2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00
< ? php
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* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2005 - 2010 Keyboard Monkeys Ltd . http :// www . kb - m . com
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* @ license http :// creativecommons . org / licenses / BSD / BSD License
* @ author Keyboard Monkey Ltd
* @ since CommunityID 0.9
* @ package CommunityID
* @ packager Keyboard Monkeys
2019-07-17 20:36:42 +00:00
class Install_CredentialsController extends CommunityID_Controller_Action {
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protected $_numCols = 1 ;
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public function indexAction (){
if ( $errors = $this -> _getErrors () )
return $this -> _forward ( 'index' , 'permissions' , null , array ( 'errors' => $errors ) );
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$appSession = Zend_Registry :: get ( 'appSession' );
if ( isset ( $appSession -> installForm ) ){
$this -> view -> form = $appSession -> installForm ;
unset ( $appSession -> installForm );
} else {
$this -> view -> form = new Install_Form_Install ();
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public function saveAction (){
$form = new Install_Form_Install ();
$formData = $this -> _request -> getPost ();
$form -> populate ( $formData );
if ( ! $form -> isValid ( $formData ) )
return $this -> _forwardFormError ( $form );
if ( ! $this -> _connectToDbEngine ( $form ) ){
$this -> _helper -> FlashMessenger -> addMessage ( $this -> view -> translate ( " We couldn't connect to the database using those credentials. " ) );
$this -> _helper -> FlashMessenger -> addMessage ( $this -> view -> translate ( 'Please verify and try again.' ) );
return $this -> _forwardFormError ( $form );
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if ( ! $this -> _createDbIfMissing ( $form ) ){
$this -> _helper -> FlashMessenger -> addMessage ( $this -> view -> translate ( " The connection to the database engine worked, but the database %s doesn \ 't exist or the provided user doesn \ 't have access to it. An attempt was made to create it, but the provided user doesn't have permissions to do so either. Please create it yourself and try again. " , $form -> getValue ( 'dbname' ) ) );
return $this -> _forwardFormError ( $form );
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$this -> _importDb ();
$this -> _createAdmin ( $form );
if ( ! $this -> _writeConfig ( $form ) )
throw new Exception ( 'Couldn\'t write to config file ' . APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' );
$this -> _redirect ( '/install/complete' );
private function _connectToDbEngine ( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> host = $form -> getValue ( 'hostname' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> username = $form -> getValue ( 'dbusername' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> password = $form -> getValue ( 'dbpassword' );
// setting dbname to null makes Zend_Db::getConnection() try to connect to the db engine without attempting to connect to the dbname
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> dbname = null ;
return Application :: setDatabase ();
private function _createDbIfMissing ( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> host = $form -> getValue ( 'hostname' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> username = $form -> getValue ( 'dbusername' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> password = $form -> getValue ( 'dbpassword' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> dbname = $form -> getValue ( 'dbname' );
if ( ! Application :: setDatabase () ){
try {
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> dbname = null ;
Application :: setDatabase ();
// binding doesn't work here for some reason
Zend_Registry :: get ( 'db' ) -> getConnection () -> query ( 'CREATE DATABASE `' . $form -> getValue ( 'dbname' ) . '`' );
$this -> _config -> database -> params -> dbname = $form -> getValue ( 'dbname' );
Application :: setDatabase ();
} catch ( PDOException $e ){ // when using PDO, it throws this exception, not Zend's
return false ;
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return true ;
private function _writeConfig ( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$this -> _config -> environment -> installed = true ;
$this -> _config -> email -> supportemail = $form -> getValue ( 'supportemail' );
$replace = array (
'{environment.installed}' => ( $this -> _config -> environment -> installed ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.session_name}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> session_name ,
'{environment.production}' => ( $this -> _config -> environment -> production ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.YDN}' => ( $this -> _config -> environment -> YDN ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.ajax_slowdown}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> ajax_slowdown ,
'{environment.keep_history_days}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> keep_history_days ,
'{environment.unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> unconfirmed_accounts_days_expire ,
'{environment.registrations_enabled}' => ( $this -> _config -> environment -> registrations_enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{environment.locale}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> locale ,
'{environment.template}' => $this -> _config -> environment -> template ,
'{metadata.description}' => $this -> _config -> metadata -> description ,
'{metadata.keywords}' => $this -> _config -> metadata -> keywords ,
'{logging.location}' => $this -> _config -> logging -> location ,
'{logging.level}' => $this -> _config -> logging -> level ,
'{subdomain.enabled}' => ( $this -> _config -> subdomain -> enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{subdomain.hostname}' => $this -> _config -> subdomain -> hostname ,
'{subdomain.use_www}' => ( $this -> _config -> subdomain -> use_www ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{SSL.enable_mixed_mode}' => ( $this -> _config -> SSL -> enable_mixed_mode ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{database.adapter}' => $this -> _config -> database -> adapter ,
'{database.params.host}' => $this -> _config -> database -> params -> host ,
'{database.params.dbname}' => $this -> _config -> database -> params -> dbname ,
'{database.params.username}' => $this -> _config -> database -> params -> username ,
'{database.params.password}' => $this -> _config -> database -> params -> password ,
'{security.passwords.dictionary}' => $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> dictionary ,
'{security.passwords.username_different}' => ( $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> username_different ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.minimum_length}' => $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> minimum_length ,
'{security.passwords.include_numbers}' => ( $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> include_numbers ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.include_symbols}' => ( $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> include_symbols ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.passwords.lowercase_and_uppercase}' => ( $this -> _config -> security -> passwords -> lowercase_and_uppercase ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{security.usernames.exclude}' => $this -> _config -> security -> usernames -> exclude -> current () ,
'{ldap.enabled}' => ( $this -> _config -> ldap -> enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.host}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> host ,
'{ldap.baseDn}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> baseDn ,
'{ldap.bindRequiresDn}' => ( $this -> _config -> ldap -> bindRequiresDn ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.username}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> username ,
'{ldap.password}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> password ,
'{ldap.admin}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> admin ,
'{ldap.keepRecordsSynced}' => ( $this -> _config -> ldap -> keepRecordsSynced ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.canChangePassword}' => ( $this -> _config -> ldap -> canChangePassword ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{ldap.passwordHashing}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> passwordHashing ,
'{ldap.fields.nickname}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> fields -> nickname ,
'{ldap.fields.email}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> fields -> email ,
'{ldap.fields.fullname}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> fields -> fullname ,
'{ldap.fields.postcode}' => $this -> _config -> ldap -> fields -> postcode ,
'{yubikey.enabled}' => ( $this -> _config -> yubikey -> enabled ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{yubikey.force}' => ( $this -> _config -> yubikey -> force ? 'true' : 'false' ) ,
'{yubikey.api_id}' => $this -> _config -> yubikey -> api_id ,
'{yubikey.api_key}' => $this -> _config -> yubikey -> api_key ,
'{email.supportemail}' => $this -> _config -> email -> supportemail ,
'{email.adminemail}' => $this -> _config -> email -> adminemail ,
'{email.transport}' => $this -> _config -> email -> transport ,
'{email.host}' => $this -> _config -> email -> host ,
'{email.auth}' => $this -> _config -> email -> auth ,
'{email.username}' => $this -> _config -> email -> username ,
'{email.password}' => $this -> _config -> email -> password ,
$configTemplate = file_get_contents ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.template.php' );
$configTemplate = str_replace ( array_keys ( $replace ) , array_values ( $replace ), $configTemplate );
return @ file_put_contents ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' , $configTemplate );
private function _importDb (){
$this -> _runSqlFILE ( 'final.sql' );
private function _createAdmin ( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$users = new Users_Model_Users ();
$user = $users -> createRow ();
$user -> username = $form -> getValue ( 'username' );
$user -> accepted_eula = 1 ;
$user -> registration_date = date ( 'Y-m-d' );
$user -> openid = '' ;
$user -> setClearPassword ( $form -> getValue ( 'password1' ) );
$user -> firstname = 'Admin' ;
$user -> lastname = 'User' ;
$user -> email = $form -> getValue ( 'supportemail' );
$user -> role = Users_Model_User :: ROLE_ADMIN ;
$user -> save ();
function _runSqlFile ( $fileName ){
$fp = fopen ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '/setup/' . $fileName , 'r' );
$query = '' ;
$db = Zend_Registry :: get ( 'db' );
while ( ! feof ( $fp ) ){
$line = trim ( fgets ( $fp ) );
// skip SQL comments
if ( substr ( $line , 0 , 2 ) == '--' )
continue ;
$query .= $line ;
if ( ( substr ( $line , - 1 , 1 ) == ';' || feof ( $fp ) ) && $query != '' ){
// I had to resort to a direct call because regexes inside the Zend Framework are segfaulting with the long queries in sampleData.sql $this->db->query($query);
$db -> getConnection () -> query ( $query );
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$query = '' ;
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fclose ( $fp );
private function _forwardFormError ( Install_Form_Install $form ){
$appSession = Zend_Registry :: get ( 'appSession' );
$appSession -> installForm = $form ;
$this -> _redirect ( '/install/credentials' );
return ;
private function _getErrors (){
$errors = array ();
$webServerUser = $this -> _getProcessUser ();
if ( version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , self :: PHP_MINIMAL_VERSION_REQUIRED , '<' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'PHP version %s or greater is required' , self :: PHP_MINIMAL_VERSION_REQUIRED );
if ( ( file_exists ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' ) && ! is_writable ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' ) )
|| !@ touch ( APP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'The directory where Community-ID is installed must be writable by the web server user (%s). Another option is to create an EMPTY config.php file that is writable by that user.' , $webServerUser );
if ( ! ( is_dir ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) && is_writable ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) ) ){
if ( ! is_dir ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) )
mkdir ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' );
if ( ! is_writable ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) ){
chmod ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' , 0777 );
chown ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' , $webServerUser );
if ( ! ( is_dir ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) && is_writable ( WEB_DIR . '/captchas' ) ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'The directory "captchas" under the web directory for Community-ID must be writable by the web server user (%s)' , $webServerUser );
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if ( ! extension_loaded ( 'mysqli' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'You need to have the %s extension installed' , '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.installation.php">MySQLi</a>' );
if ( ! extension_loaded ( 'gd' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'You need to have the %s extension installed' , '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php">GD</a>' );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'imagepng' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'You need to have <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php">PNG support in your GD configuration</a>' );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'imageftbbox' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'You need to have <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php">Freetype support in your GD configuration</a>' );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ) )
$errors [] = $this -> view -> translate ( 'You need to have the %s extension installed' , '<a href="http://co.php.net/manual/en/curl.setup.php">cURL</a>' );
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return $errors ;
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private function _getProcessUser (){
if ( ! function_exists ( 'posix_getpwuid' ) ) // we're on windows
return getenv ( 'USERNAME' );
$processUser = posix_getpwuid ( posix_geteuid () );
return $processUser [ 'name' ];
2019-07-17 20:08:50 +00:00