so calculate the contents again
// by expanding the selected blocks to the same tree level.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < contents.length ; i++ )
var contentNode = contents[i] ;
while ( contentNode.parentNode )
if ( contentNode.parentNode == commonParent )
listContents.push( contentNode ) ;
break ;
contentNode = contentNode.parentNode ;
if ( listContents.length < 1 )
return ;
// Insert the list to the DOM tree.
var insertAnchor = listContents[listContents.length - 1].nextSibling ;
var listNode = doc.createElement( this.TagName ) ;
listsCreated.push( listNode ) ;
while ( listContents.length )
var contentBlock = listContents.shift() ;
var docFrag = doc.createDocumentFragment() ;
while ( contentBlock.firstChild )
docFrag.appendChild( contentBlock.removeChild( contentBlock.firstChild ) ) ;
contentBlock.parentNode.removeChild( contentBlock ) ;
var listItem = doc.createElement( 'li' ) ;
listItem.appendChild( docFrag ) ;
listNode.appendChild( listItem ) ;
commonParent.insertBefore( listNode, insertAnchor ) ;
_RemoveList : function( groupObj, markerObj )
// This is very much like the change list type operation.
// Except that we're changing the selected items' indent to -1 in the list array.
var listArray = FCKDomTools.ListToArray( groupObj.root, markerObj ) ;
var selectedListItems = [] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupObj.contents.length ; i++ )
var itemNode = groupObj.contents[i] ;
itemNode = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( itemNode, 'li' ) ;
if ( ! itemNode || itemNode._FCK_ListItem_Processed )
continue ;
selectedListItems.push( itemNode ) ;
FCKDomTools.SetElementMarker( markerObj, itemNode, '_FCK_ListItem_Processed', true ) ;
var lastListIndex = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selectedListItems.length ; i++ )
var listIndex = selectedListItems[i]._FCK_ListArray_Index ;
listArray[listIndex].indent = -1 ;
lastListIndex = listIndex ;
// After cutting parts of the list out with indent=-1, we still have to maintain the array list
// model's nextItem.indent <= currentItem.indent + 1 invariant. Otherwise the array model of the
// list cannot be converted back to a real DOM list.
for ( var i = lastListIndex + 1; i < listArray.length ; i++ )
if ( listArray[i].indent > listArray[i-1].indent + 1 )
var indentOffset = listArray[i-1].indent + 1 - listArray[i].indent ;
var oldIndent = listArray[i].indent ;
while ( listArray[i] && listArray[i].indent >= oldIndent)
listArray[i].indent += indentOffset ;
i++ ;
i-- ;
var newList = FCKDomTools.ArrayToList( listArray, markerObj ) ;
// If groupObj.root is the last element in its parent, or its nextSibling is a <br>, then we should
// not add a <br> after the final item. So, check for the cases and trim the <br>.
if ( groupObj.root.nextSibling == null || groupObj.root.nextSibling.nodeName.IEquals( 'br' ) )
if ( newList.listNode.lastChild.nodeName.IEquals( 'br' ) )
newList.listNode.removeChild( newList.listNode.lastChild ) ;
groupObj.root.parentNode.replaceChild( newList.listNode, groupObj.root ) ;