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2009-09-18 / 1.1.0-RC2 / Reiner Jung <>
- During installation, ask for desired admin user username and
password, instead of using the default admin/admin. The admin's E-mail
is set to the support E-mail provided in that same form.
- Language updates.
- Set admin user creation date upon installation, to the current date.
- Not count unconfirmed users in the Trusted Sites stats graph.
2009-09-07 / 1.1.0-RC1 / Reiner Jung <>
- Clear button in Manage Users section will clear search input box, and
restore the current filtered list.
- Updated translation strings
- Added i18n to the account reminder E-mail template
- When browsing users, show the number of reminders sent to unconfirmed
users, in the status column.
- Upgraded Zend Framework to latest stable version, 1.9.2
- Completely removed the requirement of having to enable short tags in
- Fixed return on denied immediate request
- Wasn't forgetting user after closing browser, when not using the
Remember Me feature
- Fixed issues with the unconfirmed user message reminders
- Clean error message when attempting to install with empty config.php file
- Fixed warning message when pdo_mysql extension is not loaded. Note
that that extension still isn't a requirement, since we're still using
- Fixed small installation issue when installing directly on the web
root dir
- After the upgrade process finishes, log out the user to avoid problems
when the users table structure changes.
2009-08-21 / 1.1.0BETA / Reiner Jung <>
- Community-ID news feed has been moved to a new About section, visible
only by admins.
- News in the home page are now manageable by the admin.
- Brute-force login attempts are now mitigated through the appearance of
a captcha after the third failed attempt, in both the main page login
section, and when trying to log-in while during an OpenID authentication.
- Removed requirement of having short_open_tag php.ini directive to be On.
- The user's OpenID URL is now visible in all pages when he's logged in.
- The Manage Users section now has a search field.
- You're able to delete unconfirmed users that have not confirmed their
account for a given number of days.
- You're able to send a reminder to unconfirmed users that have not
confirmed their account for a given number of days.
- Added sorting ability for the History Log table. Have it sort from
latest to oldest by default.
- Replaced rich-text editor in the Message Users section with the more
capable FCK Editor.
- Rich-text editor messages are filtered through the HTMLPurifier lib,
that filters out XSS and other malignous content.
- Upgraded Zend Framework to version 1.8.4PL1
- Fixed compatibility with OpenID relays that send their info through
POST instead of GET.
- Fixed support for relays not sending the OpenID identifier. This fixes
Facebook compatibility.
- Fixed clashes with other Zend Frameworks located in PHP's include path.
- Now only ascii characters will be allowed in the usernames, to avoid
problems in the OpenID URL.
- Fixed pagination issues in the Manage Users section.
- Fixed pagination issues in the History Log section.
- Fixed problems in the Feedback and Message Users forms.
- Mass-mailing to users will have the recipients in BCC instead of TO,
to avoid revealing E-mails to all recipients.
- Fixed layout issue of the login checkbox "Remember me", under IE and
- Fixed some javascript error messages under IE.
- Minimal supported PHP version is 5.2.4
2009-04-21 / 1.0.0 / Reiner Jung <>
- Added configuration directives to support OpenID URLs using subdomains.
- Add a configuration directives to set the number of news items to show.
- When in maintenance mode, have a warning message explaining, and disable the login section.
- Improved installation procedure.
- Improved error handling and logging.
- Return 404 and 401 status on page not found and access denied scenarios, respectively.
- Don't send email on Access Denied Exceptions, as these may be caused by session timeouts.
- Check if set_include_path() is supported by the current PHP configuration.
- Moved from PDO Mysql to MySQLi database back-end, to avoid problems under Windows servers.
- Was throwing an exception when logging in during an openid authentication.
- Wasn't showing 'denied' or 'authorized' in the history list